I did not think I would ever say this, but if this is true, if Sigmar decided in some pseudo-Tzeenchean plan to traumatize Mathilde
and allow a man who was his dutiful servant to die with his mission unfulfilled and afraid for the burdens his daughter must bear I'm with
@Omegahugger, time to break out the necromancy raise Van Hall and do our best to wipe the very name of Sigmar from history.
Why the hell do you think this makes Abelhelm special in the Empire?
As opposed to all those other Sigmar-worshipping people who die with family they are worried about and things they have left undone?
Abelhelm was anywhere from his mid forties to his fifties when he died, having lived a dangerous life hunting magical threats for the Empire, fathering multiple children, and guarding the Liber Mortis. There are Witch Hunters who don't survive their first case. Children who die in the cradle. Soldiers who die in their first battle with Sigmar's name on their lips. Elector Counts who died faster, especially in Stirland.
His family are guarded by Sigmarite Templars. He even got to say goodbye to some of his friends.
The idea that he was owed more, while IC belief for a grieving loved one, just holds zero water as an argument.
As for Roswita? She had a choice. She was not coerced.
That, above all, is what separates Destro and Order. And why their schemes are so often less certain than the plotting of Chaos.
Because Order's agents have agency, and may willingly decide to go bake cakes instead of attempt to save a nation somewhere.
That is not only callous which one might forgive in the service of a greater cause but so unforgivably stupid in counting upon factors Sigmar had no way of realistically influencing that it effectively set out to cause that trauma with lottery odds of actually achieving anything.
Why do you think that Mathilde was the only scheme in motion, as opposed to the one that was obviously successful?
Ranald is not the only advocate of patience and positioning and contingency planning.
I mean, is it entirely coincidence that a Morr-worshipping Shyish Journeywoman with Intrigue 20+ and a willingness to settle down in Dawi territory showed up in the same Karak as the current custodian of the Liber Mortis? And ended up as her favorite?