Hey so, first time making a comment here, and I had some thoughts about Valaya. We've gotten some pretty sweet lore on the ancestor gods, and I've gotten the impression that dwarves express worship through good work, that their gods do not act through miracles but through dwarves acting by their teachings. Grimnir seems to be waxing in worship with Thorgrim declaring an Age of Vengeance, with good work being in the form of clearing out grudges. Grungni might have been the most venerated ancestor god during the dwarves' partnership with the elves, with all of the focus on runic and magical progress.
It just makes me wonder, was Valaya ever given importance to this degree? I mean, she IS credited as the founder of most karaks, dwarven culture, khazalid, protection from magic, and runes. Yet, she's seen almost as a simple fertility goddess, or one of ale. Reading about Gazul having an aspect that was not fit to be discussed anywhere made me think if Valaya had something of the same.
Valaya is ancestor god of Home & Hearth, Healing, and Brewing. Not only that, she's seen as the protector of dwarves. So, two things stand out to me. Home & Hearth, and protection. Home & Hearth screams 'god of civilization' to me, which seems, y'know, important given how much pride and being dwarves put in their culture. Protection is such a recurring theme in dwarven history and myth, with dwarves having to defend themselves again and again throughout time. So good work is by protecting the Karaz Ankor? Now, that is pretty broad, but considering she is seen as the Ancestor Queen, it might be something left to the royal clans who have the ability to act on the broader side. It brings me to the next headcanon step, that the three primary ancestor gods be seen as patrons on a descending level.
Valaya is patron of the Karaz Ankor as a whole, with a focus on karaks protecting each other (I'd say that the Thorgrim's aircorps is an example), unity through helping your fellow dwarf, and friendship through drink. And repaying dwarf-friends, like Belegar did! It is striving for unified Karaz Ankor and the future of it. This is seen in her tenets such as 'Always protect fellow dwarves from harm, especially at the hands of a dwarf enemy' and 'Always attend to the needs of the young'.
Grungni is patron of the clans, he taught all the skills that dwarves know, and is the one that fills the most in the life of dwarves. You make good work by honoring your clan and maintaining your hold. 'Render repair upon any such structure when it becomes unsafe.', 'Always work a mine to extract all ore and valuable stone to enhance the well-being of the clan and race.' etc etc
Grimnir is patron of the individual, of the warrior and their honor. He is hero figure and that's how he is emulated in the form of slayers. He's the one you call upon on the battlefield, and in fact, most of his tenets address the reader directly on how to behave on the battlefield 'Always assist a fallen comrade-in-arms.', 'Always press home an attack whenever so ordered by a superior.'
So I just talked about dwarves worshiping through good work, and you can certainly venerate Valaya through her brewing and healing aspects, but don't you think it's odd how Valaya is credited to so much, yet seem... minor compared to Grungni and Grimnir? Every dwarf in the heart of the Karaz Ankor owe their home and way of life to Valaya.
I believe her Home & Hearth aspect, at least on the level of kings and thanes, is purposely neglected. Because... what are you offering? Okay, say you're honoring Grimnir. You have returned from battling the enemies of the dwarves and can proudly say you personally struck out several grudges. That's good work. That's worship of Grimnir. Well, how about Grungni? You and your clan have just finished many axes and breastplates for the hold, excelling in the tireless work of maintaining the karak. That's good work. That's worship of Grungni.
Now say you're a king, someone who can trace their lineage directly to Valaya herself, and you try to venerate her by upholding Home & Hearth. ...Welp, failed step one. Even if YOUR karak is doing well, your duty lies also in the well-being of other karaks. Your neighboring karaks fell thousands of years ago, the Karaz Ankor is weak while many clans are either gone or isolated. Through no fault of your own, through no one's really, a karak expected help as demanded by Valaya, and received none. And so you and your hold did shoddy work. And it will continue to be shoddy work until the hold is retaken and you can make sure it does not happen again. Looking to the rest of the Karaz Ankor, you see you aren't the only one being pretty poor at following Valaya in her protector aspect, and ain't that something.
So you write down the grudges for those responsible, and you act with vengeance in the name of Grungni and Grimnir, and you protect what you have left in her name. But you are still reminded that what you are protecting is what's left of the people you and your ancestors could not save.
And you know, that's gotta be really tough to bear.
I believe that the dwarves are weighed down not only by grudges, but also by failing in an entire aspect of Valaya, Home & Hearth.
(wow this got headcanon-y and long. I was mostly just surfing the warhammer wiki and I was kinda baffled how epic Valaya's accomplishments were, yet still got shunted into a generic fantasy fertility goddess while playing second fiddle to her husbands. 's just ya know, how CULTURE is credited to her, like clans, art, language, fucking *runes*, and it's like, barely given any importance in canon stuff.)