The fundamental problem of magical academia - how do you explain something when everyone experiences that thing differently?
Might be worth investigating an upgraded MAP.
One that is basically a full sensory hologram for teaching purposes.
'Official' chronological order will differ somewhat from the order these snippets are delivered in.
But as the centuries passed, they became more and more a source of dread to the High Kings themselves, because of the most guarded secret of a very guarded race, never known to more than two living Dawi.
-Bears noting that given how many dwarves and elves it would have taken to first design and then build this thing, the number of dwarves whose buyin would have been needed for the decision, and the major uses it was put to?
There was no way it's existence was a secret from the greater body of the dawi in the Old Days.
Which suggests that the current level of secrecy is very much an aberration.
It certainly isn't a secret to Chaos, not since the Dawi-Zharr began to worship Hashut and to use sorcery.
-Current question now is very much how this relates to the Chaos Dwarf holds on the other side of the Dark Lands.
Because they had to have been hooked into the network at some point, or had some alternate method of protection before they fell to Hashut.
-The more I see of this, the more I remember that Sigmar was buddies with the Dawi, and the more plausible it might be that Sigmar deliberately called Abelhelm home because his job was done.
Multiple decades of witch hunting, guarding the Liber Mortis, raising a family, and then capstoned by effectively mentoring an impressionable young journeyman of the Grey Order, AND engineering her unshackling from the bonds of the Lahmians. Rewarded by putting him and his family back in line for the Electorship of Stirland.
If he'd lived, Matty would never have left Stirland.
A Mathilde esconced in Stirland would have certainly made the reconquest of Sylvania easier.
And it would have been more likely that Belegar's expedition would have failed.
So instead we get kicked by Roswita just in time to become available for the K8P reconquest. I wonder how many divine favors were traded to facilitate this play. Sigmar and the Dawi Pantheon, Sigmar and Morr, then Sigmar and Ranald.
I assume this was not the only gambit in play, just the one we know that was successful.