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Horrible thought: The Dwarf waystone infrastructure is failing, in part because they need elf mages to maintain and or modify it. This is a problem for them because when it fails their environmental shielding will fail with it and they will be stuck underground at best.

The Elf waystone network is presumably also failing, as they have no Rune Smiths to help maintain and or modify it. This is a problem for everyone because when their half fails the Vortex will collapse, the ambient magic level will skyrocket and demons will be free to march across the world unhindered.

Should we really be focusing on the lesser catastrophe here?

The Elves could make Waystones without dwarven assistance. It was just that with runes they could make better ones.
You know. We are all assuming that for dwarfs the protection from being under the mountains is diffrent from the rune protection. But do we actualy know that? It was Gunners that told us about the mountain protection but he is not a priest of Valaya or know about the state Great Runes. Is it possible that it is the Great Runes of Valaya that provide the "free" protection of the mountains? After all it was implied that the new holds are a drain on the power but considering how few dwarfs are left compared to the golden age it would seem that the drain is based more on area of effect than numbers effected.
Yeah, my impression is that Eight Peaks was the primary power hub for the Dwarfen Rune Network. They knew it was important but forgot why it was important.

Which suggests that as long as Eight Peaks stands, there's a chance.
You know. We are all assuming that for dwarfs the protection from being under the mountains is diffrent from the rune protection. But do we actualy know that? It was Gunners that told us about the mountain protection but he is not a priest of Valaya or know about the state Great Runes. Is it possible that it is the Great Runes of Valaya that provide the "free" protection of the mountains? After all it was implied that the new holds are a drain on the power but considering how few dwarfs are left compared to the golden age it would seem that the drain is based more on area of effect than numbers effected.

That does not follow logically. Mathilde knows stone is a natural magic insulator and has always done so, you can see it when she sets up her first simple lab in K8P. This applies to all stone everywhere not just dwarf Karaks. Secondly if stone provided no natural protection then the dwarfs would have turned to stone before Valaya could set up her protections.
I'd be more hype for that if I foresaw more occasions to make use of it but we're basically done with towers like what would even build to make use of it?

On the contrary, it looks like this is hinting one of the jobs of the Eight Peaks Loremaster may very well be R&D and repair of the old Dwarfen arcanatech infrastructure, complete with dungeon crawls as needed.

We got a whole bunch of Names of cool ass shit too, and we just proved we can potentially approach the level of expertise needed to at least conduct repairs. Arcanatech probably makes that a great deal more plausible.
Yeah, my impression is that Eight Peaks was the primary power hub for the Dwarfen Rune Network. They knew it was important but forgot why it was important.

Which suggests that as long as Eight Peaks stands, there's a chance.
It also means that barring some really terrible diplomacy rolls, maintaining dwarven control of K8P is basically required to keep the dwarven race alive.
Yeah, my impression is that Eight Peaks was the primary power hub for the Dwarfen Rune Network. They knew it was important but forgot why it was important.

Which suggests that as long as Eight Peaks stands, there's a chance.

Well, the dwarven strategic rune network only went into deficit when the two northernmost holds, where the Winds of Magic are strongest, fell. Personally I'd expect Karak Dum to have been where most of the power came from, established as it is right on the edge of the Chaos Wastes. With that and Karak Vlag lost, what was probably a direct power connection straight from the northern chaos wastes down the World's Edge Mountains to Karaz-a-Karak has been severed. That means that Karak Eight Peaks may well now be critical, but it may well not have been previously.
On the contrary, it looks like this is hinting one of the jobs of the Eight Peaks Loremaster may very well be R&D and repair of the old Dwarfen arcanatech infrastructure, complete with dungeon crawls as needed.

This is a very interesting point. I'd be 100% on board with Mathilde working her way up into being a entirely respectable Loremaster by pre-fall K8P standards.
This is a very interesting point. I'd be 100% on board with Mathilde working her way up into being a entirely respectable Loremaster by pre-fall K8P standards.

The problem is the dwarves pathological refusal to share the secrets of runecraft, even with other runesmiths, which Mathilde can never be, as she's not a blood descendant of Thungi.
Well, the dwarven strategic rune network only went into deficit when the two northernmost holds, where the Winds of Magic are strongest, fell. Personally I'd expect Karak Dum to have been where most of the power came from, established as it is right on the edge of the Chaos Wastes. With that and Karak Vlag lost, what was probably a direct power connection straight from the northern chaos wastes down the World's Edge Mountains to Karaz-a-Karak has been severed. That means that Karak Eight Peaks may well now be critical, but it may well not have been previously.
No, the fact that Thorgrim's predecessor let himself die from his wounds indicates it hit that level for some time, years at least, before the fall of those holds.
No, the fact that Thorgrim's predecessor let himself die from his wounds indicates it hit that level for some time, years at least, before the fall of those holds.

No, he let himself die immediately after the fall of those holds, which is the point at which we're told that the insufficient power input alarm came on:

But those were the oldest wounds. Still fresh and bloody was the loss of Karag Dum and Karak Vlag in the Great War Against Chaos, and the first time a freshly-crowned Thorgrim sat upon the Throne of Power and had the information it held flood into his mind, he understood why his uncle, High King Alriksson, had been carried off to the Ancestors by wounds he should have recovered from. Not a day went past when he didn't long for the same escape for the same reason.
And in a sudden, deafening silence, the complaint klaxon of the falling power reserves that only Thorgrim could hear went silent for the first time in eighteen decades.

Eighteen decades ago is when the two aforementioned holds fell. Before they fell, the power supply/demand balance was either positive or neutral. That's why Alriksson gave up, because he knew that they'd strategically lost the Great War Against Chaos, and he'd failed his duty.
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Well, the dwarven strategic rune network only went into deficit when the two northernmost holds, where the Winds of Magic are strongest, fell. Personally I'd expect Karak Dum to have been where most of the power came from, established as it is right on the edge of the Chaos Wastes. With that and Karak Vlag lost, what was probably a direct power connection straight from the northern chaos wastes down the World's Edge Mountains to Karaz-a-Karak has been severed. That means that Karak Eight Peaks may well now be critical, but it may well not have been previously.
I think the power for all the other Works stopped, so that the only draw left was the life support. If we want to get some of the Works online, I expect we'll need more power.
Something interesting is that the Great Works of the Ancestors are described as lost, rather than powered down, in the same way that the lost holds are described as lost.

It's also the time when he became High King. Ergo, he has been hearing it since he put on the crown and took the throne, that doesn't mean it wasn't blaring for a long time before that.


It does. Look at the second quote. It tells us that this is the first time in eighteen decades that the alarm went silent, not the first time he hasn't been hearing the alarm, which means that more than eighteen decades ago, i.e., before the two holds in question fell, it was then silent.
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K8P was probably the main power plant for one simple reason : it's not just one Waystone like the other karaks, it's a freaking Circle. A mountain sized Stonehenge.
Unfortunately, three Ancestor-Gods did not leave instruction manuals for their Great Works. The Waystone project was how the Golden Age Dwarves got the works of the Ancestor-Gods running again in their absence.
How long of a timeframe are we speaking of between the times of the Ancestor-Gods and the Golden Age? And what important thing happened in between the ages so as to have Dwarf techology decline even back then?
How long of a timeframe are we speaking of between the times of the Ancestor-Gods and the Golden Age? And what important thing happened in between the ages so as to have Dwarf techology decline even back then?

The Ancestor Gods died or departed around the time when Chaos was defeated, and they're the personal artifice of gods, not conventional technology. The dwarf Golden Age starts about three hundred years after the Ancestor Gods departed.

The height of the cooperation between dwarf and elf last about 200 years about two thousand years after the Ancestor Gods departed.
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I thought they started out as literal Dwarves that discovered the various runeworks after Thungni did the first steps.

It's unclear what the Ancestor Gods are. Based on what Mathilde sensed of the White Dwarf, they may be incarnate warp entities, in a similar way to Ariel and Orion, and quite possibly Daith.
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Does anyone have that map of the leylines of Warhammer Fantasy? I've been googling, but I can't seem to find it. It really showed what a nexus K8P is for the Waystone network.
The problem is the dwarves pathological refusal to share the secrets of runecraft, even with other runesmiths, which Mathilde can never be, as she's not a blood descendant of Thungi.
The difference here would be that we're working on precedent. Dawi live for tradition, and this would be reviving a pre-fall one.
The fundamental problem of magical academia - how do you explain something when everyone experiences that thing differently?
Might be worth investigating an upgraded MAP.
One that is basically a full sensory hologram for teaching purposes.

'Official' chronological order will differ somewhat from the order these snippets are delivered in.
But as the centuries passed, they became more and more a source of dread to the High Kings themselves, because of the most guarded secret of a very guarded race, never known to more than two living Dawi.
-Bears noting that given how many dwarves and elves it would have taken to first design and then build this thing, the number of dwarves whose buyin would have been needed for the decision, and the major uses it was put to?
There was no way it's existence was a secret from the greater body of the dawi in the Old Days.

Which suggests that the current level of secrecy is very much an aberration.
It certainly isn't a secret to Chaos, not since the Dawi-Zharr began to worship Hashut and to use sorcery.

-Current question now is very much how this relates to the Chaos Dwarf holds on the other side of the Dark Lands.
Because they had to have been hooked into the network at some point, or had some alternate method of protection before they fell to Hashut.

-The more I see of this, the more I remember that Sigmar was buddies with the Dawi, and the more plausible it might be that Sigmar deliberately called Abelhelm home because his job was done.

Multiple decades of witch hunting, guarding the Liber Mortis, raising a family, and then capstoned by effectively mentoring an impressionable young journeyman of the Grey Order, AND engineering her unshackling from the bonds of the Lahmians. Rewarded by putting him and his family back in line for the Electorship of Stirland.

If he'd lived, Matty would never have left Stirland.
A Mathilde esconced in Stirland would have certainly made the reconquest of Sylvania easier.
And it would have been more likely that Belegar's expedition would have failed.

So instead we get kicked by Roswita just in time to become available for the K8P reconquest. I wonder how many divine favors were traded to facilitate this play. Sigmar and the Dawi Pantheon, Sigmar and Morr, then Sigmar and Ranald.
I assume this was not the only gambit in play, just the one we know that was successful.
It just occurred to me that Eight Peaks is part of the same network of waystones as the Great Vortex. In fact, as described, all of the Karaks cumulatively serve as a second Vortex. We just opened a giant new input on said stone-vortex, enough to power all of Karaz Ankor.

Did we just lighten the load on the amount of Wind the Great Vortex needs to purify, entirely by accident?

(*Doesn't know much about WHF, doesn't know how the vortex works*)
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