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Of course. It must give much more than one diplomacy now, due to all of the different languages we anticipate encountering, like Elf Magic, Tilean, and Elf But For Bad Guys. :V
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Well I mean this is still CK2 based, ambitious is a generic boost to stats in CK2 but also comes with the person being a bit of a social climber and willing to do rather unsavory things to advance their agenda which honestly isn't that sort of Mathilde already? Given the reading of the libre mortis and the other stuff we've been up to she's certainly willing to push the envelope.
I think Ambitious is a little too unspecific. Mathilde has two kinds of ambitions mostly:
-She likes to push the envelope on research, to Know More Than You and be incredibly smug about it.
-But other than that, her ambitions seems mostly for another's glory. She likes to help people with big dreams attain the dream.

The Grey College indoctrination probably quashed a lot of the Personal Influence ambition, at least for ambition's sake.
Tabletop-wise, yeah, we have a small chance. Lorewise, the fucker killed anything that can be killed from one edge of the world to another, from humans to dwarves to mammoths and even an Ice Dragon (or frost dragon, I'm unsure about that one, most likely the latter)

His TT statline doesn't really support his hype - with T4 W2 he is very glass cannon-y. TT-wise we paste him if he doesn't challenge us with his special "I came from Norsca to fight you specifically" ability or we are on a horse. If he does, and we are footslogging he has a chance to achieve mutual kill (with our subsequent revival).

Can I just take a moment to admire the sheer fucking balls on this guy? He knowingly walked into a interview with A Devote Ranaldian Grey Wizard, with one HELL of a reputation, and who knew HE was Ranaldian as well, and he managed to bullshit us well enough that we only had a few minor suspicions, and it took Ranalds personally saying 'this shit is idiotic in the extreme dude' for him to be caught and walk out.

As I understood it, it was his Gambler bonus (or analogue) activation.
It's far from all of them by any means(Only seven) but:
Can you guess them all?

I'll try:

Beard - Loremaster
Grey hat - grey wizard
Blue beret - no idea
Horned helmet - thane
Hat with monocle - shareholder
Cowboy hat - no idea
Cat hat - favored of Ranald.
That idiot just insulted the entire dwarven race, when several dwarves were both armed and within earshot. He's getting tracked down later, ain't he?

Well, there was no explicit insult here. The phrase can be interpreted as him complimenting his friend's good taste in women, comparing it to that of a dwarf.

Equipment: honestly, staff and power-stone are the only must-have.

I don't see why would we need a powerstone in our loadout - they are useful for crafting high-powered magic item and can be spent to overcharge a spell, but there is no benefit in just carrying one around.

and again depending on what we can get with elf favour and how much, we could get robes from a magic 12 mage.

so just beats anything we can make. (yes, I know that until Boney writes it, it might not be a thing.)

Magic 12 mages don't grow on trees even in Ulthuan, it's Teclis level. I expect no more than a handful of HE mages of that level to exist and about zero of them outside of the White Tower usually.
His TT statline doesn't really support his hype - with T4 W2 he is very glass cannon-y. TT-wise we paste him if he doesn't challenge us with his special "I came from Norsca to fight you specifically" ability or we are on a horse. If he does, and we are footslogging he has a chance to achieve mutual kill (with our subsequent revival).

As I understood it, it was his Gambler bonus (or analogue) activation.

I'll try:

Beard - Loremaster
Grey hat - grey wizard
Blue beret - no idea
Horned helmet - thane
Hat with monocle - shareholder
Cowboy hat - no idea
Cat hat - favored of Ranald.

Well, there was no explicit insult here. The phrase can be interpreted as him complimenting his friend's good taste in women, comparing it to that of a dwarf.

I don't see why would we need a powerstone in our loadout - they are useful for crafting high-powered magic item and can be spent to overcharge a spell, but there is no benefit in just carrying one around.

Magic 12 mages don't grow on trees even in Ulthuan, it's Teclis level. I expect no more than a handful of HE mages of that level to exist and about zero of them outside of the White Tower usually.
We've used our table-top stats exactly twice. People really focus way too much on them.

If they're hype in the lore, expect them to back it up in the quest.
I think Ambitious is a little too unspecific. Mathilde has two kinds of ambitions mostly:
-She likes to push the envelope on research, to Know More Than You and be incredibly smug about it.
-But other than that, her ambitions seems mostly for another's glory. She likes to help people with big dreams attain the dream.

The Grey College indoctrination probably quashed a lot of the Personal Influence ambition, at least for ambition's sake.
So she is ambitious, but her focuses are friendship and magic? :V
We've used our table-top stats exactly twice. People really focus way too much on them.
They exist and they're useful. Boney used them to help us understand the different tiers of magical power in relation to aethyric armor, for example. I agree that lore matters more than straight numbers, except to describe examples of the casual mobs that the named characters are there to stand above (not all blood dragons are centuries old murder blenders, that sort of thing), but they shouldn't be disregarded.
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Beard - Loremaster
Grey hat - grey wizard
Blue beret - no idea
Horned helmet - thane
Hat with monocle - shareholder
Cowboy hat - no idea
Cat hat - favored of Ranald.

Beard - Yep.
Grey Hat - Yep.
Blue Beret/ Donald Ducks Cap - Mother Duck to three ducklings.
Horned Helmet - Yep.
Hat w/ Monocle - Yep.
Cowboy Hat / Indies hat - Adventurer/ treasure collector.
Cat hat - Yep.
A Tide Turns
So long as the Rune of Azamar endures, the Karaz Ankor shall never fall.

These were the words that Grungni spoke when he carved the Rune of Eternity into the Throne of Power. They brought comfort to the Dawi that gazed upon the Throne of the High King. But as the centuries passed, they became more and more a source of dread to the High Kings themselves, because of the most guarded secret of a very guarded race, never known to more than two living Dawi.

During the Golden Age, the Elves of Ulthuan built the Waystone network to control and redirect the leylines of the Old Ones, pouring magic from across the world into Ulthuan to drain it into the Great Vortex. The Karaz Ankor joined them in this endeavour, and the High Magic of Ulthuan joined with the arts of Grungni and Thungni to increase the power of the Waystone network. These are the events known to many scholars of history, among Elves and Dwarves and even men. But to those who know the Dwarves, a question might present itself: what payment did the Karaz Ankor receive for their service? For the pride of the Dawi would not allow them to work for free.

The answer: not all the redirected leylines flowed towards Ulthuan. Each Karak was transformed into an enormous Waystone, and all magic, whether ambient and benign or the shaped power of the spellcasters of other races, would be absorbed into the leylines and redirected to the mighty and ancient Runic arrays at the heart of Karaz-a-Karak, which would shackle and transform the magic into the energy of Runecraft. Which in turn would power the Great Works left behind by the Ancestor-Gods.

But now, it powered much less than it once did.

The Gas-Forge of Morgrim, lost, and with it the airships that were once held aloft by the airs it created.

The Tectonic Shackle of Thungni, lost, and Thunder Mountain unleashed once more. When it could no longer be permanently garrisoned due to poisonous gases and magma outflows, it did not take long to fall.

The Sally Port of Gazul, lost, and now every Dwarf fallen far from the protection of Gazul's priests is defenceless.

The Eyes of Grimnir, thousands of scattered monitor runes throughout Silver Pass, lost, and with them the ability for Karaz-a-Karak to safely project power along the pass, which led to the loss of what was now Mount Grimfang.

The Great Pumps of Morgrim, lost, and now most believe Zhufbar was named for the miniscule waterfall it now hosts, rather than the torrential flash-draining of the Black Water for the mining of its bed, which destroyed the dark and terrible forests that once dominated what was now known as Averland and the Moot long before the arrival of humanity.

The Third Axe of Grimnir, lost, and now all have forgotten that once Peak Pass only opened when Karak Kadrin wished it to be open.

And dozens of other miracles of the Ancestor-Gods, so far lost as to be forgotten. And the energy network that once powered them is as far beyond the understanding of even Kragg as the creations of the Ancestor-Gods were to the Dwarves of the Golden Age.

But those were the oldest wounds. Still fresh and bloody was the loss of Karag Dum and Karak Vlag in the Great War Against Chaos, and the first time a freshly-crowned Thorgrim sat upon the Throne of Power and had the information it held flood into his mind, he understood why his uncle, High King Alriksson, had been carried off to the Ancestors by wounds he should have recovered from. Not a day went past when he didn't long for the same escape for the same reason.

The Great Runes of Valaya, the mighty Karak-Runes that had protected the Karaz Ankor from the Wind of Magic since Chaos first came to the world, and the last of the Great Works connected to the Rune of Azamar, were faltering. And when they fell, no Hold could hope to survive even the gentlest Storm of Chaos.

Thorgrim Grudgebearer had come to rule an Empire just in time to watch it crumble.

Thorgrim brooded over the Runic readout that heralded the coming end of the Karaz Ankor, ignoring the Karak Norn ambassador for now, since the Throne of Power also recorded, transcribed and displayed the ambassador's words. Zhufbar, functional, the readout told him. Karak Kadrin, functional. Barak Varr, Karak Azul, and of course Karaz-a-Karak, functional.

No power from Karak Norn, or any of the other Young Holds founded after the War of Vengeance. All they represented to the Rune of Azamar was a constant drain to sustain their protections.

So little time. So few resources. So many Grudges.

Thorgrim fought with the constant chafing of the march of time to keep from snapping at and dismissing the ambassador. He had a duty, at least for however much longer the Karaz Ankor lasted.

Incoming Transport, said a third readout, passed on by a lookout that did not question why procedures demanded they note observations aloud. Vala-Azril-Ungol colours.

Thorgrim fought back a sigh, wondering what new Grudges the doomed attempt to turn back the clock would bring now. With skill born of long experience, Thorgrim wound up the meeting with the ambassador just as the lookout reported that the Gyrocarriage was touching down.

Azrilbezaz in range, said... something? Thorgrim had never seen that part of the readout used before. Synchronising. And in a sudden, deafening silence, the complaint klaxon of the falling power reserves that only Thorgrim could hear went silent for the first time in eighteen decades.
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...well, that goes a long way to explaining why Thorgrim is so Grudge-obsessed. As far as only he knows, the dwarves quite literally don't have a future.
Az: the dwarf morpheme meaning "the real thing." Dwarf grammar tends to put words that are super important both at the front of the sentence and in their proper grammatical place, so I think that's what's going on here: the literal reality of the thing is being super-duper emphasized.
Ril: "Gold ore that shines brightly in rock"
Bez: ???
Azrilbezaz in range, said... something? Thorgrim had never seen that part of the readout used before. Synchronising. And in a sudden, deafening silence, the complaint klaxon of the falling power reserves that only Thorgrim could hear went silent for the first time in eighteen decades.
And on that bombshell...
What just happened, when Mathilde used the eye did it use up all the power reserves?
The power reserves have been running low for centuries.
Reclaiming Karak Eight Peaks has put it back in the network, fixing the power reserve problem.

Belegar and Mathilde have secured a new future for the Dwarfs. The Runes of Valaya are no longer running out of power. This might be even bigger than anything else that comes from reclaiming K8P.
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What just happened, when Mathilde used the eye did it use up all the power reserves?
No, Eight Peaks is part of the Waystone Network, but it sent the collected power to Dwarven Power Reserves. Those powered many infrastructural runes, but their batteries were running dry because all the gigantic waystones got messed up when the old holds fell.

When Belegar came back, presumably the crown was connected to the Eight Peaks network, and the Throne connected to the crown and set up a rerouting of the power so that the Dwarven Power Reserves stopped complaining that they were empty; because they were no longer empty.
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