Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Freeing the Skaven from the torture that is living under the Horned Rat would probably count.

Huh. We could even double dip on the symbolism, with our gift to Shallya simultaneously being the final divine transference of power towards Ranald to complete the set.

(Deceiver being the first, as Ranald lied to Shallya; Gambler being the second, as Ranald took a chance with Gork's power,; Night Prowler being the hypothetical third, as he steals the Wealth from Hashut; and Protector being the last, as the Skaven rise up against their oppressor.)
Six social actions.

1 Duckling Club.
2 Someone Reaches Out
3 Belegar T Posing On Thorgrim
4 Beleger Private Talk

I think those we can rely on.

I'd like the last two to include at least one K8P person we haven't interacted with much; Soizic, Oswald, or possibly Ruprecht Wulfhart are all good options. Indifferent on sixth slot.
I'm not sure what we could do to actually fit the bill, though - perhaps the effort towards Shallya will be done by Ranald's other friends, with Mathilde "only" providing the extra gifts for Shallya's family?
We could make horrible things happen to Clan Pestilens and/or servants of Nurgle. It'd be a long term thing, but if Tamurkhan tries to come through the Border Principalities...
Huh. We could even double dip on the symbolism, with our gift to Shallya simultaneously being the final divine transference of power towards Ranald to complete the set.

(Deceiver being the first, as Ranald lied to Shallya; Gambler being the second, as Ranald took a chance with Gork's power,; Night Prowler being the hypothetical third, as he steals the Wealth from Hashut; and Protector being the last, as the Skaven rise up against their oppressor.)
They are also vastly escalating in scale, which amuses a part of me immensely lol.
Six social actions.

1 Duckling Club.
2 Someone Reaches Out
3 Belegar T Posing On Thorgrim
4 Beleger Private Talk

I think those we can rely on.

I'd like the last two to include at least one K8P person we haven't interacted with much; Soizic, Oswald, or possibly Ruprecht Wulfhart are all good options. Indifferent on sixth slot.
Gotta talk to Johann after all that happened.
I'm coming for you! my strength may not be a match for you yet but every day my dark powers grow as yours waxes and wanes...

edit: I'm pretending to joke, but I've climbed to the top 20 very fast for someone only playing from the end of the Striland arc... I might have a problem.

hence, nunneries.
I'm right above you and my first post was after the hiatus ended. If you've got a problem, I've got a complex.
*looks at Who Replied*

... not counting Boney, i'm in fourth place. My first post in this thread was in early October. I said I didn't think I'd be participating much.

God help me.
Reply Rankings vary pretty wildly based on whether or not you're interested in something, or debating somebody (in which case both of your reply rates tend to increase pretty dramatically); they're not really good for anything, by most metrics, except for the occasional joke.
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And kill Nurglites, don't forget. Murder is absolutely an option, just not against other people. Warhammer gods are nifty like that.
Well, prevention is better than cure. If you had Nurglites at all you got bigger problems.
*looks at Who Replied*

... not counting Boney, i'm in fourth place. My first post in this thread was in early October. I said I didn't think I'd be participating much.

God help me.
Y'all hadn't checked who had the most posts, period, across the whole forum have ya?
If we don't talk to the leader of the wolf knights to get his side after agreeing to meet with the Ar-Ulfric who probably wants to talk about him, then we're kinda dumb.
Hopefully we actually take a moment in the social action to talk with Johann about this mess we kicked off.
I'm not really sure what people are expecting to see in this scene.

"Welp, guess we know why that was a bad idea."
"Was it, though? The loot was pretty good, and it all turned out well."
"Guess you're right."

Like, beyond a line or two of belated 'whoops', what is there to talk about?
Reply Rankings vary pretty wildly based on whether or not you're interested in something, or debating somebody (in which case both of your reply rates tend to increase pretty dramatically); they're not really good for anything, by most metrics, except for the occasional joke.
I do feel that you, me, @picklepikkl, @Quest, and @SuperSonicSound are the most aggressive debaters at the moment tho..

or at least that's the group I get into it with the most...

edit: @veekie don't count, they are actually a questing A.I
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You're a Loose Cannon Snuggles, But Damn It, You Get Results 2
Battle of the Caldera

4:44 PM, Karag Yar

It was in a nondescript cavern, deep beneath the Eshin-held mountain, that Sleek Sharpwit witnessed the last death of Clan Mors.

Here in this cavern he and his guard had decided to rest and to devour the flesh of the fallen, when from the shadows they had been attacked. Not by Eshin, nor by Dwarf or man-thing. Something else. Something with claws and fangs sharper than any Sleek had seen before. He had watched the creature rend armor and tear through flesh and bone like they were made of wet paper. In no time at all, where there had been a battalion of Stormvermin, there were now only the dead and the dying. The air, once thick with the Musk of Battle, now held only wisps of the Musk of Fear, choked out by the charnel scent of blood and viscera.

Sleek himself had not escaped unscathed. His tail had been reduced to half its length, and his chest was covered in shallow scratches, his thick armor only having saved him barely. His left arm, still attached to his mangled shield, was dislocated and broken in two places. The greatest injury of all, however, was the Black Hunger gnawing away at him, leaving him only able to keep standing with great effort. Fighting was out of the question.

His opponent, whatever it was, was much luckier, having escaped any injury whatsoever that Sleek could see. Even now, he could sense it, stalking around him. It sensed his weakness, and was looking for a chance to pounce.

Sleek would not give it that chance.

He wrenched his left arm back into place with his right, then tightened the straps of his shield to act as a makeshift splint, gritting his teeth against the pain. Once done, he reached into a pouch at his belt, withdrawing a fistful of warpstone dust. For a moment, he considered the green powder in his palm, the last store of warpstone in Clan Mors' possession, before he inhaled it.

Instantly Sleek could feel the pangs of the Black Hunger fade and renewed strength flowing through his wounded body. Bending down, he grasped a blade in each hand before standing tall once more. Death might be coming soon for him, but at the very least he would drag his enemy with him. One last thing for Mors to steal from the Dwarfs. Sleek felt himself grin at the thought.

In response, his opponent walked closer, into view, revealing a cat, with claws and muzzle drenched with blood. He watched as his feline foe looked at him, considering. Slowly, the cat stood on two paws, seeming to grow larger in Sleek's eyes. It reached behind itself with one paw, before drawing a blade from nowhere, one Sleek recognized as made from World's Edge metal. Dwarf work.

The two foes stood, opposite one another, waiting.

In the distance, a drop of water fell from the cave ceiling.

They charged.

5 PM, Kvinn-Wyr

"I still can't believe you lost my Gromril sword, Oswald!" Francesco Caravello, Thane of Karag Nar, says exasperation in his voice. Around them, the handful or so Undumgi manning the command post their company had established in Kvinn-Wyr looked towards their leader, before returning to their tasks at the stern gaze the Tilean sent their way. In front of him, his good friend, Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi and the current target of his ire, Oswald Oswaldson sighed a sigh of long suffering.

"And as I keep telling you, my friend, I did not lose it," the Imperial replied. "I was holding on to it as you asked, when Corporal Snuggles asked to borrow it for a special mission." Oswald then waved all around him, as if to emphasize not only the presence of men in the previously troll-held mountain, but the movements throughout the larger Karak as well. "Considering the results of her last one, I agreed to her request."

Helpless to respond to what Francesco considered as a small bout of insanity in his friend, he looked over to his other boon companion, the Errant Knight Soizic, for help, only to find her looking in his direction rather surprised. Slowly, she raised her arm to point behind him. Francesco turned to look, only to find the oddest sight before him. Oswald's cat, the so-called Corporal Snuggles, was sat on the ground, slowly licking blood off of Francesco's Dwarf-given sword. The man tried to speak, but found the words stuck in his throat. His Imperial friend, however, was not affected, instead rushing over to pet the cat.

"There you are, Corporal! Whatever have you been up to?" Oswald said, settling down on the ground next to his pet, who paused in her licking to meow in response. "Oh? Classified? Well, I do hope you turn in a report later, once we're in secure premises," replied Oswald, taking out a rag from his pocket to assist in cleaning the gore-caked blade. "We're all quite curious what you needed this blade for."
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I do feel that you, me, @picklepikkl, @Quest, and @SuperSonicSound are the most aggressive debaters at the moment tho..

or at least that's the group I get into it with the most...
We're fast, but I hope I'm not seen as particularly aggressive. For me, it's mostly just that I'm interested in what enough people have to say in the thread that by the time I've posted somebody's raised another point I'd like to talk about (case in point, by the time I finished this post an omake popped up).
We're fast, but I hope I'm not seen as particularly aggressive. For me, it's mostly just that I'm interested in what enough people have to say in the thread that by the time I've posted somebody's raised another point I'd like to talk about (case in point, by the time I finished this post an omake popped up).
I meant more aggressive as in 'fast, and about a lot of things' rather than 'bad'.
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