- Location
- being near locations is my passion.
"--Invite Verenans"Funny how Duke started out as a Roman Imperial military title and went the reverse.
Wrong way round. For the Boon, think in terms of goals.
Like, for Great Library/University of Eight Peaks you'd ask as such:
-"My Boon would be to build a great center of learning in Karak Eight Peaks, open to all, bar foes of Karak Eight Peaks, so long as doing so does not endanger Karak Eight Peak's prosperity or her allies."
Which Belegar would THEN translate to actions like:
-"Okay, center of learning where do we start? We don't have students or teachers but we got plenty of books."
-"Hey, Loremaster, got any proposals?"
-Turn proposal:
--Library construction
--Attract academics
--Start schools
--Invite Verenans
--Hash out knowledge use rights
--Establish accessibility.
--Steal rare books from the forces of darkness
The Boon itself is supposed to take many years to actually carry out, not Drop Everything And Do This.
Yeahhh. About that. The library is many things. And in this context, it is leverage. They get to come visit. If they let a horde of both Shadow and Light wind wizards descend upon their libary like a horde of nerds and pick out which books they want to be copied. Or some reasonable version of what I just described
Also, considering the mix of "advantages that having the colleges buy in on the libary/repository (i.e. spend effort) " Vs the "value to the colleges of having a scantuary available," I hope we get extra books
I hope I was coherent in describing that - basically spending our Dwarf Favour on something that benefits the colleges should get us favour with the colleges imo. And if so, we should spend that new college favour on more books. Or the colleges sending people to go over Verena's temple in Marienburg.