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Funny how Duke started out as a Roman Imperial military title and went the reverse.

Wrong way round. For the Boon, think in terms of goals.
Like, for Great Library/University of Eight Peaks you'd ask as such:
-"My Boon would be to build a great center of learning in Karak Eight Peaks, open to all, bar foes of Karak Eight Peaks, so long as doing so does not endanger Karak Eight Peak's prosperity or her allies."

Which Belegar would THEN translate to actions like:
-"Okay, center of learning where do we start? We don't have students or teachers but we got plenty of books."
-"Hey, Loremaster, got any proposals?"
-Turn proposal:
--Library construction
--Attract academics
--Start schools
--Invite Verenans
--Hash out knowledge use rights
--Establish accessibility.
--Steal rare books from the forces of darkness

The Boon itself is supposed to take many years to actually carry out, not Drop Everything And Do This.
"--Invite Verenans"

Yeahhh. About that. The library is many things. And in this context, it is leverage. They get to come visit. If they let a horde of both Shadow and Light wind wizards descend upon their libary like a horde of nerds and pick out which books they want to be copied. Or some reasonable version of what I just described

Also, considering the mix of "advantages that having the colleges buy in on the libary/repository (i.e. spend effort) " Vs the "value to the colleges of having a scantuary available," I hope we get extra books

I hope I was coherent in describing that - basically spending our Dwarf Favour on something that benefits the colleges should get us favour with the colleges imo. And if so, we should spend that new college favour on more books. Or the colleges sending people to go over Verena's temple in Marienburg.
Just some spelling stuff for the latest omakes. The entire university faculty staffed by We, what will they think of next…

One of the first thing they teach apprentices is that whispers carry further than soft words.
Like with an ancient Necrarchs that
Even you mind feels mostly fine.
He lay back down and kept the Alpha warm
laid (Also, wasn't the strict Alpha/Beta etc distinction only something with wolves kept in too-small territorities?)
the University is considered to be a good grounding in basic principals and theory
they couldn't exactly keep me out on principal
I had like four lines for the next Soizic price
1) piece 2) Looking forward to it.
it's graduates in demand even as far away as Ulthan! Built by the third grandmaster after he got snippy about a visiting
shudder it's way up the mountain
y speculating on her fellow passangers.
your commitment to knowledge, it's advancement, and it's practical use
its; its
Given the multicultural nature of ucape, I think there's a a thriving community of blood soccer and blood cricket lovers too.
Blood cricket?

That is in very poor taste.

Do you know how many died in the cricket wars!?

If I wasn't sure you'd already lost your towel, I'd be making empty threats to consficate it right now!

---edit: @Jyn Ryvia "The Libary"

So big it doesn't need a name.
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Even though I was one of the original library guys, the turn to a full school has turn me off the idea a bit.

I like the idea that it would organically go that direction after we are gone but I don't want that to be the goal.

The library was about gathering knowledge in one place and that would be its main goal. Between 'more books' and other things more books should win.

Everything else just kind of happened around the main project over time.
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Even though I was one of the original Library guys, the turn to a full school has turn me off the idea a bit.

I like the idea that it would organically go that direction after we are gone but I don't want that to be the goal.

The library was about gathering knowledge in one place and that would be its main goal. Between 'more books' and other things more books should win.

Everything else just kind of happened around the main project over time.

Personally I'm pretty ambivalent towards both library and school, but the evolution library => University => College seems pretty natural to me.
You accumulate knowledge, then scholars will naturally spawn turn up. Where there's scholars, there'll be lesser scholars who want to learn from masters. Where there's a thriving academic environment students will turn up.
Formalise the whole thing and you have an educational institution.

However to be fair, this process might take a generation or three.
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While Dame Mathilde Weber was watched with interest by her fellows among the Grey College and was known to many of those that make it their business to know what occurs on the fringes of civilization in the Old World, to the Colleges in general she was not that prominent a name until very recently. The Matrix was only useful in a few niches and the papers she produced upon the Eight Peaks Expedition were solid enough, but only attracted the attention of those already interested in what she was reporting on.

Then the MAP and then the improved MAPP circulated, and hot on its heels was a paper reporting not only hitherto unknown capabilities of vampires, but also a series of countermeasures against them. This got the attention of some, and those that did watch out for her work were very quickly rewarded by the publication of Waaagh and Peace. In language understandable to any Magister and even some of the more advanced Journeymen, the paper promised to completely revolutionise what the Colleges considered possible in the intersection of counter-magic and the greenskins. Some dismissed it as clearly impossible, but many more sought any advantage they could get over the greenskins shamans, and when Magister Weber scheduled a series of supplemental lectures, dozens cleared a spot in their calendars for them.

But a quirk of fate pushed things a little further. When Barak Varr received news of a million-strong Waaagh marching on Eight Peaks, that information flowed north, through Black Fire Pass, and into the ever-listening apparatus off the Grey College. And when the next day brought news that it had been obliterated, that too travelled north. And thanks to the eternal efficiency of the staff of the Grey College, that meant that those wizards that had expressed an interest in the lecture received a small note informing them of a possible delay or cancellation due to seven figures of advancing greenskins. And directly atop that in each of their pigeonholes was another note, informing the reader to disregard the first note due to the utter destruction of said greenskins.

To say this increased interest in Dame Weber's lecture would be an immense understatement.


Fragments will be posted as and when I get the chance to write them. They will be compiled into full turns when I'm back at my computer.
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We probably do need to spend some favours on accomodations for various folks who'll want to go hang out in K8P.
And maybe write a paper on Tower of Burning Shadows? Although, that's borderline WMD, so maybe not...
That said, if we don't paraphrase Belebro to open our lecture, I will be massively disappointed.

"Hello, my name is Magister Mathilde Weber. I can kill things with mountains."

"Yes, the Burning Shadows thing!" You've heard King Belegar angry, but you've never heard him bewildered. "You can weaponize a mountain?!"

"Not on a whim, but yes, with time and equipment-"

"Why am I just hearing about this now?!" He smacks the paper with the back of his hand. "Why was that not how you introduced yourself back in Averland?! 'I'm Mathilde Weber, I can kill things with mountains'."
The funniest thing is, our victory over the Waaagh had absolutely nothing to do with our countermagic techniques. It's just an entirely separate thing we developed for dunking on greenskins.
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