Scenes from U-K8P:
The day before
"Please make sure you have all of your possessions before disembarking."
The gravelly voice of the captain on the intercom signed off with those traditional words, and Hannah Arcadent, freshly released from her apprenticeship in Altdorf and told to "go, see the world, figure your shit out, come back when you have something to contribute" by her waspish master, was bouncing on her toes as the river steamer dropped gangplank in Ulrikadrin.
It was time it was timeitwastime-IT-WAS-TIME!
She was down the ramp almost before the crew finished tying it off, gawking and looking every direction like the tourist she would soon cease to be.
Oooooh! The famous wolf-colossus over the gates! Built to honor the second Grandmaster, who fought a fourteen-hour duel in the saddle to finally crush Da Howlaz and extend Ulric's mastery of wolves over the nearby Badlands. Oh! And there! That was the Navigator's School! One of the most famous feeder institutes to U-K8P, its graduates in demand even as far away as Ulthan! Built by the third grandmaster after he got snippy about a visiting scholar calling Ulrikadrin "just some worthless damp stopover in the road to knowledge." And there-!
"All students please make your way up there mountain to Ulrikadrin Terminal, your transport will be leaving shortly."
No time! Hannah hitched up her robes and ran, straight up silver street, through the doors of the terminal, all the way to the funicular car that was just starting to shudder its way up the mountain to the underway entrance.
"Safe!" She declared herself, arms up to accept addulation. There were some scattered cheers and applause, and she turned grinning back to the large windows to watch the town fall away.
The underway trip was by steam-tram, a rare sight indeed for the imperial freshmen. Not that there was much to see- the facilities at the top of the funicular were largely hidden in the dim tunnel, and set up more for cargo handling than passengers regardless. The students-to-be simply filed out of one large mobile room, down a hallway, and into another, this over with windows on two sides instead of three. No one was really talking or mingling much- an air of suppressed excitement and jitters permeated the car as it spiraled down into the depths, only the occasional work-light flashing by in the dark to give indication of how fast they were moving. Hannah amused herself by speculating on her fellow passangers.
There was a cluster of young men in Tilean garb with mercenary patches, probably here for the officer courses. A pair of Jade wizards, the older taking soothingly to the younger, but she did not recognize them. Various imperial and Brettonian scholars, a few Istallians, (was that an Istalian wizard? She'd have to track him down later) and, looking very, very isolated, a cluster of four Cathayan exchange students who must have come with the ambassador. She had just about made up her mind to go talk to the Cathayans when the train made a shuddering lurch upward and out of the underway.
It was like flying. That was the closest Hannah could come to describing it as the tram made a wide arc out into Death Pass, the track elevated on pillars and the changing angles bringing different landmarks into view. There was Karag Dhraz, the old orc hold that held out as a polity for decades past the first reconquest, and still served as the op-for when the martial students needed to be blooded. Death's Crossing, the famous bridge where it was rumored Grombrindal once held off a hundred thousand for days until the throng of K8P could return from Karak Azul. Then the turn brought in sight Karagil, and Karag Lhune, and it was everything Hannah could do to not squeal like a boiling teapot. She was here! And then everything went dark again.
The tram pulled into Karag Lhune terminal, the tracks having run across Death Pass to the tower of Und-Uzgar, where they passed under and into the Karak itself. Most goods and people came in this way these days- there was some talk of extending the steam tram to the east end of the pass, but the volume of trade just wasn't enough to support it, so the East Gates remained the traditional egress for caravans. Once in the Karak, however, it was a smooth steam-powered ride all the way to Barak Var, a fact that helped immensely in exporting large volumes of cut stone and raw metal.
The Lhune Terminal was also impressive, but the locals seemed to have the opinion that the yearly flood of new students was a bother to be herded over to Wyr and out of the way of proper dwarfs on their business as quick as possible. And so it was with bag clutched to her chest and head spinning again from all the sights (the Eye of Gazul! The Citadel, with its towers of purple and gold! The East valley farms, famously the pride of halflings the world over!) she meekly followed the crowd across the valley and into Karag Wyr, sometimes jokingly called Karag Kron, where King Belegar's boon and the First Magister's motto for the school were both carved above the flung-open gates.
Here does the Queen of the Silvery Depths give support and sanctuary to all those learned and wise, in honor of Thane Mathilde Webber, Azrildrekked.
We can all change the world for the better.
The crowd flooded into the auditorium, conveniently straight ahead from the gates, and with some poking and prodding settled into the rows of seats to gaze expectantly up at the stage.
It was a spider that stepped out from behind the curtain. Perhaps smaller than a horse, it wore tasteful carapace paint in the school colors and had a small ivory bangle about one of its forelimbs.
"Good afternoon." The spider spoke in perfect Raeikspiel, "We have a lot to cover in the next hour so we hope you are all comfortable. We are the Dean of this fine institution, and we welcome you to the Nintey-Eighth matriculating class at the University of Karak Eightpeaks, and as such, even the dwarves are soon going to have to admit we do good work." (Polite laughter.) "You are here because you have passed a rigerous selection process, demonstrating your commitment to knowledge, its advancement, and its practical use. In the next four years, you will be given both a broad grounding in the arts and sciences, as well as more specialized training in your chosen fields. Our graduates have helped revolutionize entire fields of knowledge, won critical battles, and pushed mastery of the winds of magic to it's outer limits. We have high hopes that each of you will do the same."
The spider paused, angling it's body slightly to give the impression of looking across each face in the room.
"If you have questions, please ask the nearest We and we will assist you to the best of our considerable abilities. Please understand that we have seen just about every lie, excuse, and ploy possible over the years, and we have gotten very good at reading people. We will be serving as class monitors, residential assistants, bursars, provosts, and the rest of the full panapoly of beauracracy your experiences with lesser institutions may have led you to expect. Rest assured, we are here to help, but we are also here to ensure the rules are followed. ...I do believe that is enough for the moment, please wait to be collected and shown to your rooms. We will reconvene with welcome week activities at ten tomorrow in this location."
Hannah felt a slight tug at her robes, and looked down to find a dog-sized spider attempting to get her attention.
"Hannah Arcadent? If you would please follow This-We, you will be introduced to your new roomates and shown the dormitory facilites set aside for your use."
Hannah's smile got wider. This was, so far, everything she had hoped for when she applied.