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Do you have bloodbowl rules? Or would you be willing to help me work out a version? I'd love to include it, but don't know enough except as a shadowrun reference.

Like, team numbers, scoring conditions, field shape, where the audience sits, what sorts of plays would be highlights, how much change would have to be without reliable healing...
Bloodbowl has like 23 teams, one for every race, including one for every Chaos God. Halflings also, a famously terrible team that occasionally manages to stumble into scoring a point by having one of the treants toss a Halfling over the defending team and into the goal.

Every team has 11 players with up to five alternates for when one of your players is inevitably bludgeoned to unconsciousness, crippling injury, or death. Bretonnia makes a play style out of this rule, by having a couple of kickass knight units supported by a wave of shitty but extremely cheap peasant linemen.

A couple of teams are infamous for their play style basically being to cripple the other team until they're out of players, which everyone hates to see in a tournament bracket because then they have to replace all their dead units with rookies. Naturally, everyone loves playing as these teams in a tournament. Orcs, Norscan Vikings, Beastmen, Chaos and Dark Elf Witches all get skills like Mighty Blow and Claw which helps with this.

The Dwarf team is infamous for being the favorite of newbies, because their entire playbook is one play, and it's a doozy: get to the ball with a Runner, form up a full screen of Longbeards around the Runner (called 'the cage'), maybe with a higher-strength but weaker-armor Slayer or two mixed in for pushing, and slowly and methodically inching the cage forward until they win. Dwarves are covered in skills like Thick Skull, Block and Guard, so enemy teams just bounce off. They also get a lot of Mighty Blow, so after the enemy team fails to meaningfully inconvenience them, they start knocking them down and bashing them right back.

Well, maybe their playbook is 1.5 plays, because Dwarves also get the strongest unit in the game, the Deathroller:

This happy fellow rolls around crushing enemies to death and being extremely hard to knock over himself, but the referee does eventually notice the Dwarves brought a fucking siege engine to the game, and apparently that's illegal or something, if you're a square, and the Deathroller is sent off the field after the first drive he's fielded in.

A lot of Dwarf teams don't even bother fielding a Deathroller in the lineup because he's so expensive and he gets sent off after 8 turns leaving an expensive hole in your lineup, but they're pretty cool anyhow.
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Oh hey, speaking of Bloodbowl: how many people have Bloodbowl 2? I bet we could set up a steam tournament or two during the long dark times while BoneyM is visiting family. Post after-action reports in the thread to keep the thread rolling.

I can only imagine what a 16-man Dwarf Tournament would be like.
Ok, so, how does this get modded so the units don't, you know, die? Because if I'm writing it into a college league I need everyone to have an expectation of survival.

Also, racially mixed teams? Would that be a thing to add?

Otherwise like soccer with obstacles on the field and no hand-ball rules. Got it.
:thonk: "Hey Belegar. Time to start building a wizard battle tower on each peak for each wind. Chop chop! Also I'll need you to spend all the favours to get each tower tied conceptually to a different piece of an ancestor god ala the Eye."

Beard of Grungnir! The Mohawk of Grimnir. The mighty Fist of Valaya! We'll have a full dwarf of towers in no time!
And I'll form the Head!
Ok, so, how does this get modded so the units don't, you know, die? Because if I'm writing it into a college league I need everyone to have an expectation of survival.
When one player hits another and gets through their armor, he rolls a 2d6: he knocks them down on a 2-7 roll, KOs on an 8 or 9, and casualty on a 9-12.

Casualty can be death (61-68 on a d68), but it can also be any injury that gets them to leave the game (and sometimes additional games).
Also, racially mixed teams? Would that be a thing to add?
It's your story, mix it up if you want.

Although there is some precedent, anyway; the Mighty Zug, a star player for the Reikland Reavers, is an ogre.
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Plus I think every team is able to hire that Ogre Star Player/Mercenary Morg 'n' Thorg.
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There was a time when Thane was a noble title, and a time when there'd be a greater distinction between a head-of-Clan Thane and appointed-war-leader Thane. But these days it's stripped right back, and the main purpose it serves that if shit unexpectedly hits the fan, as it so often does since the Time of Woes, everyone knows to look to the closest person with 'Thane' attached to their name.

Funny how Duke started out as a Roman Imperial military title and went the reverse.
I do think we should scale back the idea for now.

Libary first, with permission to expand into other things as time and funding allows.

A full school will be a bit much to start with.

make the Libary get the books. (A few years)

get the books get the scholars. (a Few more years)

get the scholars start the research (more years)

get the research get the fame (more)

Get the fame get the grants.

get the grants get the students

etc etc.

Lets just get the Library first.
Wrong way round. For the Boon, think in terms of goals.
Like, for Great Library/University of Eight Peaks you'd ask as such:
-"My Boon would be to build a great center of learning in Karak Eight Peaks, open to all, bar foes of Karak Eight Peaks, so long as doing so does not endanger Karak Eight Peak's prosperity or her allies."

Which Belegar would THEN translate to actions like:
-"Okay, center of learning where do we start? We don't have students or teachers but we got plenty of books."
-"Hey, Loremaster, got any proposals?"
-Turn proposal:
--Library construction
--Attract academics
--Start schools
--Invite Verenans
--Hash out knowledge use rights
--Establish accessibility.
--Steal rare books from the forces of darkness

The Boon itself is supposed to take many years to actually carry out, not Drop Everything And Do This.
so long as doing so does not endanger Karak Eight Peak's prosperity or her allies.

This may be a problematic wording. If/when Dieter V comes along and bans magic, the Empire may enact sanctions on k8p for protecting wizards, which could be seen as endangering the Karak's prosperity. Probably better to change it "safety" or something.
This may be a problematic wording. If/when Dieter V comes along and bans magic, the Empire may enact sanctions on k8p for protecting wizards, which could be seen as endangering the Karak's prosperity. Probably better to change it "safety" or something.
Wouldn't matter. A wizard was vital in reclaiming it and saving it from a Waaagh. Going along with that would be spitting in her face so hardcore even an elf would be taken aback.

No self respecting Dwarven king would do that to someone who did them such a favor, and proposing that to Belegar himself would likely have him reaching for his ax.
Holy crap, I never knew one of the Dwarf star players in Bloodbowl was Grombrindal the White.

And his special skill Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Dwarf is to grant Tackle, Mighty Blow, Sure Hands, Dauntless or a couple other skills to one of his fellows every turn. So you have a tool that changes depending on what you need; need to guarantee a ball pickup, need Tackle to ensure some asshole elf isn't going to Dodge all your hits, need Mighty Blow to deal a bigger injury to a Big Guy, need something to block a hit on your crucial Runner or a Slayer or something? Grombrindal's got you covered.

I guess he really does appear wherever his people most need him.
Scenes from U-K8P 2
Scenes from U-K8P

"You didn't tell me you PLAYED!" Hannah shrieked.

"Well... You didn't ask? I wasn't sure if either you or Darna were really all that into the Bowl, you know? I'm kinda the only jock in the nest." Lissile shrugged ruefully. She was clad in grey and silver armor, the dwarf made sport-plate articulating easily, her dark hair in a tight spiral braid. There was a chibi spider logo plastered across her chest, the Wee Webber. (Somewhere between an inside joke amongst the University founders and a bribe to the We to give it personal stake in the endeavor, it was rumored.) Her helmet was under her arm.

"Well duh, I'm the only wizard and Darna's the only dwarf, but we try and open up and share! We're all lonely and a bit out of our element but we all should try, right?" Hannah, on the other hand, was in a vest and skirt of the same colors (the skirt grey with slashes that opened silver as she twisted), and with a similar crest. The bright mage distained the traditional semaphore-poms, preferring her own magics, but she did have her hair up in two high blonde pigtails.

"Well, also because... I wanted to surprise you with it. Once you got on the squad and kept coming back so excited about everything you were picking up hearing stories about old games, I just... I wanted to see your face! Like this, like, all dolled up and me in my armor and... And I'm totally shutting up now." Lissile was blushing.

"Oh! Oh. ..." Hannah stepped forward towards the taller girl, clasping her hands together above her thighs. "I suppose, then..."

She darted forward, going to her toes and planting a soft kiss on Lissile's cheek, before quickly continuing behind her out of the locker room.

"Good luck out there!" Hannah's voice drifted back.

Lissile blushed.


It was a local game, a scrum against the orcs. Full-field, which was unusual these days, as the professional game had moved on from acreage. Really the origin of the game to begin with though, but its popularity had grown in leaps and bounds with the introduction of quarter-field rules that allowed closer spectating.

Full-field originally referred to the caldera itself, the eponymous bowl in Blood-Bowl, and ran teams of fourty-four to a side. If you ask the Undumgi, they'll tell you blood bowl originated when a squad of orcs, apparently newly spawned after the ninth purge of Karag Dhraz, somehow happened upon a group of Undumgi drilling barehanded against each other.

"Oi!" An orc is said to have shouted after a long pause staring between the two groups. "Dat looks fun!"

Lieutenant Prifter is known to have been the one who shouted back, "Sure! Rules are someone gets beat, you leave em alone after, equal numbers, and try not to kill anyone!"

And thus was born Blood-Bowl. The orcs of that time were sparse and seared by defeat after consecutive defeat at the hands of the dwarves until it just wasn't fun to have those kinda scraps no more, so surprisingly, they kept to the rules. And Lieutenant Prifter, having just survived an ambush of half-again as many orcs as he had new recruits armed only with training swords, realized the utility of the experience they had just gotten.

So when the orcs came back hoping for another scrap, the Undumgi had shinies for prizes and an offer for them. The game had evolved since then, introducing a ball and goals to require some semblance of tactics, but the core remained.

Blood-Bowl was as close to a declaration of peace as the orcs had ever gotten, the culmination of years of smaller trust-building scraps outside the walls of the Karak. Blood-Bowl, the orc name for the game that washed away Ash-Bowl, the place of death, with proppa blood and struggle. The dwarf name for the first time orcs had ever come into a dwarven Karak and obeyed the law from start to finish, an entire team of fourty-four plus two dozen spectators who didn't even get to fight, across the whole of the caldera.

The current game was of course not in the caldera, but rather in the stadium of equivalent size set up near the underway exit and Death's crossing, the one the orcs considered 'home field'. It suited the dwarves to hold the games there- bloodbowl truce was real, but there had been two purges of Karak Dhraz since the games started- sometimes a waaaagh happens despite the pressure valve.

And sometimes an orc got onto Karag Dhraz's traveling team, and became rich and famous across the old world.



Lissile spun, the ball under one arm and the other in a waterfall block. The orc had lept over the wall she had been using to cover her advance and OH MY LADY SHE KNEW HIM!

The half-second freeze didn't spell her end, as the two-fisted hammer blow was already deflecting off her guard, but it did prevent her from reacting fast enough to avoid the kick to her knee that his landing immediately turned into. She got a pass off, tossing the ball back and sideways even as she started to fall, but a follow-up punch from the orc slammed into her head and she knew no more.


"I was so worried when I saw you go down! It was really hard not to jump in and try to help, that orc took you so fast and after you had taken those first two without loosing!" Hannah dabbed at Lissile's face where the edge of her faceplate had deformed into it. The two sat on the bleachers above the stadium, just after the match.

"Hannah. Hannah that was GROK THRASHASMASH! Like, Grok the one who came back from 6-1 solo against the Monefort Lancers! Lady, I didn't think he'd show up for a college scrum!" Lissile gesticulated, perhaps a touch too grandly for someone who so recently had been knocked unconscious. "Like, The Grok!"

There was a grunt, as if a laugh had been clubbed on its way out, from the field below.

"Oi! You girl! Dat play near da end- good cunnin. Lookin forwardz to seein' y'again."

Grok, apparently 'The' Grok, was standing there, looking up at them.

He waited just long enough for them to both make eye contact, then grinned and exited under them back to his crew in the lockers. It paid to encourage fans, after all, and, well, the girl did get the pass off as he was crumpin her.

"Oh Lady did he just talk to me? Did he just COMPLIMENT me!?! Oh Lady, Hannaaaaaah!"

Hannah grabbed her by the hands as she bounced and turned Lissile to face her. She had a huge smile on her face, bright eyes to Lissile's wide ones, and she enthused back.

"Oh my God I'm so happy for you! That's great, right?"

Lissile stared at her for a moment.

"Hannah, I really want to kiss you right now."

She clapped a hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I just got hit in the head, I have no filter at all right now, I'm so-"

Hannah laid a finger on her lips to shush her.


And so she did.

A/N: Bloodbowl! And romance because yes.
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Holy crap, I never knew one of the Dwarf star players in Bloodbowl was Grombrindal the White.

And his special skill Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Dwarf is to grant Tackle, Mighty Blow, Sure Hands, Dauntless or a couple other skills to one of his fellows every turn. So you have a tool that changes depending on what you need; need to guarantee a ball pickup, need Tackle to ensure some asshole elf isn't going to Dodge all your hits, need Mighty Blow to deal a bigger injury to a Big Guy, need something to block a hit on your crucial Runner or a Slayer or something? Grombrindal's got you covered.

I guess he really does appear wherever his people most need him.
It occurs to me that Dwarves would be the very epitome of the football fans who argue about how great the old player from back in the day are.

"Bah! The player today are so shoddy! You know Durin Steelhands would never have dropped a ball to a minotaur"
"Durin Steelhands! Morgrim Redbeard would have kept the ball and then socked that minotaur straight in the jaw!"
"Morgrim Redbread would have never had the ball in the first place! He would have been too busy charging at the enemy like a slayer, which granted he was, but the point is he could never hold a ball like Steelhands could! He might as well be Throgrim Oakenarm!"
"Oh now their is a name we can agree on."
"That we can, what kind of Dwarf actually throws the ball!"
"Just isn't proper dwarf behavior"
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Football might actually be a good sport to bloodify.

Imagine a normal football game where (blunted) weapons are allowed, but said weapons are not allowed to touch the ball (unsure how shields would play into it though).

And there could be 'downed player rules' where if anyone falls down, they become 'out' till a substitution or reentry is allowed.
Ok, so, how does this get modded so the units don't, you know, die? Because if I'm writing it into a college league I need everyone to have an expectation of survival.

Also, racially mixed teams? Would that be a thing to add?

Otherwise like soccer with obstacles on the field and no hand-ball rules. Got it.
Blood Bowl players, as typically portrayed, don't use weapons, it's meant to be unarmed. No Choppas.
Naturally all sorts of ways are sought to get round this, spiky armour and all, but the 'reduced lethality' is largely in the fact that it's kick/punch/tackle/stomp, rather than slice and chop.

The College game could perhaps further drop the spikes and such, and maybe enforce the 'don't kick a player when they're down' type of rule.

Perhaps the Skaven of Clan Rigens even make it back to U of K8P, too...

The Skaven Scramblers are the only team ever to have retained the Blood Bowl trophy (well, if you discount the Severed Heads who just refused to give it back). In 2477 they beat the Marauders 3-1 in a game that lasted nine hours! Whew! A year later, they were champions again, beating the Gouged Eye 3-2. A NAF commission ruled out the possibility that the Scramblers had spent all year at the stadium, rigging it for the game, while a team of substitutes set about qualifying, but the pitch did show some peculiarities on the day - mainly a pronounced slope towards the Eye's End Zone and an abnormal number of bottomless shafts...
(From BB 2nd Edition)

Did You Know?
That the most famous Skaven player of all was Tarsh Surehands. Tarsh had two heads and four arms, features which made him the leading pass receiver in the league. Sadly, in a crucial wild card game against the SSSchHtt V'ggUYth Snakeman team, a missed pass led to his two heads having a violent argument and before anyone could stop him he had strangled himself to death.

The Scramblers' initial entry to the NAF was revealed to have been the result of them enslaving a hapless Halfling team who played them on the eve of the new NAF season. Their feat of winning the Blood Bowl and Chaos Cup in the same year was stated to be the only time this had ever been achieved, and was also attributed to their being the first Skaven team to introduce the Rat Ogre to the Blood Bowl world.

I liked the Skaven Scramblers, the cheating mutant ratmen were my team back in the (long ago) day.
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It occurs to me that Dwarves would be the very epitome of the football fans who argue about how great the old player from back in the day are.

"Bah! The player today are so shoddy! You know Durin Steelhands who never have dropped a ball to a minotaur"
"Durin Steelhands! Morgrim Redbeard would have kept the ball and then socked that minotaur straight in the jaw!"
"Morgrim Redbread who have never had the ball in the first place! He would have been too bust charging at the enemy like a slayer, which granted he was, but the point is he could never hold a ball like Steelhands could! He might as well be Throgrim Oakenarm!"
"Oh now their is a name we can agree on."
"That we can, what kind of Dwarf actually throws the ball!"
"Just isn't proper dwarf behavior"
Throwing the ball, truly, what kind of namby pamby elf horseshit is that? Next ye'll be telling me he took Fend like a Bretonnian or, even worse, Dodge like a bleedin' Elf when he leveled up, instead of taking it on the chin with Guard, as the Gods intended.
Blood Bowl players, as typically portrayed, don't use weapons, it's meant to be unarmed. No Choppas.
Naturally all sorts of ways are sought to get round this, spiky armour and all, but the 'reduced lethality' is largely in the fact that it's kick/punch/tackle/stomp, rather than slice and chop.

The College game could perhaps further drop the spikes and such, and maybe enforce the 'don't kick a player when they're down' type of rule.
Yeah, I'm not saying a Bloodbowler wouldn't sneak a choppa into the match or something, but you gotta at least try and keep it away from the ref. Although apparently a troll deciding to chomp down on a goblin rather than throw him is also just fine, so...?

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