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i hope there some one here to see this

cause a battle like this in a place like this with no witness is a bit cliche
Did they find the Mariana Trench or something? What kind of crack do you need to fit the "Really Zoggin Big" through?
Way I see it, our biggest advantage might be that we're underground. If we can kill the light sources, we might stand a chance. Then again, if there is a shaman in the group, that might cause issues of its own.

EDIT: or maybe that with a Warboss and entorauge, there might be enough Waargh for Mat to feel them coming and get some friends to come along.
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Our fighting style is suited for underground fighting and my bet is there will be many skaven sized passages the big boy can't get through. Should allow us a lot of ambush chances.
I just hope it won't end badly for Mathilde. Facing Warboss of milion-strong Waagh with retinue can easily end with 'game over'. Risks are horrible, and there will be no assasination tactics. It will be open conflict.
Goddamn Drama Dice. I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I suppose at least it makes for a better story.
I just hope it won't end badly for Mathilde. Facing Warboss of milion-strong Waagh with retinue can easily end with 'game over'. Risks are horrible, and there will be no assasination tactics. It will be open conflict.
What makes you say that? With our sight advantages and spellset, we could totally sneak up on them, easily, especially in an underground sprawl of caves.
Honestly I'm fine with this as it's a nice capstone to this whole event.
Yeah, we haven't really gotten to have a good fight so far. Definitely a good time for it.
We are an invisible teleporting ball of AoE confusion magic. If they don't have a shaman, they're basically dead.

EDIT : If we're so tired that our magic risks failing us, then we might die. But if we can still reliably cast spells we can scatter them, weaken them, start infighting with Confusion, and then pick them off one by one as needed.
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