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Well, in interest of moving on to less... upsetting subjects,

@BoneyM Do the events in Part 4 mean that Da Howlaz are right outside the West Gate? And if so, do our Gyrocopters have any estimate on their numbers (even if it's as broad as "Thousands" or "low tens of thousands")?
So @BoneyM, to change the topic, what do you think about the 'Mathy is a little like a elf in the empire in that she feels a bit under-stimulated in her peer to peer interactions. (E.g a little over leveled compared to the other court members but Kragg and 'made in China Kragg'? Or is that just over looking into it?
Something that has been bothering me. Did we not have to contest that roll at all with any Shamans? No one tried to counterspell that? The only wrestling we saw was (presumably) Gork & Mork v Gazul, in which the chucklefuck brothers couldn't be bothered, and Gazul got away with his shit roll. I was seriously anticipating the much-awaited Waaaghbane Mathilde Weber Magical Cage Match, and then the whole thing just happened and the actual battle was occurring between gods.
Red Fang orcs had repeatedly demonstrated a lack of shamans. Probably same reason.
So, Mathilde is suffering from:
-mental/magical exertion (hooking up to the Eye and running the enchantments on mental control, rather than via the console)
-"moral fatigue" (having had to examine each and every target, suppress the part of her mind that says "that looks like a person", and then decide whether it needs to die)
-divine exposure (even being brushed over by divine entities can be a bit of a shock)
-temporal compression (she experienced all that in an instant that took hours)
-environmental shock (sudden removal of all the Ulgu in the area)

Yeah, she's a little out of sorts.

Something that has been bothering me. Did we not have to contest that roll at all with any Shamans? No one tried to counterspell that? The only wrestling we saw was (presumably) Gork & Mork v Gazul, in which the chucklefuck brothers couldn't be bothered, and Gazul got away with his shit roll. I was seriously anticipating the much-awaited Waaaghbane Mathilde Weber Magical Cage Match, and then the whole thing just happened and the actual battle was occurring between gods.
I imagine that was covered in the Learning roll, in that Mathilde succeeded well enough to act before any shaman could recognize what was going on, and try to counterspell. That, I imagine, is part of the reason she was doing the "Assuming Direct Control" in that she didn't have to muck about with the console, she could trigger the enchantments mentally, which may have shaved off a few seconds.
Something that has been bothering me. Did we not have to contest that roll at all with any Shamans? No one tried to counterspell that? The only wrestling we saw was (presumably) Gork & Mork v Gazul, in which the chucklefuck brothers couldn't be bothered, and Gazul got away with his shit roll. I was seriously anticipating the much-awaited Waaaghbane Mathilde Weber Magical Cage Match, and then the whole thing just happened and the actual battle was occurring between gods.
I put it down to "so many buffs on one side and so many debuffs on the other (bane, surprise attack, well planned, non dwarf like attack etc etc) that they could not have won so there was no point rolling.
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Your joking, but your kind of right.

Mathy really does suffer from the problem of being more advanced then her peers. (Thanks to the threads forcing on skill training)

Mathilde... might actually be suffering from under stimulation in her day to day live. There are big events and projects... but in a day to day basis she is dealing with people who, not to be mean, are not in her level. She tries to not think about it like that as they are her friends... but she is actually better then them.

Like a elf in the empire feels.

Maybe one of the reasons she clings to Kragg subconsciously. He is mentally simulating.
To be fair, beside her diplo skill all her skills, martial, intrique, faith, learning are above and beyond even masters and experts.

Its lonely at the top, and thats why she can be very nosey regarding other people personal live/relationships.
I put it down to "so many buffs on one side and some many debuts on the other (bane, surprise attack, well planned, non dwarf like attack etc etc) that they could not have won so there was no point rolling.
Mm, it's been fairly consistent that in order to dispel something you have to be aware of it, even if it's through magical senses.

"You assault a Dwarf hold and the mountain off to one side grows a goddamn second shadow that burns your entire army with divine fire in seconds" is about as close to "unaware" as you can get.
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Mathilde... might actually be suffering from under stimulation in her day to day live. There are big events and projects... but in a day to day basis she is dealing with people who, not to be mean, are not in her level. She tries to not think about it like that as they are her friends... but she is actually better then them.
People can catch up quick, and can still beat Mathilde in specific areas. Mathilde would do worse than Kazador if she tried to command the Throng of Karak Azul, for example.

And as Boney has said before, many people in Karak 8 Peaks are only at the start of their journeys. They have quite a bit of room to grow, still.
Something that has been bothering me. Did we not have to contest that roll at all with any Shamans? No one tried to counterspell that? The only wrestling we saw was (presumably) Gork & Mork v Gazul, in which the chucklefuck brothers couldn't be bothered, and Gazul got away with his shit roll. I was seriously anticipating the much-awaited Waaaghbane Mathilde Weber Magical Cage Match, and then the whole thing just happened and the actual battle was occurring between gods.
Someone pointed out that the last place shamans should expect to be on their guard to counterspell things is when assaulting a Dwarfhold, because you can only counterspell spells, not runes, and dwarves don't have spellcasters of their own.

I think if Mathilde had rolled lower on her Learning roll, its operation would have been less smooth and they would have had more time to realize what was going on, but we basically ambushed them while they weren't even at Yellow Alert. All the threats so far had been physical, and they had no reason to even be on guard against a mystical assault.
Trying to cordon off what does and doesn't 'count' as a being worthy of empathy is not a conversation I want to see happening in this thread.
Ah, no, that wasn't what I was going for. It's more like... Johann's wolfrats, or the breeders. I'm saying that the moral dilemmas that apply to them in terms of agency and guilt by association could be applied to snotlings as well. A mental connection Mathilde might draw when she has an introspective moment, if that understanding of snotling intelligence is true for this quest?
You know it just occurred to me did we ever find out how the warboss got the name Bird muncher? Like we know he ate a bird but what did he eat exactly? Did he eat a god damn great eagle or does he just really like chicken?
People can catch up quick, and can still beat Mathilde in specific areas. Mathilde would do worse than Kazador if she tried to command the Throng of Karak Azul, for example.

And as Boney has said before, many people in Karak 8 Peaks are only at the start of their journeys. They have quite a bit of room to grow, still.
That still means that she is that teenager playing in kiddie pool, (or the iron snarfer in LoL for the gamers)
That still means that she is that teenager playing in kiddie pool, (or the iron snarfer in LoL for the gamers)
They can still have a breadth of experience that leaves them able to outdo Mathilde in some areas.

Even with her stewardship, I wouldn't bet she could administrate the Karak better than Belegar.
Ah, no, that wasn't what I was going for. It's more like... Johann's wolfrats, or the breeders. I'm saying that the moral dilemmas that apply to them in terms of agency and guilt by association could be applied to snotlings as well. A mental connection Mathilde might draw when she has an introspective moment, if that understanding of snotling intelligence is true for this quest?
That was the polite way for a GM to say stop.

You should stop.
Something that has been bothering me. Did we not have to contest that roll at all with any Shamans? No one tried to counterspell that? The only wrestling we saw was (presumably) Gork & Mork v Gazul, in which the chucklefuck brothers couldn't be bothered, and Gazul got away with his shit roll. I was seriously anticipating the much-awaited Waaaghbane Mathilde Weber Magical Cage Match, and then the whole thing just happened and the actual battle was occurring between gods.

If they had seen it coming, they would have. A lower roll, a very minor intervention from Gork and Mork, or needing to use the Red or Blue Towers could have provided them that opportunity. A force already aware of the Eye of Gazul would have had more alert spellcasters.

Well, in interest of moving on to less... upsetting subjects,

@BoneyM Do the events in Part 4 mean that Da Howlaz are right outside the West Gate? And if so, do our Gyrocopters have any estimate on their numbers (even if it's as broad as "Thousands" or "low tens of thousands")?

She'll get a full update when she arrives at the Citadel.

So @BoneyM, to change the topic, what do you think about the 'Mathy is a little like a elf in the empire in that she feels a bit under-stimulated in her peer to peer interactions. (E.g a little over leveled compared to the other court members but Kragg and 'made in China Kragg'? Or is that just over looking into it?

Mathilde's social circle in Stirland was made up of more or less her equals - Anton, Wilhelmina, Gustav. Here, it's mostly her fellow wizards, almost all of which are below her in Collegiate rank, all of which are under her authority as Loremaster, and all of which are lesser to her in ability. Kragg isn't quite a friend, but he is an expert in a field that she isn't and he's largely beyond the Karak power structure which makes it able to be a more equal relationship, despite the age difference.
You know it just occurred to me did we ever find out how the warboss got the name Bird muncher? Like we know he ate a bird but what did he eat exactly? Did he eat a god damn great eagle or does he just really like chicken?
He was decorated in giant feathers. So probably a Great Eagle.
Maybe even a chick or female that he ambushed in it's nest.

Having seen those feathers IC, Mathilde might want to investigate the neighboring peaks for Giant Eagles.
Getting a treaty with them for early warning of greenskin/skaven surface activity might well be worth the trouble of an agreement to keep a nesting area clear of greenskins. They certainly aren't Ork fans.
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Mathilde's social circle in Stirland was made up of more or less her equals - Anton, Wilhelmina, Gustav. Here, it's mostly her fellow wizards, almost all of which are below her in Collegiate rank, all of which are under her authority as Loremaster, and all of which are lesser to her in ability. Kragg isn't quite a friend, but he is an expert in a field that she isn't and he's largely beyond the Karak power structure which makes it able to be a more equal relationship, despite the age difference.
I think we can all get behind Mathilde and Kragg as besties.
If they had seen it coming, they would have. A lower roll, a very minor intervention from Gork and Mork, or needing to use the Red or Blue Towers could have provided them that opportunity. A force already aware of the Eye of Gazul would have had more alert spellcasters.

She'll get a full update when she arrives at the Citadel.

Mathilde's social circle in Stirland was made up of more or less her equals - Anton, Wilhelmina, Gustav. Here, it's mostly her fellow wizards, almost all of which are below her in Collegiate rank, all of which are under her authority as Loremaster, and all of which are lesser to her in ability. Kragg isn't quite a friend, but he is an expert in a field that she isn't and he's largely beyond the Karak power structure which makes it able to be a more equal relationship, despite the age difference.
Ahhh, she is lonely.

That's worse.

So this is roughly the final loadout for Wolf. Dwarf made knife on his back for fighting. Smoking pipe for leisure. No chain, but definitely magic collar (something like our belt).
*half joking;)
Mathilde's social circle in Stirland was made up of more or less her equals - Anton, Wilhelmina, Gustav. Here, it's mostly her fellow wizards, almost all of which are below her in Collegiate rank, all of which are under her authority as Loremaster, and all of which are lesser to her in ability. Kragg isn't quite a friend, but he is an expert in a field that she isn't and he's largely beyond the Karak power structure which makes it able to be a more equal relationship, despite the age difference.
So guys, I think we should actually go talk to more people. Edda would be a good start, we're already sort-of-almost friends anyway, I'd enjoy talking to Kazrik some more, and we still need to talk to Dreng. Other than that...maybe go talk to Titus, see how he's doing? I need to go check our last Social Turn options, I'm drawing a blank on who else we can make friends with.
If they had seen it coming, they would have. A lower roll, a very minor intervention from Gork and Mork, or needing to use the Red or Blue Towers could have provided them that opportunity. A force already aware of the Eye of Gazul would have had more alert spellcasters.

She'll get a full update when she arrives at the Citadel.

Mathilde's social circle in Stirland was made up of more or less her equals - Anton, Wilhelmina, Gustav. Here, it's mostly her fellow wizards, almost all of which are below her in Collegiate rank, all of which are under her authority as Loremaster, and all of which are lesser to her in ability. Kragg isn't quite a friend, but he is an expert in a field that she isn't and he's largely beyond the Karak power structure which makes it able to be a more equal relationship, despite the age difference.
So if you do not mind me asking, what do we need to do to upgrade Kragg to an out and out friend, rather than not quite a friend? Just keep up the good work? Get the arcane marks under control? Spend more social actions together? Or is becoming a full on friend with Kragg just not in the cards?
So guys, I think we should actually go talk to more people. Edda would be a good start, we're already sort-of-almost friends anyway, I'd enjoy talking to Kazrik some more, and we still need to talk to Dreng. Other than that...maybe go talk to Titus, see how he's doing? I need to go check our last Social Turn options, I'm drawing a blank on who else we can make friends with.
This is why I'm a fan of Oswald Oswaldson and like. Any of the other councilors/authority figures in the Karak. They're folks she can actually socialize with while not weighting them on the wizard scale or whatever.
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