Well, I'm still wincing at that 32 roll. That's ~800 Karak Izor Dwarves killed or injured against what's likely around 2,500 Skaven. Hopefully a lot more injured than killed considering the overwhelming advantage in numbers and quality we had (in spite of the Ratling Guns and Cannon), but still.
But anyway, I'm thinking:
[ ] APPROACH: Thunderhorn
[ ] MANLING: Both
[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
[ ] Under-Caldera
[ ] Karag Zilfin
Kazador's a better leader than us, and this kind of environment is perfectly suited for Mathilde. This isn't exactly the Besiegers' forte though, so if we can instead order them say, back to Under-Karagril for defense against the Skaven/Orcs (
@BoneyM?) I'd be for that.
Stack as many advantages as we can on the Under-Caldera with more Ranger support, another to scout out Zilfin, but I'm not sure where the third should go.