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[Mathilde vs Unknown Skaven Commander, Eastern Defences: Martial, 32+23+5(Strategy: Skaven)=60 vs 45+15+10(Desperate)+10(Prepared)-10(Communications Cut)-10(Intimidated)-10(Completely Isolated)=50.]
I mean, if they're already scared, Mathilde may be even more effective than we might usually imagine her to be against Skaven in tight tunnels.
Well I say we've made wonderfully progress on retaking Eight Peaks but I believe it will be soon time to start consolidating our gains.
Blessed are the dice! I wanted to go back and find a way to keep the fight between Eshin and Mors going a while longer, but that no longer seems necessary.

I say we take "Sow Terror", they have defenses down there, choke points, gun emplacements, ambushes.

We are much more useful infiltrating than leading this time.
Plus, we can see and walk through walls. Not to mention the tunnels also being the best possible place for our sword style.
There is a good argument for bottling them up here and leaving them to starve, especially with the black hunger. This is more true because of the musk of battle, which means they can fight fiercely, but will starve to death soon.

As for places I want to scout, the Under-Caldera, obviously. Then Ziflin for the dragon and under-Mhornar so that we can be sure nothing is charging Kvinn-Wyr
Since things have devolved into chaos, uh... everywhere, I've removed the Under-vs-Above distinction. Just pick Karags.
This is our biggest advantage I think. Every step of the way we have followed a measured and organised approach to the unfolding chaos and kept a functioning CnC and strategic plan in mind. Everyone else is running around like a chiken with its head cut off.
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We've basically made our entire combat build around being Machin Shin, the Black Wind, in a very specific scenario that we can't usually pull off; tunnel fighting in total darkness against low leadership enemies without magical attacks. This is our Time to Shine.

Actually, @BoneyM, question about the confusion fog; did you say somewhere before that it lingers, or did I misremember that?
I mean, when you think about it, actually being in the darkness means that they can't see the cloud either; we wouldn't just be an evil, invincible shadow monster, the only thing they'd detect us as is a dark wind that engenders madness. We wouldn't even need to stab Skaven, they'd do all the stabbing themselves.
What you're basically saying is that we will embody ulgu. :V
Well, I'm still wincing at that 32 roll. That's ~800 Karak Izor Dwarves killed or injured against what's likely around 2,500 Skaven. Hopefully a lot more injured than killed considering the overwhelming advantage in numbers and quality we had (in spite of the Ratling Guns and Cannon), but still.

But anyway, I'm thinking:

[ ] APPROACH: Thunderhorn
[ ] MANLING: Both
[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
[ ] Under-Caldera
[ ] Karag Zilfin

Kazador's a better leader than us, and this kind of environment is perfectly suited for Mathilde. This isn't exactly the Besiegers' forte though, so if we can instead order them say, back to Under-Karagril for defense against the Skaven/Orcs (@BoneyM?) I'd be for that.

Stack as many advantages as we can on the Under-Caldera with more Ranger support, another to scout out Zilfin, but I'm not sure where the third should go.
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This is our biggest advantage I think. Every step of the way we have follow a measured and organised approach to the unfolding chaos and kept a functioning CnC and strategic plan in mind. Everyone else is running around like a chiken whit its head cut off.

Plus, Mathilde literally thrives in chaotic and confusing situations--it's quite literally what she does every time she casts a spell.

She has a very steady backline that's listening to her, and she's sifting through the data to determine the actual weaknesses going around here, and doing a measured march to take advantage of opportunities.

But yeah, good question, can we send the Besiegers back to Under-Karagril? We want that defense line to be as stiff as we can for when Mors tries to break out or the Greenskins break through.
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What are the odds a well-placed Grey Magister can goad the greenskins into making another push for Karag Yar once we've scoured the Trenches?
Well, I'm still wincing at that 32 roll. That's ~800 Karak Izor Dwarves killed or injured. Hopefully a lot more injured than killed considering the overwhelming advantage in numbers and quality we had (in spite of the Ratling Guns and Cannon), but still.

But anyway, I'm thinking:

[ ] APPROACH: Thunderhorn
[ ] MANLING: Both
[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
[ ] Under-Caldera
[ ] Karag Zilfin

Kazador's a better leader than us, and this kind of environment is perfectly suited for Mathilde. This isn't exactly the Besiegers' forte though, so if we can instead order them say, back to Under-Karagril for defense against the Skaven/Orcs (@BoneyM?) I'd be for that.

Stack as many advantages as we can on the Under-Caldera with more Ranger support, another to scout out Zilfin, but I'm not sure where the third should go.
Sounds about right, i would swap Zilfin for Rhyn, and add Mhonar, because i don't want dwarves anywhere near that dragon and whatever is going on there.

I don't think Ulgu usually contains quite so much stabbyness. :V
After we embody it, it will!
Well, I'm still wincing at that 32 roll. That's ~800 Karak Izor Dwarves killed or injured against what's likely around 2,500 Skaven. Hopefully a lot more injured than killed considering the overwhelming advantage in numbers and quality we had (in spite of the Ratling Guns and Cannon), but still.

But anyway, I'm thinking:

[ ] APPROACH: Thunderhorn
[ ] MANLING: Both
[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
[ ] Under-Caldera
[ ] Karag Zilfin

Kazador's a better leader than us, and this kind of environment is perfectly suited for Mathilde. This isn't exactly the Besiegers' forte though, so if we can instead order them say, back to Under-Karagril for defense against the Skaven/Orcs (@BoneyM?) I'd be for that.

Stack as many advantages as we can on the Under-Caldera with more Ranger support, another to scout out Zilfin, but I'm not sure where the third should go.
Tunnel fighting takes away basically all of the Besiegers' advantages, though. No sightlines, nowhere to emplace, etc. Lets not send some of our best troops into a meatgrinder, please?
Yeah, even though it's less dwarf favor it's more dwarf lives and I love the idea of what we can do cutting loose here.
Well I say we've made wonderfully progress on retaking Eight Peaks but I believe it will be soon time to start consolidating our gains.
I... am hesitant to call it quits yet. The skaven have made a massive blunder because we kept communications cut. They are almost out of gas. If things keep moving in the direction they are moving we could muster one more assault and almost completely kill the skaven. This would be the biggest thing we can do for K8P. Skaven are by far the most dangerous threat and removing them from the board is massive. Even if we just seal the gates of Yar so only a few orcs get in before we transmute them to ash it would be a huge victory.
I have this image of Mathilde going full horror movie monster on poor Skaven and the Dwarfs just going man am I glad she is on our side.
Well, I'm still wincing at that 32 roll. That's ~800 Karak Izor Dwarves killed or injured against what's likely around 2,500 Skaven. Hopefully a lot more injured than killed considering the overwhelming advantage in numbers and quality we had (in spite of the Ratling Guns and Cannon), but still.

But anyway, I'm thinking:

[ ] APPROACH: Thunderhorn
[ ] MANLING: Both
[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
[ ] Under-Caldera
[ ] Karag Zilfin

Kazador's a better leader than us, and this kind of environment is perfectly suited for Mathilde. This isn't exactly the Besiegers' forte though, so if we can instead order them say, back to Under-Karagril for defense against the Skaven/Orcs (@BoneyM?) I'd be for that.

Stack as many advantages as we can on the Under-Caldera with more Ranger support, another to scout out Zilfin, but I'm not sure where the third should go.
Personally I'd like to send them back to the Under Citadel, since that isn't garrisoned except by the We and there is weird stuff running around or to stay here above the Trench where they can fortify as per this segment:

Any unit of crossbowmen can pull their weight when defending a fortified position, but it takes something special for one to make a name assaulting them, and with utter discipline the crossbowmen begin to fire, not as a volley but as a constant rhythmic pattern to prevent any wasted shots on already-doomed targets.
I do think we want to take both groups of mercs downbelow. That's what we're paying them for, and the Besiegers showed their value at sniping ratling-gun nests.

Regarding the scouting: Don't pick Mhonar. Mathilde is pretty sure that whatever was in Mhonar is there no longer. We have no indication where. Scout other stuff that we know matters instead of trying to go full Scooby Gang and possibly wasting a valuable Ranger action on an empty mountain.
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