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All the skaven assaults that our discovery of the civil war triggered are done. There's no current need for either, so waiting until we have spoken queekish will only let us save AP. It's fine. There's a lot of things that we have to worry about going to slow with and this thankfully isn't one of them.
I strongly disagree. The sooner that written queekish is out there the sooner that information can start to be amassed. We want to get this information out there as fast as possible.

Spoken Queekish has a lot of question involved with it. How much are the whiskers and scents required in understanding spoken Queekish? I don't know. To me spoken queekish has a decent chance of only being understandable by a select group of wizards with the necessary familiars. To me since it is probably that not everyone can understand spoken queekish but everyone can understand writing queekish it is far more important to get written queekish out before taking the time to get spoken queekish.
It seems that Eshin recovered enough to set things near-equal, but then a set of near-simultaneous blunders put Mors and Eshin on the back foot at the same time and the two sides simultaneously routed, and then both realized that the other had run and thought they were about to miss out on victory and turned around once more.
good fucking lord, Mathilde's scouting action dropped her Yakety Sax aura on them
Ok, cutting communications proves even more valuable than expected.

That's amazing though, they both routed at almost the same time, and both realized opportunity and went All In at the same time--whichever side wins is going to be crippled because they've both declared Black Hunger on the others, they can't withdraw anymore, and there will only be one victor there.

So far, the dice are giving us our Best Case Scenario vs the Skaven, sweeping them in their entirety has just become a possibility.

At the very least, we have time to clear out the Caldera.
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My two cent on the Spoken Queekish is that... it's not really a Spoken language, it's speaking, whisker twisting, and practically speaking, farting.

Waiting on spoken Queekish is not really a good idea, it's probably going to take a loooong time to work out a practical solution to the smell factor. (not everyone is going to have a familiar to do that part of the work.

A Book on written Queekish is practical and something anyone can use.

so, Write the book on Written Queekish, then Write the complete book if we decide to go that far.
[Mathilde vs Unknown Skaven Commander, Eastern Defences: Martial, 32+23+5(Strategy: Skaven)=60 vs 45+15+10(Desperate)+10(Prepared)-10(Communications Cut)-10(Intimidated)-10(Completely Isolated)=50.]
Karak Izor immigrants: 9,100/10,000. Well armed and experienced. Mix of ranged and melee.
Oof. Below average roll and quite a few casualties from Izor (again.)

On the other hand,
The Cavern of Stars is quite different from how you remember it from your infiltrations, awash with blood and viscera and dropped weapons, but the hole into the Trench is unchanged. Rickety cranes ring the shaft, as does a sloped walkway that groans alarmingly under the slightest weight. You and King Kazador share a nod of work well done as you both peer down into that gateway to the final bolt-hole of Clan Mors, half an ear turned to the reports coming in from your scouts. Clan Mors' forces in Karag Yar remain blissfully unaware of your actions, and now will remain so until they return here in person and discover matters for themselves, but from the report of the Rangers that won't be any time soon. It seems that Eshin recovered enough to set things near-equal, but then a set of near-simultaneous blunders put Mors and Eshin on the back foot at the same time and the two sides simultaneously routed, and then both realized that the other had run and thought they were about to miss out on victory and turned around once more. Now they're locked in a completely disorderly mess of a battle through the entirety of Under-Karag Yar and some of the mountain above too, and the only way to disengage anything but the smallest fraction of either force is the complete extermination of the enemy. The Rangers estimate that both are no better than half strength, and rapidly dropping as exhaustion and the Black Hunger take their toll.
This is even better than we had dared hope for.
I believe both Skaven clans had 100k in the fight. If they both lost roughly half of their forces, that's an absurd amount of Skaven that just died.
... Hm.

So now if we smash the Trench, the Eshin will probably survive unopposed. That might be bad.

Not that there's any one clear good option, of course.
I would be interested in insights people have on our force composition. Regarding command:
[ ] LEAD: Lead from the Front
This will have you fighting alongside the leader of the forces chosen in the Approach: the Thane of Clan Angrund, King Kazador, or Princess Edda.
[ ] LEAD: Central Command
Try to influence the battle however you can from the centre.
[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
This is the battle you were born for. Leave command in King Kazador's capable hands, become one with the darkness, and teach the Skaven the meaning of terror.
I think we should pick either Lead from the Front in conjunction with Karak Azul's Throng, or Sow Terror. Kazador has a bonkers +35 when leading the Throng of Karak Azul; 15 from his stats, but 20 from his Thunderhorn trait. He is better, numbers-wise, than we are. We're a terrifying hero in melee combat, but also a terrifying backlines threat. Central Command just doesn't seem at all worth it.

Sow Terror seems like a ton of fun, but Lead from the Front along with Karak Azul would let us heal our beautiful battleaxe butterfly bro if shit gets bad. Also, if you care about Dwarf Favour: Lead from the Front is where you get it.
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Okay, now that it looks like we've gotten the Skaven by the balls, it's time to turn our attention to what the fuck is going on throughout the rest of Eight Peaks.

I'd say Rangers to support the Caldera warren fight, and the rest to get eyes on Karag Rhyn and either Karag Yar or the Underway while our main force clears the Under-Caldera out.

How much fortification has been done at Under-Karagril so far by the way?
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[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
This is the battle you were born for. Leave command in King Kazador's capable hands, become one with the darkness, and teach the Skaven the meaning of terror.

This is irresponsible in the extreme and i'll likely not vote for this, but i'm all but giddy from imagening Mathilda playing John Wick and becoming the Skaven Baba Yaga.
So here's what I'm thinking:
[ ] APPROACH: Thunderhorn
Let the Throng of Karak Azul lead the way.
Let Kazador lead from the front, the Master Rune of Dismay is great here.
[ ] MANLING: Mercenary support
As ruthless as it sounds, humans dying instead of Dwarves is why they are here.
Fodder for the Ratling guns.
[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
This is the battle you were born for. Leave command in King Kazador's capable hands, become one with the darkness, and teach the Skaven the meaning of terror.
This is basically our time to shine. Stack our buffs and go to town!
And while you're down there, things up above will still be playing out. Now that you've got a moment of peace to pay attention, you realize that from the direction of the Underway path to Karag Zilfin, you can feel the faintest echoes of occasional bursts of Hysh. The dragon, you presume. And from the direction of Karag Rhyn, the familiar tang of a Waaagh engaged in battle. From the Broken Toof fighting the Crooked Moon? From either or both fighting an invasion of Trolls? From something else entirely?
So what we know so far is that the Dragon is probably still kicking around and doing things. Big Things, given its a dragon. Still should check it out because those Big Things might be sorting itself to come down our tunnel.

The Waaagh is fighting in Karag Ryhn, so we know that there is a battle going on. They might be busy, but it would be good to have fortifications in the entrance to the Trench, just in case routing greenskins come knocking.
It's way too risky, but I really want to go with just sending Mathilde down to create a mass panic and kill any breeders, without costing any more lives from the rest of the forces.

Just plain:

[ ] APPROACH: Nope.
Bugger this for a game of soldiers. Put up a cordon and let them rot down there.
[ ] MANLING: Neither
This is a battle men are not suited for.
[ ] LEAD: Sow Terror
This is the battle you were born for. Leave command in King Kazador's capable hands, become one with the darkness, and teach the Skaven the meaning of terror.
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