Urgh ow my brain hurts just visualizing that. Freckin Light Order bullshit.
EEEEEEEEEE oh my god its so good. Yes.
Fucking hell wow fuck.
It burnt the souls from their bodies...
It burnt the souls from their bodies and turned them into nuclear blast shadows.
Great hopping Ranald on a pogo stick.
Okay then!
So plan wise I have these two.
[] Plan Queekish and Temple Sneks
-[] MAX: Study an artefact: The unknown black gem.
-[] JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding written correspondence and a gas mask in Clan Skryre.
-[] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.
-[] Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct.
-[] Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency.
-[] It's said that the only humans that speak Queekish are slaves of the Skaven. See if you can find and rescue some (optional: Clan Skryre).
-[*] Hire a Priest of Esmerelda to teach the We.
-[] You have set up a Shrine to Ranald. Expand it into a Temple to the Gambler - a gambling hall with clean cards, guaranteed unloaded dice, fresh sawdust in the fighting ring, and a lottery every Festag. Costs 100gc.
-[] Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae. COIN.
-[] Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -100gc for 4 rooms.
-[] The Gambler: Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae.
-[] Serenity: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist. (ALMOST FADED)
The summary of this one is:
-We got the gem with the explicit intent of throwing it at the golds to study, if we don't do that then what are we going to do with it besides have it sit?
-For Johann we have to get a gas mask to aid with our arcane mark, and so we can see his full suite of awesome stuff, and we need more written correspondence but from a different source.
-People have mentioned the ratling gun, so lets do that. This has another alternate with Adela in my other plan.
-Many folks have mentioned making an internal investigation department because as it gains in power it means the EIC can reach farther and infiltrators can cause more damage before they are stopped. Another reason I think we should do this is that we have also discussed having Handlers, and I think making sure our organization is clean before we get Handlers means we can be much more sure their information is good.
-Queekish docs for Qrech, and I don't think we need to lie to him further tbh.
-This new options with the slaves is really quite interesting and I expect people to leap for it. In anticipation of that here you go and it might be a decent way to learn Queekish spoken if they can be convinced to give it up.
-The temple comes in because I think its a good basis for Handlers in the future, it has a good chunk of the thread hyped up, and I want to answer that hype. We also don't know how it interacts with the effects of the Coin so I figure we should figure that out as soon as possible.
-Then we have Vitae on the living things, so that we next turn might be more comfortable suggesting it to Belegar and if not, at least we are making progress towards the SDS sheet people are talking about so we're comfortable spending favor on Kragg in a turn or two.
-More rooms so we can have training rooms and firing ranges, and a bunker to run explosion experiments in.
Now onto my other plan after I spotted an interesting synergy.
[] Plan Queekish and Temple Sneks Adela
-[] MAX: Study an artefact: The book on Chaos Dwarf anatomy.
-[] JOHANN: Study an artefact: The unknown black gem.
-[] DUCK: Adela's started her education in Dwarven engineering. Escort her to do field-testing with some of Gotri's prototypes, and grab what Queekish you can while doing so. Clan Skryre.
-[] Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct.
-[] Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency.
-[] It's said that the only humans that speak Queekish are slaves of the Skaven. See if you can find and rescue some (optional: Clan Skryre).
-[*] Hire a Priest of Esmerelda to teach the We.
-[] You have set up a Shrine to Ranald. Expand it into a Temple to the Gambler - a gambling hall with clean cards, guaranteed unloaded dice, fresh sawdust in the fighting ring, and a lottery every Festag. Costs 100gc.
-[] Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae. COIN.
-[] Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -100gc for 4 rooms.
-[] The Gambler: Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae.
-[] Serenity: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist. (ALMOST FADED)
The major differences in this plan are:
-Max continues to chug away at the Chaos Dwarf book.
-The gem gets to experience Johann's magic touch of Breach the Unknown.
-And since Adela is a budding engineer I say let her get her enthusiasm out against the mad scientists. Maybe she'll have some usable and not entirely insane ideas from watching their contraptions.
The rest is the same.
E: The mist paper is added because we might be able to adapt that spell to Ulgu, since Boney said in the Approved Spells threadmark that adapting spells doesn't require a trait.