Formerly Reliable_2IC
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[X] Plan Queekish and Rapport Sneks
[X] Plan Slow and Steady with more papers
[X] Plan Slow and Steady with more papers
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It doesn't appeal because it doesn't build rapport, and includes learning to shoot while invisible which I think can wait.Why are people so opposed to going for the big one even with the coin on it? It neatly supercedes half the possible Skaven actions, potentially cutting the time of the project in half and giving us a chunk of AP back.
Why are people so opposed to going for the big one even with the coin on it? It neatly supercedes half the possible Skaven actions, potentially cutting the time of the project in half and giving us a chunk of AP back.
Prince Gotri, naturally, is the first to be overcome by curiousity and prod one of the corpses, and the dead Orc collapses gently in on itself. All that remains is an empty shell of ash, and the slightest touch is all it takes to rob the remains of even that cohesiveness.
I'm all for gambler thematics. I even argued that if we built a temple, it should be to the Gambler instead of any of the others, a few hundred/thousand/whatever pages back.
But you know, when Ranald wins a gamble, he doubles down. When Mathilde won this gamble her winnings were in the form of a divine artifact, and if she wants to double down, to do the Ranaldite thing, she should be poking at that thing and trying to turn one artifact's worth of power into an entire magical discipline's worth of divine power. It's the gambling move, to bet on her ambition and cunning and magical prowess and roll the dice that there's something incredible just out of reach if she spends time and energy striving for it instead of traveling the well-trod paths of Collegiate Grey Magic with that time and energy, which she knows could teach her really cool stuff.
Building a temple is mostly a victory lap showing off that she won big and how cool that is. And, you know, that's great too, but it's not really the next step on her personal religious journey. Divine magic is.
We already have quite a bit of that, we are not best friends but we have a relationship and sufficient lies from last turn, we should build on that.It doesn't appeal because it doesn't build rapport, and includes learning to shoot while invisible which I think can wait.
It risks failing this turn, not the whole project, when we already have some to show, on a reinforced die, for massive payoff.For me it's because it also instantly risks failing the project entirely on the roll of a single die.
Why is that misleading? I mean, I know I am biased by being part of the more or the less defining vocal minority in this thread, but why exactly is being outspoken about your pet project something that makes you mean less than the quiet ones?
Honestly I don't want to do the Altdorf speech because people are going to ask questions best left unanswered, such as how was this information discovered.
Yeah but having blanks where there should be observations and experiments does not make for a good speech.If they were going to ask those they would have asked them already. More importantly this is not Dhar or Chaos, subjects where knowing too much is a known danger sign. This is orcs.
Yeah but having blanks where there should be observations and experiments does not make for a good speech.
Yeah but having blanks where there should be observations and experiments does not make for a good speech.
Mathilde has Windsage. That's the way she made those observations - most probably a large portion of the value of the paper is translating her insights to people who don't have Windsage.
The paper has the Alien rating, meaning that it relies on "exotic insights to the point that conventional study may have never reached these conclusions". Experts aren't going to buy Mathilde looked really hard.Sure it does. "I have Windsage and I looked really carefully."
Every magister's relationship with his magic is unique so it's hardly the focus of the paper that the confluence of Mathiulde's magic and her circumstances allowed her to develop the ability in a way that is not easy to put into words for others. What is important is what came out of that insight, the techniques that are translatable.