Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Plan Queekish and Rapport Sneks
[X] Plan Slow and Steady with more papers
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Why are people so opposed to going for the big one (convincing him to teach us Queekish directly) even with the coin on it? It neatly supercedes half the possible Skaven actions, potentially cutting the time of the project in half and giving us a chunk of AP back.

No need for slaves, no need for slow translation of the book, no need for Skryre blueprints (they would be nice tho, but I don't see them having any around here, this is a battlefront), we would still need correspondence, but we can get some now with the Johann action.
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Why are people so opposed to going for the big one even with the coin on it? It neatly supercedes half the possible Skaven actions, potentially cutting the time of the project in half and giving us a chunk of AP back.
It doesn't appeal because it doesn't build rapport, and includes learning to shoot while invisible which I think can wait.
Caught up!

Prince Gotri, naturally, is the first to be overcome by curiousity and prod one of the corpses, and the dead Orc collapses gently in on itself. All that remains is an empty shell of ash, and the slightest touch is all it takes to rob the remains of even that cohesiveness.

Hmm ash is a good fertiliser right? Wonder if we'll get Dwarven Hell plants a few months after the next Waaagh!, Panoramia will feel very silly then.

Also, our tower is terrifying, but that goes without saying :p

-[] It's said that the only humans that speak Queekish are slaves of the Skaven. See if you can find and rescue some (optional: Clan Skryre).

You know, this could be a really good opportunity to use the Protector Coin.

I'm all for gambler thematics. I even argued that if we built a temple, it should be to the Gambler instead of any of the others, a few hundred/thousand/whatever pages back.

But you know, when Ranald wins a gamble, he doubles down. When Mathilde won this gamble her winnings were in the form of a divine artifact, and if she wants to double down, to do the Ranaldite thing, she should be poking at that thing and trying to turn one artifact's worth of power into an entire magical discipline's worth of divine power. It's the gambling move, to bet on her ambition and cunning and magical prowess and roll the dice that there's something incredible just out of reach if she spends time and energy striving for it instead of traveling the well-trod paths of Collegiate Grey Magic with that time and energy, which she knows could teach her really cool stuff.

Building a temple is mostly a victory lap showing off that she won big and how cool that is. And, you know, that's great too, but it's not really the next step on her personal religious journey. Divine magic is.

Heh, put like this and taking into account that Ranald gained divinity we should be careful, if we manage to steal the secrets of divine magic from Ranalds coin he might get a bit of a crush on us.

Or he might try and let us down gently D:

"Sorry Mathilde, I'm in love with Shallya, and I've just started a family with Heidi... it's just not a good time."

Welp, time to try and figure out these plans.
It doesn't appeal because it doesn't build rapport, and includes learning to shoot while invisible which I think can wait.
We already have quite a bit of that, we are not best friends but we have a relationship and sufficient lies from last turn, we should build on that.
For me it's because it also instantly risks failing the project entirely on the roll of a single die.
It risks failing this turn, not the whole project, when we already have some to show, on a reinforced die, for massive payoff.
It's a gamble, yes, but a very good one.
[X] Plan Slow and Steady

Really liking Slow and Steady since it helps clear the backlog without neglecting Queekish. AV, going to College and the Shrine - that's pretty much perfect.
Why is that misleading? I mean, I know I am biased by being part of the more or the less defining vocal minority in this thread, but why exactly is being outspoken about your pet project something that makes you mean less than the quiet ones?

It's misleading because despite some posters vocal support for topics the thread, or more accurately the posters in general, don't necessarily care about it compared to the number of posts written about whatever topic. Like SuperSonicSound crusade for Ulgu tongs or how reading the Liber Mortis turned out to be such a landslide vote.

It's not that your preferences aren't valid, but that posts in the thread don't necessarily match actual votes.
Honestly I don't want to do the Altdorf speech because people are going to ask questions best left unanswered, such as how was this information discovered.
Much as I want to vote for veekie's plan, in large part because of the riverine navy, I think it'll keep, and Bungie's arguments have convinced me.

[X] Plan Queekish and Gem Sneks
[X] Plan Queekish and Rapport Sneks
[X] Plan Sneks with Temple

Adding in an approval vote for veekie's plan, because the river navy's too alluring
[X] Plan Skryre Papers And Basic Necessities
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@DragonParadox @BungieONI added a safety net in the form of rapport, that way we still try to get the max benefit while having something to show in case Ranald fails us.

I have to admit that further rapport does have synergy with going straight for the price.

[X] Plan Season of the Rat V2
-[X] MAX: Unknown black gem, stolen from the Skaven.
-[X] JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding Skaven Gas Masks and correspondence (Clan Skryre).
-[X] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.
-[X] EIC: Start building a paramilitary river navy to ensure the coming trade explosion doesn't lead to a similar explosion in riverine banditry.
-[X] PAPER: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist.
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.
-[X] QRECH: Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
-[X] QRECH: Try to convince him outright to teach you Queekish.
--[X] COIN: The Gambler
-[X] GAMBIT: Convince Qrech that the Underempire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.
-[X] The Colleges want you to do a series of lectures on your paper, Waaagh and Peace. Travel to Altdorf and do so.
-[X] Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae.

[X] Plan Season of the Slow Rat V2
-[X] MAX: Unknown black gem, stolen from the Skaven.
-[X] JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding Skaven Gas Masks and correspondence (Clan Skryre).
--[X] COIN: The Gambler
-[X] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.
-[X] EIC: Start building a paramilitary river navy to ensure the coming trade explosion doesn't lead to a similar explosion in riverine banditry.
-[X] PAPER: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist.
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.
-[X] QRECH: Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
-[X] QRECH: Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency. (Use Skryre documents)
-[X] GAMBIT: Convince Qrech that the Underempire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.
-[X] The Colleges want you to do a series of lectures on your paper, Waaagh and Peace. Travel to Altdorf and do so.
-[X] Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae.
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[] Plan Queekish and Rapport Sneks
-[] MAX: Study an artefact: The book on Chaos Dwarf anatomy.
-[] JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding written correspondence and a gas mask in Clan Skryre.
-[] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.
-[] Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct.
-[] Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency.
-[] Study an artifact: the unknown black gem.
-[] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere. (NEW-ish)
-[] Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae. COIN.
-[] Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -100gc for 4 rooms.
-[] The Gambler: Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae.
-[] Serenity: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist. (ALMOST FADED)

Gonna plug my plan again:

-It continues on the book, which we all seem to agree is a very solid good idea since we think its useful for multiple reasons; including as a check for Qrech, another source of terminology, and as information on Chaos Dwarf forces.

-Johann because we need more documents, a gas mask, and because we like Golden Punch Man enormously.

-Duckling ratling gun so we can learn how to sabotage it very well, how to possibly reverse engineer a rapid fire gun and to finish it so he can move on to other things most importantly.

-Internal investigation is like I said to make sure EIC is clean before we start up the Handlers, so that we can trust them more than if we start them now. Such an internal monitoring tool is also good for Handlers dealing with counter espionage defense. It also might increase the reliability of our rumor mill, not sure on that one though.

-Obviously, supplying Skryre documents to translate.

-Studying the gem ourselves since we can't foist it onto our Golds, and our Windsage should help somewhat in determining the exact eddies this thing creates in the Winds so we're not entirely starting from square one.

-Rapport building so we can leave him be for a turn if needed and to prep for future turns, next and beyond, where we put more pressure on him to possibly learn more detailed written Queekish, Skaven war, and spoken Queekish.

-Investigating the interactions of living flesh and Vitae so that we have more of the basic research and safety done so that next project vote we can all be more comfortable proposing it if we so wish. If not we are making progress, which many want.

-More rooms, gambler on the Vitae for the best results for it, and Mist paper.

I'll also plug this plan @Neshuakadal made.

[] Plan Slow and Steady
-[] MAX: Study an artefact: The book on Chaos Dwarf anatomy.
-[] JOHANN: Study an artefact: The unknown black gem.
-[] DUCK: Adela's started her education in Dwarven engineering. Escort her to do field-testing with some of Gotri's prototypes, and grab what Queekish you can while doing so. Clan Skryre.
-[] Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct.
-[] Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency.
-[] The Colleges want you to do a series of lectures on your paper, Waaagh and Peace. Travel to Altdorf and do so.
-[] You have set up a Shrine to Ranald. Expand it into a Temple to the Gambler - a gambling hall with clean cards, guaranteed unloaded dice, fresh sawdust in the fighting ring, and a lottery every Festag. Costs 100gc.
-[] Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae. COIN.
-[] Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -100gc for 4 rooms.
-[] The Gambler: Investigate how living things react to exposure to the Vitae.
-[] Serenity: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist. (ALMOST FADED)

-Has max doing the book, Johann on the gem for magic touch Breach the Unknown.

-Spreads around Duckling favor so Adela gets more screen time, we get to see her have fun with Gotri's prototypes, and we see how she reacts to Skryre's contraptions while trying to gain queekish documents.

-Internal investigation same as above.

-Supply of docs same as above.

-The college lecture for a cool scene and more college favor and more progress towards Magister Lord.

-Sets up the shrine to Ranald many were really hyped about a few updates ago to cap off the Gamble this entire arc in K8P has been.

-Vitae research, same as above.

-Same tower and paper stuff.
[X] Plan Learn to Speak

[X] Plan Skryre Papers And Basic Necessities, With Temple

[X] Plan Learn to Speak, Panoramia and Temple
-[X] MAX: Study an artefact: Skaven book on the Anatomy of Chaos Dwarves, partially translated.
-[X] JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding written correspondence and gas masks(Skryre).
-[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute. (NEW)
-[X] Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).
-[X] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere. (NEW-ish)
-[X] Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency.
-[X] You have set up a Shrine to Ranald. Expand it into a Temple to the Gambler - a gambling hall with clean cards, guaranteed unloaded dice, fresh sawdust in the fighting ring, and a lottery every Festag. Costs 100gc.
-[X] Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak Praestantia)
-[X] [SERENITY] Write a paper: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist.
-[X] Your dungeon was built with a reasonable amount of paranoia. Apply an unreasonable amount of paranoia.
-[X] The Gambler: Training Wolf.

This plan takes the plan I like the most so far (includes the Panoramia action and the Wolf action) and subtitutes the snek action with the Temple and changes the Skaven action to something less risky. After all we have a full year, frankly much more than that given Belegar's trust in us and the nature of the project, to crack Qrech. Also shifts the Coin to Wolf. I'm very open to shifting the coin to something else though.
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Yeah but having blanks where there should be observations and experiments does not make for a good speech.

Sure it does. "I have Windsage and I looked really carefully."

Every magister's relationship with his magic is unique so it's hardly the focus of the paper that the confluence of Mathiulde's magic and her circumstances allowed her to develop the ability in a way that is not easy to put into words for others. What is important is what came out of that insight, the techniques that are translatable.
I am choosing to ignore the book because i think it's a perfectionist's project, it is good enough for our purposes as it is, we will get the full translation once we learn Queekish and i don't see fighting chaos dwarves before that.
Don't like the shrine, its low priority for me.

I choose the river EIC because we got told just this turn how leaving your trade routes unprotected leads to disaster, we should learn from other people's mistakes.
Mathilde has Windsage. That's the way she made those observations - most probably a large portion of the value of the paper is translating her insights to people who don't have Windsage.
Sure it does. "I have Windsage and I looked really carefully."

Every magister's relationship with his magic is unique so it's hardly the focus of the paper that the confluence of Mathiulde's magic and her circumstances allowed her to develop the ability in a way that is not easy to put into words for others. What is important is what came out of that insight, the techniques that are translatable.
The paper has the Alien rating, meaning that it relies on "exotic insights to the point that conventional study may have never reached these conclusions". Experts aren't going to buy Mathilde looked really hard.
Damn it, now I have to make my own plan.
[X] Plan Strategic Sacrifices
-[X] MAX: Study an artefact: Skaven book on the Anatomy of Chaos Dwarves, partially translated.
-[X] JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding written correspondence and gas masks(Skryre).
-[X] DUCK: Hubert wants glory. Take him on a sortie, with the side-goal of finding written correspondence
-[X] Start building a paramilitary river navy to ensure the coming trade explosion doesn't lead to a similar explosion in riverine banditry. (NEW)
-[X] Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency. (will require acquiring said documents somehow)
--[X] Write in: Convince Qrech that with Moulder gone from Eight Peaks, and their center of power far from the Empire, you no longer have any conflicts in interest with his clan and that it is in Moulder's best interests that the other Skaven of Eight Peaks suffer a similar fate.
-[X] The Colleges want you to do a series of lectures on your paper, Waaagh and Peace. Travel to Altdorf and do so. (NEW)
-[X] Call in favours to get a specific Runesmith to examine the interaction between Runes and Vitae with you.
--[X] Start with 10 favors, and see if you can incite one of the Runelords for help.
-[X] Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak Praestantia)
-[X] The Deceiver: support Skaven gambit.
-[X] Serenity: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist. (ALMOST FADED)

Keep Max on the book, obviously.

Johann on gas masks and text, sensible. Especially with the QM confirming our guy is fine with it. Or at least saying he's fine with it.
Time to give Hubert a whirl, and more document hunting. Gretel is rich enough already.

EIC should stop bandits before they form. Prevention is worth much more than cures.

Keep supplying documents, and getting more translation, as well as checking what we got so far. And with QM confirmation he's close to it already, convince our friend that once we deal with Mors, it's in his clans interest the rest of the skaven get the boot as well.

The lessons at the Colledge are strategically important for the Empire. Remember, the Insight was Alien. Reading from a paper might not be enough. We need to go and explain it to someone else, who can than teach others for this to kick in on a strategic scale.

Call in a Runelord to consult on AV, and get Wolf speeking to help with Skaven talk.

The Problem with Plan Slow and Steady:
-you only have one half action on getting stuff to translate, and are only dedicateing a single action and another half axtion on Max above that to the Skaven stuff. If it fails, it will bring scrutiny to our time managment.

EDIT: Also, smells might play a role in the Skaven speech, and Wolf talking will help with that.
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