Okay, lets see the options.
First, the restricted categories:
Journeyman Maximilian de Gaynesford, Gold Wizard
[ ] MAX: Study an artefact: Skaven book on the Anatomy of Chaos Dwarves, partially translated.
A no brainer for Max. You don't interrupt a translation/decoding work unless you don't care about its success. The break in flow is how you often need to start over entirely.
Magister Johann, Gold Wizard
[ ] JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding written correspondence (Choose: Clan Mors, Skryre or Eshin).
The main option is a no brainer, if he's applicable to the task put him on the task.
Now, WHICH clan is another matter
--Difficulty is easy. Mors is spread thin across multiple fronts, and we've already taken multiple enthusiastic walks.
--Loot is more of the same. We've already got samples of most of their major tech items, so whats left is just more paperwork(they're much more organized and likely to write stuff than the other clans), remaining Moulder loot and Orc loot.
Conclusion: Johann is wasted on Mors.
--Difficulty is easy...for him. Johann has gilded lungs and is thus immune to poison gas, and his spells are ideal for sabotaging the tech dependent Skryre. Everyone else would have a hard time.
--Loot is highly varied. Technical documents allows us engineering/scientific lexicon, and Johann knows the most valuable of the remaining loot. Heck, with his weaponry he could blame internal Skryre factions, after all nobody else uses poison gas in the peaks.
Conclusion: Barring a very good reason, Johann should be on Skryre.
--Difficult is hard, I would't pit anyone without specific stealth powers against Eshin.
--Loot should be heavily information based, possiblt ciphered on top, with the additional risk that they are the most likely to catch on to the translation project.
Conclusion: No looting Eshin. Yet.
Wizards of Karak Eight Peaks
[ ] DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found.
No particular rush.
[ ] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
It'd HELP to assist her with her preparations, but well, as she said she's not too fussed about passing, as long as the job gets done.
[ ] DUCK: Help Johann train his rat-wolf children.
He's doing fine.
[ ] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.
He's not doing so fine but its not a super high priority or anything.
[ ] DUCK: Each of your three ducklings can fight in melee. Spar with them, and teach them what you can.
[ ] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.
Things to do, things to be done sooner than later, but not urgent.
[ ] DUCK: Adela's started her education in Dwarven engineering. Escort her to do field-testing with some of Gotri's prototypes, and grab what Queekish you can while doing so (Choose: Clan Mors, Skryre or Eshin).
[ ] DUCK: Hubert wants glory. Take him on a sortie, with the side-goal of finding written correspondence (Choose: Clan Mors, Skryre or Eshin).
[ ] DUCK: Gretel's motivated by wealth. Take her on a raid, looking for wealth and Queekish (Choose: Clan Mors, Skryre or Eshin).
Of these:
-Adela and Hubert are martial approaches, we hit the Skaven and loot the remains.
-Adela probably is less suited to document finding, engineering steam or flame weapons and Aqshy doesn't tend to leave intact documents. However, an engineer would also have an eye for useful mechanical loot if she hits Skryre
-Gretel is a stealth approach, and she's pretty damned good at it. Whatever Johann can't nab, we probably could with Gretel, especially the locked and hidden stashes(regular engineers do those often enough that Skaven engineers are bound to have some)
--Favoritism tho.
The Eastern Imperial Company
Your outstanding debt: 625 crowns
Your share of EIC profits: 125 crowns / turn
Current Focus of the EIC: Handgun Factory in Blutdorf (Grand Opening!)
[ ] Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).
[ ] Found an internal investigation division, to investigate possible misconduct.
[ ] Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
[ ] Start hiring handlers who can then start hiring informers and begin to collect non-public information.
Things we want done sooner rather than later, but not necessarily right now.
[ ] Reach out to Julia to find out if she's interested in being poached or passing on information.
[ ] Reach out to Roswita, and have the EIC start passing on tips about any tax evasion or other naughtiness by the EIC's rivals.
Things that I'm not sure if people WANT done or not.
[ ] Start building a paramilitary river navy to ensure the coming trade explosion doesn't lead to a similar explosion in riverine banditry.
And thing that is somewhat time sensitive. Preempting banditry is good, bandits get attracted by other bandits getting big hauls of loot, and the problem self perpetuates, but if that first big haul ends ingloriously then you'd see smaller opportunists rather than big organized groups migrating.
There may be concerns about trade companies with private armed forces but...caravans aren't going ANYWHERE without armed escorts. Not in Warhammer.
Personal Actions: you have four actions you can apply without engaging in overwork.
Personally ruling out overwork for now.
Tentative engagement depth of 2 personal AP on Queekish, which when added to Max, Johann and Duckling on the job as well makes it 5 AP, more than sufficient.
[ ] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
This is the precursor action to let us ignore him for short periods of time and to take harder options.
[ ] Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency. (will require acquiring said documents somehow)
Its working, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
With sufficient documents this is fine.
[ ] Supply the book on Chaos Dwarf anatomy for Qrech to translate, and use the translation to add what you can to a Queekish lexicon.
I personally do not want Qrech to see the book we're going to use to cross check his translations where we can.
Also keep in mind he's still loyal to Moulder and the book is very much Moulder secrets, even if its secrets about another enemy.
[ ] Try to convince him outright to teach you Queekish.
We lack two prerequisites:
-Wolf still can't talk.
-We don't have enough Qrech SL levels yet.
[ ] Try to deepen your understanding of Skaven warfare.
Not actually relevant to Queekish, though useful in its own right.
[ ] It's said that the only humans that speak Queekish are slaves of the Skaven. See if you can find and rescue some (optional: specify where to look).
This is kind of a completely lucky pull. Qrech works because nobody knows he exist except at the highest classification levels, but the failure points here are locating human slaves, the slave knowing Queekish(a Nuln Skaven probably speaks Reikspiel just fine), escaping WITH a slave, and the whole thing going unnoticed or there may be efforts to clean up.
THEN we need to be sure the slave is cooperative.
Not inclined to do this for now.
[ ] Use King Belegar's pull to bring in some linguistics experts from the Empire's universities, though after proper vetting and swearing them to silence.
I think this should be after we exhaust the written lexicon Qrech could provide, the more people involved the easier it leaks. Currently Algard and Belegar knows and neither will tell anyone. The Grey College knows Mathilde brought in Skaven intelligence, but not the details of it.
Qrech Gambits: (NEW) (one may be taken for free per action invested in the Qrech category above)
[ ] Convince Qrech that you seek an arrangement with Clan Moulder, and that you will release him as an ambassador for that arrangement once you are satisfied he'll cooperate.
[ ] Convince Qrech you're ambitious and loyal only to yourself, and you're willing to repay his cooperation in ways that will benefit the Under-Empire.
Keep in mind these two options put a definite timeline on things we have to follow through with. It doesn't matter if he believes us, if we don't release him a year after promising to, then well, we just shot ourselves in the foot for instance.
The latter we could probably lie about following through with, but keep in mind the dangers of a bridge of lies. They're prone to collapsing when overextended.
[ ] Convince Qrech that the Underempire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.
This is a good sell. Its even potentially the truth.
Could think of a Write In however:
[ ] Write in: Convince Qrech that with Moulder gone from Eight Peaks, and their center of power far from the Empire, you no longer have any conflicts in interest with his clan and that it is in Moulder's best interests that the other Skaven of Eight Peaks suffer a similar fate.
@BoneyM thoughts on this?
Any obvious issues Mathilde would notice but flew over my head?
So skeletal plan thus far:
[ ] Plan Skryre Papers And Basic Necessities
-[ ] MAX: Study an artefact: Skaven book on the Anatomy of Chaos Dwarves, partially translated.
-[ ] JOHANN: Join him on raids with the aim of finding written correspondence (Skryre).
-[ ] DUCK: Gretel's motivated by wealth. Take her on a raid, looking for wealth and Queekish (Skryre).
-[ ] Start building a paramilitary river navy to ensure the coming trade explosion doesn't lead to a similar explosion in riverine banditry.
-[ ] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
--[ ] Convince Qrech that the Underempire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.
-[ ] Supply a steady stream of Queekish documents for Qrech to translate, and carefully check the results for consistency. (will require acquiring said documents somehow)
--[ ] Write in: Convince Qrech that with Moulder gone from Eight Peaks, and their center of power far from the Empire, you no longer have any conflicts in interest with his clan and that it is in Moulder's best interests that the other Skaven of Eight Peaks suffer a similar fate.
-[ ] Gain enough control of your attraction to smoke and gases to have it collect away from your face.
-[ ] Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak
-[ ] SERENITY: Write a paper: The ability of Alkharad to assume a projected form of mist.
-[ ] PENTHOUSE: Add security measures to your Penthouse to prevent forcible entry.
-[ ] The Deceiver: Support Qrech gambits
I don't think balancing our raids out would be needed. Not when we're raiding mainly for loot.
Paper choice based on prior discussion, we have one more peak full of greenskins to refresh the Waagh paper. We probably aren't going to see another vampire any time in the next decade.
So of the two non-Skaven actions: We've had a LOT of scenarios where talking Wolf would have been useful, it'd be useful when we try to get spoken Queekish out of him next turn, and generally useful for research and paper writing on top of having a remote radio when scouting.
And we REALLY want to get our new arcane mark under control. Preferably before we potentially get poisoned for it.