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Could we maybe talk to the dragon before we try to kill it? it's not like the dwarfs need that peak, and a dragon on our side could be useful.
Could we maybe talk to the dragon before we try to kill it? it's not like the dwarfs need that peak, and a dragon on our side could be useful.
Most people on the thread, myself included, wants to give diplomacy a go, talk to him and make him our ally... But unfortunately, if the Dwarfs have a serious Grudge with him that option goes out of the window...
That is why we should try to identify and get the name of the Dragon ASAP, once we know that we can plan our approach to either befriend him or to kill him.
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Tried fixing the threadmarks but I think I just made it worse. I'll give it a few hours to see if it sorts itself out - sometimes it does that - and failing that I'll send up the batsignal.

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They've got shrines, they're no worse off than anyone not living in at least a medium-sized town in the Empire. They were in a kind of a grey zone but with the recent elevation of Francesco it's definitely under his authority, rather than Gunnars'.
Fair enough.
Sounds like Undumgi Quest will be getting a full set of advisors. Hope their Piety guy is open minded.
Re: Mysterious Mountain Murders
I' most curious about the Trolls not dying there. Current opinion seems to be that they don't wander there, but there are several things that could cause it. 1) They know instinctively not to go there. May hint at some conceptual hunger related things, since they are the "magic/religious hunger" faction, as I recall. 2) Their regeneration may have allowed them to survive long enough to leave. This may hint at a flesh-eating/bone-weakening environmental hazard. Alternatively, they may just be immune but leave it alone because there is nothing to eat there.
Furthermore, the lack of findings is interesting. The three most likely candidates I see are: 1) It's dwarf made and does not affect dwarves. (Major runic device/ghosts?) 2) It is only there sometimes. (Seasonal hunger ghosts, hibernating gribbly.) 3) It acts slow enough that only longer occupation kills.

Current bet is on seasonal dwarfish ghosts or hibernating (and hidden) gribbly.

Finally, I went through a bunch of old posts and omake. Have some suggestions / corrections.
Since he was a teenager, Anton was the diplomat of Stirland since the days of the Haupt-Anderssens and under Abelhelm Van Hal.
Using "since" twice does not flow well. "Starting in his teens"/ "even back in the days of" etc etc.
It was intended to also have a secondary meaning along the lines of 'critically hit a singer' but it was all done with Google Translate so I'd be shocked if it didn't offend native German speakers.
I think "Die Sängerkritische" might work? It would mean "The one critical of a singer". More literally: "The (female) critical related to singer (may be singular or plural)"
The ability to bridge information beyond broken echoes as something We had never even dreamed of
"was something"
the thought of the power that could be brought to bare in a moments notice
"to bear"; "moment's"
Without the sun time seemed to have lost all meaning.
"sun, time"
the college libraries he had been too
"been to"
Put the image in spoilers please
While the quoted post corrected their usage, your own still contains the image unspoilered, defeating the purpose of the post.
Not a correction. I just wanted to say this is a hilarious name considering the discussion abour his "golden rod", so kudos for that!
If we get on with making the temple there'll be a priest of Ranald right there as a candidate.

The dragon will keep and I am against probing it.

The dragon had a 40% chance of coming out to play last time there was excitement in the Caldera. That doesn't fill me with confidence that they will keep indefinitely.
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If we learned the Dragon's name and had a Burning Vengeance item it would be quite useful. If it's vulnerable to the spell itself then settingit on the Warboss of Karak Drazh should be a winner. If not, setting the best Eshin assassins on it is the move.

  1. Learn Queekish
  2. Get item
  3. Learn invisibility and illusion
  4. Infiltrate Yar and find out assassin names
  5. Use Eshin assassins on our enemies.
  6. Smug
That would be sweet in general.
If we learned the Dragon's name and had a Burning Vengeance item it would be quite useful. If it's vulnerable to the spell itself then settingit on the Warboss of Karak Drazh should be a winner. If not, setting the best Eshin assassins on it is the move.

  1. Learn Queekish
  2. Get item
  3. Learn invisibility and illusion
  4. Infiltrate Yar and find out assassin names
  5. Use Eshin assassins on our enemies.
  6. Smug
That would be sweet in general.

There might be one Eshin assasin in the world capable of killing an emperor dragon, I doubt there are two, and I hope said prodigy is far from K8P
If we learned the Dragon's name and had a Burning Vengeance item it would be quite useful. If it's vulnerable to the spell itself then settingit on the Warboss of Karak Drazh should be a winner. If not, setting the best Eshin assassins on it is the move.

  1. Learn Queekish
  2. Get item
  3. Learn invisibility and illusion
  4. Infiltrate Yar and find out assassin names
  5. Use Eshin assassins on our enemies.
  6. Smug
That would be sweet in general.
I wouldn't use it on the dragon themselves. They could be a mage far superior to us and the guy to make the item. Counterspells and dispels aren't out of reach for a dragon.
If we learned the Dragon's name and had a Burning Vengeance item it would be quite useful. If it's vulnerable to the spell itself then settingit on the Warboss of Karak Drazh should be a winner. If not, setting the best Eshin assassins on it is the move.

In the RPG, at least, targets with a strong will can resist the spell. Both Emperor dragons and Eshin assassins are likely to have very high willpower.

On top of this, active spells are the easiest things for someone with Magesight to spot - even non-spellcasters who are sensitive to magic can do so. Clan Eshin is likely to have brought sorcerers along, and if the dragon can cast spells, it's likely to have very keen Aethyric senses. Both can simply spam dispel at any persistent spell until it's gone.
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Yeah, I'd say if you want to launch one of our enemies at the emperor dragon, Skyre is probably the one you'd put best odds on, not eshin.

Assuming Burning Vengance would ever work on an emp dragon.

Edit: oh, right, use the spell on the party vulnerable to it, turns out I just can't read.

Edit edit: If we did manage to set the skyre head honcho against his upstairs neigbor though, we might be looking at a "seven-and-a-half peaks" issue again (although, it might be worth it)
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Yeah, I'd say if you want to launch one of our enemies at the emperor dragon, Skyre is probably the one you'd put best odds on, not eshin.

Assuming Burning Vengance would ever work on an emp dragon.

Edit: oh, right, use the spell on the party vulnerable to it, turns out I just can't read.

Skyre is likely to be lousy with Warlocks who can see and dispel it. Burning Vengeance is something that you want to cast on enemies who don't have magical support.
Skyre is likely to be lousy with Warlocks who can see and dispel it. Burning Vengeance is something that you want to cast on enemies who don't have magical support.

I mean, assuming we cast it on a non-wizard skyre leader while they're asleep, can warlocks the next day see the spell, and/or dispel it even if it caught on and is currently working?

(in which case, I can't really see many circumstances where we could use it usefully, unless we found a greenskin group with no shamans.)
I mean, assuming we cast it on a non-wizard skyre leader while they're asleep, can warlocks the next day see the spell, and/or dispel it even if it caught on and is currently working?

(in which case, I can't really see many circumstances where we could use it usefully, unless we found a greenskin group with no shamans.)
We could see something of the sort. They might too.
I mean, assuming we cast it on a non-wizard skyre leader while they're asleep, can warlocks the next day see the spell, and/or dispel it even if it caught on and is currently working?

They can, yes - it's a persistent magical effect, complete with a will save every month to see if it falls off.

(in which case, I can't really see many circumstances where we could use it usefully, unless we found a greenskin group with no shamans.)

And yes, the situations where it'd be useful are pretty sharply limited.
We could see something of the sort. They might too.
My guess would be that at the moment of casting spell is obvious, but when settled in it requires close examination that is unlikely to happen voluntarily. Sort of how it was with Dhar-matrix and servants back in the Eagle castle. We had to rely on cross-checking biographies to find sylvanian plants, our better than average windsight didn't catch the active, recently-casted spell.
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We could see something of the sort. They might too.
They can, yes - it's a persistent magical effect, complete with a will save every month to see if it falls off.

And yes, the situations where it'd be useful are pretty sharply limited.

I'm not sure there's much description of how active spells 'look' in the lore, it's possible that after the initial 'impact' it becomes a tiny little speck of Aqshy in the brain, and you'd need to be Volans to notice it.

Edit: or maybe even Volans couldn't notice it, camouflaged as it would be against natural Aqshy in the brain; the whole think kinda depends on what boney rules the spell to look like as it works.
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