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Gretel continues to be best duckling :V
I think you mean worst. She is a thief in a dwaven hold. You can see how this might become a problem, yes? It's one thing if she is good at stealth, but with a greed motive and a thief? For an Amethyst? With us having the Fucking Liber Mortis? This is a problem. Remember that the Amethyst have followed Van Hal for a long time. Who's to say whatever fraction/conspiracy among them suspected they had the Liber Mortis, now suspects Mat for it?
I think you mean worst. She is a thief in a dwaven hold. You can see how this might become a problem, yes? It's one thing if she is good at stealth, but with a greed motive and a thief? For an Amethyst? With us having the Fucking Liber Mortis? This is a problem. Remember that the Amethyst have followed Van Hal for a long time. Who's to say whatever fraction/conspiracy among them suspected they had the Liber Mortis, now suspects Mat for it?

The thing it's the Skaven's problem, not ours. She's not going to steal from her hosts and boss.
So… moral / ethical question: When we have mastered Queekish, what do we do with Qrech? Kill him? Send him to the Empire for mental then anatomical dissection? Let him go? Just keep him locked up in relative comfort for the rest of him (admittedly short) life?
Depending on how things go, I'd say either kill him to guarantee he doesn't manage to escape somehow, or send him to the Empire, but probably kill him since the attacks on Under-Nuln and Ubersreik will bring in plenty of Skaven bodies (and likely captives if they're interested.) Ugly, yeah, but as I understand it, part of being a Grey Wizard is doing ugly things like this.
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I don't think so. That's a Grey Wizard thing because their magic makes being thieves who steal for their own profit really easy. Amethysts don't have the same magical loadout.
Hmm... according to the wiki, at least, they do: Joining the order is like a Death.

Amethyst Magisters accept few Apprentices, and those wishing to learn Amethyst magic must pass stringent tests and make serious vows.
The Amethyst Order expects Apprentices to hand over all their worldly wealth and possessions upon joining the Order, including all rights to any future inheritance, at the time of entry into the College.
In some circumstances a new member may be allowed to keep certain possessions, but this is very rare as the College instills in its apprentices the idea that joining the Amethyst Order is, like death itself, a passage from an old life that must now be cast away and forgotten.
hmm... that new trait...

Don't the Amethysts also swear a vow of poverty?
They are among those less interested in material wealth, on the average, but there's nothing explicitly forbidding them from making loads of money and spending it however they want.

Edit: Loosing what they had before entering the Order does not mean aquiring new dosh is forbidden.
My god the Amethyst Journeyman has the same Intrigue as a Grey Magister aaaaa
When you think about it, that's really weird from a 'stats should imitate fluff' perspective, though. They seem to just in general have a lot of points. Stuff that would make them an advisor in Stirland has flavor text along the lines of it not being too good, and Stirland wasn't that bad.

I know that we're actually a piety/learning type, but given that we did head a fairly thorough state run intelligence agency for a few years using actual stealth and memory magic you'd think we'd at least have the edge on the people we mock every time they get screen time.

Like, are they secretly all worthless college students who dump-statted stewardship and piety or something?
There's no alternative but a brief return to the College for Advanced Assassination training next turn!
Interrogation might be better.
So… moral / ethical question: When we have mastered Queekish, what do we do with Qrech? Kill him? Send him to the Empire for mental then anatomical dissection? Let him go? Just keep him locked up in relative comfort for the rest of him (admittedly short) life?
I mean we can still get a lot out of him. Advanced Skaven Tactics/Strategy and Anti-Chaos Dwarf Tactics come to mind immediately.
So… moral / ethical question: When we have mastered Queekish, what do we do with Qrech? Kill him? Send him to the Empire for mental then anatomical dissection? Let him go? Just keep him locked up in relative comfort for the rest of him (admittedly short) life?
A couple of things. First, note that Qrech is evil. If we release him, he will continue to do evil. Second, Queekish is not the only valuable thing he knows, and we can learn much about how skaven-kind works from him. But once we extract all of the knowledge, he is still useful as a native speaker who can teach, so we send him to the Grey College for that purpose, so that other Greys can learn how to speak queekish and can extract more information.

Also, the thing about Gretel is we need to wait to see if she developed this trait now, or we discovered she already had it. In addition, when we upgrade security for the tower, it needs to work against falsified entry, as social engineering is very dangerous. This means having certain parts walled off from each other. Ideally, library (being semi-public), Dungeon (having an enemy in it), and our living quarters (being private) should not be accessible from one another except through the entrance, which should be where the security is.
When you think about it, that's really weird from a 'stats should imitate fluff' perspective, though. They seem to just in general have a lot of points. Stuff that would make them an advisor in Stirland has flavor text along the lines of it not being too good, and Stirland wasn't that bad.

I know that we're actually a piety/learning type, but given that we did head a fairly thorough state run intelligence agency for a few years using actual stealth and memory magic you'd think we'd at least have the edge on the people we mock every time they get screen time.

Like, are they secretly all worthless college students who dump-statted stewardship and piety or something?
I mean, K8P is rather high risk, high reward. It makes sense that the more talented and confident journeyman would make their way here.
I mean, K8P is rather high risk, high reward. It makes sense that the more talented and confident journeyman would make their way here.
Also more constantly active and violent. Not the sort of place to attract those who want to spend their time studying spellcraft. There's a reason all the ducklings are swordmages.
Bit sad, that Mathilde can no longer gain new traits so easily. Downside of being over 30, I guess. You no longer adapt, grow and develop quickly.
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I expect Max's learning to go up again at the completion of the translation. Textual Linguist would be a Learning trait and Anatomy a learning skill.
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