I think we're better off trying to convince him that teaching us Queekish is harmless enough to the Skaven as a whole that he can afford to do it for boredom relief and comforts. After all, Skaven betray and murder each other a lot even though they're loyal to the Horned Rat - surely, they tell themselves, the damage they each might do to the overall race is insignificant. Why shouldn't they get the personal advantage?
Make it seem petty. Mathilde wants to know the Language for reasons of academic oneupmanship with some rival. Some fool thinks Skaven have no great literature. This work will obviously never get used in the Empire because that would involve acknowledging you exist. The Dawi are too hidebound to make wide use of it. etc. etc.
If the lexicon won't get traction beyond K8P because disunity and the suppression of genius are the way of the world then it's no big deal. The forces that the true great clans have (had) here are disposable and Mors is the enemy. Why not get extra meat in his rations?
Make it seem petty. Mathilde wants to know the Language for reasons of academic oneupmanship with some rival. Some fool thinks Skaven have no great literature. This work will obviously never get used in the Empire because that would involve acknowledging you exist. The Dawi are too hidebound to make wide use of it. etc. etc.
If the lexicon won't get traction beyond K8P because disunity and the suppression of genius are the way of the world then it's no big deal. The forces that the true great clans have (had) here are disposable and Mors is the enemy. Why not get extra meat in his rations?