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I think we're better off trying to convince him that teaching us Queekish is harmless enough to the Skaven as a whole that he can afford to do it for boredom relief and comforts. After all, Skaven betray and murder each other a lot even though they're loyal to the Horned Rat - surely, they tell themselves, the damage they each might do to the overall race is insignificant. Why shouldn't they get the personal advantage?

Make it seem petty. Mathilde wants to know the Language for reasons of academic oneupmanship with some rival. Some fool thinks Skaven have no great literature. This work will obviously never get used in the Empire because that would involve acknowledging you exist. The Dawi are too hidebound to make wide use of it. etc. etc.

If the lexicon won't get traction beyond K8P because disunity and the suppression of genius are the way of the world then it's no big deal. The forces that the true great clans have (had) here are disposable and Mors is the enemy. Why not get extra meat in his rations?
Speaking of Dramatis Personae updates Johann has Martial 14 after training and we know Roswita's opinion of us now. Not sure when each was added but the last edit to the Dramatis Personae post was at 6:27 AM GMT.
The last edit was just fixing the 'rhun/rhuin' thing from Adela's sheet after...i dont remember who, but someone pointed out the spelling error sometime yesterday?
@Omegahugger some quotes that may exonerate Shallya in your eyes... or at least shift the blame to Morr. :V

Tome of Salvation, 2nd Edition:
Page 50
Shallya is said to be the daughter of Verena and Morr, tempering
both death and justice with mercy. She feels the suffering of every
living thing, and as a result is constantly in tears. Some legends
say that her tears can even move her father, and that, as a result,
he refuses to see her; he knows the danger inherent in yielding to
pleas to return the dead. Other legends say that her father forbade
Shallya from helping more than one person in a
moment, lest no one die.

The cult as a whole,
however, does not have policies or plans of
action. Shallya is concerned with relieving the
individual distresses of the people, not with grand
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Shallya's primary concern
is mercy: the relief of pain.
Historically, the cult has focused
on two main forms of mercy,
healing and midwifery, because these are the most common, and
the most blameless. Everyone is born, and the mother's agony at
that time is suffering in a noble cause. Similarly, injury and sickness
are rarely the victim's fault.

However, Shallya is concerned with relieving all pain, even that for
which the victim can be blamed. Aid for the poor, whether food
distribution, temporary accommodation, or
even work in the temple itself, is a common
feature of Shallyan temples. Some priestesses
work with the insane, and others make a
point of softening the lot of those in prison.

The good works of the Shallyans are not unlimited, however. The
cult is concerned with relieving suffering, not with providing
opportunities for growth and development, or for making an average
life better. While few Shallyans would be upset if they made someone
happy, that is not their goal; they seek rather to eliminate misery.
Thus, Shallyans help those who are actively enduring torment, not
those who are simply in need of help to improve their lot.
Shallyans tend not to think about the big picture. There is no way
that they could relieve the agony of everyone in the world, and
thinking about those they could not help merely makes it hard
to go on. Most Shallyans relieve the misery they see, rather than
looking for people who may be suffering more. They focus on
solving the immediate problem, not on doing the greatest good for
the greatest number.

• Avoid killing. (All followers of Shallya take this stricture
extremely seriously.)
• Never refuse healing to a supplicant genuinely in need.
Never halt a soul when it is time for it to depart.
• Go about your life unarmed. A stout walking staff is all
you'll ever need.
• Abhor the Fly Lord in all his forms.
• Do not waste energy on your own pleasure.
Wouldn't it be more feasible to use Qresh's loyalty to the Under-empire to get what we want? Steal orders from Clan Mor and ask him to translate it so that we can sabotage Clan Mor and allow Clan Skyre and Clan Eshin to consume Clan Mor.

Just lie about how well Clan Mor is doing pushing back Clan Skyre and Clan Eshin with Clan Moulder resources and that without his help Clan Mor will last until the Horned Rat calls a ceasefire.

Then compile the translations we have with the book about Chaos Dwarfs to start the lexicon.
Bummer about the fief. Oh well; there was a huge contingent for doubling up on Roswita last time, so it's unsurprising. I'm hoping that we get to hear the story of why she has her magic phobia.

Hopefully next turn we can mobilize a strong bloc of "vote for the council members and Undumgi."
Wouldn't it be more feasible to use Qresh's loyalty to the Under-empire to get what we want? Steal orders from Clan Mor and ask him to translate it so that we can sabotage Clan Mor and allow Clan Skyre and Clan Eshin to consume Clan Mor.

Just lie about how well Clan Mor is doing pushing back Clan Skyre and Clan Eshin with Clan Moulder resources and that without his help Clan Mor will last until the Horned Rat calls a ceasefire.

Then compile the translations we have with the book about Chaos Dwarfs to start the lexicon.
I think the approach where we pretend Empire has had queekish dictionary for years but Mathilde is not high enough on totem pole to see it is good one. It just requires Mathilde to turn off the smug and pretension of omniscience. I think Skaven have good understanding of grasping at knowledge you should not have. And going behind everyones back to do so for personal reasons.
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Oh no, who could've guessed that a military campaign in Sylvania might need medical support!

As for Shallyan priestesses "just assisting" Heidi, well, that requires taking the Chosen of the God of Deceit at her word, which I find to be questionable advice.

Though it's definitely true that the Useless One(Sigmar) deserves more of the blame than Shallya does. The guy had one job!
To play devil's advocate against Shallya...

You turn back to the tent, and eye the Shallyan shrine one of the doctors set up on the end with mixed doubt and desperate hope. You wonder if Ranald's domain of chance could assist, or if it's entirely in the hands of Shallya's domain of health; you suppose if you knew that, you'd know a great deal more about medicine. You say a prayer anyway; it can't hurt, and it at least gives you the impression that you're doing something.
Blood, bandages, and distant stares are the fashion of the day, and you're no exception, since the Shallyan doctors finally gathered their nerves and did their timid best to convince you to let them bind your wounds, and you didn't have the strength to resist.

But also in Shallya's defense...
Divine casters don't grow on trees. Those you recruited to perform religious services in the army do exactly that, but they don't channel the power of their gods. If you want someone to pray for Van Hal to get better, you're well equipped, but Kasmir's the only one who can provide something more substantial.
So Shallya did have a presence at Drakenhof, down to a shrine right in the healing tent where Van Hal was, but on the other hand there was no one who could actually channel her blessings. The Shallyan's present could probably do better than multiclassing in hair-care, but were no more magical than the Sigmarite Roswita had last we knew.

Might as well blame Hysh or Ghyran for not being on hand to save Van Hal, and while the Hierophants do suck, I still like Panoramia.

Also, Johann is not so much related to gold coins as wearing their corpses.
When you put it like that, it is pretty sexy.
Scenario: Your enemy's intelligence
Liking this one, but there it's worth noting that giving him Mors documents basically means we need to assume he has some access to the real strategic situation of Clan Mors, which would entail both how well they're actually doing and how hot or cold the dwarf front really is.

And both "Mors is getting crushed even if Mathilde does nothing" and "Mathilde's allies intend to do fuck all about Mors either way" kinda take away from the incentive for him to translate Mors documents.
@Omegahugger some quotes that may exonerate Shallya in your eyes... or at least shift the blame to Morr. :V

Tome of Salvation, 2nd Edition:
Page 50

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Unfortunately for her, part of my problem with Shallya is that I am 85% convinced she's complicit in the conspiracy.

... Also, it was definitely not Abel's time to go and if you let Mathilde perform just a tiny bit of Necromancy I'll prove it!
Might as well blame Hysh or Ghyran for not being on hand to save Van Hal, and while the Hierophants do suck, I still like Panoramia.
You act like that wouldn't be entirely in character for me. <.<

Last time I checked, we actually do blame Hysh. Sunscryer had one job, and it wasn't "explode and ensure that several blocks are on fire forever".
Being dead is admittedly the best excuse anyone has used to explain why they failed Abel.

Of course, it doesn't work anymore now that Mathilde knows Necromancy.
Liking this one, but there it's worth noting that giving him Mors documents basically means we need to assume he has some access to the real strategic situation of Clan Mors, which would entail both how well they're actually doing and how hot or cold the dwarf front really is.

And both "Mors is getting crushed even if Mathilde does nothing" and "Mathilde's allies intend to do fuck all about Mors either way" kinda take away from the incentive for him to translate Mors documents.
Depends on the documents we gather. After all Mathilde can't read Queekish, so she keeps grabbing documents away from the non-commanders. Geez, why is it so hard, if only she could at least read the titles...
Unfortunately for her, part of my problem with Shallya is that I am 85% convinced she's complicit in the conspiracy.

... Also, it was definitely not Abel's time to go and if you let Mathilde perform just a tiny bit of Necromancy I'll prove it!
Which kind of Necromancy? If it's the original definition that you recently mentioned, then then I'd be willing to give you a shot at proving your claims; not sure how we'd convince Roswita to let Gretel do magic at her though.
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I thought that was Ashqy, not Hysh? I suppose the fire might have thrown me off.
No, Sunscryer was a Light Hierophant, whom we recruired specifically because how usefult Hierophants should (on paper be) both as a weapon against undead and a healbot.

And it's not exactly fire, it's an exteemely brigh and white Hysh analogue.
At some point soon I'll have another romance vote with an Interested In General option, and if it wins I'll start adding dating options to the social turns.
A thought I had about this: if Interested in General wins, maybe an automatic "putting herself out there" social action, the way we have an automatic duckling club social action? Specifically, I am imagining, like, "everyone who scored above a certain threshold on the vote gets a scene over the next N updates" -- that way, we have a chance to at least test the waters with some of the options that people are interested in but who are unlikely to win a head-to-head vote over characters who already have appeared onscreen a lot. This evens the playing field a little, so that the first-mover advantage some characters (Belegar, Johann, Panoramia, Roswita I guess) have doesn't blow the characters who might be really interesting but who haven't had a chance to strut their stuff out of the water (Gunnars, Oswald, Ruprecht, Gretel).
Which kind of Necromancy? If it's the original definition that you recently mentioned, then then I'd be willing to give you a shot at proving your claims; not sure how we'd convince Roswita to let Gretel do magic at her though.
look, i'll say anything if it makes people vote necromancy

Er, I mean, we just summon the spirit of Abelhelm Van Hal and make it clear that Stirland would be way better off if he had survived, which means that he shouldn't have died and him doing so was a mistake!
On an unrelated note, did you know that necromancy originally referred to divining the future by summoning the spirits of the dead?
THANK you, I'm glad someone said it, did you know how annoyed Tiny Pedantic Pickle was when he first cracked open a D&D book and Divination and Necromancy were separate things

god wow it's been twenty years and i'm still annoyed about that, maybe I am secretly part dwarf and the emotional memory thing is kicking in

(Similarly: pyromancy means "divination by means of fire," not "chucking fireballs everywhere.")
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