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Honestly, the most straightforward thing to do is tell him we are done, and would like a new assignment. He can set us to cartographer from the options we offered or tell us to help out one of the others, whatever he thinks best
It...isn't yet though? Its operational but theres a significant improvement when you add the capacity to fire any time of day against any threat, in any direction.
Is there anything Karak Azul seems like it could use from us as a thank you for all the aid it's given Eight Peaks? Various luxuries from the EIC? An Orc warboss or two murdered? Engineering guild aid? Marriages for all of Kazador's daughters? A Jade College fertility enchantment to help his quest of singlehandedly repopulating the Dwarfs?
We really need to do something nice for Karak Azul or the King, all that steel deserves a gift in return guys. I just had a terrible, wonderful, ludicrous idea.

So, the metal rod is basically a metaphorical sword of Gazul, right? So, we just used Karak Azul's stockpiled steel to forge the largest sword in the entire world.

@BoneyM: Is there any chance that, either during a demonstration to King Belegar or during a social action, we could let Kazador test-fire it?
It...isn't yet though? Its operational but theres a significant improvement when you add the capacity to fire any time of day against any threat, in any direction.
Yeah; 'It doesn't work for a few hours in the dead of night' is a pretty significant difference from 'I can fire it at will, at any location, all day every day'. Both are amazing, but one is better, and we know it's on the table; there's no point in leaving it, well not unfinished, but unperfected.
So... basically revise the Cartographer project so that it goes:
  1. Explore Karak Eight Peaks
  2. Research original ulgu-sensor spell
  3. Build MAP room showing Karak Eight Peaks
  4. Install ulgu-sensor nodes all over Karak Eight Peaks
  5. Link sensor nodes to MAP room with automatic updating system for a real-time minimap of everything in the Karak
I am wholly in support of this expansion of the project, and I'm pretty sure Belegar will be too. It'll probably take a LOT of actions to finish, though.
Step 2 could probably be worked on by expanding the silent alarm spell.
Yeah, I definitely want to try for full night coverage. It's a stretch goal at this point, but let's be frank, this tower is part of Mathilde's legend at this point.

I don't want it to work 14 hours a day, I want it to work period. Go the extra step for perfection, that's the Dwarven way! guys. I just had a terrible, wonderful, ludicrous idea.

So, the metal rod is basically a metaphorical sword of Gazul, right? So, we just used Karak Azul's stockpiled steel to forge the largest sword in the entire world.

@BoneyM: Is there any chance that, either during a demonstration to King Belegar or during a social action, we could let Kazador test-fire it? letting Kazador do a test fire the terrible, wonderful, ludicrous idea, because it doesn't sound like one?
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...yes, I think that would be appropriate.
Hell yes.

I mean, I suspect he will still prefer chasing down grobi that think they can get away from him, but the opportunity to swing the largest sword in the world, a sword made possible by the diligence and hope Karak Azul kept burning for three thousand years, seems like something he'd enjoy.
[X] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.

I would really, really prefer we do something to help reduce our incredibly ever-growing backlog, please and thank you. Not to mention succeeding here could allow automatic guns on gyrocopters for full "I'm No Thane's Son".
Dwarfs already have those. They call them clatterguns.
[X] ENTRANCE: Checkpoint
[X] Bedroom
[X] Library
[X] Vault
[X] Bath Room
[X] Sitting Room
[X] DUCK: Help Johann try to raise his new rat-wolf pups. With Wolf, if he's willing.
Has anyone ever seen that Star Trek DS9 episode "In the Pale Moonlight" where Captain Sisko has this confessional about all the terrible things he's done for the greater good? I feel like Belegar is on the verge of something like that.

The King of Karag Eight Peaks stood alone in the hall of his gods and looked up at the statues.

When Belegar spoke, only the gods heard him. ""I've used human wizards, more and more, instead of depending on good dawi runecraft. I've invited humans and halfings to live in what was once a dawi-only hold. I've called for use of inferior human products and inferior human craftsmen. I've aided Skaven and lied to my people about it. And now I've turned one of my eight peaks into an engine of mighty wizardry... wizardry that I know comes from elves in the end. I've done all this. I've turned away from the wisdom of the ancestor gods. And the worst part is.... I'd do it all again."
Yeah; 'It doesn't work for a few hours in the dead of night' is a pretty significant difference from 'I can fire it at will, at any location, all day every day'. Both are amazing, but one is better, and we know it's on the table; there's no point in leaving it, well not unfinished, but unperfected.
That's a very dorfy way to go about, especially since it's symbolically the weapon of their underworld deity.
Dwarfs already have those. They call them clatterguns.
I'm telling Gyrochopters that could do burning shadows as well would be hilarius.

They'd be able to keep killing greenskins/skaven even without bombs!
So... basically revise the Cartographer project so that it goes:
  1. Explore Karak Eight Peaks
  2. Research original ulgu-sensor spell
  3. Build MAP room showing Karak Eight Peaks
  4. Install ulgu-sensor nodes all over Karak Eight Peaks
  5. Link sensor nodes to MAP room with automatic updating system for a real-time minimap of everything in the Karak
I am wholly in support of this expansion of the project, and I'm pretty sure Belegar will be too. It'll probably take a LOT of actions to finish, though.
Essentially. It's definitely not something we can do right away. We'll need to spend a turn or two researching the spells before we propose it to him, but holy shit do I want to do it. It lets us do a lot of things, with it giving us one or two original spells to our name being only the cherry on top.

We'll also be giving an FU to the Heavens College. Scrying is usually thier thing, but it takes a grey wizard to make it practical. :V
Yeah, I'm coming around to a next turn that is something like Invisibility, Queekish, Temple to the Gambler, Gambler on "fire at night." It's already overkill against anything likely to come at us, but this is a really good point:
That's a very dorfy way to go about, especially since it's symbolically the weapon of their underworld deity.
Whoever heard of an underworld deity that is weaker at night?
Yeah, anyone who thinks not giving this full coverage is good enough is demonstrating the kind of thinking that gets people killed in Warhammer Fantasy. "Good enough" isn't, in this universe (And if we're being honest, rarely is ever even in real life). If the Dawi don't get that full coverage, then all it takes is for one successful attack during the hours the WMD is down to kill K8P again. And that would likely flat-out break the Dawi after regaining so much ground. Even more so if we actually manage to clear out and retake all of K8P for real.

Don't think we're stopping now just because you personally think the AP isn't worth it when it bloody well is.
[X] DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found.
[X] DUCK: Help Johann try to raise his new rat-wolf pups. With Wolf, if he's willing.

[X] ENTRANCE: Pleasant foyer
[X] Bedroom
[X] Library
[X] Shrine to Ranald
[X] Sitting Room
[X] Bath Room
In twenty years or so you might have learned enough to comprehend it.
Well, they both had fun, so I am happy.

He's one of the members of the Involuntary Retirement Club, who made powerful enough enemies that even with their abilities, leaving the College grounds for extended periods is no longer feasible for them, and many fill their hours with teaching. All go by the name of Grey, despite their deeds being famous enough in the Grey College that everyone knows them.
If this was inspired by my post, happy to have provided a useful idea. If it was something you were already thinking of, well, parallel ideas are nifty.

Also, just thinking about Empress Heidi. Ranald's going to come by, snickering, and just say "Ask Mathilde's Patriarch about what she got up to now..." And then smirk in response to any questions.

Another thing, speaking of Ranald... we should definitely get some cats imported. And make sure to promise to keep them away from our prisoner, if he behaves. :D😸
And, above all else, it's un-dwarven to stop short, when with just a little more time and effort it could be complete. This project was blessed by one of their ancestor gods. Fulfill that obligation, make it an enduring legend that will stand till the world ends, and help Belegar's crisis of faith along the way.
Is there any chance that, either during a demonstration to King Belegar or during a social action, we could let Kazador test-fire it?
...yes, I think that would be appropriate.
Is the West Gate filled with a Greenskin settlement like the East Gate was? If so it would make a fine target.

[X] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.

[X] ENTRANCE: Pleasant foyer

[X] Bedroom
[X] Library
[X] Vault

[X] Shrine to Ranald

[X] DUCK: Adela's interested in mechanics, see if anyone you can introduce her to would be willing to teach her.
[X] DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found.

Not approving of the wolfrats because I expect them to turn murderous and uncontrollable sooner rather than later. Skaven war beasts do not make good pets.
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