Now for catch up
That still cuts down the amount of time an enemy army can attack you by 50%, give or take due to the season.
A LOT more than 50%, if they can't setup camp anywhere the shadow falls.
They'd need to time their attacks in waves, and pull back beyond the shadow if they fail to breach.
It'd basically be a Tower Defense game, where you can rebuild, repair and upgrade defenses between waves, assuming unlimited willingness to keep going.
PROBABLY works pretty good on orcs, because getting melted by shadows is dying without a good fight and that's not the sort of thing that motivates the orcs to keep charging. They also hate the whole pullback every day thing.
So because I am the least attached to the Dictation action I decided to drop it so that we could do something else and have Max do something else. Specifically, he is a good researcher as Boney noted so have him take his time on the Eshin throwing star! He's not going to hurt himself except on a truly terrible roll and he has Law of Logic and Patient and our Neutral room to help him out so its probably extremely unlikely.
Max works best when he's dealing with something that can be logically broken down and analyzed.
So looking at the research items:
Ranald's Coin - Nobody touches this but us
Vampire skulls - Nothing to analyze directly, he lacks advanced magesight, Breach the Unknown, any experience with necromancy, Shyish or the whole blend of bullshit that goes into the vampire Elixir
Skaven firearms:
Jezzail - Skaven rifle. Low warpstone content, main qualities come from the design structure rather than magical attributes, but applied metallurgy knowledge actually makes him better than Johann or Mathilde for this. Jezzails might be a breechloader as well?
Pistol - Skaven pistol. Don't know a lot about these personally, but the warpstone content is likely to be low-ish.
Bullets - Warpstone chips refined into all-penetrating bullets. Mathilde might be a better option here, but I think the main crux of this is probably knowing Windstone creation.
Gunpowder - Warpstone spiked gunpowder for more bang. Probably want Johann on this. Not a lot of analysis otherwise beyond burning it and seeing how much bang it makes.
Skaven throwing star, still dripping venom. - Testing the potency of the poison, testing antidotes, trying to logically reason out how its even used safely. We probably want Johann to Breach this before we do anything to it.
Skaven book on the Anatomy of Chaos Dwarves. - This works better once we can actually read Queekish, but Max is better at doing comparison analysis than Mathilde. Johann is probably more useful for figuring out what the book is made of though.
Skaven vials, stolen from Clan Moulder. - This is something we REALLY want to Breach the Unknown on before we do anything to it.
Is there any support from any planmakers for squeezing in this?
[ ] Princess Edda seems to be allowing Karag Nar and the Undumgi to take care of itself; check how it's going and intercede in any problems that might be cropping up. (NEW)
The Tower project is a multi-turn one, but the Undumgi issue may be time-sensitive, so it might behoove us to intercede early. Plus, I definitely remember discussion yesterday about proposing the tower project to get ourselves
out of AP hell
The Undumgi issue is a mid-term one. We want it sooner than later, but waiting a few years wouldn't be a massive problem.
Admittedly thats mostly because the EIC is taking over the bits she's neglecting and our core values serve us well enough there.
Personally, I'd say that goes after 'finishing' the Skaven and our spell backlog.
-Weeding alert! This is not a drill! In one hour weeding will commence in the fields 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the Eastern Valley! Leave designated weeding area immediately! I repeat, this is not a drill!
Halflings start grumbling about not being able to work in the shady hours anymore.
I wouldn't advise you start looking at interrogating the Skaven as a 'when I get around to it' task, but there's no hard time limit.
Probably chip away at it, one turn at a time.
Its a long project to adjust his personality without growing dangerous sympathies.
For what it's worth, I am sorry that I seem to have become some sort of monolithic boogeyman to people hoping to give their own plans a shot - I hope everyone here can have fun playing the game, and if my actions get in the way of that, I'd hope I can fix that issue somehow.
I do try to take input on my plans into account during the discussion period, and offer alternatives for people who disagree with one or two small contentious points.
Yeah, it takes a LOT of reading and revising to align "What I want" and "What thread wants" to arrive at "What I want and can win"
It'd be quite the feat to create complete coverage for everyone, but theoretically yes.
That WOULD make the shieldwall a sitting duck for a cannon though. Win-win!
Its tricky as an engineering problem, but we already know Runelight doesn't directly interfere with Wind magic, or the Tower of Absolute Neutrality doesn't work with its completely unaspected runelight(though, funny thought is that Algard is liable to go "I want one" after seeing that).
That said, the resultant shadow of a point light source mounted on an inherently unstable platform is going to be pretty inconsistent, we could make it work, but to make it work enough to actually burn armies rather than terrify armies would require an entire wing of gyrocopters flying in formation with Light rune banners, at which point its definitely [Tricky], because gyrocopter fuel would make it hard to use for very long, and flying at night near a mountain without radar is...concerning.
That said, as practicality goes, a Rune Banner Of Light carried by a gyrocopter is pretty clunky. Thats what I expect the Tricky to be
about, reducing a clunky solution with multiple moving parts prone to failure if any part goes wrong to something you can call upon 10/10 times in an emergency.
Reliable...maybe a beacon loaded with magnesium flares, but it's going to need some bullshit work to make the thing not eat through stone when its that hot. Runework definitely involved.