Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The result of the Patriarch of our college, and a man who is known for his Towers, lending his personal assistance to a project, potentially in collaboration with Kragg, is well worth the nebulousness of the reward prior to acquisition.
Honestly, we may wind up gaining favor from this. Seriously, a chance to collaborate with Kragg on a magical tower is the sort of thing Algard would kill for, most likely.
Also, everyone is talking about Belegar's stress, for good reason, but think about the poor Ulrican leader. Maybe the knights will be lucky and the Patriarch won't make a scene, but maybe he'll do something spooky while he's in the area and the semi-independent knights will start to be paranoid about the head of the secret police happening to visit next door.
[X] Plan Redshirt v5
[X] Redshirt v5 (Different Max Action)
[X] Plan Oh Boss? B
[X] Kill it with Shadow v4

[X] Plan Max Gun, Lucky Tower, Spidermaster
-[X] COIN: Gambler
-[X] MAX: Study an artefact: Skaven firearms: jezzail
-[X] JOHANN: Learn a skill: Pugilism, from a trainer.
-[x] DUCK: Work with Panoramia to see if your planned shadow murder tower could also come in handy for the crops in the East Valley.
-[X] EIC: Have the EIC assist with Princess Edda's search for weavers.
-[X] WE: Hire the Loremaster with knowledge of spiders to teach the We.
-[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there:
--[X] Enchanting
--[X] Attempt to Learn Multiple Spells
-[X] Investigate the possibility of whether it could be fired without you [tricky; if selected and successful, paranoia will be ramped up automatically]
--[X] Spend 10 College Favor to entice Algard to help build the tower.
-[X] Investigate the possibility of somehow amplifying the Tower with Dwarven runecraft
--[X] Apply Coin
-[X] OVERWORK: Seek to establish an in-depth understanding of the Skaven as an individual.
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -75gc for 3 rooms.
-[X] SERENITY: Write a paper on the suite of advanced zombie empowerment and control spells used by Alkharad and his disciples.
[X] TotallyNotEvil

Added creating a new martial art for Branulhune.
Any chance we can investigate the college's memory modification methods?
Come on, you know you want to. Think about it, when Mathilde blocks off memories for later use in papers and research they'll literally be locked behind a spoiler. It'll be a beautiful merger of in and out of story mechanics! :ogles:
Also, everyone is talking about Belegar's stress, for good reason, but think about the poor Ulrican leader. Maybe the knights will be lucky and the Patriarch won't make a scene, but maybe he'll do something spooky while he's in the area and the semi-independent knights will start to be paranoid about the head of the secret police happening to visit next door.
I kinda want to social action that guy and see how he's doing.

(Maybe husbando him. Don't judge me.)
A present for @BoneyM

Jyn Ryvia's Romcon actions for the Socal turn: meeting new people and the opening steps into the dating scene:

[ ] It seems like the Undumgi and the Winter Wolves are setting up a festival/barn dance in one of the less used fields, lots of shiny knights and daring adventurers, it might be worth a look? I think I have some casual clothes somewhere...

[ ] Anton has sent another invite to a social event, maybe I should actually go?... n-not l-like I'm expecting anything!.. but its a chance to meet new people, hear some stuff and if there is someone nice and able to get past the magic... a chance won't hurt... but where can I get a dress? (not an Anton romance action, he is the host of the party, not the target.)

[ ] There is some event going on at the college. all the Magisters who haven't disappeared somewhere have gotten an invite, formal robes only. It would be a chance to get back in contact with old friends, make new ones and rub some elbows with the movers and shakers. plus you know, shared interests.

[ ] Why not go on those dates your friends set up for you? it seemed awful when you were younger but actually, they know you, and the type you might get on with, the worst it can be is a bad night... as long as Wilhelmina doesn't try set us up with her boys.

[ ] Mathilde first steps into the active dating scene while trying not to drown. (for those that what to see what Boney can come up with on their own.

People complain about there not being enough options when it comes to romance, but if thats the case then we just need to meet more people!
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[X] Redshirt v5 (Different Max Action)
[X] Plan Oh Boss? B
[X] Kill it with Shadow v4
[X] Plan Max Gun, Lucky Tower, Spidermaster
[X] Plan All-In v2
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He's covering the payment of money. We can't actually shake a Magister or Magister Lord free unless we pull strings. We talked about paying the rate for a Magister Lord and Boney pointed out that if you're throwing that much college favour around to build a murder tower, our Patriarch will absolutely come himself.
Belegar can throw around money and prestige to get roughly the same effect as favors; that's how he's subsidizing the cost of the towers, for example. We also used to be able to spend money at the college to get roughly the same effect as favors (it was something like a hundred gold for a class, so one favor?).
--[X] Write In: Hire Algard to help for 10 College Favour

Cool though the prospect is... we can and would pull in regular Magister Lords- on K8P credit- without this particular expenditure.
Isn't there a good chance we're throwing away Belegar's 'payment' offer here? Why would any other Grey Wizard attend if Algard is going.

I don't expect we'll get any particular return of dwarfly favour for this either- Belegar said he'd cover any Zhufokri we needed, so there wouldn't seem to be a need to us to spend our accumulated credit.
The thing is, though, that the ten favors we're tossing in aren't in place of what Belegar could offer, they're in addition. King Belegar going 'Alright Shadow Wizards, I want eight of your finest murder machines' is going to set the college abuzz, because it's so great for them on so many levels. However, there's no reason that Algard should really come in person for that; showing off the might and cunning of the colleges doesn't require a deep personal connection or anything.

Ten favors out of our pocket is Dame Magister Mathilde Weber, up and coming star of the college, Hero of the Empire, who is being eyeballed to maybe learn battle magic, pulling in a whole bunch of her personal connections and favors and going 'You know what'd be really cool? Making these murder towers as awesome as possible'. Like, the sort of resource expenditure where she gets people even cooler than herself to come and have a serious look at it, at rates where those people cooler than her would acknowledge that she's the one shelling out for whatever she wants them to work on and she deserves the credit for getting everybody together to work on it.

Quite possibly one of the greatest commissions the colleges have received would get them gravitating towards the project on their own, but Mathilde standing behind them and giving her own serious pushes is another thing entirely. It's not just the number of favors, it's also who they come from, and Mathilde caring about this that much is a different matter altogether. That's the sort of confluence of events that gets somebody who can build towers that literally phase into the warp on low magical tides to come and have a look at things.
We should get more books on Ulthuan next turn so we'll be prepared when we visit there. Books on the dark elves would be good too since they're who we'll be fighting.

EDIT: Architecture too if the tower isn't done by then.
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We should get more books on Ulthuan next turn so we'll be prepared when we visit there. Books on the dark elves would be good too since they're who we'll be fighting.
I don't think we'll have time to visit Ulthuan for, like, 10-20 turns. At the least. "Bye Belegar, I'm taking a break from the reconquest of a dwarf kingdom to go hang out with my elgi friends!" is not a great look; if at some point he gives us a sabbatical and we feel prepared to play in the big leagues (some Battle Magic, a staff, enchanted gear of our own at the very least), then we can head over to Spooky Iceland for some fun and games.

While I do not object to spending money on books that will help us for our tasks, Ulthuan and the dark elves are not going to be relevant for a long while. We can wait.


Lothern is the greatest city of Ulthuan, the island-continent of the High Elves. Situated within the kingdom of Eataine, Lothern is the capital city of both said-kingdom and the island-continent itself. Human merchants are allowed to trade here, and the city has been a busy centre of...
By the 10th year of the Seafarer (2173 IC), the Foreigner's Quarter contained almost as many humans as the entire city did elves. Here outsiders are allowed to wander without escort or special permission from the King. Merchants from as far away as Cathay can be found here, trading in goods the High Elves do not have easy access to such as gold, silver, gems, and Dwarf-made clockworks (the dawi refuse to trade directly with the Elves). They sell tobacco, ores, wool, bring preserved meats and grains and books of lore.
@BoneyM, could we stop by Lothern before proceeding to Nagarythe to buy some books?
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That's the sort of confluence of events that gets somebody who can build towers that literally phase into the warp on low magical tides to come and have a look at things.
Yes, I understand the results of the spending of our accumulated favour (indeed going briefly 'negative') are that Algard will come.
I'm not by any means convinced it's necessary.

However, as much as I've given up hope of keeping up with every page of the thread, I retain my faith in Boneys ability to write engaging updates whatever I may think of the plan that led to them, so I remain fairly sanguine.


Lothern is the greatest city of Ulthuan, the island-continent of the High Elves. Situated within the kingdom of Eataine, Lothern is the capital city of both said-kingdom and the island-continent itself. Human merchants are allowed to trade here, and the city has been a busy centre of...

@BoneyM, could we stop by Lothern before proceeding to Nagarythe to buy some books?
We would have to stop by anyway--we were told to show one of their Sea Guard our entry ticket.
Ulthuan is for the sort of time where we've conquered all eight peaks and put a decent stopper on the underways (Not an unreasonable goal; we basically just rolled over Karagril, ignoring the bit where we managed that by nearly dying assassinating pretty much their entire leadership. Like, if it happened by the end of the decade I wouldn't be surprised), and are kind of tired of being an explicit adviser. Like, 'I've got enough favors, I can get more with adventures, and the thread is going to rise up for the third Juicer rebellion if I don't sit down and hash out my backlog' style mountain hermit-ing.
I don't think we'll have time to visit Ulthuan for, like, 10-20 turns. At the least. "Bye Belegar, I'm taking a break from the reconquest of a dwarf kingdom to go hang out with my elgi friends!" is not a great look; if at some point he gives us a sabbatical and we feel prepared to play in the big leagues (some Battle Magic, a staff, enchanted gear of our own at the very least), then we can head over to Spooky Iceland for some fun and games.

While I do not object to spending money on books that will help us for our tasks, Ulthuan and the dark elves are not going to be relevant for a long while. We can wait.
Oh, I thought we were going next turn since that's when the vote opens up and we could use the skills we'd learn there. Also thought it'd be cool with the dwarfs since it's only 3 months and those months will be spent killing elves.
Any children she has will be expected to live up to Mathile's honour, but not necessarily her skills.
This is interesting. What is the Dwarves opinion of Mathilde's honor? I expect it is different than normal after they've seen how she operates, or will they hold the kids up to the honor 'Mathilde' showed in the songs?
A present for @BoneyM

Jyn Ryvia's Romcon actions for the Socal turn: meeting new people and the opening steps into the dating scene:

[ ] Anton has sent another invite to a social event, maybe I should actually go?... n-not l-like I'm expecting anything!.. but its a chance to meet new people, hear some stuff and if there is someone nice and able to get past the magic... a chance won't hurt... but where can I get a dress?
No thank you. That ship has sailed, trying to bring it back in like this is poor character.
Oh, I thought we were going next turn since that's when the vote opens up and we could use the skills we'd learn there. Also thought it'd be cool with the dwarfs since it's only 3 months and those months will be spent killing elves.

We have an active project so the soonest we could possibly go is after next turn with Belegar approving "Matty goes to Shadow Elf Land Finishing School to kill Dark Elves" as our next project.

All things considered, it's much more likely to wait for several years so we can refine Matty's skills and spellbook so she can get the most out of Shadow Warrior and Shadow Archmage training to push her into Elite Hero of Elite Hero status.
Oh, I thought we were going next turn since that's when the vote opens up and we could use the skills we'd learn there. Also thought it'd be cool with the dwarfs since it's only 3 months and those months will be spent killing elves.
I mean, the dwarves are OK with "I am going to go murder some really evil elgi and show them how awesome Kragg the Grim's runesmithing is," but our boss, who employs us and has jobs for us to do, isn't going to want us to disappear for four months (three months on the island, plus travel time) on short notice.

Our new friend the ambassador said we have between now and the end of time. It'll keep, and we want to be in the best shape we can for it.
Ppl so eager to use our shinies, I feel like a dawi lover just wanting to romance Belgar and help him as much as we can. Who even needs hit elves who rides dragons and have great stories...
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