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50%? But the book has it that it that very worst it can get is 22% chance of spoilage after a full month has passed since a potion was created. Seems weird that 50% of potions are spoiled upon creation.

When a turn is six months, brand-new potions isn't really something to bank on. Unless you replace your emergency potion kit every few months or so or keep a potion-maker on permanent retainer.
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I disagree - our actions thus far have already been above-and-beyond what we "agreed" to do. We should stop going out and murderhoboing when it's not our problem, at least for a few turns. Settle in and spend the actions on learning new things, or studying.
While I understand the sentiment, I have my doubts that the thread will go along this route - we have been pretty agressive with our raids so far, and there is a sizable group campaigning for it to be a constant activity.

My position is that if we absolutely must continue our raids, we should at least do it properly - coordinating with high command for maximal operational benefits and with proper tools (hint: burning vengeance)
One thing to consider is that if Mathilde needs some cash, she can go and beat up some orcs or skaven for their lunch money as part of a scouting action.

I have this horrible image of some young Skavenslave who worked hard his entire short life to earn a single Warptoken to buy himself a dwarfmeat-on-a-stick at long last, only for Mathilde to appear out of nowhere and punch him in the gut and take his one Warptoken and leave him wheezing and crying in pain, and by the time he recovers he gets whipped by a Clanrat for sleeping on the job.

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It just occurred to me that there's an interesting similarity to how we dealt with the Waaagh! energy in the last battle, and the Second Secret of Dhar - a tiny nudge in just the right place, to cause the whole spell to actively work against it's intent. Perhaps if it ever comes up, we could claim we got the idea from there, instead of Uncle Fred's Book of Spooky Bad Things?
[X] [SPIDER] They are foreign allies and thus the responsibility of Prince Kazrik.
[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.
[X] [RUNE] Commission Thorek to make a Runed Axe/Gun Hybrid Weapon.


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[X] [SPIDER] They are foreign allies and thus the responsibility of Prince Kazrik.
Not entirely sure about the spiders, but I'd like the dwarves to focus on making this a permanent alliance as opposed to a military one.
[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
Better to make sure you can put the gribbly down, instead of hitting it first and it surviving. I could be convinced to a stealth sword tho.
[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.
Snekjuice ahoy!
[X] [RUNE] Commission Thorek to make a Runed Axe/Gun Hybrid Weapon.


Thorek hates guns on general principles. He believes that technology is unnecessary and runes can do everything.

Even Kragg would be easier to convince to do a gun.
Not only Shadow Pass.

Anyone sieging the Karak from above-ground is toast. Belebro can literally let their armies in at the appropriate time of the day, and they all melt.

edit: I meant to say Death's Pass, but you know what, yeah, it's fucking Shadow Pass now.

There would be a lot of death in that pass too if we use shadow mountain.

I promised nothing.

You are not a politician beholden to his constituents.

Yes, but that's because of a bugbear in people's heads connecting the two when they don't need to be. A +5 or a +10 on the Snake research roll for one turn is not the equal of a free, seventh action.

Free seventh action is overstating it, since we can only use it on writing. It is basically free 2-4 College favor per turn, which is nice, but it is just a resource income, not a change to action economy.

Between A. Armour, RoBaM, and Guard of Steel, we're looking at someone who could conceivably have 4+ To Hit and 5+ To Wound, with perhaps the cherry of 6+ Armour Save. And if that's not enough, Law of Gold and Fault of Form ensures that weapons that can hurt him would malfunction - as seen in the update. It's interesting to see the divergence of tanking philosophy between him and Mathilde. Johann forgoes healing for full on Gold Tank build while Mathilde goes for Evasion Tank with Heal insurance. I'd still put Mathilde as a winner in any hypothetical scuffle if the madlad does decide to go Black Magister (he can't run fast enough from Shadowsteed) but he would certainly make her earn the kill.

Let me have my own crack at Johann:
If we are building from the RPG armor points, then we'll get this
6 quest magic is roughly 3 RPG magic (Magister level), thus AA gives +3 AP
Gilding gives 2 AP on gilded parts, Rigidity another 1 AP everywhere.

Below is RPG armor table with rough translation into TT terms
(RPG uses armor layering, chain and plate are both 2 AP, for example, but you are supposed to wear one over other and weight and cost implies that you buy chain first)
Leather = 1 AP, TT light armor, 6+ save
Leather+Chain = 3 AP, TT heavy armor, 5+ save
Leather+Chain+Plate = 5 AP, TT plate armor, 4+ save
Leather+Chain+Gromril plate = 6 AP, TT gromril armor 3+ save

In this route he ends up with 3+ armor save.

If, on the other hand, we will use AA values from quest, then he already has 4+ due to AA and two effects that improve it - RoBoM and Gilding. Gilding should pretty solidly give +1 ASV, but RoBoM is weaker effect. It may be argued that it also give +1 ASV, but I would say that on account of un-Gilded had and RoBoM being only 1 RPG AP he still has 3+ save with an ability to go to 2+ with Guilding his head.

He also have Guard of Steel, but it doesn't work as armor in the RPG, it lowers attackers skill. IIRC, there is no TT effect like this, but closest ones are either 6+ Ward save or simply -1 to enemies' hit rolls.

@BoneyM, looks about right?

Also, I have 2 questions if you don't mind:
1) Since we have both Max's and Johann's sheets, interacted with both and ended Johann's journeyman charade, do we know whether or not their spat is real or just a cover story for Johann?
2) Does Advanced Greatsword (WS 5) give its capstone trait and signifies the maximum achievable by Mathilde or is there a Master-level after it (WS 6)?
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Very unlikely sorry. ;)

Real life lions evolved and live in savanah grasslands which the WH world Southlands doesn't really have. The Plain of Tuskers exists but that all we know about it. We have no idea what kind of grassland it is or what lives there and it is on the other side of the Land of the Dead from Araby besides. They also are not in the Warmaster Araby Army List.

None of this means that BoneyM can't include them in the quest if they what but there is no cannon evidence for them.
Huh, didn't know Araby had an army list. Maybe leopards then? Those definitely exist. We'd have to train them from scratch but it'd be worth it.
WS6 is "Best Swordsman in the Empire" trait level, IIRC WoG.

Which is... Not impossible for long-living player character, but will require a lot of swording, critting on swording, and then picking up swording traits.

For years. Decades, likely.
[X] [SPIDER] They are military assets and thus the responsibility of Dreng.
[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.
[X] [LIBRARY] No purchase.
[X] [RUNE] No purchase.
[X] [ENCHANTMENT] Grounding Rod
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[X] [SPIDER] They are foreign allies and thus the responsibility of Prince Kazrik.
[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.
[X] [ENCHANTMENT] Grounding Rod
[x] [ENCHANTMENT] Burning Vengeance item.
[X] [ENCHANTMENT] Burning Vengeance and Grounding Rod

[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality
[X] [RUNE] No purchase.

[X] [LIBRARY] Plan Redshirt
[X] [LIBRARY] Snakes And Swords

[X] [SHOPPING] A Marksdwarf Pistol.
[X] [SHOPPING] Go to Zhufbar look for a nice rifle.

[X] [SPIDER] They are foreign allies and thus the responsibility of Prince Kazrik.
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Accurate Depiction of Johann
Can he use any metal and gold is the best? Just curious if, say, gromil could be used.

Everybody was kung fu fighting...
My new picture of Johann, just with less muscles and more gold:

Who doesn't want to be a punch-wizard? You get to hit people with your fists and sling spells!
I shouldn't do things past 4 AM.

EDIT: also no idea how to make this not huge sorry.
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While I understand the sentiment, I have my doubts that the thread will go along this route - we have been pretty agressive with our raids so far, and there is a sizable group campaigning for it to be a constant activity.

My position is that if we absolutely must continue our raids, we should at least do it properly - coordinating with high command for maximal operational benefits and with proper tools (hint: burning vengeance)
I will note that this is not a modern military or a formal expedition. A sizable chunk of the reclaimation effort is dwarf glory seekers from other holds arriving, finding a group and then just hammering their face in individually.

Mathilde's MAP from last turn has been passed to the cartographers and no doubt theres no end of dwarfs raiding Mors fringe positions now that they know what to hit.
Except Eshin nearly destroyed Pestilens in the First Skaven Civil War, a thing the other Skaven Clans together couldn't do. The Eshin are by far the most terrifying Skaven Clan, except maybe Skryre (Morskittar engine anyone)
Keep in mind that power is not everything.
The Skaven are as a faction, vulnerable to decapitation strikes and surgical strikes at their breeders. They are extremely resistant to regular casualties as a faction, though their morale is often crap.

So what does that mean for Skaven on Skaven warfare?
-Pestilens can't use unlimited spread engineered plagues without some degree of selfpwn going on. They are most effective against hordes and monsters, like every non Skryre Skaven type.

-Mors is conventional warfare. This means all else being equal, they win straight fights...but the kind of damage they inflict on other Skaven is damage none of the Skaven actually care about, they need a LOT more advantage to get the same amount of win.

-Skryre is technological, especially warmachines. This means that they're specialized against infrastructure and enemy elites, even Skryre can't kit everyone with everything. They should effectively be at a disadvantage against other Skaven if they can't cause a morale break fast enough(which basically means they are type disadvantaged against Mors), but warmachines are decent matches against Moulder abominations.

-Moulder is monsters. This makes them extremely nasty against regular Skaven hordes. Skaven are small, low morale and weak and really not well suited to fighting large scary monsters with a lot of meat to chop through. Not so hot against Pestilens or Skryre however, as Skryre can make more warmachines faster than Moulder can make new gribblies, while Pestilens...size don't matter much to plague.

-Eshin is assassins. This means they're the only force that knows how to find Skaven breeders, how to reach them and how to kill them, on top of being ace at breaking morale via leader removal. This makes them offensively super effective against literally any Skaven faction, though it doesn't count for much on the battlefield.

The Skaven depend the most heavily on a small number of squishies.
Past performance is no guarantee of future projections. :V
I can't believe you're arguing against bit of financial awareness, anyway.
There could be other demands on our income, too.

That's true and there's certainly a case for slowing down the library expansion a bit but there's still a good bit of slack with regards to spending.

Stirland debt is still 12 turns away from being paid off. I can see our funds being burned through easily on that time,

Mathilde could spend 600 coins on average per turn and still have well over 1000 gc 12 turns from now.

I also would suggest helping Dreng with his duties this turn - because, for now, we've been pretty irresponsible with our military raids

Wouldn't it be better to clear some backlog first?
It just occurred to me that there's an interesting similarity to how we dealt with the Waaagh! energy in the last battle, and the Second Secret of Dhar - a tiny nudge in just the right place, to cause the whole spell to actively work against it's intent. Perhaps if it ever comes up, we could claim we got the idea from there, instead of Uncle Fred's Book of Spooky Bad Things?

Best case scenario is that our College press gangs us into figuring out how to teach it so this invaluable skill isn't lost. The Shysh Patriarch, the Morrites, probably a bunch of other people. At that point, we just gotta disappear or get fucked, since the First Secret is a subset of the Second
WS6 is "Best Swordsman in the Empire" trait level, IIRC WoG.

Which is... Not impossible for long-living player character, but will require a lot of swording, critting on swording, and then picking up swording traits.

For years. Decades, likely.
WS 7, the Reiksmarshal is the only guy in the Empire to be that good. WS 6 is still crazy though and our magic drastically inflates our combat power.

Then we should challenge him to use Runes to make a Gun tolerable by his standards.

He's really not down on gunpowder and asking is likely to end in his irritation at best. A more fun idea is see if he can figure out how to replicate a gun entirely through Runes.
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WS6 is "Best Swordsman in the Empire" trait level, IIRC WoG.

Which is... Not impossible for long-living player character, but will require a lot of swording, critting on swording, and then picking up swording traits.

For years. Decades, likely.

On TT literal best swordsman have WS7, but WS6 are pretty rare (only non-nameds from Empire book who have this are grandmasters of knightly orders )

[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
Hit hard is probably S10, Fast is ASF and maybe +Init, the third one is ???, maybe hit on 2+ or something. Since we need power in that sword, I'll vote hard

[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.
[X] [SPIDER] They are foreign allies and thus the responsibility of Prince Kazrik.

Continuing musings about Johann - he is also likely to have S4, since gilded arms increase Strength in the RPG and decent Move on account of gilded legs.
Also gilding whole extremities (instead of just hands and feet) is a Lord Magister-level task, power-wise (CNs for different level of gilding are about the same at 18/20/22, but they require Magic 2/3/4 in the RPG)
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Then we should challenge him to use Runes to make a Gun tolerable by his standards.
And I'm not even touching that
A) comissioning a runed greatweapon when we have already comissioned one
B) comissioning a greataxe when our primary melee weapon is a greatsword (25 favor one)
C) gun-axes in general

Are all individually bad ideas.
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