Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Though at this point I think the favor system can be broken in the other direction when no matter how much favor we spend I think the colleges will be tempted to fund and supply our research regardless purely because "Huh, I wonder what she's gonna do next? The betting pool has good odds she figures out Qhaysh."

Mathilde has already figured out something that (a) shares two of the letters, and in the same order, as Qhaysh, and, (b) like Qhaysh, is formed from the mixing of Winds. To all* intents* and* purposes* that's as good* as Qhaysh.
Oh, hmm, actually, "help capturing (ridiculous number) of Whispering Darkness" would probably be single-college-boon worthy, for anyone who still dreams of the Cloudkill-spell but doesn't want to commit to the [ ] [ ] [ ] actions necessary.
Oh hey, that reminds me of another idea. Based on the Murder Obelisk idea:

[] Apparition Police State:
Get help from every college for the formation of a department of the Magisters Vigilant that uses Apparitions to sense and punish dark magic users. It is the fantasy of the witch hunters that Chaos Cultists huddle in fear, whispering that the dreadful visions which chase them down are the awful consequence of their sins, retribution for their transgressions against the world -- we dream that this be true.

I just really like the idea of baby chaos cultists trying out their new magic score and getting eaten by something that's crawled out of their basement walls.
While there are a lot of individually neat things we can get by splitting up the rewards, I feel that a large pile of moderately neat stuff doesn't really measure up well to one single shining beacon of awesome.

Narratively, this is a huge moment. I think that these climaxes are much better served by some equally grand outcome instead of a highly efficient sortie of myriad benefits- which, are ,admittedly pretty neat. Ticking eight boxes at once tickles people's brain, and I do get that.

But this is unique. Both pickle's and military aid can be gotten other ways- like with a the Great Deed we are sitting on, and often just by asking nicely. And so can the people, like the dwarves, easily bankroll a shitload of wizards if they so wish. They probably will, after us. We are the Empress' BFF, we can bend the emperor's ear through two or three different channels if we really need to. Hell, Roswita is very possibly going to be Empress next.

Which is why I feel any one grand gesture is more fitting- the armor, the ship, the tower, a baby dragon- hell, even a genuinely gigantic pile of gold. Just, something that's a similar showstopper as what we just did.

"Tenure" would be highly efficient and powerful going forward, but I actually enjoy interacting with the CF system. It feels nice, Max is a huge part in that, and honestly, the "we broke it" part of DF was very very fun, but then I too felt way more restrained in spending it when we were sitting on a very large pile. I would still do it again, but I don't think we need to do it twice. While it is just overall nice, it's also just... low-key.

I want flash. Pizzazz. Panache. Something that is just do goddamn awesome and singular you just can't help but stop and stare at it every chance you've got.
I've gotta say that while the likely-frontrunner 'flying castle/ship' vote doesn't appeal to me at all, I very much appreciate that the thread seems to be heavily leaning toward something fun/personal for a reward rather than 'lofty prosocial project' this time around.
Right? Damn refreshing, it is.
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[] Plan No Votes
-[] College: Help Mathilde become THE Border Princess with a large detachment of wizards.

Idk vote is making me go nutty. I feel like there's too much number crunch and being a princess seems like a fun childhood wish fulfillment moment for magic children everywhere.
Oh, hmm, actually, "help capturing (ridiculous number) of Whispering Darkness" would probably be single-college-boon worthy, for anyone who still dreams of the Cloudkill-spell but doesn't want to commit to the [ ] [ ] [ ] actions necessary.

so far the thread doesn't seem enthused with the idea, but maybe a college specific [] Bring us (insert number) apparitions, will have more luck?

I would like to suggest outsourcing Apparition collection and storage for us as a reward.
This would save us AP (the most valuable reward ever) when developing new spells.
No longer would we have to hunt down every Red Rider or Whispering Darkness individually, we could skip straight to the fun spell designing/unleashing on our enemies bits.
[ ] Provide us with captured Apparitions on request
I like Pickle's plan, but I also support:
[ ] Found and fund a Knight Order under Mathilde's command

First, it amplifies what we bring to any battles we take part it. If we decide that the Waystone Project needs to retake a waystone from hostile forces, that we want to take part in the Silver Road War, or that the Borderlands need a new Princess, we have a reliable force of soldiers that we can bring. Together with the wizards in our employ and any locals that we can persuade to join (which having a lance of Knights at the ready should make easier*), and we have an effective military force.

Second, it gives us people who can make use of any Windherding enchantments we make & still benefit us, which incentivizes exploring that more. There isn't much need to replace our robes or any want to replace our sword, & no one in particular to give items in those categories to. However, if we now have a group of swordspeople under our employ who fight alongside us, we get to see the fruits of our labor.

Third, it furthers the precedent & foothold of wizards entering the knighthood that Mathilde set when she became a Dame in Stirland. As a lone knight it's a curiosity about her, but at the head of a knightly order doing wizardly business, it will demand recognition. In doing so, it'll be one small step to normalizing wizards in Imperial society**.

Now, it has been argued that this is wasting the magnitude of the boon. A Great Deed can found a Knight Order and this is worth more than that, as indicated by the gryphon talk. However, a Great Deed only lets us establish the Order, while we'd need to fund the rest of it ourselves. With the extra pull on the Colleges here, we should be able to get a budget to recruit & equip people.

This could also be another legacy for us to pass down. A Knight Order headed by Lord Magisters, or at least by mundane Knights who've got connections to the Colleges, doing good for the Empire. A fitting feather in the cap of the Dammerlichtreiter, perhaps?

* Like during the Expedition to Eight Peaks, where the surge in recruitment after we joined was explained as 'nobody wanting to be the first or the last'; if we already have wizards and knights onboard, then a local lord should be more willing to give us some spearmen and archers.
** And may help our Duckling Hubert, or those like him, square the circle of his Wizardry & Knightly leanings.
[] - Mammoth Battle Altar Cavalry/Mammothry : Getting a mammoth trained for war, along with support for creating a kick ass battle altar on top of it. In the future, if this goes well, support for making Mammoths the standard (not only) mount for Battle Altars.

@Boney, is this form of request acceptable?

Why this course? First, Mammoth with a battle altar. Duh. We want Stompy!

Second: it solves a key weakness with Battle Altars/Battle Wizards: that they are squishy, especially to infantry.

Third, it opens up more trade with Norscans, and helps Marienburg with their strat of orderifying the Norscans via trade.

This is the dopest of swag that I've been wanting for out of game years, along with some pro-social stuff.
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I will admit that "Save it and explicitly commit to using it during the 'what project does mathilde take on after we declare her time with the waystone project complete" is still what i'm leaning towards, where i think/hope that there can be a distinct "this will help us in our Plan in concrete and obvious ways immediately" reward rather than the more general "well if we're getting a reward lets use it for X/Y/Z" that we're otherwise facing. If not that, then i think i'm most in favour of a smattering of smaller rewards over the big boons people have been throwing around, with only the 'IOU one battle wizard involvement in a reclamation" one really competing with it.
Call it something like: Next Project > Individual-secrets-and-boons >> Battle wizard coupon >> flying tower/airship >>> special armor >>>> tenure/breaking the CF system

...mind, i think from a pure "what would be the most useful to mathilde" perspective, the breaking of the cf system would actually be the best...i just like the interactions with the paper writing system and some of the dynamics having it around places on things, when stepping outside the mathilde perspective

Anyway, I've incorporated some feedback and ideas from the thread, and I think I'm actually pretty happy with this one. Presenting the Mark Four:

[] Plan Pickle Requests mk IV
-[] Ambers: The secret behind Flock of Doom
-[] Lights: KAU partnership with the Light Order's Ancient Library
-[] Golds: A We-silk robe enchanted for combat defense
-[] Jades: Pure CF
-[] Celestials: Bankroll for upcoming magical curiosities shopping trip in Lothern
-[] Greys: Operatives to expand the reach of the EIC intel network
-[] Amethysts: Information on what Hexensohn was doing under Drakenhof and why
-[] Brights: Gyrocarriage enchanted with Inextinguishable Flame

This worked out to a nice 2-2-2-2 distribution, something for everyone.
  • From the Ambers and Amethysts, some secrets, asked for mostly to assuage our curiosity rather than because we expect to gain power from them.
  • From the Lights and Greys, some assets for the institutions Mathilde controls
  • From the Golds and Brights, enchanted items that Mathilde is too busy to make herself any time soon
  • From the Jades and Celestials, raw resources that can be exchanged for goods and services
The idea was raised to get a defensively-enchanted We-silk robe from someone else. The Jade defensive spell at Fiendishly Complex wasn't great because it slows you down in exchange for strength, but that's not really a factor with Branulhune. The Amber spells were okay, but I really want to know what the deal is with Corvus the Crow Lord. But I was just asking for money from the Golds, so I swapped around who I was asking for that because Golds, unsurprisingly, have a bunch of great defensive enchantments, and Guard of Steel (for example) has already been OKed as stacking with Aethyric Armour. And then I changed the request wording to the Greys in response to suggestions.

I actually feel pretty good about this one. It doesn't do any one thing as well as the single-boon suggestions, but it does a bunch of different things simultaneously, and maybe people will prefer that.
I'm skeptical on outsourcing the we-silk robe enchantment but i'll admit thats partially a Vibes thing. Its a much lesser side to why i'm not fond of the Armor of Tarnus, her robes are a big part of my mental image of mathilde and so i'd like them to be something with as much of her in them as possible.
Also skeptical of the Pure CF, though admittedly thats partially cause of my innate temptation to use "birthday gift for Pan" for the Jade college boon :V Though on the more practical side as far as cf trades go... @Boney what sort of ballpark exchange rate might we expect for trading in some of our AV stockpile? I'm still inclined just from a "i think the colleges could use more Morbs right away rather than after they figure out blood harvesting and also i think its more useful than what mathilde could do with it at this point" perspective to give 8-10 gallons of our existing stockpile to the colleges. so if thats already going to give us 30+ CF then i'm not sure we need to go for pure CF in one of these boons as well

Edit: Oh actually i really like this:
Oh, hmm, actually, "help capturing (ridiculous number) of Whispering Darkness" would probably be single-college-boon worthy, for anyone who still dreams of the Cloudkill-spell but doesn't want to commit to the [ ] [ ] [ ] actions necessary.
I would propose this for the jade college boon now; i'm not eager to go for the high battlemagic versions let alone the cataclysm that some want, but making it so we can go straight into "1 AP to try to make the spell" rather than "2-3 ap to catch apparitions, and maybe an extra to make the spell if we roll bad*" would make it much easier to fit that in to a plan, and i do like the idea of a low-mid battle magic cloudkill spell.

*Iirc it was only because we rolled well that we got to capture the red rider and do the spell invention in one ap, and it was possible that it could have taken an AP just to capture and still needed a separate one for the spell
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Oh, right. Just to inform people because this discussion has been going long and fast. Boney did say that with both the ship and the tower we would have influence on how it looked, iirc it was also ok to have the dwarfs build the initial tower and then have the colleges enchant it. The boat iirc could get steel plate armor on the wood to be more armored. Just a few things I remember.
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When it comes to individual boons from each college…

For the Jades I'm almost wondering if we want to sit on that boon in particular with an eye towards using it to unfuck the religious situation to some extent. That said, it's unclear to me whether Panoramia would actually appreciate anything along those lines compared to just continuing to ride things out from the other end of the continent.

I would love to gather a shitload of apparitions with an eye towards making a Cloudkill spell - by combining the apparition secret and our staff we could make an ungodly killy effect that we could still cast quite reliably.
For the Jades I'm almost wondering if we want to sit on that boon in particular with an eye towards using it to unfuck the religious situation to some extent. That said, it's unclear to me whether Panoramia would actually appreciate anything along those lines compared to just continuing to ride things out from the other end of the continent.
I don't think any jade would be happy if an outsider decided to start meddling with their college politics. One of those reasons to close rank and expell the intruder...
[] Mathilde's Flying Circus Knightship
-[] ORB: Build me a Giant Flying Airship for Warfare, Research, Travel, and long-term expeditions.
-[] QUEEKISH BOON: Found a Knightly Order for the ship.

Possible addition:
-[] Dwarven boons: Help trick out the ship.

Knight order helps staff the Boat and also, if we dont have a pressing need for a long-term expedition, we could probably set them out on off-screen missions in the interm, or at least rent it out to the EIC as an impenetrable, superfast cargo ship.
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[jk] Dig a canal from the end of the Delb up to the nordland coast to fuck over marienburg.

But actually I want the cool armor that makes us bulletproof and stabproof. Flying gunship or tower are cool to have, but most of our nexuses are going to be under dense tree cover filled with hostiles or underground - meaning that they won't help a lot with most of the major things we're thinking about doing in the near to medium future.
If we do go the road of a flying fortress, just imagine the size of the cannon we could fit! We should at least TRY to negotiate for Ulric's Thunder. I mean, the giant cannon is just sitting there on Middleheim's wall waiting for the city to be attacked, imagine bringing it to the empire's enemies directly! I wonder what is the range on that gun, it's the kind of thing that seems like it would blow walls or sink warships in one shot... provided you it.

Even regular cannons, rifles, arrows, burning napalm, etc. would make a flying fortress an incredible military asset in most situations.

It's also a huge boon for logistics, a fortress could hold months of supplies for an army and provide a safe a base of operations in contested lands.

And let's not forget how useful flying can be for scouting purposes, do telescopes exist in warhammer? Because if yes, oh boy would a huge telescope be amasing probabbly could spot armies hundreds of miles away on a clear day. Just imagine such a fortress flying ominously over flat terrain such as the Border Princes or Kislev. Able to spot enemies in a radius of hundreds of miles.

I almost wonder if a flying fortress isn't TOO good. If we start using it as a military asset, I could see many people seeing it as too dangerous to exist, and not just "evil" factions (skaven and chaos dwarves might not care since their empires are mostly underground). On the other hand, dragons and other flyers exist if Melekith decides we sunk one too many of his ships and visits us on his Black Dragon, there is a good chance for a new Black Ark to be added to Naggaroth's navy.
If we do go the road of a flying fortress, just imagine the size of the cannon we could fit! We should at least TRY to negotiate for Ulric's Thunder. I mean, the giant cannon is just sitting there on Middleheim's wall waiting for the city to be attacked, imagine bringing it to the empire's enemies directly! I wonder what is the range on that gun, it's the kind of thing that seems like it would blow walls or sink warships in one shot... provided you it.

Even regular cannons, rifles, arrows, burning napalm, etc. would make a flying fortress an incredible military asset in most situations.

It's also a huge boon for logistics, a fortress could hold months of supplies for an army and provide a safe a base of operations in contested lands.

And let's not forget how useful flying can be for scouting purposes, do telescopes exist in warhammer? Because if yes, oh boy would a huge telescope be amasing probabbly could spot armies hundreds of miles away on a clear day. Just imagine such a fortress flying ominously over flat terrain such as the Border Princes or Kislev. Able to spot enemies in a radius of hundreds of miles.

I almost wonder if a flying fortress isn't TOO good. If we start using it as a military asset, I could see many people seeing it as too dangerous to exist, and not just "evil" factions (skaven and chaos dwarves might not care since their empires are mostly underground). On the other hand, dragons and other flyers exist if Melekith decides we sunk one too many of his ships and visits us on his Black Dragon, there is a good chance for a new Black Ark to be added to Naggaroth's navy.
Hmmm probably really depends on how big it gets, currently it's called a tower so it's probably not fortress sized. Still beeeg, but not castle big.

a knight order centralized around a flying castle :3

Not a problem with pegasi!
-[] QUEEKISH BOON: Found a Knightly Order for the ship.
If this is chosen, remember that actual knights aren't included with the Boon, just the right to recruit. So maybe shift the Gold College contribution to the ship away from enchantment into having them outfit and fund the SkyKnights instead. Armor be expensive in regiment-sized quantities.
If this is chosen, remember that actual knights aren't included with the Boon, just the right to recruit. So maybe shift the Gold College contribution to the ship away from enchantment into having them outfit and fund the SkyKnights instead. Armor be expensive in regiment-sized quantities.

I really don't want to compartmentalize off the bat. We can probably specify that the golds help out with the outfitting in the minutae vote but for the 'laying out the plan' vote preceeding that I'd rather it be condensed.

Also, hey, dwarven boons for armor?
the shadow wizard Mathilde conducting research within her flying castle that she bought from the windfalls of her demon blood refinery, guarded by the order of pegasus knights that she created, has a lovely ring to it. The sort of ring that says "FUCKIN ADVENTURE AWAIIIIIITS"
The ambers arent gonna be doing much with the ship itself, I could see them maybe rounding up some flying beasties for the knights instead.

Jades? Infirmary or a Super Potato/Vegetable Garden Room for endless foodstuffs.
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If this is chosen, remember that actual knights aren't included with the Boon, just the right to recruit. So maybe shift the Gold College contribution to the ship away from enchantment into having them outfit and fund the SkyKnights instead. Armor be expensive in regiment-sized quantities.
Betcha we could use the Karaz-a-Karak boon to get the armor we need. If not them, then we could spend the Vlag favor to get a bunch of dwarf steel equipment with runes for an entire knightly order.

The bigger concern is the on going expense.
The bigger concern is the on going expense.

Rent the ship out to the EIC when not in use, or (pending GM approval?) send them off on off-screen adventures for pay and/or loot but especially accolades.

I'd see non-active ship use as a new .5 ap. Considering this hypothetical of spending like 4 boons on it, that's probably fair, yeah?
Nevermind; justification for off-screen upkeep payment is still good!
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