Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I think if I were pressed to choose one of the proposed boons it would be between:
  • The flying ship because I can imagine various use cases as well as various awesome moments, without it taking the place of something we already have or could create on our own.
  • Picklepikkl's list because there would likely be something small in it for many individual players that would make them happy and because of my personal familiarity with and respect for Picklepikkl and his ideas.
  • The Von Tarnus armor because it's the path of least resistance for something powerful with minimal impact on the narrative direction of the Quest.
... We could always just convert it into college favours, couldn't we?

But honestly, I think the strongest argument against the armour is that we could probably just get our super-enchanted We-Silk robes and Orb-staff
For a singular bonkers request, how about:

[ ] Dispensation to study methods of destroying or beneficially transforming Dhar. 'I have seen Dwarven Rune magic that can burn Dhar into nothing or smash it into aspectless rune power, Qhaysh that can unravel Dhar, and the slow transformation under specific circumstances of Dhar into aspectless Earthbound magic, but have been unable to study them lest I fall afoul of the Articles. I would wish to study these and similar things I encounter (though taking care to not impinge upon Dwarven Runepriest secrets) in order to develop a form of destruction or beneficial transformation of Dhar that the Colleges of Magic can use.'

Edited to add: the intention here would be in part a way to attempt to launder our 'Second Secret of Dhar' knowledge into something usable by the Colleges without turning people evil or getting burned at the stake.
This is a good one, but it's also grossly overpaying. We could probably get that dispensation on our rep alone. If we convinced them we could.
We used it to found WEB-MAT, I think
No, that was for dismantling the necromancy college.
Learning to right with armor would also make Branulhune, and our unique style, usable by non-wizards.

Which is kind of a cool idea- to hand the sword down separately, to those that cannot do magic, especially if we are going to try and make a shadow-sword spell to replicate it's functionality for greys.
An excuse to hang with the Knights of Judgement! What the heck is their deal!
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Given that the armor stacks with robes, why would getting the armor stop us from enchanting a new, better set? We've been considering creating a robe made out of We-silk ever since we learned about it.
It doesn't stop us precisely, but there is not much that we can improve on with armour that is "almost complete immunity to mooks". which leads to not much attention being sent that way.

EDIT: I really can't quite get over with it. I did not realize it stacked. With our sword, we could pretty much stop entire warbands, whatever nature, by just sitting our ass in middle of the road in front of them. Absolutely fucking busted.
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Also if we ever decide to go to Cathay it is the way to go. I think thanks to Total War there is enough lore for Boney to write Cathay so we might go at some point.

But why? We could just go with our Shadowsteed. Not to mention going to Cathay would require Boney to let us (as it'd suppose a significant amount of worldbuilding on his part).

Honestly the more I read about the airship and the tower the less need I see for them
Given that the armor stacks with robes, why would getting the armor stop us from enchanting a new, better set? We've been considering creating a robe made out of We-silk ever since we learned about it.
The armor stacks with the Aethyric Armour spell, but it would still occupy our Armor slot of our panoply.
Armor of von Tarnus would stack with Aethyric Armour.
"One enchanted item per slot" is a big deal for keeping Boney's headaches to a minimum. And that way we can immediately trade up to a nonmagical robe of We-silk to wear over it instead of waiting until we have the AP and an idea of how to enchant them.
  • Picklepikkl's list because there would likely be something small in it for many individual players that would make them happy and because of my personal familiarity with and respect for Picklepikkl and his ideas.
oh god pressure
It's not about the AP cost, its that I am genuinely uninterested in reading about Mathilde practicing with a piece of armour until she can comfortably fight in it.
I'm pretty confident that Boney would make it interesting if it can be made interesting and not spend unnecessary wordcount on it if it can't.
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I feel like if there was a way to get something that would boost Mathilde's Magic, the thread would absolutely vote for that. I wonder if there are any, super secret vision quests or ceremonies or hidden realm type things where they can send experienced magisters to experience trials to put them to the next level?

Some type of "Jedi Holocron but for warhammer wizards"?

Some kind of exchange of favors where the Colleges get Mathilde tutoring from some non-human shadow magic master who is nevertheless not too terrible to deal with?

Yeah, I'm not having much luck coming up with ideas.
We flew halfway to Karak Dum, even if we did not linger. No amount of additional supplies airship could provide would've made flying all the way there a good idea. Ship or Tower.
It wouldn't be a good idea, but if we did decide to do it, it'd be less of a bad idea going on a pimped-out airship rather than a gyrocopter.

And that's the Chaos Wastes. It's an outlier among outliers. We would be less shy of bringing the airship to, say, the Forest of Shadows or the Forest of Gloom.

Genuine question: Why? If they're just Apparitions, we already know how to do things with those, and probably will see no further gains. If they're not Apparitions, are we really going to spend the time needed to learn the secrets and then do something with them when we already have so many eggs in various stages of the chicken pipeline?

This is actually the thing that's soured me most on the "request something from everyone" idea: back when we bought Apparitions from the Golds, it cost us an AP to learn. Are we really going to shell out 1 AP for every juicy magical secret we buy? That doesn't sound like anyone's idea of a good time.
While I definitely take your point that it's possibly too time-intensive, I think it's legit possible that we might be able to come up with something better than any of the existing methods if they're meaningfully different.

...and in the case of the Ambers, it's possible that they actually invoke an entity called Corvus the Crowlord for their crow spells, which presumably just be being told about something spicy rather than something applicable to us.
Honestly the more I read about the airship and the tower the less need I see for them
Need is such an interesting term. We don't really need anything but somehow we ended up with several piles of stuff like our own penhouse tower and our own trade company and even a gyrocopter. Strickly speaking we need none of that.

So need is not the word we are arguing for. And saying we don't need flying tower is not argument against anything or anybody.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but that doesn't seem to apply to my question? We can hire someone to help with stuff, but there's a pretty wide variety of what the stuff can be, so I don't think the aspect of getting help is repetitive. WEB-MAT people help us every turn. But I'm also not sure what else you mean here.

So, maybe for clarity on my side, an example:
Turn 45: Get Melkoth to help us codify Knightbringer
Turn 46: Hire an enchanting LM to do Windherding together
Turn 47: Adventure time with Gehenna and Johann in punching Chaos orks, the Bursar to tutoring Eike in finance
Turn 48: Melkoth's help with creating a cloudkill spell
Turn 49: Get a bunch of enchanters to help make an war yodeling projector, get a powerstone to use for that

and so on. That would be a ton of help, but I can also see the Colleges not being ok with such a constant drain on their manpower, not to mention the gameplay effect of that. Just being able to freely hire help from the Colleges is very powerful, at least on the assumption that it would work on the same price scale as we do currently. And the above isn't really going that crazy with it either, with maybe the exception of getting Eike tutoring from the Bursar.

My mistake, I misread Melkoth as getting him to do a Knightbringer Windherder enchantment, and then thought that everything you were listing was a Windherding thing.

I guess my question is, how high is the bar for involving someone from the Colleges? What would breaking the favor system actually mean? And this isn't to pin you down or finagle more out of it, it's more that it almost seems too good and so I'm checking whether I just missed something.

Like, assuming it's like the dwarfs, and any action that 'benefits' the colleges would fall under that. That would be any magical research, I would guess, maybe even research in general, and making magical artifacts as well, so long as they're not totally frivolous. Having an adventure probably counts, so long as it's either research or for the good of the empire. But that's a really broad category and applies to nearly everything Mathilde does (which isn't a surprise because she's a lot more a member of the Colleges than she is a dwarf).

There's two worlds here.

There's one world where I just say the favour system is broken, and people nod, and they bring in the most applicable expert with a level of expertise commensurate for the task at hand, and everything works fine.

There's another world where I just say the favour system is broken, and someone immediately tries to get seven Lord Magisters in to do the laundry, one for each day of the week, and I tell them no, and then someone else goes "ooh, there's a line! that means that what I need to do is ask five thousand questions until I learn exactly where the line is! and then we can extract maximum utility from each technically allowed wizard deployment!" and gets fifteen questions deep until I snap at them, and then someone else starts picking at the thread and I end up spending a very resentful hour working out the exact checks and balances.

I don't know if we're in the good place where we can have nice things, or if we're in the bad place where I need to specify the exact height of the bar to the nearest millimeter. I do know I'd rather not predestine us towards the latter.

Forgive me if I'm being annoying, but I don't quite know how to interact with your preference regarding this. You are providing us with so much quality value and your effort in this common endeavor far outstrips our own. Actively advocating for others to go against a request from you to us feels quite wrong to me. I don't think I could do it, except if it involves a compromise that you consider to be fine enough.

Or in other words, if I am left guessing at how important this is to you, then you asking us to please not do something is having the same practical impact on me as you telling us to please not do something.

But maybe that's just a me problem. Don't feel the need to put in emotional labor into this just to save me from doing the same on my end.

It's not a huge deal, if it was I would have just disallowed it. It's not negligible, if it was I wouldn't have said anything. It's in between those two points. It's just something that bugs me, when I ask the thread to make a decision and the thread tries to not make that decision, whether that be by banking a boon or by trying to get someone else to make a decision or by trying to winkle out a character's opinion on a matter so that can be obeyed. It bugs me to make a hundred choices every update and then to ask the thread to make one, for me to wring out the creativity and to ask the thread to contribute one thing, and for the thread to not. It's not a dealbreaker, it doesn't endanger my willingness to run the quest, but I don't like it when it happens. But in this case there are legitimate reasons to want to bank the boon, which is why I said I'd rather that didn't happen instead of not letting you do that.

This isn't an accusation, this isn't something that anybody should feel the need to defend themselves against, this isn't even something that anyone should factor into their decision making. I was asked about my feelings and I answered. Nobody make this into something it doesn't have to be.

Actually, let me be clearer, for the love of fuck if I see a bunch of handwringing about 'ooooh I don't like any of the ideas anybody has had but poor babby Boney said he'd be sad if we punted the boon so I guuuueeeeeeesss I'll pick the laser butterflies', that will endanger my willingness to run the quest. If banking the boon is the decision that makes the most sense to you, bloody well make it. If I start thinking you lot are trying to pick the options I'd like best instead of picking what you actually want, I'm packing it in and going back to prose.

For a singular bonkers request, how about:

[ ] Dispensation to study methods of destroying or beneficially transforming Dhar. 'I have seen Dwarven Rune magic that can burn Dhar into nothing or smash it into aspectless rune power, Qhaysh that can unravel Dhar, and the slow transformation under specific circumstances of Dhar into aspectless Earthbound magic, but have been unable to study them lest I fall afoul of the Articles. I would wish to study these and similar things I encounter (though taking care to not impinge upon Dwarven Runepriest secrets) in order to develop a form of destruction or beneficial transformation of Dhar that the Colleges of Magic can use.'

This is valid.
While I definitely take your point that it's possibly too time-intensive, I think it's legit possible that we might be able to come up with something better than any of the existing methods if they're meaningfully different.

...and in the case of the Ambers, it's possible that they actually invoke an entity called Corvus the Crowlord for their crow spells, which presumably just be being told about something spicy rather than something applicable to us.
OK then, here's a sequel:

[] Plan Pickle Requests mk II
-[] Ambers: The secret behind Flock of Doom
-[] Lights: KAU partnership with the Light Order's Ancient Library
-[] Golds: Bankroll for upcoming magical curiosities shopping trip in Lothern
-[] Jades: The secret behind The Dwellers Below
-[] Celestials: Pure CF
-[] Greys: EIC spy network access to Grey intelligence assets
-[] Amethysts: Information on what Hexensohn was doing under Drakenhof and why
-[] Brights: Their staff-turning techniques
While i like many suggestions i saw before, i want to brain-storm new ideas, just to see if anything else gets stuck.

Pistols: With how good our sword is, it's a shame that our pistols don't keep up. It's a good pistols, but now we can get much more interesting varients for our style. "Lighting" and "Thunder" - two enchanted pistols, that are made especially for our fighting styles. "Thunder" - wrist-mounted pistol for short distances, made to be used alongside Branulhune. It shouldn't take up our arms, so we still can change hands, and this way we still have some means of defence when Branulhune disappear, or acquire new angle for an attack. "Lighting" - silent pistol for long distances that works with our stealth.

Armour: It's good to have better defence, especially when it stacks with our spell. Especially when we tend to stick our nose in a middle of hostile territory. It's often ends with us running for our life, so, you know, it's kinda an issue. Plus, i think if we enter new "fight" arc, our opponents will be much more deadly. And we already got seriously beaten by that one cultist mini-boss. We already play it risky with our sword style.

We were engaged in a fights, we will be engaged in a fights, so it's complitely natural to think about developing this side of character. We didn't fight much in recent times, but it might changed pretty soon. Plus, it's always cool to be good at face-punching.
Better defenses against non-mooks, perhaps?
It's as good at blocking non-mooks too, but the peskier of those have armaments that don't exactly care about armaments. I imagine that someone like Grimgor could batter us to death without ever penetrating our defences, for example, but that Malekith could just cut through the armour because Destroyer is fucking bullshit and noone can tell me that its not. Either way, thats the very tops of the setting we would have to worry about. Of course average greenskin horde could also just bludgeon us to death but its a mite difficult when we cannot be disarmed and our sword can blow apart fortifications.
If we want to be really super practical about this, then guaranteed battle wizard deployment for the Forest of Shadows campaign is probably the best way to go. Get the Emperor to write another decree unleashing the Battle wizards on the Forest of Shadows until the nexuses have been reclaimed.

We've been talking for ages about needing to recruit an army for it—from the various gribblies in the forest, to the necrarch, and finally the brass citadel which is currently a stronghold of chaos warriors.

Battle wizards ended the Sylvania campaign, and if we had had them from the start, it could have gone very differently.

Let's start the Purge of the Forest of Shadows on the right foot—woth overwhelming magical firepower.
For a singular bonkers request, how about:

[ ] Dispensation to study methods of destroying or beneficially transforming Dhar. 'I have seen Dwarven Rune magic that can burn Dhar into nothing or smash it into aspectless rune power, Qhaysh that can unravel Dhar, and the slow transformation under specific circumstances of Dhar into aspectless Earthbound magic, but have been unable to study them lest I fall afoul of the Articles. I would wish to study these and similar things I encounter (though taking care to not impinge upon Dwarven Runepriest secrets) in order to develop a form of destruction or beneficial transformation of Dhar that the Colleges of Magic can use.'

Edited to add: the intention here would be in part a way to attempt to launder our 'Second Secret of Dhar' knowledge into something usable by the Colleges without turning people evil or getting burned at the stake.

Edited to add: Also my intention is to try and get more Seilph and Sarumar - that scene with them was incredible.

Uh I like this a lot. And ey, we finally would be able to launder all our Dhar knowledge in a legal way!
It's as good at blocking non-mooks too, but the peskier of those have armaments that don't exactly care about armaments. I imagine that someone like Grimgor could batter us to death without ever penetrating our defences, for example, but that Malekith could just cut through the armour because Destroyer is fucking bullshit and noone can tell me that its not. Either way, thats the very tops of the setting we would have to worry about. Of course average greenskin horde could also just bludgeon us to death but its a mite difficult when we cannot be disarmed and our sword can blow apart fortifications.

Given the Elfcation half the thread wants, we should be worrying about Druchii and their elite mooks, who can't just cut through everything yet still can possibly break through our guard on hundreds of years of skill.
And having a solid armor between their swords and spells and squishy flesh is really good for confidence.
If we want to be really super practical about this, then guaranteed battle wizard deployment for the Forest of Shadows campaign is probably the best way to go. Get the Emperor to write another decree unleashing the Battle wizards on the Forest of Shadows until the nexuses have been reclaimed.

We've been talking for ages about needing to recruit an army for it—from the various gribblies in the forest, to the necrarch, and finally the brass citadel which is currently a stronghold of chaos warriors.

Battle wizards ended the Sylvania campaign, and if we had had them from the start, it could have gone very differently.

Let's start the Purge of the Forest of Shadows on the right foot—woth overwhelming magical firepower.
I do like this, but I will point out because of who I am as a person that it is probably better for Mathilde to request a Battle Wizard deployment in the aid of some good cause to be later specified, so that we aren't locked in to using it on the Forest of Shadows if it turns out that some other Nexus makes sense to strike first. As some handsome fellow said earlier:
"Support in dispatching battle wizards to one major conflict of Mathilde's choice" also sounds good -- we can use that for either Nexus reclamation or to assist the dwarves (though I suspect the dwarves would not be super thrilled about their propensity to cause high-octane magical weirdness even when they aren't blowing up).
Break the College Favour System: I don't think that breaking system will deminish Max's character. If anything, it will develop it. I like Max, but he is stuck in a role of our CF farm. He writes papers almost every turn, and in contrast to Johann, we didn't really interact with him in his field of interest. And we still can write paper free every turn. It's usually two papers per turn: free one and Max's one. I'm okay with slowing down papers if we try something new with Max.

With that said, breaking CF will not have the same impact as breaking Dwarf Favours. Last one was so impactful, because it was natural. We didn't ask for this, this was something given to us.
Personally I think the favor system should maybe involve a roll. No hard "this is what you can buy" but rather 'here is a number representing how much the Colleges feel they owe you" and for the number to A) Decay over time when the players are not advancing the College's agenda, and B) goes down when players make a request, but otherwise acts as a modifier on diplomacy checks to ask the colleges for stuff.

That way the endless poking is short circuited.

"Can we ask for XYZ?"

"Well, you can ask..."

Because that is what the favor amounts to - how much the colleges feel like they should give us the arbitrary things we ask for. The Colleges are not Dawi who balance every scale. Their favor should wane with time and can be stretched with clever argument and honied words.

Though at this point I think the favor system can be broken in the other direction when no matter how much favor we spend I think the colleges will be tempted to fund and supply our research regardless purely because "Huh, I wonder what she's gonna do next? The betting pool has good odds she figures out Qhaysh."
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This is too vague and conceptual for me to put numbers to. I think it might be a better way to do this if you consider what it is you want to be doing with a flying vehicle, then asking yourself if it would make sense to be able to do that with a ship or with a tower, then coming to me with any specific followups you might have.
Would an airship make travel fast enough that visiting Araby, Ulthuan or Lustria easy/quick enough to be doable on the scale of regular turn actions rather than multi-turn events, the way the gyrocopter does for Old World locations?

Would getting to Lustria or Ulthuan via flying tower be feasible, or is it too slow/too spooky to fly over open ocean in one?
I do like this, but I will point out because of who I am as a person that it is probably better for Mathilde to request a Battle Wizard deployment in the aid of some good cause to be later specified, so that we aren't locked in to using it on the Forest of Shadows if it turns out that some other Nexus makes sense to strike first. As some handsome fellow said earlier:

That's fair, we do have a few things that need punching with extreme prejudice.

Now I'm just imagining the entire might of the Colleges falling on the Iron Orcs Bretonnia is struggling with
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