Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but that doesn't seem to apply to my question? We can hire someone to help with stuff, but there's a pretty wide variety of what the stuff can be, so I don't think the aspect of getting help is repetitive. WEB-MAT people help us every turn. But I'm also not sure what else you mean here.
So, maybe for clarity on my side, an example:
Turn 45: Get Melkoth to help us codify Knightbringer
Turn 46: Hire an enchanting LM to do Windherding together
Turn 47: Adventure time with Gehenna and Johann in punching Chaos orks, the Bursar to tutoring Eike in finance
Turn 48: Melkoth's help with creating a cloudkill spell
Turn 49: Get a bunch of enchanters to help make an war yodeling projector, get a powerstone to use for that
and so on. That would be a ton of help, but I can also see the Colleges not being ok with such a constant drain on their manpower, not to mention the gameplay effect of that. Just being able to freely hire help from the Colleges is very powerful, at least on the assumption that it would work on the same price scale as we do currently. And the above isn't really going that crazy with it either, with maybe the exception of getting Eike tutoring from the Bursar.
My mistake, I misread Melkoth as getting him to do a Knightbringer Windherder enchantment, and then thought that everything you were listing was a Windherding thing.
I guess my question is, how high is the bar for involving someone from the Colleges? What would breaking the favor system actually mean? And this isn't to pin you down or finagle more out of it, it's more that it almost seems too good and so I'm checking whether I just missed something.
Like, assuming it's like the dwarfs, and any action that 'benefits' the colleges would fall under that. That would be any magical research, I would guess, maybe even research in general, and making magical artifacts as well, so long as they're not totally frivolous. Having an adventure probably counts, so long as it's either research or for the good of the empire. But that's a really broad category and applies to nearly everything Mathilde does (which isn't a surprise because she's a lot more a member of the Colleges than she is a dwarf).
There's two worlds here.
There's one world where I just say the favour system is broken, and people nod, and they bring in the most applicable expert with a level of expertise commensurate for the task at hand, and everything works fine.
There's another world where I just say the favour system is broken, and someone immediately tries to get seven Lord Magisters in to do the laundry, one for each day of the week, and I tell them no, and then someone else goes "ooh, there's a line! that means that what I need to do is ask five thousand questions until I learn exactly where the line is! and then we can extract maximum utility from each technically allowed wizard deployment!" and gets fifteen questions deep until I snap at them, and then someone
else starts picking at the thread and I end up spending a very resentful hour working out the exact checks and balances.
I don't know if we're in the good place where we can have nice things, or if we're in the bad place where I need to specify the exact height of the bar to the nearest millimeter. I do know I'd rather not predestine us towards the latter.
Forgive me if I'm being annoying, but I don't quite know how to interact with your preference regarding this. You are providing us with so much quality value and your effort in this common endeavor far outstrips our own. Actively advocating for others to go against a request from you to us feels quite wrong to me. I don't think I could do it, except if it involves a compromise that you consider to be fine enough.
Or in other words, if I am left guessing at how important this is to you, then you asking us to please not do something is having the same practical impact on me as you telling us to please not do something.
But maybe that's just a me problem. Don't feel the need to put in emotional labor into this just to save me from doing the same on my end.
It's not a huge deal, if it was I would have just disallowed it. It's not negligible, if it was I wouldn't have said anything. It's in between those two points. It's just something that bugs me, when I ask the thread to make a decision and the thread tries to not make that decision, whether that be by banking a boon or by trying to get someone else to make a decision or by trying to winkle out a character's opinion on a matter so that can be obeyed. It bugs me to make a hundred choices every update and then to ask the thread to make one, for me to wring out the creativity and to ask the thread to contribute one thing, and for the thread to not. It's not a dealbreaker, it doesn't endanger my willingness to run the quest, but I don't like it when it happens. But in this case there are legitimate reasons to want to bank the boon, which is why I said I'd rather that didn't happen instead of not letting you do that.
This isn't an accusation, this isn't something that anybody should feel the need to defend themselves against, this isn't even something that anyone should factor into their decision making. I was asked about my feelings and I answered. Nobody make this into something it doesn't have to be.
Actually, let me be clearer, for the love of fuck if I see a bunch of handwringing about 'ooooh I don't like any of the ideas anybody has had but poor babby Boney said he'd be sad if we punted the boon so I guuuueeeeeeesss I'll pick the laser butterflies',
that will endanger my willingness to run the quest. If banking the boon is the decision that makes the most sense to you, bloody well make it. If I start thinking you lot are trying to pick the options I'd like best instead of picking what you actually want, I'm packing it in and going back to prose.
For a singular bonkers request, how about:
[ ] Dispensation to study methods of destroying or beneficially transforming Dhar. 'I have seen Dwarven Rune magic that can burn Dhar into nothing or smash it into aspectless rune power, Qhaysh that can unravel Dhar, and the slow transformation under specific circumstances of Dhar into aspectless Earthbound magic, but have been unable to study them lest I fall afoul of the Articles. I would wish to study these and similar things I encounter (though taking care to not impinge upon Dwarven Runepriest secrets) in order to develop a form of destruction or beneficial transformation of Dhar that the Colleges of Magic can use.'
This is valid.