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Flying tower or airship could dovetail nicely with some parts of the waystone research. Boatstones have been talked about on and off constantly, but given air transmission research or removable storages as have been suggested, there's no reason a waystone couldn't be airborne.

Normally it would be complicated by a ton of mundane factors like weight and lift ratios, but if we're getting a tower massive enough to dock a gyrocopter in, the size of a waystone should be entirely manageable. We have collegiate-only options for most of the components already, though we'd still be stuck using the Dwarven version of a capstone pending further research. There's also some College knowledge we haven't tapped, like how the Lights have waystones that are immaterial and thus presumably weightless.

A tower that sucks up all the Winds wherever it goes, can potentially tap the Wind storage to power various aspects of itself, and dumps accumulated Dhar into the network when parked over another waystone! Going somewhere off the grid would just mean switching the waystone off, and it'd be as secure as anything else in the tower is.

Technically this could be done later by just hoisting a normal waystone aboard, but getting the Colleges to put their heads together on it would institutionalize the knowledge, and getting it done once could lead to insights applicable to stripped-down versions that aren't attached to Mathilde's Moving Castle.
The only time a mountain is 'weakened' enough to be referred to as karak, merely the concept of endurance instead of actual physical embodiment of it, is when Dwarves live in it.
I mean, point taken, but I would assume the weakening comes from the hollowing rather than the living in.
Although unless theres a mountain somewhere that got so thoroughly mined out that its got significant hollow cavities, but dwarves never started living there while mining it, its a bit of a moot point.
... Then again maybe this is the difference between a hold and a Karak, holds are still Karaz the dwarves haven't burrowed into them enough to weaken the to the point of being Karak?
Why is the influence of the Druchii in a necromancer's work in Sylvania. Does necromancy have some kind of ancestry from the dark elves?
Yes. Nagash tortured the secrets of Dhar out of some Druchii, and used that as the basis for necromancy.
Vanhel is the guy whose diary we read, right? Why do elven Grey Lords know about him? I mean, I guess he's famous enough they would have heard about him, but they talk like he's a guy whose career they followed with interest or something. They were alive when Vanhel was alive, right?
Frederick Van hal was a Baron of Slyvania when a bunch of really bad stuff was going on - plague, warpstone meteor shower, and then Skaven drawn by the warpstone. To fight back against the Skaven invasion Van Hal accepted assistance from a fellow called Vladimir von Carstein, a vampire who taught him necromancy (keep in mind that this was back when both vampires and necromancy were unknown in the Empire). This turned out pretty well in that he actually fought the Skaven to a standstill, but the downside was that it also drove him insane, and Vladimir mercy-killed him.

It might be that they're talking about him as if they're intamtely familiar with his work because the Eonir allied with the Emperor Mandred Skavenslayer during the Skaven wars. Vanhal was on the other side of the Empire from their forest, but it's pretty likely that they heard about his exploits as they were pretty relevant to the war with the Skaven. And yes, both Grey Lords are definitely old enough to have been alive back then.
I don't know what point he was making here, I don't know what a Widowmaker is, and I don't know who Yngra is.
The Sword of Khaine - also known as Widowmaker, and by a bunch of other names - is a stupendously powerful weapon, which was used by Aenarion the Defender - first phoneix king of the High Elves - to fight back against a massive Chaos invasion. This worked pretty well in that he actually beat the invading armies, but the Sword of Khaine also turns people into homicidal lunatics. Fortunately(?) Aenarion died to his wounds shortly after drawing Widowmaker so he didn't get to go on any murder sprees, but his blood line is cursed by it to this day.

Seilph is comparing necromancy to Widowmaker, in that both are powerful tools that will cost their users their sanity but could be used to good ends, and in fact were used so to dramatic effect in the past. The point he seems to be making here is that there's a sense in which those tools are 'honest'; war always takes a toll on the sanity and morality of those that participate in it, so maybe it's better that those tools tell you their cost up front.

Yngra is another Grey Lord. They were briefly mentioned before, they worked on the Waystone foundation IIRC but we don't know much about them. Presumably they wouldn't approve of what Seilph is saying here, which isn't surprising as this is a pretty spicy take.
I remember that Vladimir was the guy who taught Vanhel necromancy, and I think he tried to become emperor. Who were Konrad and Mannfred again? All I can recall of Mannfred is that he was the Emperor known as the Skavenslayer, and that's probably a different Mannfred right?
Vladimir is the vampire responsible for Sylvania being Like That, Konard and Mannfred are two of his heirs, vampires he turned personally. Each is responsible for starting one of the so-called Vampire wars. Vladimir used dark magic and tried to take over the Empire but was arguably an ok ruler if you don't mind paying your taxes in blood, but Konrad and Mannfred were giant assholes with pretty much no redeeming features.
Who is Aenarion, and what is Heavenblight, and in general what is Seilph talking about here? Does Mathilde know who this person is?

Then I think I basically understood the Norscan discussion.
Aenarion I mentioned before. Heavenblight is one of the many names of Widowmaker. According to legend, after using Widowmaker Aenarion regained his sanity long enough to take it back to the Shrine of Khaine before dying of his wounds, and since then it hasn't been drawn. This is why Seilph says "we only had one" - there hasn't been anoter wielder of Widowmaker since Aenarion just like there hasn't been another necromancer of Van Hal's caliber in the Empire (this is kind of a tenuouspoint to make because there've been plenty of necromancers since, but I suppose Seilph thinks they don't count because they didn't try to use necromancy for the greater good).

Seilph seems to say that the story of Aenarion giving up Widowmaker is more myth than fact, and that's part of why no one wants to use it: if the question of what happened was settled either way, if you know for certain if you can put down that terrible tool after using it or if you'll be consumed by it, then maybe someone else would be willing to use it (either because they know that it's possible to relinquish it once you're done, or because they know it's not and so they know the price they'll have to pay? I don't think Seilph is making a great point here tbh but I think that's the point he's making).
I thought dhar was considered legit for elven archmages to use, even if they don't use a lot of it. Is it actually considered not legit for them to use, and their own people (I assume the Ghost Striders) will punish them for it? Who are the Ghost Striders?
Ghost Striders are Eonir commandos who apparently hunt out Chaos users. I think 'The Other Path' Sarumar is talking about there is Chaos, or maybe evil in general. I think it's not a point about Dhar specifically, but about the corrupting nature of using evil means: even if you don't get taken down by Elf Police or Ulrican Templars, you're still going to lose your metaporhical and/or literal soul so it's probably not worth it.
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Would there be differences in Crew between Tower and Airship? In my mind I'd picture a tower mostly as being piloted by a lone wizard controlling the enchantments while a ship conjures the picture of at least a small crew. Is this accurate, or would the tower require staff/the ship be steerable alone?
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You just gave them a book on how useful AV is. They don't need to be told that they should go out and figure out how to get more.

I'm assuming the book included the apparition we got it from, and the circumstances of how it was captured? And if not copies of the diagram from the mirror box, at least references of where the blueprints came from?

While it may not be the only possible method to.... milk, the apparitions, making sure they have a solid starting point is pretty important.
Wpuld there be differences in Crew between Tower and Airship? In my mind I'd picture a tower mostly as being piloted by a lone wizard controlling the enchantments while a ship conjures the picture of at least a small crew. Is this accurate, or would the tower require staff/the ship be steerable alone?
I'd imagine that even if the tower only needed a lone wizard to steer it, we'd still have some staff there in the form of heavily armed guards to protect our stuff.
I just feel like we deserve our own personal shiny for all our years of work as opposed to once again putting our rewards towards widescale initiatives. We could stand to improve in ability to personally act. Plus, super cool.
To me, airship does seem like a solution in search of a problem. Where exactly are we sending heavy expeditions that require a motherbase, and why does it need to be an airship/tower instead of a more normal convoy? If we want a personal reward, Armor of Tarnus seems like a better fit, given that Mathilde goes out to personally stab someone a lot more often than she leads an expedition somewhere.
Flying tower or airship could dovetail nicely with some parts of the waystone research. Boatstones have been talked about on and off constantly, but given air transmission research or removable storages as have been suggested, there's no reason a waystone couldn't be airborne.

Normally it would be complicated by a ton of mundane factors like weight and lift ratios, but if we're getting a tower massive enough to dock a gyrocopter in, the size of a waystone should be entirely manageable. We have collegiate-only options for most of the components already, though we'd still be stuck using the Dwarven version of a capstone pending further research. There's also some College knowledge we haven't tapped, like how the Lights have waystones that are immaterial and thus presumably weightless.

A tower that sucks up all the Winds wherever it goes, can potentially tap the Wind storage to power various aspects of itself, and dumps accumulated Dhar into the network when parked over another waystone! Going somewhere off the grid would just mean switching the waystone off, and it'd be as secure as anything else in the tower is.

Technically this could be done later by just hoisting a normal waystone aboard, but getting the Colleges to put their heads together on it would institutionalize the knowledge, and getting it done once could lead to insights applicable to stripped-down versions that aren't attached to Mathilde's Moving Castle.

There is one consideration regarding a mobile flying waystone that should be taken into account: how much of a pain the ass Caledor will consider it. Because he might get annoyed if the same waystone keeps keeps plugging into different parts of the network.

To me, airship does seem like a solution in search of a problem. Where exactly are we sending heavy expeditions that require a motherbase, and why does it need to be an airship/tower instead of a more normal convoy? If we want a personal reward, Armor of Tarnus seems like a better fit, given that Mathilde goes out to personally stab someone a lot more often than she leads an expedition somewhere.

The Karag Dum expedition comes to mind. There currently is a question of what Mathilde does next. Flying home base opens up some interesting avenues for an exploration arc.
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Okay the more I think about it the more im down for the Secret Shakedown. Readers, has there ever been a moment where "huh wonder what the deal there?" has flitted through your mind when seeing something from a specific college? Only to brush it aside under "not my business and no time?" Well here's the chance to dig out some of those old questions and get them answered!

Some examples in my previous post, but quick examples I can think of are Jade/Amber spilling the beans about appartions in their spells or Corvus, and resolving "what's up with Hexenholsen" for the Amythysts.
Bonkers you say... let's see how far we could push it. @Boney any thoughs on those lol?

[ ] Plan : ALL in on Waystones
- [ ] Find a way to legalize the Hedgewise permanently
- [ ] All remaining colleges scrub their libraries for ANYTHING even closely linked to Waystones
- [ ] Full political, financial, material and workforce support for the building of Waystones by all individual Colleges and the institution as a whole
-- [ ] Some accounting of the efforts of each individual college
- [ ] Full Colleges support to signatories of the Bokha Accords' efforts to retake fallen Nexuses

[ ] Plan : Viva la (silent) revolution
- [ ] Change the selection method of the Supreme Patriarch to elective
- [ ] Elect Mathilde as Supreme Patriarch immediately with the mandate to push for Waystones

One other thing I might want is the possibility to learn from that one Cataclysm level Fog Battle Magic, just to see how that scale of magic works on an Uglu spell.
I'm super excited for the Armor of Von Tarnus, mostly because I think Knight In Shining Legendary Armor That Is Actually a Wizard is awesome.

I wouldn't be upset with a flying base, but we already have three awesome tricked out bases and the gyrocopter. If we picked it I think I would feel obligated to leave the old world eventually just to justify it.
Thinking about it more…

I didn't really want a tangible reward for doing the morbs, I wanted a vague collegiate equivalent to the "you have broken the dwarf favor system" in terms of headpat scale.

It almost feels like it reduces the scale of the achievement in some ways to request something that can be framed as a "payment" for the Orbs - like it makes it merely transactional, where what Mathilde really wants is to be enshrined in the mythos of the colleges for all time, the same way Volans or Tarnus or Puchta were.

For me, I think the way to look at this boon that's most congruent with Mathilde's character is to think about legacy. To ask for something where if Mathilde gets got by an Eshin assassination tomorrow, the requested boon would still be shaping the world a century from now.
OK, as promised, here is my attempt at coming up with a wishlist on a per-college level and not a single large thing.

Ambers: Access to everything they know about dragons.
Lights: A KAU partnership with the Light Order's Ancient Library
Golds: "Oh, no, thank you, you've already given me quite enough" while smiling broadly and caressing the AV book, in the hopes of making Feldmann actually explode from nerd rage (not because I have anything against him, it would just be very funny)
Jades: For Paranoth to compose a version of Geoff Mack's "I've Been Everywhere" from his own wanderings, for immediate distribution throughout the taverns of the Empire
Celestials: An enchanted cape for our dog so that he can fly around the Karak.
Greys: The ability for the EIC's intelligence apparatus to call on the Greys' own assets, giving us penetration in places where the EIC hasn't already spread
Amethysts: What the fuck happened to Hexensohn, no seriously, just tell us
Brights: Their Order's unusually good staff-turning techniques (so that when we make Eike a staff out of Drycha's butt it can be as good as a butt can be)

feedback welcome
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It would be funny if we go for a flying tower.

Pan: "I've just finished my wizard treehouse tower, and it's much cooler than Mathilde's penthouse. She'll clearly be impressed with this!"

Mathilde: "The collages are building me a new tower that can fly".
Brights: Their Order's unusually good staff-turning techniques (so that when we make Eike a staff out of Drycha's butt it can be as good as a butt can be)
Given that the post of Grey College Turner has been empty for apparently twenty years, part of me wants to simply ask the Brights to take on the job for them full-time. Sure, they won't be able to make personalised staffs without the depths of Ulgu, so nothing like the Staff of Mistery would come out of it. But more magisters getting a basic +1 would be a boon.
Thinking about it more…

I didn't really want a tangible reward for doing the morbs, I wanted a vague collegiate equivalent to the "you have broken the dwarf favor system" in terms of headpat scale.

It almost feels like it reduces the scale of the achievement in some ways to request something that can be framed as a "payment" for the Orbs - like it makes it merely transactional, where what Mathilde really wants is to be enshrined in the mythos of the colleges for all time, the same way Volans or Tarnus or Puchta were.

For me, I think the way to look at this boon that's most congruent with Mathilde's character is to think about legacy. To ask for something where if Mathilde gets got by an Eshin assassination tomorrow, the requested boon would still be shaping the world a century from now.
I mean we kinda made the legacy with the Morbs and AV Book by itself. We've effectively figured out how to do two things that the colleges have been wondering for their entire existence and will likely cause significant shifts going forward.

So I feel like asking for a big reward is just icing on the cake.
The Karag Dum expedition comes to mind. There currently is a question of what Mathilde does next. Flying home base opens up some interesting avenues for an exploration arc.
Yeah, but we did the Karag Dum expedition. Leaving aside whether sending a magical flying contraption into the Chaos Wastes is wise, we don't really need to explore it more. As for what Mathilde does next, I'll be honest, leading expeditions somewhere vague to explore super does not appeal, especially when we just got an entire Boney quest that is all about getting historical lore of things and places.
To me, airship does seem like a solution in search of a problem. Where exactly are we sending heavy expeditions that require a motherbase, and why does it need to be an airship/tower instead of a more normal convoy? If we want a personal reward, Armor of Tarnus seems like a better fit, given that Mathilde goes out to personally stab someone a lot more often than she leads an expedition somewhere.
It'd be useful literally almost every time Mathilde goes out into the field. Having a base of operations, a major combat asset with cannons and enchantments and whatnot, and our research facilities + whatever books we thought would be useful at hand is a benefit to almost anything we might want to do that isn't already in a lab.
Given that the post of Grey College Turner has been empty for apparently twenty years, part of me wants to simply ask the Brights to take on the job for them full-time. Sure, they won't be able to make personalised staffs without the depths of Ulgu, so nothing like the Staff of Mistery would come out of it. But more magisters getting a basic +1 would be a boon.

I think a staff made by a bright for a grey would be worse than generic, they do not understand Ulgu, how it pools and works and they cannot test how it works as they are carving.
Wouldn't Tower just be a worse version of Fozzrick's?

@Boney is an ironclad as a base in the cards?

A conventional ironclad wouldn't be possible as those are made by Dwarves for the Dwarven navy, but you could wrap a Wolfship or Greatship in steel and leave room for the Dwarves to install a steam engine to be subsequently enchanted.

Say @Boney I just want to get an idea of how the speeds line up. Lets say that a Flying Tower has a speed of 2, how much faster is a Flying Ship?

A blimp would be about a 6, something that takes off and lands instead of generally staying up would be about a 20. Very hard emphasis on about.


The way I imagine it could work would be as part of the book purchases/dwarf favor votes. There might be a one or two sentence blurb about so-and-so wizard requesting x quantity of vitae for y research that we would vote yes or no on.
Although I would like to stress that this is not me telling what you should do so much as me getting an idea out of my head so it will leave me alone.

That would make it interesting, but it would also mean people would expect to hear the results of so-and-so wizard's research, and then any follow-ups to it and consequences of it.

Alchemical Thaumaturgy is one I've seen lying around?

That's the technical term for Gold Magic in general.

I mean, point taken, but I would assume the weakening comes from the hollowing rather than the living in.
Although unless theres a mountain somewhere that got so thoroughly mined out that its got significant hollow cavities, but dwarves never started living there while mining it, its a bit of a moot point.
... Then again maybe this is the difference between a hold and a Karak, holds are still Karaz the dwarves haven't burrowed into them enough to weaken the to the point of being Karak?

You're thinking too literally. If you consider an uninhabited mountain, how do you conquer it? Do you mine it down to rubble? Do you riddle it with tunnels until it's no longer physically sound? That would be the work of generations. But the second you dig a hall into it and call it home, it being conquered becomes something that needs to be constantly guarded against. It goes from being a riddle to something almost routine.

Would there be differences in Crew between Tower and Airship? In my mind I'd picture a tower mostly as being piloted by a lone wizard controlling the enchantments while a ship conjures the picture of at least a small crew. Is this accurate, or would the tower require staff/the ship be steerable alone?

Airship would need a crew because the vibes are funky without one. I could give you an engineering explanation for that, but it really comes down to the vibes. Tower would not.

I'm assuming the book included the apparition we got it from, and the circumstances of how it was captured? And if not copies of the diagram from the mirror box, at least references of where the blueprints came from?

While it may not be the only possible method to.... milk, the apparitions, making sure they have a solid starting point is pretty important.

No. That method is not reproducible.

- [ ] Find a way to legalize the Hedgewise permanently

There is no 'the Hedgewise'. There are nine completely separate communities that use Hedge Magic and Mathilde hasn't met most of them. You could go for the legitimization of one specific branch of them, but spoiler warning, you might want to wait until the end of this social turn before you do anything about the legal status of the Nordland Hedgewise.

- [ ] All remaining colleges scrub their libraries for ANYTHING even closely linked to Waystones

There probably isn't nothing to be found, but it would be vanishingly unlikely for anything significant to be just sitting on a shelf and waiting to be rediscovered.

- [ ] Full political, financial, material and workforce support for the building of Waystones by all individual Colleges and the institution as a whole
-- [ ] Some accounting of the efforts of each individual college

If you mean in the Empire, the Articles already mean they have to cooperate with any Elector Counts that decide they want Waystones on their land, and they can't really override the ones that don't. If you mean outside of it, exactly where should be explicitly specified.

- [ ] Full Colleges support to signatories of the Bokha Accords' efforts to retake fallen Nexuses

That could be an extinction march. There's a lot of nexuses that could take massive military campaigns to recover.

[ ] Plan : Viva la (silent) revolution
- [ ] Change the selection method of the Supreme Patriarch to elective
- [ ] Elect Mathilde as Supreme Patriarch immediately with the mandate to push for Waystones

I wonder if dwarves would be better able to add runes to a tower than an airship - particularly given we have seen a proof of concept of both rune magic and regular enchanting being combined in Mathilde's existing towers
Mathilde: *makes "Who kills more Greenskins / Skaven / Undead / Beastmen / whatever with their 'flying fortress'?" bet with Malakai Malakaisson*

One of Allied forces's Leaders: You know what? We can go home already, because I feel that these two will not leave anything to us
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