The inexperienced Yellow Magisters, or Gold Magisters as they began to refer to themselves to the Elves' mild amusement, became obsessed with rationality and experimentation. So Teclis and Finreir laid down the guidelines of how to integrate mundane alchemical research with magical manipulation. He told them that the Winds of Magic permeate all things in the mortal world and how an ambient and low-level hum of magic exists in almost everything because of it. He taught them how different strands of magic were attracted to different things and that through careful investigation and experimentation their different Aethyric elements could be extracted. But these elements would not just be small amounts of yellow, green, or light magic, but tiny strands magic that had altered and in turn been altered by the thing they permeated.
Discovering how these elements react with the things they posses, Teclis explained, could allow the Gold Magisters to create magical effects while using only small amounts of the Yellow Wind to activate them. It also meant the Gold Magisters could use tiny parts of the other Winds of Magic that saturated mundane things and elements, not through direct manipulation (which could lead to the creation of Dark Magic), but by using mundane chemical reactions that used Chamon, the Yellow Wind, as their reagent.
Through this method, the Gold Magisters would be able to make potions and compounds whose active magical ingredients were traces of a Wind other than Yellow; hence, they can create potions that have magical effects related to Winds of Lores other than their own. So it was that the most exacting alchemical magic of the Golden Order was born