I think, a good question would be, "whats the next project for webmat?"
Because i am sure they can help with that.
We? We are going on elfcation( i sure hope we do)
But we have an organisation with a focus of working with different magics and religions.
Are we continuing waystone research?
(Pro: there is a lot more to do Contra: They are already building waystones and are going to continue doing so for a while, so i doubt what we find next will be immediatly applicable)
Are we looking to help dwarfs with runeresearch?( by providing more tools to them. Not researching ourselves!)
Are we asking the grey lords if they have a project?( im sure they have some ideas that would be useful for any sane power)
Are we looking into spirits?
( my personal favourite, there is a lot you can do, especially if you combine divine and arcane knowledge)
Are we looking into making magic more accesibel?( growing materials that are especially magic conductive, investigating wind mushrooms, studying magical beings( if we want to have our love join our project))
- You probably have a lot of your own ideas.
I dont like the idea of a flying transport as a reward. We have a gyrocopter, that fullfills most of the stuff i would like a skyship for.
It could do more, but an upgrade to an already awesome perk seems,well small.
Honestly, i would like to use this in relation to the lizardmen, but we know next to nothing ic, and im not going to wait on a maybe, so im looking through the thread for stuff i like.
So far, the only thing i found worth it is the allowence on research to destroy/recycle dhar.