Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Honestly as a Wizard in the prime of her life I just want the most impressive mating display tower we can get. So either filling in our missing towers on our mountaintop plus other miscilanious boons or getting an all collage effort flying tower. or both.
Our current tower scorched half a million orcs in one shot.
I don't think any tower is going to be omore impressive than that.
[] Plan trick out our current ride
-[]Enchant our gyrocopter to the highest possible "safe" standard enabled by colleges
[] Plan Armour of von Tarnus on Lease
[] Plan Pickle
[] Plan Rainbow Throng
-[] Colleges march to war on one campaign of our choosing (Dwarf or Nexus reclamation)
[] Plan make us best robes possible
-[] With inclusion of We-Silk
[] Plan Vow of Poverty no More

These are ones i am comfortable with so far and that i will vote for tomorrow morning. I will probably add some form of tower vote because i don't trust any of you to not vote airship and it needs a contender, but i would much rather any of these six won.
As repeatedly said, the colleges will independently look for a way to gather more magic juice now that they know what wonderful things one can do with magic juice.
Yes? I even said that in my own post. I'm asking if we couldn't be placed in charge of vitae and vitae-product production. But apparently the guild-like structure I was hoping for wouldn't be legal, according to the boney one.
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If we pick the flying tower will there be options to have a docking port built on the 8 Peaks tower so when it docks it can be aesthetically pleasing, or building a docking port in our fief.
I think, a good question would be, "whats the next project for webmat?"

Because i am sure they can help with that.

We? We are going on elfcation( i sure hope we do)

But we have an organisation with a focus of working with different magics and religions.

Are we continuing waystone research?
(Pro: there is a lot more to do Contra: They are already building waystones and are going to continue doing so for a while, so i doubt what we find next will be immediatly applicable)

Are we looking to help dwarfs with runeresearch?( by providing more tools to them. Not researching ourselves!)

Are we asking the grey lords if they have a project?( im sure they have some ideas that would be useful for any sane power)

Are we looking into spirits?
( my personal favourite, there is a lot you can do, especially if you combine divine and arcane knowledge)

Are we looking into making magic more accesibel?( growing materials that are especially magic conductive, investigating wind mushrooms, studying magical beings( if we want to have our love join our project))

- You probably have a lot of your own ideas.

I dont like the idea of a flying transport as a reward. We have a gyrocopter, that fullfills most of the stuff i would like a skyship for.
It could do more, but an upgrade to an already awesome perk seems,well small.

Honestly, i would like to use this in relation to the lizardmen, but we know next to nothing ic, and im not going to wait on a maybe, so im looking through the thread for stuff i like.

So far, the only thing i found worth it is the allowence on research to destroy/recycle dhar.
One of the things I'd really like to do with the armor is research it while it's in our possession and see if it can be recreated with other winds. Specifically the wind of metal, given the resonances there. I also want to check if it's just the enchantment that lets it be the way it is, or if it's a mixture of enchantment and specific alloy.

Considering we have stuff written by both Vlad von Carstein and W'Soran languishing in our 'to be studied' pile along with that Kurgan loot, I'm doubtful us getting around to that.
Tempted by the idea of having the colleges found/fund and recruit members for a big knightly order we would command. It's selfish in the sense that it's ours while still being something that we can point at problems we like to solve (nexus reclamation, hell war, etc). We could even make it Ranaldian themed! My only hesitation is that we already run the EIC spy network, WEB-MAT, and a gigantic library so adding another organization we have to manage could get old.

Still think it'd be a lot of fun to sick a knightly order on our enemies though.
How about a knightly order of Mammoth Battle Altar Wizard Cavalry?

Look, I really think that this is the way forward. Going on adventures leading a bunch of mammoths solves the main weakness of wizards/artillery: getting swarmed. Suddenly you have a height and mass advantage, and the mammoth defends itself.

Want to retake a nexus? A Mammoth Battle Altar is a great way to start. Want a Ranaldian knightly order? A ton of mammoths are sneaky because they can threaten others into not being noticed. It has obvious benefits for a the coming of chaos.

Unironically, something like:
[] Mammoth Battle Altar Wizard Cavalry, in which we are granted a trained mammoth (or a mammoth in training that doesn't cost AP to train), in which we eventually make Mammoth the standard (not the only, but the standard) vehicle for Battle Altars.

This has two parts that I know different groups in the quest enjoy. First, it's awesome and it touches on story. But second? It synergizes well with our making of orbs of sorcery as well as solving one of the main weaknesses of artillery, so it fits nicely with the type of people who want to set up institutions that have a compounding interest effect improving the forces of Order.
If we pick the flying tower will there be options to have a docking port built on the 8 Peaks tower so when it docks it can be aesthetically pleasing, or building a docking port in our fief.
Mathilde mentions that its possible that Fozzricks flying fastness would not look out of place there so i think its sort of a given.

EDIT: I also do not think Von Tarnus Armour needs studying. ITs not a lost artifact of golden age, its a project of a genius made a century ago or so. If it could be researched, it already would be. For all we know, there is an enchantment all ready to go. Its just that noone uses it because better stuff can be made.
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Something I've been wondering for a while but would it be safe to say that Mathilda is the Leonardo da Miragliano of magic?

Consider all the break-throughs in various fields she has made over the years:

  • Whaaag and Peace, a breakthrough in understanding how the Whaaag of Orcs and Goblins functions, and how best to counter them.
  • The double whammy of proving the existence of Eshin Sorcerers and non-necromancy magic that functions by mixing another Wind and Dhar (Ulgu in this case).
  • Translating Queekish. Technically it's Low Queekish but the discovery that there are different dialects of Queekish is notable in and of itself.
  • Having two spells added to the general Grey Wizard spell book is notable for how rare/uncommon such changes are made.
  • And now the Aethyric Vitae, a study into the base mechanics of magic. Something which allows for the creation of more Orbs of Sorcery.
Not to mention the various minor contributions she has made over the years. Admittedly, wizards not read in on the Conspiracy of Silence won't have heard of her most impressive accomplishments.
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Very cool! But I'll just... sorry, I'll just modify it a tad bit further. I'm gonna re-order them and change the Brights reward because I like our current staff and a vote to replace it might end up as a bloodbath.
  1. The order was taken directly from this update: it's the Wheel of Magic starting at the current Supreme Patriarch's College and proceeding from there.
  2. I also like our current staff! Our current staff is about as good as can be reasonably hoped for! We rolled a six! The thing I am looking for is to get better at Turning so that when we make Eike's staff out of the wood that once held the lower half of a dryad's form (or "buttwood" to use the technical term), we have better odds of making something great and less odds of wasting our time and materials.
In conclusion, how dare you meddle with perfection, it'll be pistols at dawn.
Since this a plan vote, and obligatory:
It's only a plan when you're voting for things from multiple colleges. Source:
- I've been trying to work out what the orb reward is going to be for way too long, so I'm passing the problem to you. There will be a twenty-four hour moratorium. Voting will be in plan format when voting for one thing from each College. Have fun.
[*] Battle Altar Mammoth

[*] Plan Butterflies
-[*] Jade: Summon and Command Butterflies Enchantment
-[*] Amber: Make Butterflies Carnivorous Enchantment
-[*] Grey: Makes Butterflies Invisible Enchantment
-[*] Light: Make Butterflies Shoot Lasers Enchantment
-[*] etc
If we are going to go with the armor, from an in-universe standpoint I would prefer if it was phrased as "Mathilde getting top priority for requisitioning the armor when she needs it" rather than "the armor is permanently in Mathilde's possession."

That way if we're going to do something immediately dangerous, like the Elfcation or our Chaos Wastes trip, we can requisition it, and if we're spending a few years on pure research it can remain available to the rest of the Colleges during that time.

It does mean a bit more bookkeeping and that if we end up suddenly engaged in combat "off turn" and/or ambushed we don't get the benefit, but I'd be willing to give that up in exchange for the armor not gathering dust on our shelf the next time we do a major sit-down research project.
That's not bad, I'd support that if Boney allowed it.
If it stacks with the spell, wouldn't it also stack with an enchantment, effectively combining armor+robes into one slot? Since AA robes don't do anything except increase AP, it shouldn't add the kind of mechanical complexity Boney seeks to avoid with slot limits.
The Armour is already enchanted. The enchantment is what lets it be usable without interfering with spellcasting, what gives it the ward save in the tabletop and whatever the narrative equivalent of that is here, and presumably what lets Aethyric Armour stack with it. So we can't have a second enchanted item in the same slot.
How about a knightly order of Mammoth Battle Altar Wizard Cavalry?
The pedant in me ("what do you mean in you, you just are a pedant" True, but rude of you to say so) wants to point out that cavalry derives from Italian cavallo, horse, and as such a military unit mounted on mammoths would clearly be mammothry.
I read through the update and then many of Boney's posts, and wow things got very silly very fast.

Personally, I'm voting for allowing Mathilde to study ways of eliminating Dhar. We've already got some Secrets we can apply to the topic, and it's a nice way to tie back to the Liber Mortis and Abelhelm.
If we are going to go with the armor, from an in-universe standpoint I would prefer if it was phrased as "Mathilde getting top priority for requisitioning the armor when she needs it" rather than "the armor is permanently in Mathilde's possession."

That way if we're going to do something immediately dangerous, like the Elfcation or our Chaos Wastes trip, we can requisition it, and if we're spending a few years on pure research it can remain available to the rest of the Colleges during that time.

It does mean a bit more bookkeeping and that if we end up suddenly engaged in combat "off turn" and/or ambushed we don't get the benefit, but I'd be willing to give that up in exchange for the armor not gathering dust on our shelf the next time we do a major sit-down research project.
That's not bad, I'd support that if Boney allowed it.

That's valid.
I think, a good question would be, "whats the next project for webmat?"

Well, I've been wanting an extended expedition into Nehekara, with a look towards deep lore, the nature of the divine, and unearthing secrets of the Old Ones.

We can start by learning High Nehekaran and unearthing that tomb near Gretel's place, then translating the notes and scrolls we have, before moving deeper into Nehekara itself (depending on what we learn from the scrolls).

A mobile research base—such as a flying tower—would be ideal for that, and give us a safe location to operate from.
Oh right i almost forgot

[] Mammoth (not necessarily War mammoth)
-[] With a lifetime handler to ensure seamless takeover and then take care of its needs when we are not available.

I will NOT forget the Mammot, even if all of you do. Mammoth is love. Mammoth is life.
I mean the tower/skyship is cool and all but we already have our own gyrocopter to get to places quick.
How often do/did we need to go somewhere slower but with more space/armor?
I feel like a flying x is more a solution in search of a problem.

As such what would we do next step with a flying x:
- flying skyship for touring with Empress Heidi
- flying casino, because gambling laws don't apply in international airspace
What would we actually hope to get from the dhar dispension? Starting to cast with it or just laundering what we already know?
The first one is bad and the second one is boring.
Has there been clarification on the relative speed of the gyrocopter (and I just realized that, as there is no such thing as a gyroco, the name of gyrocopter is kind of odd) vs the speed of an airship?

Cursed fact: helicopter is a combination of the words helico and pter.
The pedant in me ("what do you mean in you, you just are a pedant" True, but rude of you to say so) wants to point out that cavalry derives from Italian cavallo, horse, and as such a military unit mounted on mammoths would clearly be mammothry.
Yes, but modern tank groups are called cavalry, which is what I'm comparing it to. It's mobile, is very resistant to normal infantry, and has an artillery piece as it's center piece.

Having read more, I'd ditch the 'knightly order' part, as you don't want to bunch them all up in a group, but I still do support making mammoths the standard mount for battle altars. It has a huge compounding effect, not even getting into greater trade with Norscans in hopes to wean them off of chaos.
Has there been clarification on the relative speed of the gyrocopter (and I just realized that, as there is no such thing as a gyroco, the name of gyrocopter is kind of odd) vs the speed of an airship?
We got a rough estimated via comparison.
If a flying tower has speed 2 a air ship has speed 6 and anything that needs to start and land is about speed 20
Voting is open