Dawr is listed as an adjective, with Bardin using dawri to refer to people. I guess dawongr works if you're trying to say 'friendly with dwarves'?
Dawongi meaning a person who is dawongr could work, though 'dawongri' would suggest itself as well.
Dawr is listed as an adjective, with Bardin using dawri to refer to people. I guess dawongr works if you're trying to say 'friendly with dwarves'?
Conlang language drift, no less.
Is it okay to ask what Eike and Egrimm thought of the name we chose?As soon as the word 'Portentiv' arises, any further discussion of what to name the Wind-sensitive Portativ becomes pointless.
Would be funny if he simply supplied them with Silk in exchange for his ships getting pirate immunity.Sartosa remained a tough nut to crack, the pirate ships plying the seas and the docks servicing them were a much easier target to combat. It seemed the king who focused so much on trade would find his war after all...
I think it's better for our pride if we don'tIs it okay to ask what Eike and Egrimm thought of the name we chose?
I'm very happy to hear that. I'd hoped and guessed based on what you've said, but if there's a way to tactfully ask, then I sure as fuck don't know it. So, it's good to have that confirmed.The pace we've arrived at is the amount of detail people seem to want (recall the vote for whether to add social actions) multiplied by the rate of writing I'm able to sustain, which is ironically less than it once was as a result of improved mental health. I started the quest at a point where every other facet of my life was in various states that I was eager to ignore, and so I was spending days to weeks at a time doing nothing but the quest. Character creation to the big hiatus at the gates of Karak Eight Peaks was 76 updates over five months. I was writing an update, posting it, responding to questions, opening the vote, going to bed, waking up, closing the vote, and writing another update. It was a good thing at a point when I needed a good thing, but the circumstances that created it weren't. With the rest of my life now being something I'm happy to be a participant in, the quest gets less of my waking hours.
I think that specific sort of humor hasn't gone away completely, it's just moved out of the main text. But it still turns up occasionally in the vote options (Journeymanlings, or the vote on how to announce herself to Roswita when fetching her for the swords). And the occasional shitposting. So, it seems to me you just restricting where that kind humor is appropriate.My QM 'style' has certainly evolved over time and become more straightforward; early on the more comedic tone in the mechanics was largely due to the influence of other quests I read giving me the impression that that would be expected, but also probably at least partially a mask for self-consciousness, but I do it the way I do it because I think it works best that way.
It's interesting, because in my experience as a QM, I actually found the energy I need for doing writing and the energy for doing organizational stuff is a different thing. Though doing organizational stuff for your notes, and then keeping the public version updated are two different things, and the second is more tedious.You can see a pain point there with how the dramatis personae threadmark has been basically mothballed.
There's also that if someone lives and breathes a work, you never really get out of the mindset and don't forget details. Until you hit burnout.So all in all, the quest is conceptually thicker, flowing more like honey than water. The mindset where I can encompass all the moving parts is one that takes a lot more of a run-up than it once did. I'm about to write a scene with eight Magister Patriarchs and Matriarchs when the quest initially had about eight named characters total. An inevitability, perhaps, but there's definitely an unused middle point of available mental effort, where I might not be at full power but there's still the potential for writing to be had.
That is an exciting possibility.I have Thoughts for harnessing that, there might be something to see on that front before much longer.
Do you remember the intended time horizon?At that point you weren't being reeled in, they were just tugging on the line to see how deep you'd been hooked. They (and I) were planning to let you get comfortable and then slowly crank up what was going to be required of you, but then fate and dice intervened and Sigmar didn't.
Do you think you've changed in how much you plan? You've talked about Bazar vs Cathedral before, but that's obviously not a hard binary, and it doesn't have to be the same at every scale. Put another way, I would describe the quest as a bazar of cathedrals (or at least churches), where you can go into any direction, but the place you end up with will have a decent bit of thought put into. The answer for Dum was decided from the start, for example, whereas the purest or most extreme type of bazar style would throw out clues and then come up with an answer.None of the details were nailed down, but that he'd been calling on them for help against the doom that had accounted for the rest of his family and accidentally brought him to them instead of them to him was decided very early on.
Nah you see the more other people hated it, the better it is.
With puns, the more people that cringe, the more puntastic it is
Is that typo from the original or did it somehow sneak in during copying?
First, I'm amazed you noticed that because I didn't.Is that typo from the original or did it somehow sneak in during copying?
Followers of Nagash are unable to engage in diplomacy/trade with any other Tomb Kings faction.
Is it okay to ask what Eike and Egrimm thought of the name we chose?
Do you think you've changed in how much you plan? You've talked about Bazar vs Cathedral before, but that's obviously not a hard binary, and it doesn't have to be the same at every scale. Put another way, I would describe the quest as a bazar of cathedrals (or at least churches), where you can go into any direction, but the place you end up with will have a decent bit of thought put into. The answer for Dum was decided from the start, for example, whereas the purest or most extreme type of bazar style would throw out clues and then come up with an answer.
The sequel trilogy has done enough to make people aware of the term 'mystery box writing' and Abrams' usage of it.And I'm struck by the sudden awareness that it's been long enough that Lost is probably no longer a cultural touchstone
Given that IC Mathilde is the one who came up with absolutely everything else we named, that shouldn't be surprising to me. I guess it's just that in her own internal narration (the same narration that declares something a complete mystery only to consider it absolutely obvious to anyone with common sense a few years later) she doesn't really acknowledge her penchant for puns. I thought for a moment that maybe one of them might be surprised, but both of them would know, say, the names of the spells she created. Still, I hope they at least had a good laugh or exasperated sigh 😋The level of shock they experienced at Mathilde coming up with a pun name is matched only by that of witnessing the sun rise in the morning.
I'm afraid to ask, but, sequel trilogy? To Lost?The sequel trilogy has done enough to make people aware of the term 'mystery box writing' and Abrams' usage of it.
Presumably the new Star Wars movies.
Star Wars.
Oh, it was a great many more than one ass-pull, I assure you.Oh duh! Didn't even watch the third one. But I did hear that they did some kind of ass-pull regarding its plot.
Oh, I love that YouTube channel. A goldmine of comedy, that one.Oh, it was a great many more than one ass-pull, I assure you.
EDIT: In case you wanted a solid summary of everything that happens. 5:10 onwards is the part pertaining to the third film, but the entire thing is worth watching.
We watched with suspicion as the Dawi turned their backs on a mountain range that could be mined for a thousand thousand years to spread to all corners of the Old World. Why Ekrund, pinned between the Badlands and the sea? Why Norsca, the shattered remnants of another prison? Why the Middle Mountains, desolate and cursed? Why risk everything to travel across the Dark Lands and the Great Ocean, often never to be heard from again?
"The southern Holds called us paranoid, even as history gave the horrible answers to our other two suspicions: Why Uzkulak? Why Tylos?
Yes, or at the very least that's what Karak Dum thought was happening. I personally suspect there might be a little projection going on there, though.Is Borek implying that these locations were settled by dwarfs that wanted to continue worshipping the old gods