Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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im ngl, i was introduced to Dawongr by torroar, and im not about to change ten years of perception out of a mistake. Language is what we say Language is. It may have started a mistake but its baked into the setting for me rn.
And if some other site uses it differently we are going to get accents.

Having a SV accent on our Dwarven language is peak fandom.
Bit late on this. It kind of required me to sit down and be able to type properly, not just on the phone.
The pace we've arrived at is the amount of detail people seem to want (recall the vote for whether to add social actions) multiplied by the rate of writing I'm able to sustain, which is ironically less than it once was as a result of improved mental health. I started the quest at a point where every other facet of my life was in various states that I was eager to ignore, and so I was spending days to weeks at a time doing nothing but the quest. Character creation to the big hiatus at the gates of Karak Eight Peaks was 76 updates over five months. I was writing an update, posting it, responding to questions, opening the vote, going to bed, waking up, closing the vote, and writing another update. It was a good thing at a point when I needed a good thing, but the circumstances that created it weren't. With the rest of my life now being something I'm happy to be a participant in, the quest gets less of my waking hours.
I'm very happy to hear that. I'd hoped and guessed based on what you've said, but if there's a way to tactfully ask, then I sure as fuck don't know it. So, it's good to have that confirmed.
My QM 'style' has certainly evolved over time and become more straightforward; early on the more comedic tone in the mechanics was largely due to the influence of other quests I read giving me the impression that that would be expected, but also probably at least partially a mask for self-consciousness, but I do it the way I do it because I think it works best that way.
I think that specific sort of humor hasn't gone away completely, it's just moved out of the main text. But it still turns up occasionally in the vote options (Journeymanlings, or the vote on how to announce herself to Roswita when fetching her for the swords). And the occasional shitposting. So, it seems to me you just restricting where that kind humor is appropriate.
You can see a pain point there with how the dramatis personae threadmark has been basically mothballed.
It's interesting, because in my experience as a QM, I actually found the energy I need for doing writing and the energy for doing organizational stuff is a different thing. Though doing organizational stuff for your notes, and then keeping the public version updated are two different things, and the second is more tedious.
So all in all, the quest is conceptually thicker, flowing more like honey than water. The mindset where I can encompass all the moving parts is one that takes a lot more of a run-up than it once did. I'm about to write a scene with eight Magister Patriarchs and Matriarchs when the quest initially had about eight named characters total. An inevitability, perhaps, but there's definitely an unused middle point of available mental effort, where I might not be at full power but there's still the potential for writing to be had.
There's also that if someone lives and breathes a work, you never really get out of the mindset and don't forget details. Until you hit burnout.
I have Thoughts for harnessing that, there might be something to see on that front before much longer.
That is an exciting possibility.
At that point you weren't being reeled in, they were just tugging on the line to see how deep you'd been hooked. They (and I) were planning to let you get comfortable and then slowly crank up what was going to be required of you, but then fate and dice intervened and Sigmar didn't.
Do you remember the intended time horizon?
None of the details were nailed down, but that he'd been calling on them for help against the doom that had accounted for the rest of his family and accidentally brought him to them instead of them to him was decided very early on.
Do you think you've changed in how much you plan? You've talked about Bazar vs Cathedral before, but that's obviously not a hard binary, and it doesn't have to be the same at every scale. Put another way, I would describe the quest as a bazar of cathedrals (or at least churches), where you can go into any direction, but the place you end up with will have a decent bit of thought put into. The answer for Dum was decided from the start, for example, whereas the purest or most extreme type of bazar style would throw out clues and then come up with an answer.
First three are not super required, but it might be nice for consistency.

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
This one doesn't really need it because the first sentence lists the options, but it's nice to have it listed what that means too.

[X] Female
[X] Peasant: Though your position is a worthy one, your origins mean that you will have to earn respect a dozen times over before it is given to you. +2 shinies
[X] Local: Already being tied in to the local power structures can be a significant advantage. -1 shinies.
[X] Grey Wizard: You have only just completed your apprenticeship, and now are able to usefully wield the winds of Ulgu, the grey magic of shadow and illusion. Very fitting for a spymaster.

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
For some reason for this one the voting collector didn't actually display the winning plan correctly, so I was confused for a bit.
This on also isn't that necessary, because the post also lists the the chosen options in short later on, just not at the beginning.

[X] Ranald: Trickster God of luck, fortune, and thieves. Barely tolerated by polite society.

Petty Magics:
[X] Sound: You can create any noise but speech from anywhere within line of sight - though the greater the distance, the trickier it is to pull off.
Lesser Magics:
[X] Combat: You can wrap magic around yourself to act as armour, and around a weapon to enchant it to deal damage to magical creatures.
Shadow Magic:
[X] Shadowsteed: A mystical and supernaturally fast horse is summoned that will carry you or one you designate until dismounted or dawn the next day.
[X] Mindhole: You attempt to mentally overpower your target, who must be reasonably close. If successful, they will forget everything they know of you.

[X] Snakehunted: Attracted by miscast Shadowmancy, a Wisdom's Asp has been pursuing you for as long as you can remember, and until defeated (can it be defeated?) it will continue to grin back at you through mirrors and try to sneak into your bed at night to squeeze the life from you. +2 shinies
[X] A More Mundane Debt: You are deep in debt to the Colleges of Magic for your education. They will expect you to start repaying it soon. You don't want to find out what they do to collect on outstanding student loans. Can be taken up to three times for +1 shiny each.

[X] Enchanter: You have a talent for taming the winds of Ulgu and trapping them within objects. You can create very minor magical trinkets, and have a bonus to learning the more advanced forms of enchantment.
[X] Brave: You can withstand terrors that make others flee. +1 martial
[X] College: You made friends and allies back in Altdorf, and they may be able to help with research and resources, though the road from Wurtbad to Altdorf is long and treacherous.
[X] Townsfolk: You know Wurtbad and it's people like the back of your hand, and they will be quick to overcome their suspicion of your new, magical aspect and accept you as one of them once more.
[-] Peasants: You know the traditions and superstitions of the people of Stirland, how to talk to them without them seeing you as an outsider or a threat. - FREE DUE TO PEASANT ORIGIN

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
Name isn't exactly required, but having the image linked directly is nice so you don't have to go to the spoilery character sheet.

[X] Mathilde Weber
[X] Cool Wizards Don't Look At Explosions

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
The first one where it's actually necessary.

[X] Plan Foundation
-[X] Money troubles: You're supposed to be paid, right? And shouldn't there be a budget for doing spymaster-y things? You should probably talk to someone about that.
-[X] Letters Home: There's a lot of strangeness surrounding the appointment of yourself, your fellow counsellors, and your Count. See if anyone back home knows anything of what's going on.
-[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
--[X] The castle is currently abandoned, but the former staff can't have just vanished. See if you can find where they disappeared to, and ask what they know of your predecessor.
--[X] The nobles of Stirland may have had contact with your predecessor, and it sounds like they'll all be coming here for the ceremony. See if you can find out what they know.
--[X] Surely there would be records, or notes, or piles of intercepted letters, or some sort of trail of your predecessor somewhere in this castle. Possibly behind a secret door. You eye the wall sconces in your room suspiciously.
--[X] Your predecessor would have been paid, right? And a budget would have been drawn for their activities? And the woman called Wilhelmina is going over the finances anyway...

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
One fun thing is how close some of these were, and also that the choice fell on a coin flip a few times. Like this one, except after closing someone came in and voted for the other option, so we came very close to Mathilde getting a wizard tower from the start and not the Sunken Palace.
So, if your quest doesn't get more than half a dozen votes for the first half dozen turns, don't despair because of it! Even the biggest, baddest quest on SV was the same. You should instead despair for other reasons.

[X] Plan No Place Like Home
-[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
--[X] Record-Keeping: The Wurtbad Watch keeps a record of every cart that goes through the gates. See if there's any useful information to be found in their record books.
--[X] Wilhelmina says that most of the nobles are unknowingly helping with rebuilding the tax code. Maybe those that aren't are hiding something.
-[X] Divided Loyalty: you've been told to prepare a report on Anton.
--[X] Investigate Anton and prepare a full report on him. Does take an action.
-[X] Laying Groundwork: You can't keep an ear out for gossip if nobody's talking to you. Go out and rekindle old connections with:
--[X] Wurtbad: The townspeople of Wurtbad.
-[X] A Matter of Faith: Your personal shrine to Ranald is back in Altdorf. Construct a new one, so that he can better watch over you here.
-[X] Home Comforts: Surely there's a more suitable place for you to set up shop than a mouldering guest room. See about securing lodgings:
--[X] In a hidden place within Wurtbad, either under the ground or within the slums.
-[X] Yes (-5 personal gold/turn)
-[X] Yes - enough to get it paid off in the foreseeable future (-35 personal gold/turn)
-[X] Money don't grow on trees, and I got bills to pay. (+100 personal gold, -100 discretionary gold, almost no risk)

The formatting for how the votes are pasted into the start is also inconsistent for the first ten turns or so, but it doesn't seem worth the effort to correct that.
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Is that typo from the original or did it somehow sneak in during copying?
First, I'm amazed you noticed that because I didn't.

After checking, I can tell you it's in the plan, but not in the action Boney offered. I copied the plan and so it got coppied too. At a guess, the original update had a typo, that was copied to the plan, and then it got fixed in the update later on.

But yeah, good catch, I'll fix it in my post.
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Is it okay to ask what Eike and Egrimm thought of the name we chose?

The level of shock they experienced at Mathilde coming up with a pun name is matched only by that of witnessing the sun rise in the morning.

Do you remember the intended time horizon?

They had introduced some carrots during the Haunted Hills campaign and I had vague ideas for them bringing in commensurate levels of stick afterwards, but I don't really plan ahead in a level of detail that would have timetables.

Do you think you've changed in how much you plan? You've talked about Bazar vs Cathedral before, but that's obviously not a hard binary, and it doesn't have to be the same at every scale. Put another way, I would describe the quest as a bazar of cathedrals (or at least churches), where you can go into any direction, but the place you end up with will have a decent bit of thought put into. The answer for Dum was decided from the start, for example, whereas the purest or most extreme type of bazar style would throw out clues and then come up with an answer.

My writing style would always have predetermined the fate of Dum. I had no intention of pulling a Lost. And I'm struck by the sudden awareness that it's been long enough that Lost is probably no longer a cultural touchstone, so the short version is coming up with a bunch of mysterious bullshit with the intention of figuring out how to tie it all together later, then finding out that there's no way to make all the pieces fit together satisfyingly and having the whole thing fall flat on its face.
The level of shock they experienced at Mathilde coming up with a pun name is matched only by that of witnessing the sun rise in the morning.
Given that IC Mathilde is the one who came up with absolutely everything else we named, that shouldn't be surprising to me. I guess it's just that in her own internal narration (the same narration that declares something a complete mystery only to consider it absolutely obvious to anyone with common sense a few years later) she doesn't really acknowledge her penchant for puns. I thought for a moment that maybe one of them might be surprised, but both of them would know, say, the names of the spells she created. Still, I hope they at least had a good laugh or exasperated sigh 😋

The sequel trilogy has done enough to make people aware of the term 'mystery box writing' and Abrams' usage of it.
I'm afraid to ask, but, sequel trilogy? To Lost?
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Oh, I love that YouTube channel. A goldmine of comedy, that one.

There's also something inherently hilarious about the premise of an interrogator walking into the interrogation room where his prisoner is and insisting that he will reveal everything to the prisoner whether he likes it or not.
We watched with suspicion as the Dawi turned their backs on a mountain range that could be mined for a thousand thousand years to spread to all corners of the Old World. Why Ekrund, pinned between the Badlands and the sea? Why Norsca, the shattered remnants of another prison? Why the Middle Mountains, desolate and cursed? Why risk everything to travel across the Dark Lands and the Great Ocean, often never to be heard from again?

"The southern Holds called us paranoid, even as history gave the horrible answers to our other two suspicions: Why Uzkulak? Why Tylos?

Having reread most of the quest again, this bit stood out to me. Is Borek implying that these locations were settled by dwarfs that wanted to continue worshipping the old gods instead of/alongside the ancestor gods?
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