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OK so first off this was inspired by the 40K Negaverse here by @BurnNote, without it I would not be writing this so many thanks for that. :)

40K Negaverse: Seeking the Way

Mathilde is a Sanctioned Psyker comes from the planet of Stir Secundus, somewhere in the Ultima Segmentum on the other side of the galactic core from Tera. By chance, if that is what you want to call it, she is send back to the planet to aid the newly made Sector Governor Abelheim van Hel is an Inquisitor who was granted Sector Governership for heroic deeds. He too has a history with this place as it was his ancestor who unleashed a blight of Abominable Intelligence upon the sector to defend against an invasion of xenos. Now poor Abelheim is working on a shoestring budget with subordinates of dubious skill, some of them are thieves, some of them are zealots (he does not have a very good impression of the Imperial Cult ever since they refused to send aid for his reconquest campaign) and one of them is a young noble called Anton. The governor sends him looking for mercenaries with some hints that if he were to find some who are not... entirely in the Light of the Emperor that is fine they can redeem themselves. He comes back with the maybe-posibily-we-do not-talk-about-it sentient Eldari Void Stalker Class Battleship Deathfang dating back to the heyday of the Eldar Empire captained by exiled admiral from Ulthwé, Asarnil. At this point any sector governor who did not also have a bloody rosette would have executed him for heresy. Abelheim goes 'well done Anton, lets kill those AI'. Also since he already has a major xenos asset in his fleet he does not even blink at making a treaty with the Spakerönde of Zhufbar to burn out the Abominable intelligence once and for all.

Mathilde who has an unusual skill at illusion for a Primaris Psyker uses that to... actually speak Eldari properly, full sensory experience. Admiral Asarnil is so amazed by this that he actually opens up a bit. He is not sharing any deep secrets of the Eldar, but even what little Mathilde reads between the lines is enough to convince her that is there is to be any hope of deafeating chaos it must include the aid of the elder races, the Imperium alone will fall, it is falling all around her day by day.

As though to prove that point Abelheim's campaign ends in tragedy with Mathilde taking up his Relic Chainsword to defend him and only the forces of Votans and and Eldar ship hanging on at the end. Those Anals of Imperial history that were not utterly redacted would mark this as the forging of a heretic unlike any the Imperium of Man had seen since the days of the Great Crusade. On that battlefield Mathilde would receive Abelheim Van Hall's secret treasure and shame, a man of Iron STC

Now made an inquisitor Mathilde bearing the rosette of her late master would depart for Votans space together with the Space Marine Chapter of the White Wolves which had left their recruiting world for unclear and potentially shameful reasons. Ostensibly Mathilde goes to spy on them and on the strange abhumans, though her mind is on other matters. In the ancient ruined system known only as VAU, playing host to a staggering eight living worlds battle is joined. After a series of psychic and other weird shenanigans during the initial invasion Mathilde would gain the eye and favor of the Laughing God after channeling vast amounts of Waagh energy into a slumbering shrine of the Eldar God that no one had recognized much less used in millennia.

Settling in to her role as chief warp-wrangler, now with the aid of her own divine patron Mathilde would gain psychic insights and hone her mind against greenskins are fouler xenos, the same ones that had prompted Vanhell to unleash the AI upon Stir. Here she would be joined by Magos Johann of the mechanicus with an... unusual interest in xeno-tech, a bevy of other psykers, including the Biomancer Panoramia whom Mathilde would eventually fall in love with. But it was a scouting mission with the aid of Magus Johann that would set into motion the chain of events that would have her lead armies of the Kindred to scour all Eight Planets of xenos and greenskins and in the process discover that the shrine of the Laughing God was not the only Eldari artifact on the world indeed there are more, strange carved stones that show evidence of both Eldari and Kindred work. Once triggered these stones stabilize the local warp to a degree that is unheard of reducing the voices of the warp that every psyker must contend with to whispers of whispers.

The destruction of a massive Ork Waagh with the aid of a psychic station of her own design and the political cover given to her by Abelheim's daughter is one of the few things that ward away an investigation that would be Inquisitor Weber's end yet she is not deterred. Having already learned many of the deep secrets of the Votan from spending so long in a hold of the Kindred, their use of Ancestor Cores, their cloning technology Mathilde is not the least shocked by the evidence of xeno-heresy and neither are those psykers and tech-priests with her. Instead they are intrigued.

That is how they learn that in the depths of the Age of Strife the Leagues of Votan had allied with Craftworld Ulthwé in battle and yet in the creation of these 'waystones' which are a significant part of how the Votan survived. But that alliance is dead, sundered by some great betrayal. Perhaps that is where things would have ended if word had not come from the Exodite world of Tor Laur that they had sensed the awakening of the stones and wished to partner with Spakerönde VAU to rediscover the nature of these ancient works and perhaps reforge them.

Mathilde accepts and so does the Council of Ancestors, more than that she draws the White Wolves into the conspiracy, using their chapter's deep dislike the the Ecclesiarchy's callousness as leverage.

So it Begins.

OOC: I know the White Wolves are kind of shoehorned in there, but there is no way a whole chapter would not notice all the techno-heresy and sorcery going on so they had to come on board somehow.

40k is way more grimdark and hopeless than Fantasy. I am glad we are in WHF instead.
I think that for maximum heresy Mathilde should get permission for waystone project from Blueberry man himself and the emperor literally sending Saint Celestine to be her bodyguard.

I could see the Mega Smurf, but her hatred of Sigmar, not the Cult, Sigmar himself, would probably translate in thinking the Emperor is an uncaring husk, which is a lot more fair for him than the man with the hammer.
Having already learned many of the deep secrets of the Votan from spending so long in a hold of the Kindred, their use of Ancestor Cores, their cloning technology Mathilde is not the least shocked by the evidence of xeno-heresy and neither are those psykers and tech-priests with her. Instead they are intrigued.
What Mathilde keeps concealed from even those companions, however, are the forbidden, ancient Codexes describing lost techniques for creating, controlling and even unmaking Abominable Intelligences which she studies and carefully preserves, recovered as she eradicates the AI infestations and strongholds in the Sector. Later Inquisitors would debate the nature of her motivations for doing so- personal power? Or alongside her Xeno-heretical designs to oppose Chaos? While more would say the reason for Heresy matters not, only the fact of it.
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OOC: I know the White Wolves are kind of shoehorned in there, but there is no way a whole chapter would not notice all the techno-heresy and sorcery going on so they had to come on board somehow.
Of course it's not all xeno-tech they are working with the Votann who have incredibly advanced tech of human origin so there is a very good reason for even a strict doctrinaire tech priest to give quite a lot of leeway so long as their is age of strife era human tech potentially on offer.
What Mathilde keeps concealed from even those companions, however, are the forbidden, ancient Codexes describing lost techniques for creating, controlling and even unmaking Abominable Intelligences which she studies and carefully preserves, recovered as she eradicates the AI infestations and strongholds in the Sector. Later Inquisitors would debate the nature of her motivations for doing so- personal power? Or alongside her Xeno-heretical designs to oppose Chaos? While more would say the reason for Heresy matters not, only the fact of it.

Yep, that looks like a cool transposition.

It's not Heresy if an Inquisitor says it isn't. Unless more important Inquisitors say it is.

Space marines are the kind of people who can get away with shootting a relatively junior in inquisitor in the head and pretend the red stains are from something else

Of course it's not all xeno-tech they are working with the Votann who have incredibly advanced tech of human origin so there is a very good reason for even a strict doctrinaire tech priest to give quite a lot of leeway so long as their is age of strife era human tech potentially on offer.

Yeah, that would be Johann's dispensation, in 40K it would be less explicit permission and more *wink wink* don't look too hard *nudge nudge*. The 'problem' is if you isolate a bunch of imperials from the IoM for a long period of time and give them an alternative acceptable moral compass they just might choose that. In this universe the story of 'lets all work together' has to be one of rebellion unless you go with something like a Song of Peace where the Emperor's secret daughter is doing it there just isn't a realistic way to get it accepted

Incidentally one of the reasons I stopped here is I had no idea what Kislev would be. Just another Sector would not work since the point is they have a divergent magical tradition which then allows the introduction of Baba N.
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I think he did that by becoming magister first and than leading skaven loot recovery efforts to point he is pretty much solidified his position.

Becoming LM is actually much more political. That is the point when you can unliterally negotiate or act on behalf of the Empire but that is not something everybody would seek either since you actually need to prove yourself which is pretty long process and I have seen no sign of him looking for it. No search for Great Deed no time spent making conections inside the Empire that would vouch for him. Nothing really.

Thinking about it he might actually have to spend a Great Deed to ensure his lack of magical ability is overlooked.

Mathilde sidestepped a lot of that stuff by working with dwarves but even then there was several actions anybody in the Empire could point to anybody that questions her promotion.

In short staying Magister is perfectly fine choice. Mathildes master did that after all.
Worth noting that even with Mathilde's astounding track record in proving herself to the dwarves, coming in clutch in Stirland, discovering and singlehandedly destroying the College of Necromancy and the vampire behind it, translating low Queekish, and becoming a Court Wizard to a major Karak, the Grey College was still going to let Mathilde "season" for a few more years before promoting her...until she decided to help lead a dwarven expedition into Hell.

She was basically promoted early "as a treat".

One normally does not get promoted to that rank at her age. Starke undoubtedly had help in the form of thoroughly proving his loyalty beyond any question whatsoever, which plays into his role for the Grey College. Mathilde managed to get promoted young because she approached Doing Great Things with the productivity of a very stubborn dwarf. Despite being far beyond the Empire's borders and beyond the reach of usual spies, Mathilde clearly showed no signs of slowing down in her achievements.

And for her first non-expedition-into-hell undertaking as a Lady Magister, she's doing the Waystone Project: an international magical research and development project into the Waystones and Waystone Network involving leading experts from the elves and dwarves, in the heart of Laurelorn.

Mathilde may not actually have the soul of a dwarf, but she's trying pretty damn hard to prove otherwise, it feels like :p
In the unlikely event that Mathilde actually dies of old age, she's going to spontaneously turn into stone in her deathbed, isn't she. (Turning into stone is what happens to Dawi who absorb magic, right?)
In the unlikely event that Mathilde actually dies of old age, she's going to spontaneously turn into stone in her deathbed, isn't she. (Turning into stone is what happens to Dawi who absorb magic, right?)
... Stone is a hysh thing, right? Do you think Cython would be willing to petrify our corpse if we explained the joke in advance?
Genius. Definitely as fun as all the other Negaverse stories.

I am in no way clear on what the Emperor in 40k does or doesn't know, but if he knows about the future Circatrix Maledictum, and knows or learns about 40k Waystones I could imagine him scrying in this direction, then suddenly laser-focusing on 40kMathilde's current project being of paramount importance.
To the point where he might be willing to let his concern with everything else slide for a while.
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Get an incredibly detailed statue carved and use it if we ever need to fake our death. Anyone who doesn't believe the whole dwarf soul thing will probably think it was a weird miscast.
Bonus points if we can make the swap somewhere highly impractical to transport a statue. Both to sell it, and so people keep scratching their heads once we show up again.
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Worth noting that even with Mathilde's astounding track record in proving herself to the dwarves, coming in clutch in Stirland, discovering and singlehandedly destroying the College of Necromancy and the vampire behind it, translating low Queekish, and becoming a Court Wizard to a major Karak, the Grey College was still going to let Mathilde "season" for a few more years before promoting her...until she decided to help lead a dwarven expedition into Hell.
I have to imagine part of it is institutional Grey paranoia, making sure that the person they're going to promote doesn't get a big head/is not doing what they're doing purely for the sake of glory. Greys have to be fine with not getting large amounts of praise for the things they do, because those things often need to be taken to the grave. Algard basically told us as much when we got promoted to Magister.

Another part of it was probably that, while we certainly had proven loyalty, ability and reliability, it really could be argued that at the time of our promotion we were a tad bit lacking in experience in general, the fourth known criteria for becoming LM. We only had eight years as Magister at the time, and most of that was doing stuff outside the Empire.
I have to imagine part of it is institutional Grey paranoia, making sure that the person they're going to promote doesn't get a big head/is not doing what they're doing purely for the sake of glory headpats. Greys have to be fine with not getting large amounts of praise for the things they do, because those things often need to be taken to the grave. Algard basically told us as much when we got promoted to Magister.
I got bad news for their vetting process, then, as we spent most of the next decade being about as conspicuous (and rewarded) as a Grey could possibly be. It's possibly only after getting the Lady Magister promotion we've toned that tendency down a bit- Albrecht/the Taalites, Boris/Kislev, etc.

So… on reflection, I suppose you could also say the vetting and promotion worked as intended?
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I got bad news for their vetting process, then, as we spent most of the next decade being about as conspicuous (and rewarded) as a Grey could possibly be. It's possibly only after getting the Lady Magister promotion we've toned that tendency down a bit- Albrecht/the Taalites, Boris/Kislev, etc.

So… on reflection, I suppose you could also say the vetting and promotion worked as intended?
I mean even before that there's a lot of stuff we kept hidden that honestly probably at least matches our public contribution, what with "Winning the war below" and all
I mean even before that there's a lot of stuff we kept hidden that honestly probably at least matches our public contribution, what with "Winning the war below" and all
My subjective recollection of that period is of us spending practically every (non-Belegar/Kragg) social turn doing humblebrag dropping of materials and achievements on Algard's desk. Often literally, and specifically including 'Winning the War Below'. As he noted before daemon-checking us, there's a process for publishing, and that wasn't it. :)

It's since the promotion I was musing that we've done stuff we then try to avoid bringing to even the Grey College's notice.
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