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My subjective recollection of that period is of us spending practically every (non-Belegar/Kragg) social turn doing humblebrag dropping of materials and achievements on Algard's desk. Often literally.
Practically, yeah. But most things the grays have to take to the grave can at least be shared with your superiors (apart from times you assasinate a head of state or learn the secrets of dhar). The having to be fine about not getting large amounts of praise is primarily from the public/people who aren't grey wizards.
My subjective recollection of that period is of us spending practically every (non-Belegar/Kragg) social turn doing humblebrag dropping of materials and achievements on Algard's desk. Often literally, and specifically including 'Winning the War Below'. As he noted before daemon-checking us, there's a process for publishing, and that wasn't it. :)

It's since the promotion I was musing that we've done stuff we then try to avoid bringing to even the Grey College's notice.

Most of the 'humblebrag' was in that one visit- we dropped Winning the War Below, the cantrip to wreck rattling guns, and Queekish all at once. Then there were the previous visits with the college of necromancy and the full blown Skaven civil war.

We'll likely have something new to drop on his desk soon enough with the morbs- which is good, we're overdue, we wouldn't want him to think that just because we're working on rebuilding some of the greatest achievements of the Golden Age that we don't still have time to pay him visits.
My subjective recollection of that period is of us spending practically every (non-Belegar/Kragg) social turn doing humblebrag dropping of materials and achievements on Algard's desk. Often literally, and specifically including 'Winning the War Below'. As he noted before daemon-checking us, there's a process for publishing, and that wasn't it. :)

It's since the promotion I was musing that we've done stuff we then try to avoid bringing to even the Grey College's notice.
I'm pretty sure Algard has noticed Mathilde's tendency for showmanship and love of dramatic presentation/humor (because Algard has it too--it's probably a Grey Wizard thing for those who rise up the ranks enough). But he also knows Mathilde is very capable of keeping a secret and knowing where to draw the line between claiming credit and "need-to-know" classification.

FFS, she translated Queekish, on top of getting a massive insight into their culture, general strategy, and inter-clan politics. She did that singlehandedly.

It's an achievement so big that it's not only super classified, it's super classified that she was the one who did it, or that a single individual was even responsible for it all. The latter for her own safety, so that the skaven don't ever find out and get super salty.

The College of Necromancy business saw her discover and then singlehandedly destroy an entire institution for teaching and training necromancers. She went on a necromancer killing spree the likes of which no wizard in the history of the Colleges has ever come even remotely close to rivaling.

When she had to explain to the other wizards of the Expedition that Karak Vlag was stuck in the Warp and that she was going to counterspell a Chaos God, she basically had to go "that's super duper extra double classified, don't even ask".

Mathilde humblebrags about what she can because she has to compensate for the bombshells she has to keep totally secret about all the time.
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I keep imagining that in order to make the favor-trading system work on an intercollegiate level, Algard has to explain to his fellow Patriarchs/Matriarchs the shit that his subordinates do that have to stay classified.

And they get their minds blown from time to time as they realize the shit the Grey Order gets up to that no one ever finds out about.

"Also, she looted skaven smut. Right alongside their detailed documentation about their technosorcerous inventions."

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The College of Necromancy business saw her discover and then singlehandedly destroy an entire institution for teaching and training necromancers. She went on a necromancer killing spree the likes of which no wizard in the history of the Colleges has ever come even remotely close to rivaling.
I'm so glad we chose the option to grab evidence of its existence.

"Also, she looted skaven smut. Right alongside their detailed documentation about their technosorcerous inventions."
Right alongside, you say?
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I remember when we saw Kasmir we told him to go to Roswita and he said he would consider it. I dont remember reading actual confirmation that he is on Roswita council. Do we know if he is in Roswita Council?
FFS, she translated Queekish, on top of getting a massive insight into their culture, general strategy, and inter-clan politics. She did that singlehandedly.
Not singlehandedly. Shouts out to our boy Max: we handed him a giant anatomical text in Queekish and a stack of unrelated anatomy books in languages he reads and went "figure it out." And he did, the brilliant diligent bastard; we were building our Queekish vocabulary by comparing the same text in Queekish to the translated Khazalid version, courtesy of Qrech, but he had to just fucking figure it out without any Rosetta Stone! Sure, we were able to help him out with basic vocabulary once we had it from Qrech, letting him focus on the medical vocabulary, but it's still an insanely impressive achievement. I don't think we would have put him on that assignment if we'd realized that trying to decode Queekish from first principles had literally driven other wizards insane, but the gods smile on children and fools and it all worked out. What a fucking legend he is.
Not singlehandedly. Shouts out to our boy Max: we handed him a giant anatomical text in Queekish and a stack of unrelated anatomy books in languages he reads and went "figure it out." And he did, the brilliant diligent bastard; we were building our Queekish vocabulary by comparing the same text in Queekish to the translated Khazalid version, courtesy of Qrech, but he had to just fucking figure it out without any Rosetta Stone! Sure, we were able to help him out with basic vocabulary once we had it from Qrech, letting him focus on the medical vocabulary, but it's still an insanely impressive achievement. I don't think we would have put him on that assignment if we'd realized that trying to decode Queekish from first principles had literally driven other wizards insane, but the gods smile on children and fools and it all worked out. What a fucking legend he is.

I do not think it was working from base principles that drove those people insane. They were working off related languages, which I imagine mostly Dark Tongue and maybe things like the darker and more arcane elements of Druthir.
They probably also lacked the cultural context that there are over a dozen queekish languages—and only one of them, "common" or "pidgin" queekish, can be spoken by non-skaven.

Imagine reading a Moulder document, thinking you've got it mostly figured out, and then someone passes you a Skyre document to translate.
They probably also lacked the cultural context that there are over a dozen queekish languages—and only one of them, "common" or "pidgin" queekish, can be spoken by non-skaven.

Imagine reading a Moulder document, thinking you've got it mostly figured out, and then someone passes you a Skyre document to translate.
That's only for spoken Queekish, written Queekish is a single language.
Books on Clio/Scripsisti would have to have them I presume.
Books Clio and Scripsisti would probably fall under either Verena (since Verenans often consider Them aspects of Her) or Minor Gods of the Empire. Minor Gods we have the full +5 on, Verena we have Extensive and Obscure. I don't think Cilo and Scripsisti are so obscure that they'll be relegated to the last two points of rarity, but who knows.
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