Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Was there supposed to be a vote relating to this afterwards?
No, Mathilde says it. There is no more information to be gleaned at this gathering. She will just try to remember who is who in this assortment of important personages.

So the next time she spokes someone´s wheel or someone helps her out or someone spokes her wheel in some major geopolitical goal, she won´t have to learn who they are beforehands, she will have met them here and remembered them.
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No, Mathilde says it. There is no more information to be gleaned at this gathering. She will just try to remember who is who in this assortment of important personages.

So the next time she spokes someone´s wheel or someone helps her out or someone spokes her wheel in some major geopolitical goal, she won´t have to learn who they are beforehands, she will have met them here and remembered them.
Ah alright, thanks.
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None of the questions touch on matters of Kislev's rivers, and when Wilhelmina takes you into a quiet corner for you to confirm that Kislev's upcoming canal to bypass the Mazhorod ford is only going to be the first stage of a much more significant project, her cackle unnerves everyone brave enough to hover nearby. Then she launches herself like a projectile in the general direction of the representative from Ostermark, because if Kislev's going to be in play soon, then the Karak Kadrin canal becomes a lot more significant and the mere detente with the League of Ostermark will be insufficient.
I love when Wilhelmina gets her Business on.
None of the questions touch on matters of Kislev's rivers, and when Wilhelmina takes you into a quiet corner for you to confirm that Kislev's upcoming canal to bypass the Mazhorod ford is only going to be the first stage of a much more significant project, her cackle unnerves everyone brave enough to hover nearby. Then she launches herself like a projectile in the general direction of the representative from Ostermark, because if Kislev's going to be in play soon, then the Karak Kadrin canal becomes a lot more significant and the mere detente with the League of Ostermark will be insufficient.
what have we done
Even Marienburg has sent someone - the High Priest of Manann, possibly the only person on their Directorate with an interest in the matter but no suspicion of involvement with the matter of the mine on the Skull River.

Just wanted to get this out;
You know what they say, the cleanest Marienburger is the dampest
Swap out Nehekhara with Druchii, because I think we'll be going over to Nagarythe soon and Druchii politics are present in the Old World.
We've reached the limit of Druchii books for purchase with Imperial Extensive/Bretonnian Extensive. Boney confirmed both that Dwarves don't have books on them and that rare Imperial books are not available for purchase through channels available to us.
@Boney I have to ask, for purposes of the library, would the Druchii ("The Druchii of Naggaroth", presumably) be under Civilized Realms, or under Enemies of Man? Also, is it a safe assumption that the Dwarves might not have too much on them given the schism and them not interacting much?
It would depend how Mathilde felt about them when it came time to make that decision. And yeah, the Dwarves only really know the Druchii as one of many dangers while travelling at sea, not as a society.
The Empire category has the full +5, but most can't be found on the open market or in Nuln libraries.
@Boney Where can we find rarer Imperial books on Druchii? The Colleges?
I assure you, as an Elfternship supporter I would be all about more Druchii books if they were available, but they're not.
Huh. If we turn the entire river route into a river leyline, then it's possible we could use that connection and all that power to weaponize the river! /madscientist
Don´t think thats possible, the World Spirit won´t remember the new canals and there will be part of the network that will flow in different direction. I mean, i know it was meant to be a joke, just saying before someone tries to actually build something serious on top of it.
Thanks for the update and Merry Christmas everyone!

It's really all coming together. Waystone codes: acquired. Canal: complete. Second Canal: planned. Morb Flex: soon. Elfcation: soon. We Silk: soon.

Truly beautiful. You love to see it.
Your efforts at grappling with the Leyline problem seem to fascinate him the most, and he spends some time scrutinizing one of the bag of rocks, by force of will alone remaining resolutely unbaffled. He listens to your theorizing on the Titan-metal used in the original capstones, and confirms that the Kingdom of Caledor would have the ability, though not necessarily the inclination, to make more of the stuff. Though he doesn't outright say it would be expensive, it's implied enough that you're happy you considered the alternatives.

The Grey Lord contributions make him quiet and thoughtful, and he seems disappointed to hear that you've had very little dealings with most of them. When he asks about a Lord Sarriel you're forced to admit you've not heard the name until now, and he drops the line of inquiry. The Dwarven contributions seem to make him maudlin, and you notice him lightly touching the hilt of his sword several times, as if to remind himself it's still there.
It's interesting that Ulthuan still has the capability to make more of the titan-metal. There's an implication here that Ulthuan did not look too deeply into other alternatives for the capstone. It seems like that it might be expensive enough that even the Stone Flower would be cheaper compared to getting Caledor to do it. That alone would make our waystones easier to make, even if everything else is exactly as difficult.

I wonder why Eltharion was notably interested in the Grey Lords. I assume that if Hatalath had dominated the discussion that would have been noted. Sarriel is worshipped as a god of dreams by the Eonir. He is also referred to as a demigod and a seer. He is the one who used the abandoned third tower of Laurelorn. Lord Sarriel might have been the one who made the Talisman of Hoeth that Eltharion uses. The Talisman of Hoeth is an item that gives Eltharion the magical knowledge of the past Wardens of Tor Yvresse. That is probably what the Shyish that Mathilde sees is. It might fit Sarriel's divine portfolio being dreams.

My point was not that it was not official policy to treat Laurelorn as an independent nation, my point was that they were doing it on the king's word, not a formal treaty, making it a lot easier for a future Phoenix King (or even the current one, theoretically) to just change his mind. Treaties provide security in the face of leadership and policy changes, and Elves are gonna take the very long view and appreciate that.
:wtf: I responded to this already in the same comment you are quoting. I will just copy/paste what I said before.

Mathilde said nothing about "it puts it into agreements with other nations." She said that it recognizes it wholesale. Just flat out and unmodified. Mathilde would not have said it would have huge ramifications on Laurelorn and Ulthuan's relations if she had known Ulthuan already recognized Laurelorn's independence. She would have said something like what you said. That putting it into words with nations like the Empire and Kislev would be significant. Not that the action in and of itself would be significant.

Anyways, to sum it up, if Mathilde had known Finubar had recognized the independence of Laurelorn, she would have said so. It would have been relevant. You are trying to twist the words away from their natural meaning. The simplest answer to this is that Mathilde did not know. She is not omniscient.
@Boney, back then you indicated a possibility of research into runesmithing with powerstones:
@Boney I know you mentioned that the last time someone tried to carve a rune into raw magic it was Alaric and the material was warpstone, but given that we have powerstones in the tower I would hope that the dwarfs acknowledge single wind powerstones as safer than the Evil Uranium. Assuming that is right does Mathilde think there is a runesmith out there radical enough to be willing to carve in raw Ulgu?

I ask because colaboration with Runesmiths was one of the stated goals of Web-mat and that would be a hell of a way to start it off.
The radical path is a non-starter, but the opposite approach is a possibility: have someone start delving into the oldest Runesmith archives to see if there's any trace of that sort of thing attempted by Thungni or those taught by Him during the Golden Age, when they were partnered with the Elves and so would have had access to power stones. If there's even a hint of a suggestion of it having been done back then, then pursuing the research becomes rediscovery of lost lore and thus not at all radical.

Would this research be a dwarf purchase with optional AV as usual for runesmithing, or some other type of action?

Now that we have means of producing Orbs of Magic, could this research also include research into runesmithing with Orbs of Magic in addition to runesmithing with powerstones?

Is Mathilde's Kragg's Karaz-a-Karak (Minor) / Runesmiths Guild (Moderate) boon applicable to this research, or is it not applicable / actually won't add anything?

Happy holidays!
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I'm impressed by the mention that Karak Vlag sent someone to this event too. That's quite a trip for them ! They seem to send someone to every big Dawi party we spend a social action on, even if they don't do anything worth mentioning at the party itself.
I think they're making a concerted effort to re-insert themselves within the wider diplomacy and nobility of the Karaz Ankor.
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God I love the bag of rocks. It's so beautiful. So incredibly offensive and baffling to every elf who sees it. I just wanna shove it in the faces of everyone we can reach!
It's just so perfect. So perfect for fucking with people.
The Dwarven contributions seem to make him maudlin, and you notice him lightly touching the hilt of his sword several times, as if to remind himself it's still there.

Considering how the Dwarven Capstone is one of the best alternatives we have found, I wonder what is his opinion about it.

As we are making this whole thing for ourselves and not Ulthuan, I will still vote to use the Dwarven Capstone.
@Boney, back then you indicated a possibility of research into runesmithing with powerstones:

Would this research be a dwarf purchase with optional AV as usual for runesmithing, or some other type of action?

Are the currently available research avenues so limited that the deepest archives need to be delved for new mysteries?

Now that we have means of producing Orbs of Magic, could this research also include research into runesmithing with Orbs of Magic in addition to runesmithing with powerstones?

People will justifiably riot if stretch goals are added to that.
:wtf: I responded to this already in the same comment you are quoting. I will just copy/paste what I said before.

Mathilde said nothing about "it puts it into agreements with other nations." She said that it recognizes it wholesale. Just flat out and unmodified. Mathilde would not have said it would have huge ramifications on Laurelorn and Ulthuan's relations if she had known Ulthuan already recognized Laurelorn's independence. She would have said something like what you said. That putting it into words with nations like the Empire and Kislev would be significant. Not that the action in and of itself would be significant.

Anyways, to sum it up, if Mathilde had known Finubar had recognized the independence of Laurelorn, she would have said so. It would have been relevant. You are trying to twist the words away from their natural meaning. The simplest answer to this is that Mathilde did not know. She is not omniscient.

I'm not discussing whether Mathilde knew or not, I'm discussing the actual implications of the treaty.

Specifically, I'm discussing the fact that a ruler acknowledging a foreign government and the nation as a whole doing so formally in a treaty are very different things and treating them as such is entirely reasonable. Mathilde may well not have even known about the existing acknowledgement as you suggest, but that distinction is actually quite large and matters a lot even with that additional information we possess that Mathilde might not.
So, these reactions:

nearly all of Ulthuan is covered by something equivalent to it, though not always forest-themed
he spends some time scrutinizing one of the bag of rocks, by force of will alone remaining resolutely unbaffled
confirms that the Kingdom of Caledor would have the ability, though not necessarily the inclination, to make more of the stuff
The Grey Lord contributions make him quiet and thoughtful
The Dwarven contributions seem to make him maudlin

Folks, care to speculate what they signify, if there's a deeper meaning to them, how do they connect to his official lore etc?
I wonder why Eltharion was notably interested in the Grey Lords. I assume that if Hatalath had dominated the discussion that would have been noted. Sarriel is worshipped as a god of dreams by the Eonir. He is also referred to as a demigod and a seer. He is the one who used the abandoned third tower of Laurelorn. Lord Sarriel might have been the one who made the Talisman of Hoeth that Eltharion uses. The Talisman of Hoeth is an item that gives Eltharion the magical knowledge of the past Wardens of Tor Yvresse. That is probably what the Shyish that Mathilde sees is. It might fit Sarriel's divine portfolio being dreams.
I'm given to understand Boney came up with most of his Laurelorn stuff before 4e released their own bunch of stuff regarding it, but that's interesting.

Dreams are not the domain of Shyish, they're the domain of Morr. Though certainly, it's an interesting line of thought...

Anyway, if Eltharion is getting messages from his dead family, it's possible his ancestors did interact with Lord Sarriel or something and that's why he's interested. Hmm.
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Nice update there. I, like so many others, chuckled at the trade monster we unleashed, and it's also good to finally have the Waystone passwords.