Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
the sheer density of potential major political incidents attending
Oh my, that's hilarious. Accurate, but also just funny.

So, idk if this has been talked about before since while catching up on the thread I skipped all the chatter, but since we have a foot in like half a dozen different cultures now and the social vote is coming up for this turn: will any of them let us tie the knot with Panoramia? We've been dating for years now, and idk what the state of gay marriage is in WHF, but we could make it official.
Can't find the WoB right now, but marrying Panoramia would be taken as a Grey Magister Lord officially supporting a hyper-traditionalist Druid family, regardless of what Mathilde and Panoramia actually think.
Can't find the WoB right now, but marrying Panoramia would be taken as a Grey Magister Lord officially supporting a hyper-traditionalist Druid family, regardless of what Mathilde and Panoramia actually think.
It also just doesn't feel like something we need to do. Math and pan are happy together why complicate that with the inevitable politics of marriage at this political stratus
What a really excellent update. That is such a bonkers-ass password, I am truly tickled.

Purchase vote! Here, as I see it, are the frontrunner options for each of the Library purchase types:

Colleges: Shyish, Ghur, Chamon, Hysh
We have the other four Winds to Extensive/Esoteric, so this would give us the full set. There isn't really anything else in the magical topic category that we need. I don't think this is a very strong option, though, and wouldn't recommend it.

Barak Varr: The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, the Kingdom of Nehekhara, Naval Warfare
Finishing up our Ulthuan books while also acquiring books on Nehekhara (helpful for learning the language, going there, or doing the coin studies, any of which we might want to do in the next few years) and throwing in books on naval warfare for Eike. I think this is a pretty good option.

Library of Mournings: Medicine and Anatomy
There is a plan, which I think is pretty good, to get these books and then have them translated so we can donate the translated copies to the Shallyans (or, more cynically, so we can use them as leverage for negotiations with other libraries) and thereby expand the scope of medical knowledge in the Empire, a lot of which is elf-derived. However, we lack the CF to do this without delaying the gigaflex, so it doesn't seem like a priority.

Backfill: Social Sciences
Examine, if you will, this:
Social Science

Ethics +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Law +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Linguistics +16 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Antiquarian Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
Literature +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Music +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Philosophy +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Rhetoric +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Theology +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Trade +9 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven / Extensive Eonir

Civilized Realms
The Asrai of Athel Loren +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The City-States of Tilea +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
The Druchii of Naggaroth +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian
The Empire of Man +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Eonir of Laurelorn +15 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Extensive and Esoteric Eonir
The Estalian Kingdoms +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
The Halflings of the Moot +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
The Karaz Ankor +12 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Kingdom of Bretonnia +12 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
The Tzardom of Kislev +10 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
The We +1 - Imperial

Enemies of Man
Beastmen +6 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive and Antiquarian Dwarven
Chaos Dwarves +9 - Extensive and Obscure Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Skaven (Only Esoteric)
Daemons +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
Greenskins +12 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven
Hobgoblin Khanates +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
Marauder Tribes +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
Ogre Kingdoms +8 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Obscure Dwarven
Skaven +13 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven / Skaven
Undead +13 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive and Antiquarian Dwarven / Obscure Vampiric
Vampires +11 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive Dwarven / Obscure Vampiric
It's a lot, right? But a lot of those categories are incomplete, specifically the dwarven side of things, because our copying from the University of Nuln this turn meant we got a lot of human books on new categories. Backfill would give us the most books in general and also specifically the most books that it would be inefficient for us to pick up in other ways. Since we have no strong near-term needs, I think this one is my favorite.

tl;dr: Pickle thinks we should Backfill Social Sciences and will be voting accordingly.
So I guess it is time for Mathilde to study up a bit on imperial politics?
Like, even if we dont want to meddle too much right now, it might be useful down the line. Especially now that people pay attention to her
Perfect Christmas/holiday surprise. Can't read it RN, but when I saw it I felt this like, thrill run up my spine.

Have a good one, Boney!
Did you read the last sentence of the post I linked? Laurelorn is not treated as being part of Ulthuan officially or unofficially. While that last sentence might have been discarded because whether humans are banned from Ulthuan might have been invented by the fandom rather than GW, it indicates that Ulthuan's official policy towards Laurelorn is to treat like... not Ulthuan. If Ulthuan's policy was to treat Laurelorn as independent in fact only, Boney would not have said that they were only allowed to dock at Lothern.

My point was not that it was not official policy to treat Laurelorn as an independent nation, my point was that they were doing it on the king's word, not a formal treaty, making it a lot easier for a future Phoenix King (or even the current one, theoretically) to just change his mind. Treaties provide security in the face of leadership and policy changes, and Elves are gonna take the very long view and appreciate that.
Is there any chance we could also grab the last two points of Imperial Ulric?
We have the contacts to buy books on Ulric through Ulrikadrin:
Regular and Extensive available for money, going further requires contacts in the Cult in question. Except books on Ranald, which you can get for money alone, and Ulric, which you can get through Ulrikadrin.
But that would probably be part of a Purchase vote out-of-pocket, rather than a Library vote, since I can't imagine us wanting to use our library budget on a mere 100gc expense. I was focusing on the Library vote, specifically, since that's the complicated one with the most tradeoffs that i try to break down and make straightforward for voters.
[] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: Social Sciences
[] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Anatomy and Medicine
[ ] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[ ] [PURCHASE] Ulric (Imperial Esoteric, 100 gc)

I would like to fill up the holes in our library. I'm also fine with getting Anatomy and Medicine books, but we can't make translations for all of it immediately without compromising the Orbflex.

Also, I found the quote I was looking for!

The Great Battle and the Rise of the Skaven said:
And so it was, when Ulric returned to the battlefield, he saw the rats feasting, and realised his great mistake. In their great consumption the rats had taken on a remnant of those foul Gods' power, and become like them: a new race, like the Humans and the Dwarfs, only made from pure Chaos. They, like all things of Chaos, would work forever to destroy Humanity and all he had built, and to one day bring about the victory the Chaos Gods had been denied. He saw too that the Daemon troops that had been routed had returned and carried away what was not eaten, and then had fled to the darkest corners of the world. They, too, these Beastmen, would watch and wait for their chance to reclaim the world from Men and Dwarfs. Ulric had saved the earth, but he had doomed the mortals who lived there to ever face the threat of a similar destruction.

Although it was too late, Ulric struck his hammer hard on the stony ground and brought forth a great flame with it. And with that flame he burnt all that foul offal that remained to ashes. Then he charged his brother Manann to drown the whole field with water so it could never more taint the land. The waters of the ocean poured over the field, and it became the Sea of Chaos.

Then Ulric turned to the fate of the Men. He taught them how to mould steel to make hammers and swords and axes, and taught them how to wield them. He taught them how to fight, and to hunt, and to kill. And lastly he taught them how to make fire and how to use it. All of this was to prepare them for their endless battle with the minions of Chaos. He taught them well, and gave them courage. He took charge over Mankind, and promised he would ever watch over them, for now their lives would know only battle. In return, the people of Ulric pledged to never suffer a Chaos-thing to live while they had breath in their bodies, and to ensure that every beast of Chaos that fell would be burned to ash, cleansed from this world by Ulric's Holy Fire. Thus, the taint of Chaos would never spread again. Ulric's mistake must never be repeated, and creatures like the Skaven must never again be born unto this world. And so we keep our pact forevermore. We strike without fear against the Ratmen, and the Beastmen, and all the creatures of Chaos, and raise the cleansing flame of Ulric to all the heavens above.
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So, idk if this has been talked about before since while catching up on the thread I skipped all the chatter, but since we have a foot in like half a dozen different cultures now and the social vote is coming up for this turn: will any of them let us tie the knot with Panoramia? We've been dating for years now, and idk what the state of gay marriage is in WHF, but we could make it official.

Panoramia isn't big on requiring official recognition for something to matter, and the mess of conflicting claims of religious primacy over her isn't something she wants to knock the scab off.
It also just doesn't feel like something we need to do. Math and pan are happy together why complicate that with the inevitable politics of marriage at this political stratus
Most people don't get married because they need to, but because they want to. Sure, if it still means we'd be making a huge political statement with it, even after Panoramia very publically disagreed with traditionalist Druid beliefs in her Magister defence, then I guess I can understand. It'd still just be nice to host a big gay wedding to publicly profess our love and commitment to each other.

Panoramia isn't big on requiring official recognition for something to matter, and the mess of conflicting claims of religious primacy over her isn't something she wants to knock the scab off.
Alright, then fair enough. Shame though.
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Social science backfill to get more dwarfen books makes a lot of sense

As for purchases, we're saving the college favor for the powerstones for the orbs, so not going to spend that on anything unless we want to come up with something for Queekish. But overall makes sense to hold onto that until we see a good nail for it.

Do we have any dwarf favor, or just boons and AV? I don't see any on the character sheet.

On that note, do we want to think up a use for the KaK runesmith boon? Or the Karak Vlag? That also seems like one to hold onto, unless we want to establish Karak Vlag as a place for college journeymen to go and learn stuff.
But that would probably be part of a Purchase vote out-of-pocket, rather than a Library vote, since I can't imagine us wanting to use our library budget on a mere 100gc expense. I was focusing on the Library vote, specifically, since that's the complicated one with the most tradeoffs that i try to break down and make straightforward for voters.
Yeah, figured as such for 100gc. I just wanted to do that too alongside the usual library purchase, and thought bringing it up now would work better than waiting until 70-something "[PURCHASE] None" votes piled up.

Also, I found the quote I was looking for!
Where's that from? Because last time I checked, Ulric was Taal's brother, and Manann Taal's son, so wouldn't that make Manann Ulric's nephew and not brother?
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confirms not just the existence of Albion, but tells you something of its nature, or at least what Elven legend tells of its nature.
Fuckin finally. We've been waiting for Mathilde to learn of Mist land forever, now we can look into (maybe) going on holiday there.

Where's that from? Because last time I checked, Ulric was Taal's brother, and Manann Taal's son, so wouldn't that make Manann Ulric's nephew and not brother?
Godly family relationships - divinely complicated
The recurring mention of Albion -- along with the old off-handed mention by Aksel of "Most of the Ostland Blessed are dead and that is a tragedy, but" -- had been making me wonder whether the Waystone Project might wind up changing up or butterflying the events of the Gotrek and Felix book Giantslayer.

For those who recall, that's the book where the duo visit Albion, alongside Teclis. And that book started with Ulthuan experiencing upheavals; aetheric shocks or energy overflow of some sort... ... due to the Paths of the Old Ones. And the way that they connect to Ulthuan itself. To Ulthuan's leylines. Too much energy was flowing into or through it, or something like that. And that this was due to two Chaos Sorcerers who had been meddling with magical-fast-travel-roads that criss-crossed the Old World.

((The reason that my mind went to those two sorcerer dudes is because I wondered whether the various Hedgewise might be guarding Paths-type stuff; and that, therefore, the mass deaths of the Ostland hedgewise might be related to a Cult trying to, or succeeding at, taking out a bunch of the hedgewise who watched over leylines/hedges/etc. Unless of course it was just Zacharias the Everliving taking out a bunch of Hedgewise of course. Could've been him rather than Chaos. Or a mix.))

Now, while Ulthuan's waystones probably got pretty fucked by the Sundering when huge chunks of it sunk... what is the more recent area of Ulthuan that had had its waystone system get fucked up?

That's right, Yvresse! ... The place that we just gave Waystone Prototypes and Tributaries access to. The place that might start slowly doing repairs to the waystone system there. And which might potentially tip over the status of the Ulthuan leylines to a "good enough" state such that if/when the Gotrek and Felix chaos duo try their shit, Ulthuan might not be in danger of going kaput as much. (Of course, the dudes were also doing stuff in Sylvania too, IIRC... and Sylvania is currently more-pacified-ish and ruled by the Van Hals, and has its own Waystone Tributaries going up. So. That, too, possibly frustrates and stalls the Giantslayer chaos plot.)
Where's that from? Because last time I checked, Ulric was Taal's brother, and Manann Taal's son, so wouldn't that make Manann Ulric's nephew and not brother?
Children of the Horned Rat, 2e. And I think it could easily be brother in the sense of them being companions against the same enemy.
Yeah, figured as such for 100gc. I just wanted to do that too alongside the usual library purchase, and thought bringing it up now would work better than waiting until 70-something "[PURCHASE] None" votes piled up.

Where's that from? Because last time I checked, Ulric was Taal's brother, and Manann Taal's son, so wouldn't that make Manann Ulric's nephew and not brother?
Children of the horned rat p 24-25. Its weird, at the start of the story it has the typical relations.
Thanks for the update Boney!

You arrived via one of the telescopic launch bays that Zhufbar is riddled with, and fled into the Dwarfhold as a flock of clucking Engineers descended upon the Gyrocarriage to see what horrors a human Zhufokri pilot might have inflicted upon it.
I don't think Adela has had a chance to change anything yet, but I will be delighted by the dwarf reactions when we do make some time to enhance our Gyrocarriage.

The Undumgi have sent a representative draped in silks, and you frown at him, knowing that his outfit is made of failed experiments stitched together with strands of Cathayan silk rather than the genuine article. At least, you console yourself, Francesco must be confident that he's closing in on a solution to have spent the time, effort, and money to drum up interest in We-silk.
At what point do we just shake Francesco Caravello upside down by his ankles until silk sheets fall out?
So based on what is said about the Mists of Albion I think that there is a way to get past them, it is the same way Grom and his forces managed to reach Ulthuan despite the protections.

Namely you can't lose your way if you were never trying to navigate in the first place or had no idea what you were doing. So we simply need to let Ranald take the wheel.
quite practiced at warding
practised, in both UK and US since it's a verb.

The company of a refreshed flagon helps you reacquire your equilibrium and delve back into the crowd, ready to meet the self-assuredness of all those present with your own. There might not be any further useful intelligence to be gleamed from this event, but many of those present will be allies or opponents in your future endeavours, and there will be value in being able to put faces to names.
Was there supposed to be a vote relating to this afterwards?

silk mysteriously

Barak Varr: The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan, the Kingdom of Nehekhara, Naval Warfare
Finishing up our Ulthuan books while also acquiring books on Nehekhara (helpful for learning the language, going there, or doing the coin studies, any of which we might want to do in the next few years) and throwing in books on naval warfare for Eike. I think this is a pretty good option.
Swap out Nehekhara with Druchii, because I think we'll be going over to Nagarythe soon and Druchii politics are present in the Old World.
Voting is open