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I think Mathilde just wears her normal robes to fancy events, and she doesn't actually use the Grey Wizard Formal Wear at all.

Also all the way back in Turn 1 was this:

Thankfully your normal grey robes count as formal dress, because otherwise you wouldn't have a thing to wear.

Although Mathide was a journeywoman at the time, and I can imagine the rules being slightly different compared to a magister.
I think Mathilde just wears her normal robes to fancy events, and she doesn't actually use the Grey Wizard Formal Wear at all.

Also all the way back in Turn 1 was this:

Although Mathide was a journeywoman at the time, and I can imagine the rules being slightly different compared to a magister.
Heh, it got called back as recently as the Turn 39 Social, with the Druchii.

...written knowledge of the Druchii to be found in the Old World and yearn for more time. Then you set that yearning aside, make sure your robes are neat and clean - not for the first time, you thank all the Gods that the robes of office of a Lady Magister count as formal dress - and do your best to spend the mere days before the gathering productively.
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Dangit, that's cool and now I kinda want to bookmark that as a far future project. Just have to be judicious with daemon checking. :p WEBMAT as a research facility even has better proximity to Nehekhara for potential field research.
We can freely purchase Dwarven and Imperial books on Nehekharan War-Statuary through Barak Varr/College purchases, if you want to get started early.
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The intensifier 'fuck' is one of the few human inventions that Dwarves respect.
As the ol' tumblr post goes...

during orientation at a human college, vulcans are presented with a list of swear words.

"what is the word 'fuck' for," the innocent young vulcans want to know. "surely there are more logical intensity modifiers."

"yeah, you'd think so," say the weary, jaded vulcan professors. "you'd really fucking think so."

there is a phrase in vulcan for 'the particular moment you understand what the word 'fuck' is for'.
One marksdwarf pistol, ??? (maybe a shoulder holster? I don't think we've ever actually used it in combat, we used it to impress Qrech and also to hunt ducks in Talabheim).

I've always imagined it as a small of the back holster, in a hidden pocket in the robes where there's space underneath the back scabbard.

Dangit, that's cool and now I kinda want to bookmark that as a far future project. Just have to be judicious with daemon checking. :p WEBMAT as a research facility even has better proximity to Nehekhara for potential field research.

I bet we could get Gretel to work with us if it turns out there really is a tomb king near her. It might even be an excuse for the colleges to funnel more resources to her- a squad of journeymen backing her up and doing aggressive archaeology might be good for her hitting power.

I lol'ed. This is such a great euphemism that I want to use it with people who have no idea who Rhya is and see if it spreads.
We can freely purchase Dwarven and Imperial books on Nehekharan War-Statuary through Barak Varr/College purchases, if you want to get started early.
I bet we could get Gretel to work with us if it turns out there really is a tomb king near her. It might even be an excuse for the colleges to funnel more resources to her- a squad of journeymen backing her up and doing aggressive archaeology might be good for her hitting power.
It just strikes me that aside from College enchanting, we've gotten at least tangential knowledge of Elvish-based enchanting, some of the interactions, if not mechanics, of Dwarf runecraft, a smattering of Skaven dhar magitech, the older enchantment stuff from waaaay back in Sylvania, observations on spiritbinding and ice magic, free wind interactions, and some pretty intense insights into Dhar.

Nehekharan magic and enchanting paradigms seems a good next step to me, especially if paired with studying the ring notes.
As the ol' tumblr post goes...

during orientation at a human college, vulcans are presented with a list of swear words.

"what is the word 'fuck' for," the innocent young vulcans want to know. "surely there are more logical intensity modifiers."

"yeah, you'd think so," say the weary, jaded vulcan professors. "you'd really fucking think so."

there is a phrase in vulcan for 'the particular moment you understand what the word 'fuck' is for'.
Actually wait, we have several non-native English speakers here. May I ask them if they have opinions on the quality of the word 'fuck'?
Actually wait, we have several non-native English speakers here. May I ask them if they have opinions on the quality of the word 'fuck'?
Best quality, no notes
- native Russian speaker

(Jokes aside, I like the universality. In my language, you have several popular swear words that can be used in several forms because grammar be like that - I like it, but I also like having one most popular swear word that gets warped in much fewer ways, and can be inserted basically anywhere. It's its own kind of great!)

(Edit: actually, I lie. "Нахуй", "блять" and such don't change at all. But then you get to "ебать"...)

("Ебать", funnily enough, means "to fuck". And it has a beautiful extended family of relatives! Выебать, проебать, заебать, уебать, подъебать, съебать, наебать (a thing Ranaldites are fond of doing), переебать...)

(Remember when Liljana said "Zhizn ebet meya" and "Ya zaebalas" after the Kul raid? These mean, respectively, "Life fucks me" and "I'm so fucking done with this shit".)
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I always thought that Mathilde's formal dress was just herself as she always is, because a Lady Magister in her robes doesn't need any more dressing up to impress other notables.

And even before she was promoted to LM, Mathilde had no qualms turning up to a Celestial College-sponsored soiree and hobnobbing with high society without dressing up.
It's kinda funny to see Mathilde being asked about silk in that post, knowing it's still not a thing even now.
I was thinking about the logic gates Boney posts from before, and making them work in an enchantment.
The problem isn't the orbiting, it's putting them in the orbit. Enchantment doesn't have a programming language so you can't bodge together 247 nested if/then statements, you need some sort of elegant method of the Waystone 'knowing' which storages to draw from at a given time.
The problem is that when you know what logic gates are, it's very easy to knock something together that would work and then backport that into something mechanical or hydraulic.
Then remembered Mathilde's description of the Elven foundation enchantment:
He slides over a set of thaumaturgic schematics towards you and you frown down at them. Sure enough, you're pretty sure that creating the enchantment detailed here would be within the capabilities of even most human enchanters, but that doesn't mean you understand how it works - it's all elegant interweavings and interdependent and recursively self-referential crosshatchings.
Sounds familiar :V
IIRC a major distinction between what Tomb Kings do and Nagash's necromancy is that the former is actually done with permission if not a blessing from Usirian, Nehekhara's God of the Dead. In which case we should expect a clash of the gods of the dead. Whether that would be a cage match or something a bit more polite... No clue. But there are suggestions that Usirian and Morr are one and the same, and cults of Morr and Gazul are on friendly terms... Yeah, it would be interesting. Not quite to the point of deliberately stealing mummy gold, but still.
It's unclear as to the mechanism behind the TK. Apart from Settra, they were originally awakened through Necromancy and apparently Nehekhara is abandoned by the gods, so it might not have anything to do with Usirian. My guess is that it actually relies on the fact that the bodies are preserved and largely in cotnrol of themselves. So a Tomb King is effectively necromancing themself, while Nagash also dominates those he raises. That said, I don't see the Eye acting any differently, even if it's backed by Usirian. Usirian doesn't stop you chopping their heads off, or setting them on fire or anything, so while what happens to their souls afterwards might be in debate, the fact they should be disintegrated, as per the usual use of the Eye doesn't seem in doubt to me.
It's unclear as to the mechanism behind the TK. Apart from Settra, they were originally awakened through Necromancy and apparently Nehekhara is abandoned by the gods, so it might not have anything to do with Usirian. My guess is that it actually relies on the fact that the bodies are preserved and largely in cotnrol of themselves. So a Tomb King is effectively necromancing themself, while Nagash also dominates those he raises. That said, I don't see the Eye acting any differently, even if it's backed by Usirian. Usirian doesn't stop you chopping their heads off, or setting them on fire or anything, so while what happens to their souls afterwards might be in debate, the fact they should be disintegrated, as per the usual use of the Eye doesn't seem in doubt to me.
I sort of suspect that the Tomb Kings are often an example of the same natural or unnatural phenomenon that creates Wights, and they may very well preserve their dhar-tainted river flow of energy over fixing the river in order to ease their ability to resurrect themselves.
I sort of suspect that the Tomb Kings are often an example of the same natural or unnatural phenomenon that creates Wights, and they may very well preserve their dhar-tainted river flow of energy over fixing the river in order to ease their ability to resurrect themselves.
Tomb Guard specifically are basically the on tabletop same thing as Grave Guard (who are Wights). Including both having Killing Blow as a rule.
Tomb kings are complicated in that there are basically four distinct types of undead at work. They were already sticking the souls of dead warriors into giant constructs to animate them back in their heyday, and the liche priests are also a thing that was happening long before strict necromancy got involved (and also arguably aren't undead, they never actually died their bodies just slowly turned more and more Like That.) The tomb kings themselves and the vast swaths of skeletons are nominally the same sort of "standard" undead, just with vast differences in the preservation of the body. So even if Dhar Logisitics ARE a concern, that can be reduced by more heavily relying on war constructs than you otherwise might.

The fourth type of undead in Nekehara is Khalida, Specifically, by the mechanism of Animated By Asaph's Will, Specifically.
I wonder what the actual properties of dragon heartblood are in a potion.

We haven't exactly learned potion making, but I've sort of suspected that whatever vampires did to create themselves was the same as what Nagash did to alter himself, and functions by mechanism of some sort of potion, just that Nagash is more skilled and was using dragon blood from the start, when the vampires were just substituting the dragon blood with human blood.

Would making a potion with the stuff be purely useful to longevity, or would there be more useful things that could be done?
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