Though a pair of under-robe shoulder holsters had some popularity amongst the Grey College, ever since you began learning the greatsword you've favoured practical snug tailoring secured with belts instead of the loose and billowy robes that would allow easy access to a hidden arsenal, though your accurate and conveniently slim Marksdwarf's pistol does find a home within an inner pocket. Some pistoliers favour a one-on-each-hip arrangement of holsters, while those that fight with a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other prefer both pistols on one side, as only their off-hand would need access to them. That Branulhune takes only a thought to draw clinches the argument in favour of the former, as you could unload a revolver with your dominant hand and then summon Branulhune to it and draw the second revolver with your offhand during combat, and the overall effect is pleasingly symmetrical.