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makes me wish we had a dedicated backlog action. maybe an upgrade to the tower of serenity? there is a hysh enchantment that prevents mental fatigue (clarity? we windherded it with engrim on the saddle before), we could put it on our work desk and get a few extra hours of work out a night.
makes me wish we had a dedicated backlog action. maybe an upgrade to the tower of serenity? there is a hysh enchantment that prevents mental fatigue (clarity? we windherded it with engrim on the saddle before), we could put it on our work desk and get a few extra hours of work out a night.
That runs straight into the brain-Dhar issue, where someone with Arcane Marks in a Wind can't use (not cast, "use" as in "be targeted by") mind-affecting spells from another Wind (or presumably any other magical lore than their own Wind) without getting Dhar in their brain, which is generally bad for their mental health and stability.
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makes me wish we had a dedicated backlog action. maybe an upgrade to the tower of serenity? there is a hysh enchantment that prevents mental fatigue (clarity? we windherded it with engrim on the saddle before), we could put it on our work desk and get a few extra hours of work out a night.
Increasing AP doesn't increase Boney's writing output, which is (one of) the OOC reason why AP constraints exist. The way to get backlogged items done is to raise thread interest so people vote them in.
makes me wish we had a dedicated backlog action. maybe an upgrade to the tower of serenity? there is a hysh enchantment that prevents mental fatigue (clarity? we windherded it with engrim on the saddle before), we could put it on our work desk and get a few extra hours of work out a night.
Our social backlog really isn't that big any more. We've been pretty fastidious in pruning it recently, between visiting Gretel, the Organ-vat and the Gold College (and before that Kasmir and the Swampclub, and before that Roswita, and before that...). Arguably the Canal follow-up this turn is the dedicated "revisiting old stuff" slot, even if it's making it in because it's finally done. Follow-ups on old stuff and old friends are now just the Salamanders, the Skull River ambush, and Okri.

I'm confident we'll visit the first two at some point as a "fifth out of five" in a quiet turn, assuming they don't disappear as options. Not so sure about Okri. Maybe if he were in charge of silk production.
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And that, I think, is the root of the issue. It's hard enough squeezing in follow-ups between the big new shiny things each turn that like half the thread jumps at by default. So adding the factor of "ugh, didn't we look at that already?" makes it a harder sell even to people more interested in getting the backlog done than running at the new stuff.
At some point I should do an analysis of social actions in terms of novelty. There definitely is a novelty bias -- of the current top five, three of them are totally new (the Canal was updated, but also the Canal only narrowly lost last turn) out of five totally new actions added since last turn (the only ones added since last turn not currently winning are Niedzwenka and the Kalishiniviks), so that's a 60% conversion rate -- but there's also an "old favorite autopick" bias where characters like Heidi, Panoramia, Belegar, and Kragg almost always get slam-dunked in when available (though, granted, since when this happens it's usually on the first turn that the action is appearing, it's mixed in with the novelty bias).
With orbflex being done next turn and the waystone project approaching a resolution with our first prototype being possible next turn, anyone interested in the idea of an Eike turn in the near future where we dedicate 2 or 3 ap entirely to training her and getting her ready for journeying? Honestly, I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been more of a push to give her an ap every turn given how persistent people are about having a minimum ap for our 'job'. You'd think having an apprentice would see people pushing a minimum level of engagement too.
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With orbflex being done next turn and the waystone project approaching a resolution with our first prototype being possible next turn, anyone interested in the idea of an Eike turn in the near future where we dedicate 2 or 3 ap entirely to training her and getting her ready for journeying? Honestly, I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been more of a push to give her an ap every turn given how persistent people are about having a minimum ap for our 'job'. You'd think having an apprentice would see people pushing a minimum level of engagement too.

I think it's been stated that an apprentice needs one or two AP over the entire course of the apprenticeship, in addition to the self study and tag along actions.

Also Eike's journeying won't be until she's at least twenty—I believe many actually start in their early twenties instead. Mathilde's started at twenty, but she also ended her apprenticeship early due to the conspiracy manipulating her.

So that's a minimum of 5-6 turns away before Eike graduates.

Essentially, there's no real need to rush her training at this point.
I think it's a combination of Eike being weirdly competent for an apprentice (She's looking to be Magic 4-5 by her Journey if we stick to even a basic curriculum, really?!) and that we do see her pop up in multiple actions a turn even if it's through shadowing.

There's only one area where we've gotten so much as a hint that she's struggling (social anxiety). Beyond that, she's reliably gaining stats and skills every turn and is looking to be very well-prepared even if she leaves earlier than expected. I'd rate her chances of surviving her Journey and eventually making Magister as pretty good if she left right now. "Pretty good" isn't good enough, obviously, but that she's already there and getting better reduces the perceived need for closer mentoring.

And, you know, AP crunch on a "save the world" project.
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I'm actually curious how high we can get Eike's magic star before she graduates.

She's on 2 right now, can probably get another +2 from the spell book, +1 from advanced materials, +1 from a staff... She's going to have a lot of power at her fingertips.

I'm honestly a little worried she might be growing too fast.
I'm actually curious how high we can get Eike's magic star before she graduates.

She's on 2 right now, can probably get another +2 from the spell book, +1 from advanced materials, +1 from a staff... She's going to have a lot of power at her fingertips.

I'm honestly a little worried she might be growing too fast.
We'll probably only get her a staff when she hits Magister, unless you mean a training staff:
Staffs are usually built to increase the amount of power a Wizard can channel. If Eike has the potential to reach Magister, then during her Apprenticeship her bottleneck is going to be control, not power. That typically switches over somewhere during Journeying, which is why a staff is often given upon graduation to Magister.

So a custom-made 'training wheel' staff might be of use to her, but it's going to be something that she'd outgrow within years, rather than something that she could make use of for her entire career.
We'll probably only get her a staff when she hits Magister, unless you mean a training staff:

It's been mentioned that the dryad legs we have would make for a staff that focuses on control over power, and Eike's going to have a lot of power and not a lot of experience controlling that power (simply due to her age).

So yes, I think a training staff when she becomes Journeywoman, would be appropriate.
Agreed. We can give her a staff as a magister graduation present, but I'm a bit leery of making Eike more of a target during her journey by giving her something like this beforehand.
I'd like to give her something, but not a staff yet.

Some kind of minor Windherded enchantment would be ideal to me.
I'm 100% against giving Eike a staff until she reaches Magister.

She's already going to be better off than 99% of fresh journeymen, no need to inflate her head even more by skipping traditional milestones.

I find myself agreeing with this. Simply making a staff for her would be a dubious use of resources and time, given that she'd outgrow that staff in a couple of years, and it's traditional for a staff to be gifted right when it becomes a tool that will instead last decades.

That said, I can easily see slotting in some training on turning staves into a enchantment-focused turn. If Eike makes their own staff, it stops being Mathilde's nepotism and instead becomes valuable practice, and a learning experience on how to acquire valuable enchantment materials while remaining within the Grey Order's restrictions.
What guff is this about settling for Eike having 5 magic? Are you even properly ready for your journeying if you can't summon your red rider reliably?

Bah. Typical manlings, leaving a job only partly done...
A reappearing sword could be a good Journeywoman gift for Eike.

The question is would it be easier to invent a spell that makes a sword appear, or to invent an enchantment that can be used on an existing sword? (assuming of course either is possible)
Regardless I'm pretty happy working with Eike. I think it would be cool to keep an eye on available apprentices in the future. Mathilde offers a lot of unique experiences for Grey Wizards showing a lot of potential.
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