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You give it some thought, and spot another way you could come at it. "There's a lot of magical power being sucked up into where the Karak was," you say, avoiding any explicit mention of the Waystones. "That would be how they're able to move it back and forth. If they'd just swallowed it up they wouldn't be able to do that, but this way they can use it as a backdoor into reality."

"It's the sort of thing they do," Ruprecht says. "The beginning of the Great War Against Chaos was marked by a daemonic assault from within Nuln."

"And a lost Dwarfhold returning as a daemonic stronghold is the sort of sick joke they enjoy," Joerg agrees, to scowls from the Dwarves.

"If I interrupt that power supply," you continue, "it would cut short the effect. I believe that would result in Karak Vlag returning permanently to reality."

"You believe," Borek echoes. "The other possibility being that it is lost permanently?"

"That's possible too," you admit, "but it's the less likely of the possibilities. From what little I understand of the Aethyr, for it to still be able to move back and forth after so long an absence would indicate that the Hold itself is acting as an anchor."
Maybe souls can move through the barrier freely because they're attached to bodies that belong in reality? Because there seems to be some importance put on anchoring.

Also, disembodied souls (of dead people) don't just haunt reality, they go to the Aethyr. And a daemon possessing a body can presumably stay for longer than an unattached one.
Except souls attached to bodies can't move freely, if anything, they are less free because they need help moving in either direction, unlike non attached ones that seem to be sucked to the immaterium almost inevitably.
Also, disembodied souls (of dead people) don't just haunt reality, they go to the Aethyr.
Under certain circumstances they do haunt reality and when they do they're called ghosts. There's a fort in Carcassonne called Summersfall Fort which is famous for being certainly 100% no doubt about it absolutely haunted and if you enter the ghost there will ask you to fight some local Orcs. If you refuse or accept and then give up before you're finished a bunch of ghostly warriors will appear and attack you, the only way to survive is to kill the Orcs you were asked to kill. Disembodied souls of the dead can definitely hang around reality even when they shouldn't.
I expect to find lizards.
It's an option, i assume Boney has an idea for it, i don't know what it might be, and i don't care.
Because lizards.
Let's go stare at them.
Fine in principle, but we only have so much staring time, and the lizards are prestared. Which again brings me to the question, why go stare at them again when I can go reread the original staring and stare at something else.
Fine in principle, but we only have so much staring time, and the lizards are prestared. Which again brings me to the question, why go stare at them again when I can go reread the original staring and stare at something else.
We didn't get College Favor for them yet, so presumably going back to stare at them again will also see us informed about how they've been put to use.

Like with the Organ Vat where we met an Amethyst that discovered adrenaline, or the Gold College creating weapons based off of the Skaven haul.
We didn't get College Favor for them yet, so presumably going back to stare at them again will also see us informed about how they've been put to use.

Like with the Organ Vat where we met an Amethyst that discovered adrenaline, or the Gold College creating weapons based off of the Skaven haul.
Ok, that's fair. I don't think we need the favor as it stands, but that's at least a solid reason.
Fine in principle, but we only have so much staring time, and the lizards are prestared. Which again brings me to the question, why go stare at them again when I can go reread the original staring and stare at something else.
Some people like to stare at lizards, but is there nothing to be said for making sure our cactus is still a catcus?
I mean, what if something happened to it and it's no longer as cactus-y!?
Normally I would be all up for checking in on stuff, but my curiosity over Nord/Middenland and Old Granny Eldritch Horror are winning out alas.
Your face is different!?!?
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I just wanna talk to our adorable apprentice! Her master is always busy with stuff, Iun wanna be absent from her day to day except for directions and lessons >.>

And Niedzwenka is best koldunja, totally awesome (when she's raining horrors on someone else somewhere else) and I want to know her opinion on Boris. She's been there before Kislev was Kislev!
There is actually a practical reason to look at the lizards. Last time, they were experimenting with using the saliva as base for a form of Greek Fire, with the intention of deploying it in naval battles.

Between Marienburg, Nordland, and the Druchii, we've got plenty of reasons to keep an eye on the imperial navy and it's effectiveness.
There is actually a practical reason to look at the lizards. Last time, they were experimenting with using the saliva as base for a form of Greek Fire, with the intention of deploying it in naval battles.

Between Marienburg, Nordland, and the Druchii, we've got plenty of reasons to keep an eye on the imperial navy and it's effectiveness.
Possibly not just those three. With the canal opening, the Imperial Navy might soon end up seeing action in the south, and I've previously theorized that Barak Varr might just have an idea for a target to hit in conjuction with them.
Barak Varr has some sort of plan for Sartosa, which was an outpost of theirs long ago, but in modern times has proven able to resist any conventional assault
Your face is different!?!?

Do you mean me finally getting an icon? Been looking at museums lately and this is from a Art Nouveau furniture exhibit that I really liked. (My partner is less enthused about Cool Furniture and sighs as I eagerly listen to audio guides that describe how the grapes carved into armrests serve as a tactile element for a user sitting in the chair)

To bring this back to the thread I fully anticipate Eonir Tourists is gonna win and I would be all for Boney describing what ~*amazing*~ industries and trends pop up from entrepreneurial individuals looking to cash in. Will we get people looking into proper traditional regional Arts and Crafts to hawk? Humans inventing wabisabi as a marketing technique (the imperfections in fact reflect humanity and make the piece better!!)? Weird 'Eleven Architecture' Altdorf consulate v2?
To bring this back to the thread I fully anticipate Eonir Tourists is gonna win and I would be all for Boney describing what ~*amazing*~ industries and trends pop up from entrepreneurial individuals looking to cash in. Will we get people looking into proper traditional regional Arts and Crafts to hawk? Humans inventing wabisabi as a marketing technique (the imperfections in fact reflect humanity and make the piece better!!)? Weird 'Eleven Architecture' Altdorf consulate v2?
I expect the human reaction will be interesting as well. Will having elf tourists running around be just the thing to spark life into the long-neglected Elf Chic trend?
... Is elf chic neglected? Welp, better fix that.

And Niedzwenka is best koldunja, totally awesome (when she's raining horrors on someone else somewhere else) and I want to know her opinion on Boris. She's been there before Kislev was Kislev!

I take issue with this, but only because she was also best koldunja when raining hell in our immediate proximity.
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On one hand, I really want to talk to our millenium-old adopted grandmother Niedzwenka, but on the other, the only realistic way for her to win seems to be by taking the fifth place from Nordland, and I really want to check up on that particular disaster. I shall thus vote for both, while resigning myself to knowing this sabotages the former for the latter's sake

[x] Nordland
[x] Niedzwenka
Won't work. She could immerse herself in Eonir culture because she could speak Eltharin. She can't speak Khazalid, so she can't immerse herself in Dawi culture.
This isn't quite true. When we picked Eike up, she had not yet finished the basic Tar-Eltharin skill. Furthermore:
As I recall, 'immerse herself in Dawi culture' is how Mathilde learned to speak Khazalid- and that was long before she was a polyglot.
Yeah, this. Deep immersion in another culture is actually a great way to learn another language, it turns out your language brain does really well with sink or swim. This is why my Greek is so terrible, whenever I'm in Greece and am struggling I can fall back on English and my family will understand me, so my skill has only grown really slowly. I'd like to give it a try, at least, and see how much progress Eike makes, before we throw personal AP at the problem.
We didn't get College Favor for them yet, so presumably going back to stare at them again will also see us informed about how they've been put to use.
[Chemical Properties and Possible Applications of the Autoignitive Saliva of the Lustrian Salamander: +4 College Favour]
Back in 2483, we got CF for the first followup we did. We now have the opportunity for a second followup. It's had a difficult time getting traction; there was a lot of momentum behind it right when we discovered the possibilities of the full 8-powerstone flex, but now that we're set on College Favour to perform that, there are fewer people who are willing to vote for it out of pure practicality, and the number of people interested in the salamanders for their own sake is sadly only middling compared to the other stuff around.
Reposting my thoughts on elven tourism, because I think it might be relevant in thinking about what gets opened up by it-

Thinking about this more deeply- we have three houses, roughly, that I want to loop in on this. Or a previously isolationist house, but that is unlikely.

There's going to need to be a number of services in place for this to happen. On the imperial side, you'd need to put together and advertise a collection of novel sights, natural wonders, and pampering, confirm or create suitable lodging and food at each, arrange a route and transportation or travel permits along it.

On the elven side you would need a currency exchange and/or auction house to get imperial money, a way to make reservations and communicate with the imperial side of the arrangements, and personal security.

Idk, put Eike on building out a route and it's attractions, she's got a better sense for what is where luxury-wise in the empire than anyone else who has an understanding of the elves.

Then the EIC intelligence network might be reversed to send a message out rather than collect info: the merchants and caravaners would be asked to extend a quiet offer to lodging and catering places that were in good locations. We take the one-off illithimar money, buy part ownership of a bunch and refurbish the places to a high standard, and spin it off as a side business of the EIC.

The elven houses would ideally be slotted into monopolies on the elf-side functions.

Personal security for the travellers is probably going to be the most intensive one- the house that picks this up would have a whole bunch of contact with imperial cities and nobles as they arrange for armed elves to be accepted visitors, plus they'd have to train up a bunch of elite bodyguard squads and keep them cycling outside Laurelorn.

On one hand, this is pivoting an entire house to interacting with humans a lot. On the other, this is an open invitation to become the most militarily powerful house in Laurelorn, and get a rep from the travelers who had their lives saved by bodyguards. It's the long term power play.

It would also have to work pretty closely with the house running communication and coordination. I'm imagining a mostly magical network of sending and receiving messages with human agents on site at the sights? Mostly the investment would be mages and book keeping in Laurelorn. This house would be the ones to provide travelers intelligence on the route(s), communication between Laurelorn and the travelers, reservation services for select* inns, coaches, attractions, and restaurants.

*EIC affiliated. Plus this way we use the EIC intelligence folk to keep an eye on the Eonir's intelligence network, and thus the empire has a measure of control. We'd basically be building the tools of a non-military foreign policy (intelligence, commerce, and a minor bit of power projection by arranging to have a few tourists be at the same places at the sames with their bodyguards) and shoving them into the Queen's hands like "here take these your religious thing is crumbling!"

So the last one would be the money-changers. Basically a way for the Eonir off the street to convert a few years of crafting into imperial money, with the promise of a route to power through banking.

They'd probably have to partner with or run a few auction houses and consortiums to batch up what the randos in the city were producing and sell it on to the rest of the world. Also, train up a bunch of assessors to be able to buy from the elves and sell to the humans and make a reliable margin, create a secure transit and vault system to bring large amounts of currency into Laurelorn and distribute it.

So, yeah. Big commitments, big potential rewards.
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