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Personally I'd prefer to wait on weapons and stuff until we can investigate the Snake Juice, mostly because I recently had the notion of what if someone tried quenching a freshly forged/runed sword in it. Will it explode? Make it stronger? Do absolutely nothing? Who knows we don't know what's even theoretically possible with the Juice. Just for kicks I want to find out if it might, possibly, maybe synergize.
Whatever we do we snakejuice, it's going to be inferior to elven work. And when it comes to weapon enchantment, elven work is inferior to dwarven runework. Moreover, enchanments are incompatible with runework, so we can't combine them.

So, snakehuice-derived weapons are strictly inferior to dwarf-favor acquired and snake juice can't be used to improve dwarven runic wrapons.
Whatever we do we snakejuice, it's going to be inferior to elven work. And when it comes to weapon enchantment, elven work is inferior to dwarven runework. Moreover, enchanments are incompatible with runework, so we can't combine them.

So, snakehuice-derived weapons are strictly inferior to dwarf-favor acquired and snake juice can't be used to improve dwarven runic wrapons.
Do you have a quote on that conclusion? Cause from what I remember we have done a grand total of zero research to figure what it can or cannot be used for. Yes, it's probably won't be be able to improve it, but I'd like to at least do a minimum level of work to figure out what use it could be before we invest most of our favor into a weapon.
So... how about the college favours, maybe something like 5 on the library, 5 basic setup for enchanting and pay a large amount of gold (well silver) for both?
5 to 10 dwarf favour on the magical safety for the tower,
If we get any Cult of Ranald favour on the Ranald Shrine?

On the uber dwarf artifact, alternative, replace the Torc of Fire?

Do you think setting up another Niter factory here would be worthwhile? Along with the other parts of the cycle... good use of fertilizer and also deals with waste... and cleaning the goblin/skaven tainted regions

Who is better at glass work, dwarfs or elves?
I'm pretty sure that, when they have the chance to look at it, Runesmiths are gonna be pretty jazzed with stable, liquid magic, considering gathering magic into the runes is the longest part of runecraft.
Do you have a quote on that conclusion? Cause from what I remember we have done a grand total of zero research to figure what it can or cannot be used for. Yes, it's probably won't be be able to improve it, but I'd like to at least do a minimum level of work to figure out what use it could be before we invest most of our favor into a weapon.
Even if the Snakejuice improves the weapon and doesn't destroy it, it's likely that Kragg will add Mathilde's blood to the quenching mix for messing with his work.
Whatever we do we snakejuice, it's going to be inferior to elven work. And when it comes to weapon enchantment, elven work is inferior to dwarven runework. Moreover, enchanments are incompatible with runework, so we can't combine them.

So, snakehuice-derived weapons are strictly inferior to dwarf-favor acquired and snake juice can't be used to improve dwarven runic wrapons.

I'm pretty sure that, when they have the chance to look at it, Runesmiths are gonna be pretty jazzed with stable, liquid magic, considering gathering magic into the runes is the longest part of runecraft.

Sorry, you're about the get spillover from another thread:

We do not have sufficient information at this time to speculate as to the viability of the snakejuce for anything. For all we know it can be refined into a non-corrupt version of Warpstone, trivially allowing the adaptation of Skaven tech and the sort of crafting that usually requires multiple storms of magic to fuel. It is equally likely to be absolutely useless.
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I mean by that metric Teclis is a pathetic failure of a wizard. :\
I mean, he's an elf, so...
Could we get the strength 10 rune on our pistol?

A literal hand cannon as it were?
While the concept was discarded due to logical reasons, I do like the concept of a pistol that's completely normal except it can shatter castle gates by pistolwhipping.

Wait until we strangle a vampire with it. :V
Well, the belt does burn the Dhar in demons, so if we ever come across a Greater Deamon...

Even if the Snakejuice improves the weapon and doesn't destroy it, it's likely that Kragg will add Mathilde's blood to the quenching mix for messing with his work.
Which will add Mathilde's own awesomeness to the mix and possibly attune the sword to Ulgu! Genius!
Isn't it a bit defeatist to assume we're never going to reach the rarefied heights of elven or dwarf work when we've done, like, one work of enchantment, we did it really close to the start of our career with barely any enchanting gear and no workshop space, and it's still a very impressive bit of enchantment, that's useful even now?
Do you have a quote on that conclusion? Cause from what I remember we have done a grand total of zero research to figure what it can or cannot be used for. Yes, it's probably won't be be able to improve it, but I'd like to at least do a minimum level of work to figure out what use it could be before we invest most of our favor into a weapon.
Which one in particular? The inferiority of snekjuice to elven high magic? The inferiority of elven school of magical weaponsmithing to the dwarven one? Incompatibility of enchantment with runes?

I can hunt quotes on any of these, but I don't want to do more work than strictly necessary.
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Except that to do those things right we will need Favor and we don't know how much doing such a thing will cost. Plus the argument of wanting to do it as early as possible also applies to the Tower and books as that means we can start applying their bonuses to our actions earlier thus giving us better results and possibly improving action economy.
The sword a bit differently, since it seems the easiest way to gain Favor is to help avenge Grudges. Which means killing enemy heroes. Thorgrim Grudgebearer is perfectly comfortable dismissing the economic gains of reclaiming Eight Peaks in public without any notable fuss, so we can expect them to value new discoveries and healthy economies about as well as much as the College values murdering lots of enemy Heroes(which is to say not at all, except for the PR score)
1. The Elector Count of Stirland has sold their shares.
Whoever the new Steward of Stirland is, they are an idiot (unless they were directly ordered to do so by RvH). While I have no doubt that they could put the immediate cash infusion to good use, the long term loss is probably going to be one that future generations look back on and curse their forebearers. Particularly since the EIC has solid contracts with the province.

Of course, if they have a new gold mine then this is less of an idiotic move.
Keep in mind that the first turn Roswita took over, the Stirland treasury might as well not exist because:
-Abelhelm blew the whole wad on the army. Asarnil isn't cheap. Dwarf cannon isn't cheap, and road crews weren't cheap.
-His original plan to recoup the money by selling the land recaptured hit a bit of a snag when it turns out not many people with the money want to PAY to farm in recently haunted hills unless they're Stirlanders. In which case they have no money.
-Losing all but one of the experienced Councillors means she needs to rehire, as Stirland lacks much in the way of people wanting to live there, a significant cash bonus may be needed.
-Also remember our Stirlander contingent? A big chunk of her army literally deserted when she tried to modernize them by force. She'd need to hire new men, and remember the trouble we had hiring for the Watch? We're scraping the barrel then, and its not getting any better.
-Finally she might have sold some for political purposes to buy loyalty. The EIC returns are nice and stable, but ultimately too SLOW. She'd be stuck with a 50gc income when she's spending hundreds a turn.

She'd probably feel pretty silly when the 'lost' army showed up with sacks of silver and wanting to buy land though.
2. Wilhelmina sold a good portion of her shares as well.
An interesting move coming from someone who strongarmed Markus's heirs out of the company. I'm wondering if her sons have continued to disappoint. When she passes on or fully retires, each son could get only a 10% stake. This would leave the company in the hands of those who are capable (County of Franzen, County of Wolfsbach) and those who can be counted on to work towards the greater good (Dame Mathilde Weber, Barony of Blutdorf).
I suspect its deliberate. She has exactly enough shares left for her sons to knife fight over it, but they can't do shit all unless they work together as a unit with Anton or Mathilde or BOTH the Counties. If they split their vote they become completely irrelevant.
A thought occurs: Unlike the other slots we can have as many magic weapons as we can carry, swapping between them. As such I would like to propose that if we really want a budget magic weapon we are best off with a Dagger of Okkam's Mindrazor. 7-ish College Favours for S8 hand weapon. (Arguably a magical lightsaber shaped like a one-handed greatsword.) Great for assassination, fine as a hold-out weapon. Doesn't come with cultural expectations so we can lend it out or trade it away as needed.

If we want the Infinity+1 ultimate weapon then 25 Dwarf Favours are the only way.
If we are happy with something appropriate to our current position and skill, while still being useful late-game, then 7-8 College Favours will do the job.
Dwarfs told us too many magical weapons in close order formation can cause them to shut down randomly. While this wouldn't be too big a problem for a runeweapon + magic focus + sidearm, if we're getting more the interference mounts.

Also we know BoneyM implements actual physical storage positions. A greatsword or a bastard sword takes the Back Shoulder To Hip slot, a Pistol takes a Side Hip slot(plus either front shoulder to hip or pockets for ammo), and a short blade, rod or dagger could take another side hip slot. More than that and we just can't physically move freely.
The max favors for a sword are 25, whether it's made from pig-iron, Gromril or Grungni's Titanium Balls, so we don't need more favors
Actually the dwarfs are likely going to use the best material they have on hand for the job. They just plain don't have spare gromril in the quantities needed for a weapon(or more cynically, they already used all their spare gromril for that already)
Belts don't become the centerpiece of legends like weapons do.
While I'd argue that is a matter of 'sexiness' of the weapon above an accessory in the narrative they do show up, like the irl divine Thor of legend and his silly powerful strength boosting belt.

The problem with this particular belt is its effects are mostly subtile unless MC is actively on fire. Also, the brain burn effect requires witnesses to see the effect go off. The last time it went off it kind of distracted the great shaman until MC reversed the polarity on what 'e's minions were doing and then WAGH!ed so hard 'e exploded. Bit of an issue to add the bits to song and legend where the people who could talk about it have exploded. Its also the kind of thing that works better if they fail to know its there at all. Even in a tale where it is known its best left for a Chekhov's gun situation where people in the audience keep forgetting it exists until it triggers.

So a fancy named weapon is a co-star(until people start questing to claim or reclaim the thing), that can be upgraded to the star after user four or five when it becomes a legend on its own. While the belt is this running gag in the narrative. Its a very 'and Zoidberg' thing until it has a moment to shine... then is promptly 'and Zoidberg' again.
It's not the weapon I want, it's the legend and its visible representation.
Bit of a snag in this is a Grey Wizard MC. As a Grey Wizard there is a mark that makes you actively forgettable... so if that mark ever triggers people literally won't remember that statement. For most people/wizards making that statement is a potent thing. For a Grey Wizard is kind of asking to get that mark out of irony... like to the point of attracting horrid deamons working to make this happen entirely for the giggles. So in this case its not so much 'hubris is a coward's word' as 'hubris is schmuck bait'.

If this logic train deters or at least dampens that plan is up to you... but I feel its asking for the RNG and the dice god (MC's patron) to get that mark.
I love the image, i'm a bit hesitant to do it due to the time it would take to be commissioned.
...or continuing the thought above finding like three of that kind of weapon in the meantime. Technically posssible with the conquests and such immediately available.
The sword a bit differently, since it seems the easiest way to gain Favor is to help avenge Grudges. Which means killing enemy heroes. Thorgrim Grudgebearer is perfectly comfortable dismissing the economic gains of reclaiming Eight Peaks in public without any notable fuss, so we can expect them to value new discoveries and healthy economies about as well as much as the College values murdering lots of enemy Heroes(which is to say not at all, except for the PR score)

Keep in mind that the first turn Roswita took over, the Stirland treasury might as well not exist because:
-Abelhelm blew the whole wad on the army. Asarnil isn't cheap. Dwarf cannon isn't cheap, and road crews weren't cheap.
-His original plan to recoup the money by selling the land recaptured hit a bit of a snag when it turns out not many people with the money want to PAY to farm in recently haunted hills unless they're Stirlanders. In which case they have no money.
-Losing all but one of the experienced Councillors means she needs to rehire, as Stirland lacks much in the way of people wanting to live there, a significant cash bonus may be needed.
-Also remember our Stirlander contingent? A big chunk of her army literally deserted when she tried to modernize them by force. She'd need to hire new men, and remember the trouble we had hiring for the Watch? We're scraping the barrel then, and its not getting any better.
-Finally she might have sold some for political purposes to buy loyalty. The EIC returns are nice and stable, but ultimately too SLOW. She'd be stuck with a 50gc income when she's spending hundreds a turn.

She'd probably feel pretty silly when the 'lost' army showed up with sacks of silver and wanting to buy land though.

I suspect its deliberate. She has exactly enough shares left for her sons to knife fight over it, but they can't do shit all unless they work together as a unit with Anton or Mathilde or BOTH the Counties. If they split their vote they become completely irrelevant.

Dwarfs told us too many magical weapons in close order formation can cause them to shut down randomly. While this wouldn't be too big a problem for a runeweapon + magic focus + sidearm, if we're getting more the interference mounts.

Also we know BoneyM implements actual physical storage positions. A greatsword or a bastard sword takes the Back Shoulder To Hip slot, a Pistol takes a Side Hip slot(plus either front shoulder to hip or pockets for ammo), and a short blade, rod or dagger could take another side hip slot. More than that and we just can't physically move freely.

Actually the dwarfs are likely going to use the best material they have on hand for the job. They just plain don't have spare gromril in the quantities needed for a weapon(or more cynically, they already used all their spare gromril for that already)
And I really hope they don't have bits of Grungni's Balls around there just waiting to be used, cause it would make for an awkward discussion when Mathilde asks about the material :):):):)
She might have been politically strongarmed into doing it somehow.
If I was head of a county and wanted a piece of the pie then I'd trump up some charges and pretty much ban the presence of the company, unless, say, said company would happen to be owned by the state so that they could make sure everything was done rightly and justly.

Edit: Frankly offended she didn't come to us to sell her shares.
But Stirland has sold their shares entirely, so that's sort of the opposite of what's happened?
Even if the Snakejuice improves the weapon and doesn't destroy it, it's likely that Kragg will add Mathilde's blood to the quenching mix for messing with his work.
I mean my notion is that we would let Kragg use it, as in we would figure out if it's maybe possibly useful and then he would be the one actually 'using' it. Even IF it can be used that way he's likely to grumble very loudly, but if we're spending 25 favor on it he might begrudgingly acquiesce anyways. All of this is of course only a possibility once we've done at least some work to figure out what the Snake Juice can be used for.
You know, in the progress of rereading the quest and getting to the departure for Eight Peaks, I am happy that we will be seeing Anton and Wilhelmina again, even though I did not vote for it. I am also quite curious to see how Stirland is doing in our absence.
Also we know BoneyM implements actual physical storage positions. A greatsword or a bastard sword takes the Back Shoulder To Hip slot, a Pistol takes a Side Hip slot(plus either front shoulder to hip or pockets for ammo), and a short blade, rod or dagger could take another side hip slot. More than that and we just can't physically move freely.

I don't know, wouldn't daggers be the one type of equipment that either doesn't take a slot, or can be placed in slots that are completely useless for anything else; boot sheaths, ankle sheaths, strapped any old where.

I though BoneyM said that you can basically hold as many active-use magical doo-dads as you can fit in your pockets, like you can have the seed, a wand of blasting, a grounding rod, maybe a power stone or two, so long as you haven't got so many that you're rummaging through pockets for ages (possibly extendible with bandoliers) then there's no limit to the artificer bullshit you can pull off!
She might have been politically strongarmed into doing it somehow.
If I was head of a county and wanted a piece of the pie then I'd trump up some charges and pretty much ban the presence of the company, unless, say, said company would happen to be owned by the state so that they could make sure everything was done rightly and justly.

Edit: Frankly offended she didn't come to us to sell her shares.
Can't actually. The EIC runs enough of the economy that Roswita would face a very quick economic collapse if she did something that blatant.

Remember Wilhelmina is still a patriot(or at least loyal to her friend Abelhelm's memory), she's not going to want to concentrate the shares in any hands, and she can't sell her shares to Mathilde on the basis that last she heard, Mathilde has only pocket money due to the vow of poverty AND owes Stirland a lot of money.
I'm pretty sure that, when they have the chance to look at it, Runesmiths are gonna be pretty jazzed with stable, liquid magic, considering gathering magic into the runes is the longest part of runecraft.
Runesmiths are the wrong guys to get excited about a whole new material. They don't like new until it's been tested and analyzed for a few centuries.
Bit of a snag in this is a Grey Wizard MC. As a Grey Wizard there is a mark that makes you actively forgettable... so if that mark ever triggers people literally won't remember that statement. For most people/wizards making that statement is a potent thing. For a Grey Wizard is kind of asking to get that mark out of irony... like to the point of attracting horrid deamons working to make this happen entirely for the giggles. So in this case its not so much 'hubris is a coward's word' as 'hubris is schmuck bait'.

If this logic train deters or at least dampens that plan is up to you... but I feel its asking for the RNG and the dice god (MC's patron) to get that mark.
The mark apparently applies mainly to the Grey Wizard's face.
If we had a weapon that memorable they'd probably remember "A wizard with <Weapon Name>" instead of "A mysterious Wizard"
I mean my notion is that we would let Kragg use it, as in we would figure out if it's maybe possibly useful and then he would be the one actually 'using' it. Even IF it can be used that way he's likely to grumble very loudly, but if we're spending 25 favor on it he might begrudgingly acquiesce anyways. All of this is of course only a possibility once we've done at least some work to figure out what the Snake Juice can be used for.
That's the option I didn't discuss because I thought it's entirely evident that dwarven research - especially rune research - doesn't workb that way.

It's entirely possible that Kragg might invent new runes or metalworking techniques given access to snekjuice.

It's entirely implausible that he'll consider even limited field deployment without at least a century of research and lab testing.
Isn't it a bit defeatist to assume we're never going to reach the rarefied heights of elven or dwarf work when we've done, like, one work of enchantment, we did it really close to the start of our career with barely any enchanting gear and no workshop space, and it's still a very impressive bit of enchantment, that's useful even now?

No, it's mostly common sense and setting knwolege, dwarfs are the best enchanters due to a combination of an arcane tradition going back to the dawn of time and individual rumesmiths being very long lived that they might perfect their craft beyond human expertise. If Mathilde even came close to matching that she should change her name to 'Mary' if you know what I mean...

That is not to say she can't be exceptional, just not in that particular field, where not even elven archmages, masters of colored magic can match the dwarfs.
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