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Its fine, I think a 25 point sword is a useful thing to have, but it can be acquired at a later date, preferably when we set out to take more peaks, right now better labs and books are more immediately useful.
It takes time to make. This is the kind of thing you want to get as early as possible so that you can do those other things while waiting.
Personally I don't mind waiting for a 25 favor bastard sword. As long as I can get one, it doesn't really matter what order we get our items. I'm fine with replacing our standard human greatsword with a standard dawi one if they are for sale with just regular gold and investing in the tower to consolidate gains. After that we can sally out and gain favors by assassination and fighting in the other peaks to make favor for a new weapon. Though now that I think about it we do have to learn how to dual wield a bastard sword and a staff, since we do have WoG that we can use a staff with a greatsword refluffed as a bastard sword. Though I can see how wanting to get it now so it's being made while we focus on other matters is an attractive idea.

EDIT: Also I saw some music quite earlier in the thread for Dwarves and thought I'd put this one in.

It's more LoTR than Warhammer but still suitably epic enough for the Dawi I think.
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I do kind of wonder how much difference the material makes for maximally overruned items; like, isn't the worst pot-iron sword runed by Kragg the Grim basically inviolable? More reasonably, how much different would Gromril be from that silver alloy famously made in one of the peaks we reclaimed? (is it Silverine, or was that a different magical metal?)
Personally I don't mind waiting for a 25 favor bastard sword. As long as I can get one, it doesn't really matter what order we get our items. I'm fine with replacing our standard human greatsword with a standard dawi one if they are for sale with just regular gold and investing in the tower to consolidate gains. After that we can sally out and gain favors by assassination and fighting in the other peaks to make favor for a new weapon. Though now that I think about it we do have to learn how to dual wield a bastard sword and a staff, since we do have WoG that we can use a staff with a greatsword refluffed as a bastard sword. Though I can see how wanting to get it now so it's being made while we focus on other matters is an attractive idea.

There are no standard Dwarven swords for sale because dwarves don't use swords outside of a specific cult.
It takes time to make. This is the kind of thing you want to get as early as possible so that you can do those other things while waiting.
Except that to do those things right we will need Favor and we don't know how much doing such a thing will cost. Plus the argument of wanting to do it as early as possible also applies to the Tower and books as that means we can start applying their bonuses to our actions earlier thus giving us better results and possibly improving action economy.
Oooh, some changes on the organization page for the EIC in advance of the update have me very interested in hearing how those stock shifts happened... (also some good increases in current business operations!!)
That is very interesting. Two things immediately jump out at me:

1. The Elector Count of Stirland has sold their shares.
Whoever the new Steward of Stirland is, they are an idiot (unless they were directly ordered to do so by RvH). While I have no doubt that they could put the immediate cash infusion to good use, the long term loss is probably going to be one that future generations look back on and curse their forebearers. Particularly since the EIC has solid contracts with the province.

Of course, if they have a new gold mine then this is less of an idiotic move.

2. Wilhelmina sold a good portion of her shares as well.
An interesting move coming from someone who strongarmed Markus's heirs out of the company. I'm wondering if her sons have continued to disappoint. When she passes on or fully retires, each son could get only a 10% stake. This would leave the company in the hands of those who are capable (County of Franzen, County of Wolfsbach) and those who can be counted on to work towards the greater good (Dame Mathilde Weber, Barony of Blutdorf).
A thought occurs: Unlike the other slots we can have as many magic weapons as we can carry, swapping between them. As such I would like to propose that if we really want a budget magic weapon we are best off with a Dagger of Okkam's Mindrazor. 7-ish College Favours for S8 hand weapon. (Arguably a magical lightsaber shaped like a one-handed greatsword.) Great for assassination, fine as a hold-out weapon. Doesn't come with cultural expectations so we can lend it out or trade it away as needed.

If we want the Infinity+1 ultimate weapon then 25 Dwarf Favours are the only way.
If we are happy with something appropriate to our current position and skill, while still being useful late-game, then 7-8 College Favours will do the job.
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I do kind of wonder how much difference the material makes for maximally overruned items; like, isn't the worst pot-iron sword runed by Kragg the Grim basically inviolable? More reasonably, how much different would Gromril be from that silver alloy famously made in one of the peaks we reclaimed? (is it Silverine, or was that a different magical metal?)
Gromril is noted to be the best metal for Rune craft as stuff made from it can hold more runes than anything else. All the best Dwarven artifacts are made from it for a reason, so I wouldn't be surprised if it being made from Gromril will result in a whole extra rune being added.
There are no standard Dwarven swords for sale because dwarves don't use swords outside of a specific cult.
Thank you for the reply! Ok, might be a bit of a problem if we're looking to upgrade to a weapon in between our standard human greatsword and a favor wrought dwarven one. Maybe Maximillian could get started on his blacksmithing early?

I'd like to know what a theoretical 25 point tower would look like before we commit to anything.

People can project some neat stuff for weapons. I want to know what architecture would get us.
[-] Head Ranger...
- [-] Focused on threats inside the Hold - the greenskins and Skaven in and under the six retaken peaks.
- [-] Focused on threats outside the Hold, such as Karak Drazh, Iron Rock, Thunder Mountain and the Border Princes.
[-] Steward, managing trade and tolls, leading the Undumgi, and being point of contact for Ulrikadrin.
[-] Court Wizard, investigating magical phenomena in and around the Hold.

I like big swords and I can not lie... specifically because I want that Head Ranger position. This is who Mathilde is:
Finally, you visit the catacombs of Eagle Castle in a visit you've been putting off for some time now; you're not sure if the current Elector Countess would have allowed it so you didn't bother to ask. Abelhelm's tomb is plain and unadorned except for a plaque with his name and the date of his fall, though fresh flowers have been placed atop it. You place a hand atop the cool stone of the casket Abelhelm lies within. Time stretches out as you stand there.

You remember him falling, you remember the failure of all that could have helped. You remember your helpless rage as he slipped away.

But you also remember the extermination of all those responsible. The death of she who was plotting evil in the heart of Sylvania. And the total destruction of Castle Drakenhof, the home of seven centuries of nightmares.

"We did it," you say. "We changed the world we live in."
"Karag Nar. In the past thousand years, the only humans to ever know that name would have been a handful of Dwarven history obsessive at the University of Altdorf. Now it's looking like humans are going to be living in it. Karak Eight Peaks won't be a historical footnote, it will be a home for Dwarves and for Halflings and for men. The throats I slit yesterday were ugly, but the better tomorrow they've bought is beautiful." Your mind goes back seven years, to the first time your actions had resulted in blood. "We deal death to the corrupt to prevent the suffering of the innocent."

At the end of the day, Mathilde's biggest contributions to changing the world has been either leading various forces (the cannons against the castle, the MAP in the chiselwards, standing with our Jouryneymanlings on dispelling duty) or sneaking into dangerous places to help those forces. It's what she's best at. She's not someone who is content to sit back in the College and absorb academic knowledge all day. She's not content to sit in the back lines when she could better help lead from the front. This does not conflict with Mathilde doing lots of magical research, or helping the EIC extend its trade into 8 Peaks. But what the position does do is help her direct herself against those things dark things that need destroying. Mathilde is one of those champions who can fight against monsters. I don't want it to be a side job to her. She's spent action after action improving herself and the organizations she leads specifically to bring the fight against first the Necromancers and Vampires of Stirland and later the Orcs and Skaven of 8 Peaks. I want Mathilde to do more research, to do more spy things, but above all to make a difference, and there's been no better place for that than her efforts on and near the battlefield.
Gromril is noted to be the best metal for Rune craft as stuff made from it can hold more runes than anything else. All the best Dwarven artifacts are made from it for a reason, so I wouldn't be surprised if it being made from Gromril will result in a whole extra rune being added.

The other reason I would like to wait if we get a 25 point weapon, let's make it the best possible weapon we can. Also finding Gromril will likely net some favors.
Personally I'd prefer to wait on weapons and stuff until we can investigate the Snake Juice, mostly because I recently had the notion of what if someone tried quenching a freshly forged/runed sword in it. Will it explode? Make it stronger? Do absolutely nothing? Who knows we don't know what's even theoretically possible with the Juice. Just for kicks I want to find out if it might, possibly, maybe synergize.
IIRC while we don't have to provide material to get our weapon made, it does have an impact on the timescale of the project. For instance since our sword is going to be made with gromril, we're either going to have to wait till there's some available to use on our weapon, or we can help obtain some in order to get started on it at once.

EDIT: Weber'ed
Personally I'd prefer to wait on weapons and stuff until we can investigate the Snake Juice, mostly because I recently had the notion of what if someone tried quenching a freshly forged/runed sword in it. Will it explode? Make it stronger? Do absolutely nothing? Who knows we don't know what's even theoretically possible with the Juice. Just for kicks I want to find out if it might, possibly, maybe synergize.

Well I'm not sure about the sword but the Runesmith who made it would definitely smash whoever defiled his work thus into a fine powder. :V

You do not mess with a Runesmith's craft by adding umgi nonsense.
2. Wilhelmina sold a good portion of her shares as well.
An interesting move coming from someone who strongarmed Markus's heirs out of the company. I'm wondering if her sons have continued to disappoint. When she passes on or fully retires, each son could get only a 10% stake. This would leave the company in the hands of those who are capable (County of Franzen, County of Wolfsbach) and those who can be counted on to work towards the greater good (Dame Mathilde Weber, Barony of Blutdorf).
She might have been politically strongarmed into doing it somehow.
If I was head of a county and wanted a piece of the pie then I'd trump up some charges and pretty much ban the presence of the company, unless, say, said company would happen to be owned by the state so that they could make sure everything was done rightly and justly.

Edit: Frankly offended she didn't come to us to sell her shares.
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