Also, 25 favors is still a lot. You ask what I would want to spend those favors on? Training. Both on a personal level and organizations under us, calling on dwarfen experts to train them will bring them up to dwarfen standards, aka, much higher than anything most manling organizations and individuals ever get to. That is the strength we're sacrificing to get a supersword.
No, that's what we're
temporarily forgoing to get a supersword. Even then, we can get those as well, so long as its costs 13 Favour or less.
To everyone talking about training or the wizard tower and such being a better use of (some/all) Favour than a weapon. I know some of you are dead set against any weapon, but for those who are more concerned about the amount;
Please, please read this;
Imagine that the category that you're more excited about spending Favour on could only be held in one 'Slot' - you can spend as little or as much as you want (up to 25), and have as many separate functions in it as you like, but whatever it is must be ordered and paid for at one time.
And if you want to change or add to it later, you not only have to have to spend that additional Favour, but re-buy anything from the old one that you want to keep. And tell your dwarven allies, "Hey, I don't really like or need your old gift anymore, can you make me a better one? The old one? I dunno, I'll shove it off onto someone else."
And each, say Turn maybe, you have to choose what you held in that 'Slot'.
Since I'm likely to have explained poorly, rather than clearly and evocatively, I'll try some examples of what later voter discussion would look like;
"Aaargh, this +2 Magic Knowledge skill is way too low now, why the hell didn't we just buy +4 to start with?? Now it'll cost half again as much!"
"Goddamnit, we walked off the battlefield into Belebro vs Thorgrim 2.0! We only had room in our +3 Weapon Skill talent 'Slot' for +1 Diplomancy! We should have used our +4/+4 Diplo/Dwarven Culture talent 'Slot' this turn!"
"We don't need to get more skills this turn, we'd benefit more from upgrading our Tower from 15 to 25 Favour!! That's what we'd be sacrificing to upgrade Engineering, it's not worth it."
"What do you mean buying +10 gives us a bonus Trait!? Everyone said going above +8 would be sunk coooost!"