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Oh and just because it amuses me I want to note...
As you try to put the possibility out of your mind, you recall the Imperial Gunnery School sprouting off its new branch in Karag Nar, and the vast amount of institutional knowledge that had to be very laboriously taught and copied over to make it work. In the years to come it will all be copied back as the original is rebuilt, and you wonder how much would have been lost altogether if it hadn't all been so recently duplicated.
This is the literal reason the Halflings came, who would have thought that Engineers where more at risk of extinction than the Halflings. :p
This raises an interesting possibility, as with most of the economy of Karag Nar dominated by the EIC, there is what might be thought of as a more elegant way to repay the debt - credit her with that sum at EIC-backed establishments and allow it to disappear into the ledgers as just another operating expense. This could be classified as a form of embezzlement, but could also be classified as a good way to strengthen the EIC's good name and to gain influence over an unexpected but influential minority among Karag Nar's community. And besides, two thousand crowns in retail credit will cost the EIC

So, this is basically the win-win option for everything but the EIC. And this stops being embezzlement if we pay this with future dividends.

To be fair, if we could simply pay the EIC's expenses with future dividends this would be the ideal option
The body that was buried under a rock slide in the darklands... that body? I honestly cannot even imagine how we would do that remotely safely, nor how we would interest anyone who might have any interest in mammoths to come along
Captain Maktig: "It recently occurred to me that the Frozen Sea is one of the few I haven't traveled."
Also we now finally get proof that the Celestials can actually see the future rather than faking it with weather manipulation and cold reading. I mean the warning was still useless in the technical sense as we did not use it for anything, but hey baby steps. :V
So, library wise, here's what I'm thinking:
[ ] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Rituals, Rune Magic, Liminal Relams, Forest Spirits
These are all topics with relevance to the project, most of them with immediate relevance to stuff we're likely going to do soon. Rituals will be relevant for the tributary rituals, obviously. Liminal Relams will also be relevant for two out of three of those rituals, or at least I believe it will, because a Dreaming Wood is a liminal realm and the Hedge is a liminal relam, and it might also be handy as we continue to work with Aksel and Cadaeth. Rune Magic will be relevant to the study of Runes, which I think we should look into next turn. Forest Spirits is the only one that isn't obviously immediately relevant, but again it might help us in the future as we work with Cadaeth and Laurelorn, and it might come in handy when we finally look into Athel Loren.

As an added bonus, all of those except Rune Magic are topics we have zero books on, and on Rune Magic we only have a +2. This means that this gives us almost the highest amount of BOÖK that this option can give (18 out of 20), saving us 900 gold and 16 CF, which is quite a bit. We can't really buy those books out of pocket, because even if we go for a boon and have the gold to spare we definitely can't spare the College Favours.
I'm personally in favor of the boon or credit. I'd prefer to have a cushion fund of cash for unexpected expenditures in the future (sure, we won't be out-of-pocketing another Laurelorn-grade laboratory next turn, but smaller things could still come up), and just ignoring the debt seems dishonorable.
You'd found, to your surprise, that she'd ended up in Karak Eight Peaks, but instead of moving in to Karag Rhyn she'd joined the small community of Imperial Dwarves that have made a home in Karag Nar.
Hmm. Would this mean the widow has MORE or LESS need for liquid funds?

Also I think I remember the hook for his story was about issues with the Engineering guild right? Maybe that would be the direction the boon will be taken, requiring us to spend either a minor boon or AP to smooth things with the guild.

Rhyan supremacists who flirt with outright monotheism.

Could we pay credit and NOT make it some absurd embezzlement scheme? Like, we own part of the company. The EIC is sitting on the bulk of our liquid cash if I am not mistaken. Can we just officially set up a credit account? "Oh yeah, I have a debt to this person. I am covering her tab up to X amount. Just process her order and bill me."

Like seriously, paying a DWARF debt through underhanded means sounds like a BAD idea. It's theft and in including a dwarf we are making them party to it. That's worse than not paying. That's digging the person we already owe further into owing other people a debt.

Straightforward and expensive is a bag of gold. Complicated and cheaper is credit. A middle option that is both complicated and expensive is not a good compromise.
Is this what we have become? one corner of your mind asks. Robbing the widow of a comrade in arms?
This is what we have always been,
another counters. We have done worse to achieve a fraction of the good that much gold could accomplish, and will do so again.
To at least consider it is what we seek to be,
a third muses. A Grey Wizard weighs all possibilities, not just the nice ones.

You absently push a gold coin around the table, your attention turned inwards as you observe in fascination as parts of your mind war against each other.
Have you been playing Disco Elysium lately?

I'm most inclined towards Coin, but not 100% decided yet.
Let's not forget that the money was spent in service of picking up plot hooks from Uzkulak (Ghyran Nut, Claw, etc) that we haven't even finished off themselves yet.

I'd really rather not make the payment for plot hooks be *another* plot hook.

Pay with gold.
I think we have plenty of plot lines going on at the moment, I'm not terribly interested in picking the boon option
This is not an accountancy quest. I'm not going to map out every theoretical form of transferring value between individuals. The honest way to solve this is to give her a bag of gold. Mathilde is not going to venture outside of that for the thrilling adventure of arbitrage with her trusty sidekick economy of scale.
I think people are overlooking the potential in the EIC credit line. The Imperial Dwarves are not just influential within Karag Nar's community, they undoubtedly have connections with other Imperial Dwarves throughout the Empire. Forging a strong positive relationship with them would certainly help the EIC's operations back home, given how important Dwarven Commerce is going to be in the near future with the completion of the southern canal.

Credit would also still be helping Gotrek's widow materially while not draining our coffers in the process.
I feel like if we do the line of credit then we should invest at least a fraction of the money into the EIC at the same time. Then it doesn't feel like embezzling it just using our resources efficiently.
This is not an accountancy quest. I'm not going to map out every theoretical form of transferring value between individuals. The honest way to solve this is to give her a bag of gold. Mathilde is not going to venture outside of that for the thrilling adventure of arbitrage with her trusty sidekick economy of scale.
But what if you did though?
Jests aside, I do have an actual question: Does tue credit option mean that our EIC income drops (to zero?) fow a while?

Or, for us players, what is the difference between Credit and Don't Pay?
(Sorry if you made this clear elsewhere, I was at the dentist there. Am not on the ball right now)
If we wanted to play silly buggers for money, we could have simply not mentioned the debt.

I'm gonna vote for cash in hand. Boon would be fine from the perspective of settling our debt, but turning an AP into 2000 gold just isn't worth it.

You nod in commiseration. "The reward for digging the best holes is to be taught about a new kind of shovel."

Ain't that ever the truth.

and the Imperial Gunnery School

Oh that annoying Celestial Wizard was right in the most useless way possible. That sure is on brand.

Is this what we have become? one corner of your mind asks. Robbing the widow of a comrade in arms?
This is what we have always been,
another counters. We have done worse to achieve a fraction of the good that much gold could accomplish, and will do so again.
To at least consider it is what we seek to be,
a third muses. A Grey Wizard weighs all possibilities, not just the nice ones.

Oh hey, new grey order technique: Just be plural! :p
Very tempted to go for the Boon, simply because it would be our first glance to view that economy from the other side, which sounds interesting. Hoepfully, it will be at most 1 AP, but I'm willing to chance it
(And as long as it is paid, I'm mostly happy, no swindling this)
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