[ ] [DEBT] Pay in coin
So upon reconsideration, we do already have way too many adventure hooks and time really is our most valuable currency. And despite Mathilde arguing that she could only gain that amount of money from five years (ten turns!) of frugality, most of our big monetary gains have been individual windfalls from adventures, not merely waiting for the EIC paychecks to come in. We can find a way to get more money one way or the other. Just this turn we had the possibility of keeping money from Drakenhof and we passed it over. I'm sure other possibilities will present themselves.
[ ] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr booksellers: Metallurgy, Fungi, Cooking
[ ] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Rituals, Rune Magic, Liminal Realms, Forest Spirits
Undecided between these two. If we pick the former we can delay tributaries and runes, and if we pick the latter we have the option of delaying the capstones and the mushrooms book (we've enough papers in the line to delay it one turn). Either works!
[ ] [PURCHASE] The Druchii of Naggaroth: Imperial Extensive & Esoteric, Bretonnian Extensive (350gc)
[ ] [PURCHASE] The Druchii of Naggaroth: Imperial Extensive (100gc)
For out of pocket purchases, though, if we're going with Druchii books, and don't have any plans to really interact with them (instead staying true to our preexisting ideas and things occupying us), we could just... buy less than the totality of books about them, since we wouldn't need to get them right away. We really don't.
[ ] [DWARF] No purchase.
[ ] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
We don't need anything on this front.