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In regards to Cython, I don't recommend it. If we need their help with mapping Araby we can just go and ask them. Having them be an actual member sounds like way too much of a hassle. I don't even want to think of them interacting with characters like Thorek and Hatalath, and we'd have to readjust everything to accomodate them. Better to have them as a supportive asset if need be then actually recruit them. I also dread to think what they would ask of us in return for their cooperation.
Also we still have the problem of not actually being able to offer the dragon anything be might like for his services.
Hopefully we can theoretically adjust whatever ritual went into the tributaries to work with many different types of gods, then we could probably politic things so that the various cults start using it as part of their shrines and temples.
There is also the fact that we do not know what manner of being the Earth Mother even is. I mean we trust her enough to get her lore, but do we trust her with the keeping of new Waystones? Do we want to poke the god we personally know so little about. All other things being equal I would rather work with Haletha on this since we know and trust her father at least.
Err? Is this going off the theory that Ranald is Loec that people got from Deathfang or have I missed us getting confirmation of one of Ranald and Shyalla's kids?
No we have two, and they both move pretty quickly.

They separated it during the Cold War because America and the USSR wanted one on their side of the geographic north.
have I gotten confused with the declination of the magnetic field being a seperate thing and not 0 declination essentially being a line between east and west?

This is completely incorrect, and misses the distinction between Geomagnetic North (the dot by Greenland), which is a purely theoretical point based off a first order dipole model of the Earth's magnetic field, and the true Magnetic North, which is where the north end of a compass points to. They don't align, because, as it turns out, the Earth's magnetic field is not generated by a perfect point-like bar magnet located at its centre.

The geomagnetic axis is essentially a line of best fit through the Earth's magnetic field and its centre, and doesn't move all that quickly by comparison to the physical magnetic North, which is influenced by other anomalies within the Earth's interior to produce more complicated field dynamics. The motion of the geomagnetic axis can be considered as a reflection of the large-scale dynamics of the Earth's core, absent of confounding local factors - again, it's a first order approximation that generates a useful model, rather than being a physical, measurable thing.

(The declination of the magnetic field is the angular difference between geographic north and magnetic north as measured by a compass - this will change year-on-year as the true magnetic north wanders all over the place.)

Err? Is this going off the theory that Ranald is Loec that people got from Deathfang or have I missed us getting confirmation of one of Ranald and Shyalla's kids?
Haletha was effectively confirmed as Ranald's daughter when Aksel accepted our offer to join the project without asking for anything in return because we had the Coin set to Father.
Haletha was effectively confirmed as Ranald's daughter when Aksel accepted our offer to join the project without asking for anything in return because we had the Coin set to Father.
Mathilde confirmed it within her internal narrative as well:
As you begin to talk to Aksel of the specifics, you think to yourself that if the Nordland Hedgewise were always this trusting, they likely would have been wiped out some time in the past two thousand years. Between that and the relatively unbothered reception you received when you arrived, you suspect you might have answered half the mystery that Ranald presented you with when you were gifted the fifth face of your Coin.
We're still going to be doing something nice for her/them right? Gotta be the best God-Mother we can be
I mean, we're going to look out for their interests while pursuing the Waystone Project; it would be nice if we could help the Forest of Shadows be less shitty. All as part of courting them for suitability to join the Colleges under the provisions of Article Thirteen, of course.
Murdering all the gribblies in the the Forest of Shadows would be a good start.
That's a lot of gribblies.

Like, a lot. Including Melkhior, personal student to W'Soran and probably the oldest 'living' Necrarch.

I think this is an amount of gribblies that are beyond the ability of any individual to personally slay. There's not enough hours in the day, even if you're powerful enough for Melkhior to not give you trouble.
This is completely incorrect
I'm sorry perhaps the intended tone of when I said
They separated it during the Cold War because America and the USSR wanted one on their side of the geographic north.
got lost. :lol::rofl::lol:
(The declination of the magnetic field is the angular difference between geographic north and magnetic north as measured by a compass - this will change year-on-year as the true magnetic north wanders all over the place.)
I think I've been misreading map projections, this one helps

Derail done?
That's a lot of gribblies.

Like, a lot. Including Melkhior, personal student to W'Soran and probably the oldest 'living' Necrarch.

I think this is an amount of gribblies that are beyond the ability of any individual to personally slay. There's not enough hours in the day, even if you're powerful enough for Melkhior to not give you trouble.

If we're going after Melkhior, we should be able to bring some friends along with is.

And by friends I mean battle wizards, ulrican battle priests, Eonir Archmages, and maybe some troops from Ostland's army? (I am assuming Ostland is the closest Province).

We could do to him what we did to Countess Von Carstein. It wouldn't be easy, but he wouldn't be expecting it either.
Clearing the Forrest of shadows would be a undertaking of years or decades. Now identifying some key opponents and killing them that would be doable.
If we're going after Melkhior, we should be able to bring some friends along with is.

And by friends I mean battle wizards, ulrican battle priests, Eonir Archmages, and maybe some troops from Ostland's army? (I am assuming Ostland is the closest Province).

We could do to him what we did to Countess Von Carstein. It wouldn't be easy, but he wouldn't be expecting it either.
I think it's easier to bring an army to Drakenhof Castle than it would be to bring one to Melkhior's tower.

The Forest of Shadows is one of the most dangerous areas in the Empire and is a forest compared to the relative openness of Sylvania, and we probably don't actually know where Melkhior's tower even is.
If we want to help Halétha and her worshippers, I reckon the first step is probably to ask Aksel what they could use help with.

EDIT: For the Forest of Shadows specifically... the people who actually have to live with it are probably going to have a significantly better idea of what problems we could plausibly help with.
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Fighting Melkhior is a last resort. It would have to be an actual military venture, and there would need to be a very important reason for the urgency of it. Melkhior has been astonishingly lowkey considering his power level, so justifying an actual mobilisation can be difficult.

Like, yes, maybe Hatalath could match up to Melkhior if he was actually interested in a fight, but this isn't what he signed up for. Melkhior having a Book of Nagash doesn't help either.
We did have to conquer our way through the Haunted Hills to reach Drakenhof, and that had a similar reputation to the Forest of Shadows.

Also, the Hedgewise should know roughly where it should be.

I'm not saying it will be easy, but it is possible.
It's doable but like, why? Sylvania had a tendency to spawn out zombie hordes that would occasionally march out to start killing everyone or cause some other Vamperic disaster, meanwhile Melkhior while really bad, is mostly just hanging out in his tower?

It's probaly very possible for us to kill him, but that's gonna cost priests, mage's, several soldiers and ton of equipment and so forth. A massive cost for someone that isn't actively causing trouble. Never mind the fact that Forest of shadows probally got several other, Hero-characther just lurking around there, that's gonna be drawn by the fighting.

The Forest of shadow is a huge problem at the moment, but on the list of actively causing huge amount of trouble to the empire it's probaly not that high
We did have to conquer our way through the Haunted Hills to reach Drakenhof, and that had a similar reputation to the Forest of Shadows.

Also, the Hedgewise should know roughly where it should be.

I'm not saying it will be easy, but it is possible.
Yeah, but Countess von Carstein actually tried to infiltrate Abelhelm's castle and get rid of him. She was making ventures outside Sylvania and was an actualy problem that needed to be solved, which is how Abelhelm was able to justify getting the resources ready for a push to Drakenhof. After his death, Roswita used his status as a Martyr to boost the "Sylvania is dangerous and needs to be dealt with" agenda, and the people were starting to get sick of the campaign after a while, asking why they were spending all that tax money for things that don't directly affect them.

Melkhior minds his own business. Sure he steals a bunch of people every now and then for experimentation purposes, but I don't think he's tried to assassinate the Elector Count or destroyed a major city or whatever. If you don't bother him, it's likely he won't bother you. He's a big reason for why the Forest is miserable, but if you can't justify attacking him, then the Empire will tell you to cut it out. The Empire isn't in the business of stirring sleeping beasts. The Empire prefers to have a dormant threat that's barely doing any damage than one that you awaken, which is likely to cause a ton of damage.

Maybe the Elector Count is super hot blooded and charismatic and he can be convinced and thereby convince his people for a need to deal with Melkhior. Maybe Melkhior does something messed up and it needs retaliaton. However, I doubt the validity of these circumstances.
If - as some people have suggested - part of the mechanism requires a guiding intelligence to manage a tributary, you know who's suddenly looking like an extremely valuable contributor? Baba Niedzwenka and her spirits, that's who.
If - as some people have suggested - part of the mechanism requires a guiding intelligence to manage a tributary, you know who's suddenly looking like an extremely valuable contributor? Baba Niedzwenka and her spirits, that's who.
This may well be the mechanisem of the Scythian tributaries, because this
We despaired that our Gods had turned from us. The Khans gathered together with their Shamans to set right the balance of the world. The first of the kurgans was built there, to be forever guarded by the Khans buried beneath it.
sounds like the ghosts of the Khans are actively doing something. I think it's pretty likely that the tributaries that are burial mounds are burial mounds for a reason.
But I think one possible implication of this update is that the guiding intelligence for the Belthani is a God, or at least that a God or something like a God helped set up the tributary. If we're trying to make regular old Belthani tributaries then spirits probably aren't needed, but if we're synthesizing the various tributaries for something new that's definitely something to look into. though I would still prefer to just ask Halétha for help obviously[\color]
If - as some people have suggested - part of the mechanism requires a guiding intelligence to manage a tributary, you know who's suddenly looking like an extremely valuable contributor? Baba Niedzwenka and her spirits, that's who.
I wonder if this could also become a convenient cover story for why we started messing with apparition binding?
If - as some people have suggested - part of the mechanism requires a guiding intelligence to manage a tributary, you know who's suddenly looking like an extremely valuable contributor? Baba Niedzwenka and her spirits, that's who.
I'm not sure if it can be just anyone. The Scythians, from what little we know, had tributaries in the form of Kurgans, which are graves for their Khans and great heroes. Those points are supposedly what direct the energies. I wonder if the individual's power and importance is essential, just like how you can't turn any regular person into a Wight. Only the ancient Chieftains, Kings and great Heroes can be turned to Wights. The world has some sort of arbitrary "you need to be this good" clause in some scenarios, perhaps as a result of cultural belief.

EDIT: Shit. I got Weber'd.
Melkhior might not be doing anything now (aside from terrorising some nearby villages), but he is sitting on top of a waystone nexus and I don't fancy waiting for him to become a threat before we challenge him for it, especially if it ends up that we have to reactivate the flows through the Forest of Shadows at some point.

Are there more immediate threats in the empire? Yeah, probably—but this guy is sitting between us and a waystone nexus and I'm not comfortable having a millennia old vampire blocking a vital part of the Empire's Waystone network.

TL;DR: let's think about doing something about the vampire before he consumes an energy field larger than his head and becomes a problem.
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