Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
I can't find the Orbs of Sorcery or Apprentice Course
Apprentice is probably under "receive training".
Personally, i am interested in getting a Lost Child, mostly because of the parallels between them and Mathilde.

An executed young peasant, like she almost was, and it is an Ulgu Apparition.
If by Ulgu Apparation you mean "is attracted to and feeds on Ulgu" then we can't bind it. It'll just eat our magic

EDIT: Dammit, Grey Guardianed.
Oh right. Making Orbs of Sorcery.

Can we work on that @Boney ?

[-] Create Orbs of Sorcery solo (requires one of each Power Stone) (insufficient CF)
Mathilde will have full control over what happens with the resultant Orbs, including the option of presenting the full collection as a shockingly impressive fait accompli. Any Power Stones Mathilde does not have will be acquired for 5 CF each.
[ ] Create Orbs of Sorcery with College buy-in (no cost)
Mathilde will not have to source her own materials, but will have to negotiate in advance what happens with the resultant Orbs.
- The option 'Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments' has been removed, as Mathilde is now familiar enough with the substance and its reactions to be confident that there's no useful applications or new information to be found by pursuing it.
Well, that is helpful. Thanks, Boney.

The Waystone Project, Research (NEW)

[ ] Waystone: Capstone
[ ] Waystone: Runes
[ ] Waystone: Foundation
[ ] Waystone: Leylines
[-] Waystone: Build an Elven Waystone
Requires Capstone, Runes, Foundation, and Leylines to be fully and successfully completed.

[ ] Waystone: Nexuses
Specify which: Marienburg (Almshoven and Fort Solace), Forest of Shadows (Brass Keep, Blood Fane, Tower of Melkhior), Reikland (Axe Bite Pass and Grey Lady Pass), Mordheim, Los Cabos, Bugman's Brewery.
[ ] Waystone: Tributaries
Specify which type: Belthani, Scythian, Lornalim.
[ ] Waystone: Mapping
Specify two of: Empire, Bretonnia, Tilea, Estalia, Border Princes, Araby, Badlands.
[ ] Waystone: Other Networks
Specify which: Karaz Ankor, Kislev, Laurelorn, Athel Loren, Nehekhara.
@Boney just to be clear - if we vote 'Leylines', for example, do we just specify who is helping us, or do we also have to specify how they help as well?
Welp since we cannot use Web-Mat on Waystone actions

If the only ones involved are members of WEB-MAT the action can count as a WEB-MAT action.

I can't find the Orbs of Sorcery or Apprentice Course actions.

Orb actions added, Apprentice course falls under:
[ ] Receive training: specify who and what. (acquaintances may train you for free, or you can hire someone with money or favours)

Does the WEB-MAT "use your employees" countdown start if we assign those employees to other waystone actions?

Yes, as long as there's some way they can at least marginally contribute.

@Boney just to be clear - if we vote 'Leylines', for example, do we just specify who is helping us, or do we also have to specify how they help as well?

It doesn't need specifying unless you've got some sort of cunning plan that wouldn't be immediately obvious. Like if you want to research the capstones and you put Johann on it I'll be able to guess you want them to start doing material study on waystone gold, but if you want Johann to break into the tunnels under the waterfall to try to steal Vaulite metallurgical secrets that should be specified.
@Boney Is it possible for waystone actions to be done without us, or are we providing oversight on all the actions?
Also, you mentioned that we can offend parties by not taking them on particular actions. Is there also a situation similar to that of Webmat where people will be offended if they are not used at all even if no one does the action which they would want to do?
@Boney Is it possible for waystone actions to be done without us, or are we providing oversight on all the actions?

Mathilde needs to spend an AP on each to at least provide oversight. The Project isn't all these people agreeing to work with each other, they've all agreed to work with Mathilde. But depending on circumstances, it's likely that there'll be scenarios where Mathilde spends an AP to provide oversight and regular check-ins for something that the other contributors are spending the equivalent of multiple AP worth of effort on during those six months.

Also, you mentioned that we can offend parties by not taking them on particular actions. Is there also a situation similar to that of Webmat where people will be offended if they are not used at all even if no one does the action which they would want to do?

Not automatically, if someone starts getting cabin fever I'll give you warning that you should find something for them to do.
If we wanted to create a seviroscope or seviroshades or something ese for observing primordial wind creation, how would we go about it? I know Egrimm has/had some interest with windsight back during the Karag Dum expedition, so it would probably be a WEB-MAT action.
Kragg has called the blade 'Branithune', and though as a verb it could be interpreted straightforwardly as 'practicing Branulhune', as a noun it is very easy to interpret it along the lines of 'precocious beardling who's up past their bedtime'.
I thought the dwarvish language was bad at double meanings :V

I think I would prefer to vote for a plan that goes all in on Waystone-ing. We need to get rolling on that.
Same, after all this time I'm really enthusiastic about doing Waystones. Imo, the bare minimum for the next few turns is one WP action/turn, but I'd rather have at least 2. For this first turn, I'd be ok with 3 or 4.

[ ] Create Orbs of Sorcery with College buy-in (no cost)
Mathilde will not have to source her own materials, but will have to negotiate in advance what happens with the resultant Orbs.
I categorically oppose that, I want to see everyone's faces when we show them our work :V
If we wanted to create a seviroscope or seviroshades or something ese for observing primordial wind creation, how would we go about it? I know Egrimm has/had some interest with windsight back during the Karag Dum expedition, so it would probably be a WEB-MAT action.

You tell me how you'd go about it. If you'd do it with an enchanting, the 'enchant an item' action. If it's Windherding, then Egrimm's 'attempt a Windherding' action. If there's something else you think would work, tell me what that is.

I thought the dwarvish language was bad at double meanings :V

They say that, and then they have '-it' be both a verb conjugation and a noun signifier.
Kragg has called the blade 'Branithune', and though as a verb it could be interpreted straightforwardly as 'practicing Branulhune', as a noun it is very easy to interpret it along the lines of 'precocious beardling who's up past their bedtime'. You suppose that's what you get for coming to Kragg with a job he feels unworthy of his skills, and there's not many on the continent who'd get off so lightly if they did so.
I love you too, grandpa.

- The option 'Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments' has been removed, as Mathilde is now familiar enough with the substance and its reactions to be confident that there's no useful applications or new information to be found by pursuing it.
Oh, fantastic, one less thing to worry about.

Anyway, so many options...

It's very neat that we can include as many or as few project members as we want on specific votes. On the other hand, it'll make voting really complex - with a good chunk of these we straight up shouldn't use WEB-MAT exclusively, so we'll need to be very careful with our action economy. If we're focusing only on the making of the waystones themselves, we'd need 5 actions, and while we really won't need to do every single thing in there, there's 17 actions' worth of stuff to do among nexuses, mapping, tributaries, and networks. We're gonna be busy.

My preliminary idea:

[] Plan WEB-MAT Waystones, Preparing For the Future
-No Overwork
-[] COIN: The Gambler
-[] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: (paid in gold)
-On the Education of Apprentices
-Power Stones and their Creation
-[] Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Continue to work on them.
-[] Waystone: Mapping (Empire, Border Princes) (Web-Mat, with Johann)
-[] Waystone: Capstone (Web-Mat, with Max)
-[] Waystone: Foundation (Web-Mat, with Egrimm)
--The Gambler
-[] EIC: Investigate what trade goods the Eonir might be willing to import from the Empire.
-[] KAU: Go about recruiting an army of scribes so you can start copying entire libraries of material.
-[] SERENITY: Write a book: Windsoak Mushrooms (2/2)

Does that look alright to y'all? This is my reasoning:
-We prepare for Eike's arrival, we take power-stone creation lessons for the gigaflex, we continue/maybe finish Branulhune because grandpa just gave us a sword and we're nearly there.
-The Waystone options I've chosen should be alright without making Waystone members feel unincluded. Johann's windsight is likely to be of great help in mapping, the Capstone is likely in safe hands with Max, and with Egrimm and the Gambler we should be able to handle the Foundation.

Does that seem reasonable, or am I vastly underestimating how much effort it might take to handle those last two, and they should be better studied with a bunch of more people?

If we wanted to create a seviroscope or seviroshades or something ese for observing primordial wind creation, how would we go about it? I know Egrimm has/had some interest with windsight back during the Karag Dum expedition, so it would probably be a WEB-MAT action.
I'm kind of hoping that if the Orbs of Sorcery gigaflex works out we'll get a Boon-equivalent benefit from the Colleges, much like when we asked the Golds for the secret of Gehenna's Golden Hounds. And hopefully, based on that, we could ask for them to make the seviroscope, among maybe other things.
There's also the question of fully mapping out the network, because from the sound of it the nexus network has a worrying amount of bottlenecks that could block the flow of half the continent if something happened to them. If the fall of one or two foreign cities would doom the entire Empire, that's something you think that the Empire should be aware of.
This makes it sound like mapping is an action that could be comparatively very low-hanging fruit in terms of demonstrating useful results from the Project.
[ ] WEB-MAT: Hunt an apparition with a member of WEB-MAT (specify who and which)
Clearly, this is an ideal action to take with our very trustworthy best bro Egrimm.
[ ] The many legends about the amount of books contained within and under Castle Drakenhof still haunt you. Organize an expedition to mine the ruins for books.
I don't care if it's optimal, I want to do this so bad.
[ ] Plan Mapping the Future
- 3 actions on Waystone project
- [ ] Waystone: Mapping
- Empire, Bretonnia
- With: Magister Maximilian de Gaynesford (WEB-MAT action)

- [ ] Waystone: Nexuses
- Reikland (Axe Bite Pass and Grey Lady Pass)
- Investigate whether Karak Azgaraz is a part of Karaz Ankor network, feeds into a global network or is something else.
- With: anyone who would be willing to make the journey. The more the merrier!
[ ] Waystone: Leylines
- For being a part of this project, Mathilde seems to know embarrassingly little about them.
- With: Magister Johann for his excellent Windsight, Thorek for a chance to observe Dwarven-made leylines under the mountains, Senior Lecturer Emeritus Sarvoi for actually knowing what they are supposed to do.

- [ ] Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Continue to work on them.
- We got the practice sword
[ ] EGRIMM: Study an artefact: specify which.
- Branulhune - investigate the odd flash when it is desummoned underwater
- WEB-MAT action

- [ ] MAX: Learning: specify what and from who. You may pay for a trainer.
- Mapmaking. We will be mapping the Waystone network, and will have the opportunity in the process to make a more accurate map of the Empire than commonly available by virtue of mapping from the sky.
- WEB-MAT action (bonus)

- [ ] EIC: Investigate what trade goods the Eonir might be willing to import from the Empire.
- [ ] Library: Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus
- Karak Vlag Archives
- [ ] The Gambler: specify an action this will apply to.
- Waystone: Nexuses

So, this is my first attempt to write a plan action. Please tell me if I missed or misunderstood something? And what do you think of the plan?
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Same, after all this time I'm really enthusiastic about doing Waystones. Imo, the bare minimum for the next few turns is one WP action/turn, but I'd rather have at least 2. For this first turn, I'd be ok with 3 or 4.
We could get all four research projects done, give us a solid foundation to attempt an experimental waystone next turn and know whether we need to explore the existing network to proceed.

So, this is my first attempt to write a plan action. Please tell me if I missed or misunderstood something? And what do you think of the plan?
I think the waystone options you've picked are more 'optional' than the foundational ones that need to get done. I'd like to do those first, and the results of those might indicate to us whether we need any of these, and if so which ones.
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Does that seem reasonable, or am I vastly underestimating how much effort it might take to handle those last two, and they should be better studied with a bunch of more people?
Considering that those are two of the four prerequisites to actually straight-up building new Waystones, something we've been regarding as a stretch goal for if the project proves wildly successful...
[-] Waystone: Build an Elven Waystone
Requires Capstone, Runes, Foundation, and Leylines to be fully and successfully completed.
...and that Waystone Project actions in general are indicated by Boney to plausiblyu eat up multiple AP-equivalents from multiple contributors...
Mathilde needs to spend an AP on each to at least provide oversight. The Project isn't all these people agreeing to work with each other, they've all agreed to work with Mathilde. But depending on circumstances, it's likely that there'll be scenarios where Mathilde spends an AP to provide oversight and regular check-ins for something that the other contributors are spending the equivalent of multiple AP worth of effort on during those six months.
...yeah, I think we should probably actually be employing our assortment of world-class experts from a wide array of magical traditions.

TBQH, I think my personal preference for this turn would look something like:
- 3 WEB-MAT-exclusive Waystone actions on things like mapping/nexuses/etc.
- 2-3 other Waystone actions on the heavy-duty research
- 0-1 unrelated actions (plus of course the Library & EIC locked actions)

But if we are gonna cut some Waystone actions from that spread, I'd argue it should be the WEB-MAT-exclusive ones, as I don't really think WEB-MAT alone has the chops to take on the big stuff.
- Reikland (Grey Lady Pass)
- Investigate whether Karak Azgaraz is a part of Karaz Ankor network, feeds into a global network or is something else.
- With: anyone who would be willing to make the journey. The more the merrier!

If you take Reikland you get both Grey Lady Pass and Axe Bite Pass, it's not one or the other. It's following up this exchange:

"I really don't like the idea of Marienburg being able to hold half the continent hostage," you say faintly. "Are there any other links to the west?"

"Athel Yenlui," Hatalath says.

"Where's that?"

He thinks for a while. "Reikland somewhere, I think."

"If leylines don't like to go under mountains, it would have to be going via Helmgart or Ubersreik. Something to investigate further, I think. Anywhere else?"
I think we should spend at least 4 action on waystone this turn, and we definitely should do runes with Thorek, and also throw our golds at waystone gold. Everything else is more debatable.
We could get all four research projects done
That seems...optimistic. Note the bolded:
[-] Waystone: Build an Elven Waystone
Requires Capstone, Runes, Foundation, and Leylines to be fully and successfully completed.
I strongly suspect these actions will require multiple turns of investment and/or branch into further followup - being able to turn out even an experimental prototype of a new Waystone within a single year of starting the project seems rather beyond reasonable expectations.
I think the waystone options you've picked are more 'optional' than the foundational ones that need to get done. I'd like to do those first, and the results of those might indicate to us whether we need any of these, and if so which ones.

The way I understood it the options Mathilde didn't pick would still go along. Other members won't just sit idle, they have their own actions and can do things without Mathilde direct oversight. What we pick are just Mathilde's personal actions, and as I said I think we need to take advantage of our great mobility.

If you take Reikland you get both Grey Lady Pass and Axe Bite Pass, it's not one or the other.

Ah, that's even better. I'll edit it in.
Voting is open