Recruiting Kragg 1
"So you want me to go to the Elgi to raze their city?"Boney's previous statement on Mathilde asking Kragg to go with her to the Elf Kingdom of Laurelorn is that it'd take considerable explanation to get across that she didn't mean "At the head of an army".
Not sure Kragg's quite up for Elgi cooperation.
"No I want you to go to the elf's to visit their city."
"To burn down their houses, right?"
"No not to burn down their houses, to visit, v i s i t."
"I'm not getting it. When do we burn down their city? Before or after visiting it?"
"We are not burning down their city!"
"But why am I visiting then?"
"To cooperate with them on a project."
"Does that project include burning down their city?"
"... You know what? Forget that I asked, have a nice day kragg."
Edit: this amused me way more then I thought it would. I'm still giggling at the confused expressing on kragg that I'm imagining is on his face when Mathilde leaves
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