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"Standard Arcane Language"? Lingua Praestantia was invented by Teclis for the Colleges. I don't think vampires would be using that.
There are only three Magic Languages in 2E. Magick, Daemonic and Arcane Elf. Arcane Khazalid is a thing for Runesmiths. Some languages like Nehekharan can be used for magic.

Yes, this means that Divine casters, Wizards, Hag and Ice Witches, Hedgewise, and Necromancers all use Magick. If you have problem with that, take it up with the setting.
agenda running in parallel
*looks up at thread title*
*looks down*
This is too elaborate to not be on purpose right?

I didn't even know Egrimm was a canon character.

Well I guess he's NOT anymore
Well yes and no. I'm guessing I know as much about DL!Egrimm than someone who read the novel, Boney has made so that the circumstances Egrimm is unknown enough whether this would go canon or not (him being a cultist). So since his background was changed, I don't think the wiki would give much.

You also missed out on the thread reaction on the early times he was introduced. I think someone called that we would get Egrimm as a minion months in advance. People were looking for viable causes and opportunities to instagib him and he has cool art with a motherfucking dragon.

Yes, he is not the dragon. The art doesn't do you any favors but I assure you it's a completely okay mistake to make. Totally.

Somehow managing to be purposefully recruited by the Light College after already becoming a Chaos Cultist, with a full body daemon contract tattooed onto his skin that the Light College just never noticedTaking part in a group banishment ritual of a daemon, a ritual that explicitly consisted of the most trusted (and therefore competent) Wizards and Acolytes of the Light Order, and somehow rewriting the ritual without any of the participants noticing so that it bound the daemon to him insteadStraight up walking into the the Light Order's vault full of forbidden things not to be touched and grabbing a skull with the eight pointed star of Chaos etched into it's forehead, which when touched loudly declared Egrimm worthy of its secrets in full view and hearing of the Wizards guarding the vault, Egrimm then walked out of the vault with the skull while the Wizards stared gormlessly at himRepeatedly taking ancient tomes from the Light Order's library that contained "countless invaluable secrets" and burning them as sacrifices to Tzeentch, apparently the constant disappearance of these invaluable tomes didn't seem suspiciousConducting a ritual that tore open a portal to the Warp straight to Tzeentch inside his bedroom in the Light Order, again nobody noticed apparentlyRepeatedly raiding the Light Order's vaults and either stealing or destroying their artifacts
Was the novel written like a Gary Stu novel? With the Light Order as a whole being portrayed as lawful good, then them being outwitted, the revenge story, and the evil guy at the top. I mean in tone not in the things he did and how he did it kind of way.

Just realized I always pictured the writers as very old hobbyists, like 7 nerdy Gen-X Tolkiens (in appearance) in a building having weekly mandatory meetings. They are not.
There are only three Magic Languages in 2E. Magick, Daemonic and Arcane Elf. Arcane Khazalid is a thing for Runesmiths. Some languages like Nehekharan can be used for magic.

Yes, this means that Divine casters, Wizards, Hag and Ice Witches, Hedgewise, and Necromancers all use Magick. If you have problem with that, take it up with the setting.
I think I will indeed take it up with the setting. Whoever was writing 2e and thought Lingua Praestantia should be universal was making a mistake.
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To be fair to 2E, this is what Tome of Salvation 2E page 214 says:

"Most priests speak a cult-specific, ritualised dialect of Magick, which they use to grant blessings and sometimes even to preach. Unlike the lingua praestantia—the dialect of Magick reputedly created by Teclis for the Colleges of Magic—the older cult varieties are sprawling, massively complex languages, the origins of which are not well-understood. However, these ancient dialects share much vocabulary and often have identical grammatical structures, making them, albeit with a little work, mutually intelligible. Many cult scholars claim this is because all cult languages are descended from the "Language of the Gods," taught to Humanity by Verena. Other Scholars believe in the "Prime Language Theory," which suggests that the Mother of all Languages was not spoken by the Gods, but by immensely powerful mortals called the Old Ones.

Whatever the truth, any priest with the Arcane Language (Magick) skill can understand other cult dialects of Magick with a successful Arcane Language (Magick) Test, and may pick apart the meaning of collegiate use of the language with a Challenging (–10%) Arcane Language (Magick) Test."

2E does provide theories as to why Magick is the standard.
It's hard to see why people think divine casters aren't wizards of some sort when they cast using a different dialect of the same language wizards use.
It's hard to see why people think divine casters aren't wizards of some sort when they cast using a different dialect of the same language wizards use.
Regular wizards could just as easily use Arcane Language(Daemonic) for channeling their spells, it's just the circumstances of learning and using it over the alternatives are unlikely to result in a non-Chaos wizard (though it is technically possible in certain Norscan Seers and Vitki). Priests don't have that option.

And besides, Warhammer languages being mutually intelligible isn't uncommon in-setting. Knights of the Grail claims that the only real difficulty found in communicating to a Bretonnian using Reikspiel is that Breton has a lot more words for foods.
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Well yes and no. I'm guessing I know as much about DL!Egrimm than someone who read the novel, Boney has made so that the circumstances Egrimm is unknown enough whether this would go canon or not (him being a cultist). So since his background was changed, I don't think the wiki would give much.
Just in case you're not otherwise aware, Egrimm isn't just from a novel, he started off in tabletop, all the way back in 4th edition as a character in the first Chaos army book, nearly 30 years ago.
Just in case you're not otherwise aware, Egrimm isn't just from a novel, he started off in tabletop, all the way back in 4th edition as a character in the first Chaos army book, nearly 30 years ago.
There was one point in which he was once the most expensive character in the tabletop pointswise, and his stats showed. I think he had some frankly ridiculous physical abilities on top of his magic and the Dragon he was riding.

EDIT: Found my old post on it:
Check this post out from another forum.

It's either old stuff or White Dwarf, but apparently he was once the most expensive Special Character in Warhammer points wise. His 6th Edition White Dwarf is utterly bonkers. As a point of comparison, his physical stats are on par with 8th Edition Malekith. His older edition is more tame by modern standards, but for his time, still very strong.

EDIT: Never mind, his older version had ridiculous items and skills to compensate for slightly lower stats. He's crazy good all around, albeit very, very expensive.
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It's hard to see why people think divine casters aren't wizards of some sort when they cast using a different dialect of the same language wizards use.
Because if you have enough faith to call on your god to work miracles for you, you generally require stronger evidence than understanding some parts of a mage spell to be convinced that your entire relationship to the divine was just your imagination.
Because if you have enough faith to call on your god to work miracles for you, you generally require stronger evidence than understanding some parts of a mage spell to be convinced that your entire relationship to the divine was just your imagination.
Also, theres a reasonable chance that said god not only in fact heard said call for a miracle, but was in fact the one who provided the power to make your desired miracle happen. And you find out the hard way.
It's hard to see why people think divine casters aren't wizards of some sort when they cast using a different dialect of the same language wizards use.
Rather than divine casters being wizards, I think they'd take it as wizards being divine casters. After all, the divine casters have been around for longer, with a more established presence. And given the reputation of magic in general, we'd end up with the following claims:

Wizards claim priests are using the same sort of casting as they are, just in a convoluted way. (Everything is Arcane)
Priests claim that wizards are using an entirely different sort of casting from what they are using. (Arcane and Divine are qualitatively different)
The Witch Hunters claim that witches are like priests, but for evil gods. (Everything is Divine, some gods are good, some are bad)
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Given the context is books from the big library o' Necromancy I don't think we can pay to have them translated. The entire reason Mathilde is being allowed to dig them up is so no-one else can get them, handing them over to someone else to translate means that person has access to any knowledge in them. And without being able to understand them ourself we can't separate out the safe ones from the dangerous ones.
Fair point. I guess we'll see what comes up, and if Mathilde is able to separate out anything that's clearly magical vs. clearly mundane (like how we were able to identify the Cathayan books as safe enough to get translated).
Spending 1-4 CF for each subject is likely not a very good idea compared to learning a language. Also, Mannfred's library was brought over from Nehekhara, so assuming it survived, it'll be the corpuses of a library from other another country we'll be looting.
Depends on how much stuff we find. Giant surviving library? Language is more worth it. Just, like, one or two topics? Translation is worth considering.
Problems and solutions. We really should be keeping an eye on the participants, at very least so we can counter-spy anyone who approaches them, and so trickling out some college favor each turn to keep our bases covered seems smart.
I don't understand -- what is it that you propose spending CF on? I am not sure how translating texts helps keep an eye on things. Can you explain?
So I was thinking on how to earn college credit so we can higher underlines or have tasked done for us and I ma trying to imagine how writing a paper after we do lay foundations would earn us. Because frankly we have multiple magical traditions and multiple species contributing to these. Which has not been done since the Golden age.
@Boney for your quest do divine casters, wizards, Hag, Ice Witches, Hedgewise and Necromancers all use Magick?

No. All the explanations for it read like someone made the purely game mechanics decision early on that there would only be a few magical languages and then all the lore people had to work around that, even after the setting expanded to cover things like Ice Witches and Necromancers and Damsels. I see no reason to inflict upon myself the same needless limitation. I can see an argument for why you might justify lumping most of the magical languages of the Old World into a broad 'descended from Classical' family, but that breaks down extremely hard if you start talking about Kislevarin traditions.

I also really don't like the name 'Magick'.
I don't understand -- what is it that you propose spending CF on? I am not sure how translating texts helps keep an eye on things. Can you explain?
I imagined hiring a (say) Grey College Perpetual with CF to help with some of that proposed keeping-an-eye-on-people. A 'Project Assistant to the Director', could even have a useful 'cover' role as a go-pher and courier between participants.
Everyone would of course rightly assume they're spying writing reports for Mathilde.
(So maybe that's why you task the gregarious, smooth Johann with the actual spying and vetting as he swole-bros around town).
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So I was thinking on how to earn college credit so we can higher underlines or have tasked done for us and I ma trying to imagine how writing a paper after we do lay foundations would earn us. Because frankly we have multiple magical traditions and multiple species contributing to these. Which has not been done since the Golden age.
While the Waystone Project will undoubtedly spawn a lot of papers/books, depending on what we are allowed to release without compromising our collaborators' secrets, writing a paper after the Lay the Foundations action is way, way premature. There's no results to write a paper on yet, it's all wildly preliminary. Once we test some of the things Lay the Foundations unlocks, then I suspect we'll unlock papers. I am extremely confident that Boney has considered the possibility that we, on our giant magical research project, might want to write papers about our magical research; it'll come up when it comes up.
I imagined hiring a (say) Grey College Perpetual to help with some of that keeping-an-eye-on-people. A 'Project Assistant to the Director', could even have a useful 'cover' role as a go-pher and courier between participants.
Everyone would of course rightly assume they're spying for Mathilde.
(So maybe that's why you task the gregarious, smooth Johann with the actual spying and vetting as he swole-bros around town).
Even if such a thing were allowed, I am skeptical that a Grey Perpetual we have don't know would do a significantly better job at keeping their eye on things than our existing three employees, whom we already know and mostly have the measure of, would be able to, especially given that our employees have pre-existing reasons to interact with everyone in the Waystone project instead of being an invented position for the purpose of espionage (or I guess counterespionage in theory, but we all know how the fellow participants would interpret it).

IMO we can investigate people personally if they trigger our suspicions. We've got a now-fairly-solid Diplomacy score, a very good Intrigue score, and two socially competent minions. I think it will be OK to be reactive in this mode rather than trying to proactively ensure nobody can get anything past us.
The phrase 'keep an eye on' seems to be doing a lot of work here, in that it seems to be used to mean "gather as much information as if you were breaking in to their bedroom and rifling through their bedside tables, but do so as safely as if you were passively watching, and be easy enough that I can hire an intern to do it".

What sort of Perpetuals do you think the Grey Order has that you're thinking you can grab one off the rack and chuck it into a cage match with the Gatekeeper of the Order of Light, the Hag Witch of Erengrad, the Master Runelord of Karak Azul, and a Grey Lord of Laurelorn?
Ok Mathilde has 2 minions she can trust explicitly and frankly having someone keeping a eye on everyone may be a good idea as we expand and Mathilde can not keep a eye on everyone. Right now there are 8 other named characters and we will be getting more people and eventually maybe cults, provinces , countries, city states and other various organizations.

Edit I want to higher magical dad to keep a eye on everyone.
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I was about to quibble before I realized you were talking about Egrimm, not Max.
I love Max. Max is my boy. One of my proudest moments was getting an Insightful react from Boney on my analysis of his character. As a detail-oriented perfectionist who often got on people's nerves before I learned how to tone it down, I relate to him and his tendency to get social egg on his face way too much.

But yeah, I'm letting the other two handle the intra-office politics for us. Hopefully Egrimm's Intrigue score is high -- but, uh, not too high, if you take my meaning.
The phrase 'keep an eye on' seems to be doing a lot of work here, in that it seems to be used to mean "gather as much information as if you were breaking in to their bedroom and rifling through their bedside tables, but do so as safely as if you were passively watching, and be easy enough that I can hire an intern to do it".

What sort of Perpetuals do you think the Grey Order has that you're thinking you can grab one off the rack and chuck it into a cage match with the Gatekeeper of the Order of Light, the Hag Witch of Erengrad, the Master Runelord of Karak Azul, and a Grey Lord of Laurelorn?
The Bursar in a false mustache?
What sort of Perpetuals do you think the Grey Order has that you're thinking you can grab one off the rack and chuck it into a cage match with the Gatekeeper of the Order of Light, the Hag Witch of Erengrad, the Master Runelord of Karak Azul, and a Grey Lord of Laurelorn?
Oooh, I know! How about that one candidate that wasn't picked when we got the Hochlander? By this point, she should have really strong Stern Grandma energy! That should allow her to bond with the witch, impress Thorek, seduce the Grey Lord, and bulli (for their own good) the Light.
The only issue is that she'd also bulli Mathilde and take over the project in a year...
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