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There was probabşy other claimants. By claiming to be her son and getting away with it he probably stopped a civil war that might start compared to if he did not and there was half a dozen other people with same claims. It would be a show of force about his support so to speak that would invalidate every other claim.

Except you know he would have to claim to be 110 per what the GM said, it is not a tenable lie on the face of it.... unless of course it is true.
Taking the throne while actually being a half-vampire is even more dangerous, because as you say people would ask questions about the dates, and check you out.

Because if people already know that your mother was a vampire when you were born then it may be a choice of taking the throne as a 'half-vampire' (which probably isn't a thing that's distinct from being a regular mortal with unfortunate parentage) or being killed, because unless you have the power of the throne anyone else that takes the throne would hunt you down and kill you as a threat.
Taking the throne while actually being a half-vampire is even more dangerous, because as you say people would ask questions about the dates, and check you out.

Well yeah, but there is no law that says a half-vampire can't be Tzar. As long as the priests checked him out and he did not light on fire when the touched holy things they might just let him at it particularly if he himself had obvious signs of mortality.
Except you know he would have to claim to be 110 per what the GM said, it is not a tenable lie on the face of it.... unless of course it is true.
I think you are missunderstanding my point. Yes it is untenable to claim her son which is why he did it. He said he was her son anyway and gathered enough people to his cause to support that clear lie that anybody who was going to claim themselves got intimidated off and could not make a comeback. If he took the throne with a less clear claim other claimants would be waiting in the wings ready to hit him or his heir in the back by trying to have a go at it later on. But once they(other claimants) were forced to call him her son they could not turn around anymore.

It is the politics man don't be so strightforward.
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Because if people already know that your mother was a vampire when you were born then it may be a choice of taking the throne as a 'half-vampire' (which probably isn't a thing that's distinct from being a regular mortal with unfortunate parentage) or being killed, because unless you have the power of the throne anyone else that takes the throne would hunt you down and kill you as a threat.
The problem with actually being a half-vampire is that a lot of people wouldn't like that at all, especially because one of the reason the tsarina was overthrown is because she kept the power for much longer than anyone. Everyone would think that a half-vampire would probably live much longer.

For that reason, I think that no one would have let him take power if he was actually half-vampire.
Because if people already know that your mother was a vampire when you were born then it may be a choice of taking the throne as a 'half-vampire' (which probably isn't a thing that's distinct from being a regular mortal with unfortunate parentage) or being killed, because unless you have the power of the throne anyone else that takes the throne would hunt you down and kill you as a threat.

It is at least enough of a thing to allow you to live to the age of over 100 strong and hale enough to stake a vampire. Not saying he liked to drink blood of anything, but he might have inherited watered down benefits of the elixir of life, the one that made living immortals.

The problem with actually being a half-vampire is that a lot of people wouldn't like that at all, especially because one of the reason the tsarina was overthrown is because she kept the power for much longer than anyone. Everyone would think that a half-vampire would probably live much longer.

For that reason, I think that no one would have let him take power if he was actually half-vampire.

Depends on how old he looked at the time. If he was 100 and looked 60 people would realize they would not have that long to wait.
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It only really takes one vampire to take a people from 'hmm, what a fascinating type of thinking being we have never encountered before, I'm sure this is fine' to 'we have a bunch of organizations, sects, and societies dedicated to killing you specifically' but that one can really do some damage. Ironically it might have been the Tsarevich Pavel Society that did away with Tzar Pavel.
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It is at least enough of a thing to allow you to live to the age of over 100 strong and hale enough to stake a vampire. Not saying he liked to drink blood of anything, but he might have inherited watered down benefits of the elixir of life, the one that made living immortals.
Shallaya is a thing in the Kislev. He might just have gotten healing enough to stay spry, no need for half vampire.
I find this funny, because of the four Ice Witches Mathilde knows, only one of those Ice Witches was a rickety old lady. I think it says something about how much of an impression Liljiana made on her. To Mathilde, Liljiana is probably the exemplar of an Ice Witch, perhaps even subconciously.
Is this Mathilde's perception or is this something the Ice Witches cultivate? We know that they believe in the power of stereotypes, so I wouldn't put it past them to work on entrenching themselves in the minds of the people in a way where snubbing cheerful young Zlata means that Granny Vargheist comes knocking within the hour.
It only really takes one vampire to take a people from 'hmm, what a fascinating type of thinking being we have never encountered before, I'm sure this is fine' to 'we have a bunch of organizations, sects, and societies dedicated to killing you specifically' but that one can really do some damage. Ironically it might have been the Tsarevich Pavel society that did away with Tzar Pavel.

Oh right... he could have been a vampire himself and then killed in a less public manner than his mother. Occam's Razor ahoy. Just checking though Vlad does claim to be Pavel's son according to official documents at least?
Is this Mathilde's perception or is this something the Ice Witches cultivate? We know that they believe in the power of stereotypes, so I wouldn't put it past them to work on entrenching themselves in the minds of the people in a way where snubbing cheerful young Zlata means that Granny Vargheist comes knocking within the hour.
I think it's more of Mathilde's image. Ice Witches don't have an "Old Woman" image to maintain. That's the Hag Witches thing. Ice Witchery is irrespective of age.

Considering Mathilde's reactions to Liljiana this update, I think Mathilde just likes her surrogate Babushka. Liljiana is like that one meme Boney made:

I regret nothing.
Oh right... he could have been a vampire himself and then killed in a less public manner than his mother. Occam's Razor ahoy. Just checking though Vlad does claim to be Pavel's son according to official documents at least?

I was never able to find canonical answers of what the succession from Kattarin to ? to Vladimir was, but I don't think the Bokha name was ever associated with Kattarin or Pavel, and the Tzar before Kattarin was a Romanoff. So the Bokha name could be a new family taking the throne or it could be the same family trying to rebrand to get out from under Kattarin's legacy. If Mathilde starts getting involved in Kislev's business enough to have means and motive to dig up that information I'll do another sweep through the canon materials and nail down a hard answer, but for now file it under 'Kislev doesn't like to talk about it, but it's definitely shady and weird'.

Does it speed up faster than if we simply used shadow steed?

Rite of Way doesn't speed anything up, it just provides an ideal surface for someone to reach their natural maximum speed.
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I was never able to find canonical answers of what the succession from Kattarin to ? to Vladimir was, but I don't think the Bokha name was ever associated with Kattarin or Pavel, and the Tzar before Kattarin was a Romanoff. So the Bokha name could be a new family taking the throne or it could be the same family trying to rebrand to get out from under Kattarin's legacy. If Mathilde starts getting involved in Kislev's business enough to have means and motive to dig up that information I'll do another sweep through the canon materials and nail down a hard answer, but for now file it under 'Kislev doesn't like to talk about it, but it's definitely shady and weird'.

I see, thanks for replying to the rather long side-conversation about Kislevite royalty

For now I figure the most Mathilde can do is stare really hard at Vlad the Dad and see if his soul and aura are doing anything odd that might indicate a vampiric legacy.
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You know I have to wonder what the ice witches will think of Johan, especially from the perspective of the apprentice.

Imagine never meeting a male mage and coming from a society than banned men from even learning magic, then the first one you meet is an incredibly buff golden himbo with a robot arm that shoots lasers, when he's not busy punching things.

After Johan all other imperial wizards would probably seem completely normal.
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