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MMhhm honey based magic would be useful against bears, then trow bees at em. Angry bees. Angry shadow bees.

Invent Angry shadow bee spell.
So... assuming we get another action after all this is done what do you guys think we should do with it? I know Ice witches are favored and more fire power is never bad, but as long as that Waystone stays disconnected I suspect they may not be operating at full power and even if they are... well I would prefer to know where that Boyar went off to since he is mixed up in all this and could be a wild card in the battle if he is... what the wiki spoiler stuff hints he is.
A while back, I asked in the thread what Valten was like and got the answer that he was actually pretty boring, but I finally reached his first scene in End Times.

I like him. He's... strangely refreshing in this setting?

In any other setting, Valten would probably be a bland piece of white bread. Not really interesting or engaging. But in such a gritty, dark and complex setting, having a guy who's so simple and just... good. It's strangely comforting.

I can see why some people wouldn't like him, but I think he's sweet actually. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying a "Chosen One" plot.
So... assuming we get another action after all this is done what do you guys think we should do with it? I know Ice witches are favored and more fire power is never bad, but as long as that Waystone stays disconnected I suspect they may not be operating at full power and even if they are... well I would prefer to know where that Boyar went off to since he is mixed up in all this and could be a wild card in the battle if he is... what the wiki spoiler stuff hints he is.
The Boyar is one I also want to do - aside from the insight into our enemies motives which could be helpful in this fight, our original purpose here was to get answers, and I would like for those answers to be as detailed as possible. And since we're going to talk to the Tsarevich this turn we might even be able to get official authority to question the guy.
That just leaves getting the Tzar, scouting, and getting the Ice Witches. Unless the actions we take this turn lead to some follow up actions we feel like doing, the Ice Witches seem like the best one; I don't particularly want the Tzar and his heir fighting on the same battlefield, and the reasons why we shouldn't scout have been gone over at length already. Maybe the Ice Witches would be hindered by the Waystone business, but on the flip side maybe they'll be able to counteract it better than Mathilde and throw a spanner in the enemy's plan.
So if we get one more action, Boyar. If we get two, Boyar and Ice Witches.
I just had a thought as to why the witches may have 'talked us up'. I do not think it was saving the life of one of their own alone, think about what Mathilde did for the rest of the expedition, Rite of Way and what that means. Kislev is a wide and thinly peopled land that lives and dies by its mobility. Now imagine how they would see Rite of Way, a spell able to take the lumbering rolling fortresses of the dwarfs and let them keep peace with cavalry on all terrain.
I wonder if Boris has heard that story and how he will feel about us being able to get his Kreml guard to the fight in time? From what I can tell the Boyars seem to think that them arriving in time is the type of thing that would require spells cast by a Lady Magister. Normally I wouldn't consider that being enough for anything major, but Boris is the type of man who would and did spend every cent to remake kislev entirely if it would make it stronger. This would be one more example of Mathy having something which could be great for Kislev if he could get it out in a substantial way.

If we are able to come out of this well with Boris and the Ice witches do we have any plans for bringing in Kislev to the project? Maybe offer to make somewhere in Kislev a test site once we have something? If we could manage to reduce Praag to pre-Great War levels that would be one hell of a symbol.
So... assuming we get another action after all this is done what do you guys think we should do with it? I know Ice witches are favored and more fire power is never bad, but as long as that Waystone stays disconnected I suspect they may not be operating at full power and even if they are... well I would prefer to know where that Boyar went off to since he is mixed up in all this and could be a wild card in the battle if he is... what the wiki spoiler stuff hints he is.
Personally I want more Ice Witches in part because I see this as an opportunity for networking we lucked into. Not like we are going to get a better chance to improve ties with Kislev without spending more AP.
While we are in Kislev I wonder if we will be able to find out who Ranald chose for that position in Kislev he offered Mathilde? I mean maybe he had no others whom he could call on with her experience so he did not go through with it but it would be cool if he did, even just a few lines telling us if the reconciliation of the gods is on track. Ironically enough i think the very practical people of Kislef would actually make good ranaldites.

'You stabbed the Chaos warrior in the kidneys while he was out quaffing drink? Good, one less servant of Za. You want Ungols to be free of bad Gospodar noble, Ungols already free to use bows, if he's that bad he'll have a hunting accident or get eaten by bear maybe'. :V
I wonder how Ursun and Dazh and the last dude feel about the history with Ranald, so far we've only heard it from the Widow's perspective.
I wonder how Ursun and Dazh and the last dude feel about the history with Ranald, so far we've only heard it from the Widow's perspective.

That depends on the extent to which gods talk to each other and for that matter the extent to which gods can perceive the past. For all we know Ursun could just hit up Ranald with a warp skype call, or for that matter it might be that gods can scry the past well enough to see what happened first hand. It is very hard for us to guess the limits of divinity from a mortal's eye view.
That depends on the extent to which gods talk to each other and for that matter the extent to which gods can perceive the past. For all we know Ursun could just hit up Ranald with a warp skype call, or for that matter it might be that gods can scry the past well enough to see what happened first hand. It is very hard for us to guess the limits of divinity from a mortal's eye view.
Er, I think Lampshade is talking about Ranald's history with the pantheon of Kislev that the conversation with Liljana talked about, that there were a lot of gods in the family, then Ranald happened, then there weren't.

Asking what perspective Ursun, Dazh, and Tor have on that.
Er, I think Lampshade is talking about Ranald's history with the pantheon of Kislev that the conversation with Liljana talked about, that there were a lot of gods in the family, then Ranald happened, then there weren't.

Asking what perspective Ursun, Dazh, and Tor have on that.

I know, my point was that we do not know to what point the gods can be limited to a subjective understanding of the matter.
Hmm.... There is one question which is nagging me somewhat since the Kislev arc and the current discussion of Ursun, though it may be a bit out topic . Are there any examples of non Dwarf Gods existing in the physical World like Ursun did in the Total Warhammer 3? If so, any idea on how Gods could or have physically incarnated into the World which does not involve gigantic plots like Hijacking the Vortex in Warhammer 2 to incarnate the Great Horned Rat? Along with that I have a question on do we have any idea on Why the Chaos Gods or the Horned Rat are able to make so many daemons as they do and why Order Gods can't seem to do so?
Hmm.... There is one question which is nagging me somewhat since the Kislev arc and the current discussion of Ursun, though it may be a bit out topic . Are there any examples of non Dwarf Gods existing in the physical World like Ursun did in the Total Warhammer 3? If so, any idea on how Gods could or have physically incarnated into the World which does not involve gigantic plots like Hijacking the Vortex in Warhammer 2 to incarnate the Great Horned Rat? Along with that I have a question on do we have any idea on Why the Chaos Gods or the Horned Rat are able to make so many daemons as they do and why Order Gods can't seem to do so?

The one case of an incarnate goddess that springs to mind is Myrmidia, who was said to be a goddess of Beauty and Civilization before he came into the world in mortal guise and so suffered for it that she arose again as a patron of soldiers and ultimately as he ruler of a great empire of Estalia and Tilea, before being killed at the last, her realm broken

As to why chaos is stronger than order the simple answer is we do not know because asking fundamental questions about Chaos has a tendency to drive one mad. That said there are theories, the silmpest of which is that the dark gods represent far more primal urges within the warp and so can harvest power from far more acts.

In this paradigm when say a pious Sigmarite kills and orc in close combat that would empower Sigmar yes, since it is echoing his deeds, but it would also empower Khorne since he is the god of war, all war everywhere. Of course that leaves beings like the Great Horned Rat which are not Great Gods of Chaos and yet still seem stronger than the Order Gods. In the case of the Rat that might simply because there are more skaven than anything else sapient on the planet put together, bar the chaos warriors at the poles.
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Gork's Foot briefly appears for the Foot of Gork spell.

While you are correct that Gork"s Foot does briefly appear with that spell, I was mainly think on Gods who seem to be able to be in the Physical World for long periods of time like for Example Ursun or Myrmidia as Paradox mentioned.

The one case of an incarnate goddess that springs to mind is Myrmidia, who was said to be a goddess of Beauty and Civilization before he came into the world in mortal guise and so suffered for it that she arose again as a patron of soldiers and ultimately as he ruler of a great empire of Estalia and Tilea, before being killed at the last, her realm broken

As to why chaos is stronger than order the simple answer is we do not know because asking fundamental questions about Chaos has a tendency to drive one mad. That said there are theories, the silmpest of which is that the dark gods represent far more primal urges within the warp and so can harvest power from far more acts.

In this paradigm when say a pious Sigmarite kills and orc in close combat that would empower Sigmar yes, since it is echoing his deeds, but it woudl also empower Khorne since he is the god of war, all war everywhere. Of course that leaves beings like the Great Horned Rat which are not Great Gods of Chaos and yet still seem stronger than the Order Gods. In the case of the Rat that might simply because there are more skaven than anything else sapient on the planet put together, bar the chaos warriors at the poles.

True, Myrmidia is a case of a God incarnating into the physical realm if true, which does spring the question that if she was able to so, why we do not see many other examples of Gods incarnating whether good or bad , such as Stromfels, Mannan or other potential Gods I currently do not remember either to encourage worship of them for more power or to help them, since we seen for example Stromfels able to basically instantly kill Wolf the priest, regardless of distance in the exorcism, indicating the large amount of power they have. Although admittedly the possibility exist that there are major drawbacks towards incarnating into physical form. And Chaos is possibly able to do so due the fact they can harvest power from much wider amount of sources and the Great Horned Rat can do create daemons because his Major source of power the skaven, population is gigantic as you mentioned. Hope this is understandable.
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While you are correct that Gork"s Foot does briefly appear with that spell, I was mainly think on Gods who seem to be able to be in the Physical World for long periods of time like for Example Ursun.
How official it is is debatable, but there's the mammoth god Angkor.

Basically, there was a pdf hosted on Forgeworld that had lore and a character entry for an entity known as Angkor, Father of Mammoths.

Enraged Tarok set out to prove the power of his new gods and his divine right to rule. Aided by his masters he claimed he could tame Angkor, and bring the tribe's so-called god before them in chains. He begged his gods to grant him the visions and power to find and tame Angkor.

In one bloody night he sacrificed one in ten of the Khazag tribe to his masters, staining the ground red and piling his victims heads about the encampment. He swore dreadful oaths of loyalty and service and pledge that if the gods aided him now he would lead the Khazag into an endless war against their foes. Pleased with his devotion the gods granted Tarok a vision. Tarok's quest would take him deep into the heart of the Chaos wastes. Gathering his loyal warband, Tarok set off into a howling blizzard, and soon vanished…

Tarok journeyed far, travelling deep into the heart of the Chaos wastes, where nameless horrors crawled the earth and there, by the will of the gods, found and tamed Angkor. Later it was said that the battle to tame Angkor lasted for three days and nights, and most of Tarok's warband were slain fighting the beast. But eventually Tarok subdued the ferocious beast . Close to death, Angkors daemonic spirit had been broken. Bound in chains Angkor submitted to a new master. Tarok and his surviving followers climbed upon the great beast back and rode south.

He did not return for a year and a day. In the meantime hope sprung amongst the Khazag that they had been freed from the tyrant. But it was not to be. The portents were evil, the Mammoth herds had vanished, hunting was poor, the northern sky turned blood red, and storm clouds gathered. On the crest of that storm, lashed by rain, wind and lightning came Tarok, the very earth trembling before him as he rode Angkor through the tribal encampments. He had defeated their god and the Khazag finally submitted before him. All hailed Tarok as their true chieftain, his gods must be the true, greater powers, as he had always claimed. From that moment the Khazag gave themselves willingly to the worship of Chaos.

Where once they had only hunted the beasts, the Khazag now took to enslaving the mighty Mammoths and using them as beasts of burden and war. Tarok and his followers taught the tribe the arts of forging weapons and armour from iron and the Khazag began arming themselves for war.

Tarok decreed that to please their new gods the Khazag must make war upon the other tribes of the north. The gods would only be pleased by the spilling of blood and the taking of souls in their name. Newly equipped for war and mounted upon the backs of great woolly Mammoths the Khazag began to raid their neighbour's lands. With Tarok and Angkor at their head they travelled far from their old tribal lands in search of battle. Once simple hunting folk had become dedicated slaves to chaos, pawns of the unholy power and the dark gods laughed long at their triumph…

For thousands of years the Khazag and their War-Mammoths have raided and battled. As the hordes of Chaos mustered for the great incursions the Chieftains of the Khazag, the heirs of Tarok himself, led their tribe to war. Always mounted upon the back of Angkor, whose enraged daemon spirit has never been sated by war, the chieftain allied with the other tribes, or led them if the Gods demand it , to march south into the civilised lands. Many of the border fortresses of Kislev have felt the ground tremble at Angkor approach, only to see their wooden walls smashed asunder. It was Angkor who broke the gates at the siege of Karak Ungor. When Engra Deathsword sacked Praag, the Khazag, led by Angkor, were amongst his host, battering down the city walls.

Now the Khazag are gathering their strength again, to muster with the army of Archaon in preparation for the next great Chaos Incursion.
Never officially published in any book or magazine I'm aware of, and the website stopped hosting it awhile back.

So you know, dubious.
So, one thing I was worried about, what if our intervention is making thigs potentially worst for Kislev? Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

It's possible that is we didn't come to Kislev the Athen Lauren warhost would have only heard of a minor fight in Kislev occuring before Boris or his father arrived. The Athen Lauren host having buggered off once their objective was accomplished. Depending on what said objective was perhaps the only losses would be the Boyar's forces and perhaps one Ice Witch.

Now, we might be escalating unnescesarilly the conflict by piercing the Uglu veil and exposing the wood elves machinations. We don't know that the wood elves have nefarious goals, only that their methods seem to be. Chaos seems involved but it might be because Athen Lauren is actively interfering with a Chaos plot.

This is another reason why scouting is so important. We need to know more since we at least have some measure of influence if not responsability for the conseequence of our actions.

Now, I am open to waiting for Boris before scouting and do it with other mundane scouts to act as decoys for us (although my preference is to do it now alone and reduce risks to others), but I do think just letting Kislev send a force blindly into a immense forest is bad.

People are kind of downplaying the consequences of not scouting I believe. Sure there is risk in scouting, but then :
- it reduces risks for all forces entering the forest subsequently (of which we will probably be part of),
- allows for the possiblility of avoiding conflict if it seems possible and,
- allows us to interfere through sabotage before the bloddy day.

All in all, I think it's worth it to risk one Mathilde's life to reduce future risk to the Emperor, Boris, the Ice Witches, Kislev forces AND ourselves (since we probably will accompany the host into the forest). Better scout now when attention might be lower than later when an army is entering the forest and Athen Loren will be expecting scouts and probably acting to keep us in the dark.

[X] Scout the Shirokij
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This is another reason why scouting is so important. We need to know more since we at least have some measure of influence if not responsability for the conseequence of our actions.
Scouting is important, but also very dangerous. Let's throw disposable bodies at the problem instead of risking ourselves in an environment we're not adapted to scout in. At the end of the day, Mathilde ´s survival is more important to me than the army's.
Scouting is important, but also very dangerous. Let's throw disposable bodies at the problem instead of risking ourselves in an environment we're not adapted to scout in. At the end of the day, Mathilde ´s survival is more important to me than the army's.

I mean, disposable bodies might just have no impact at all except to waste human lives. Athen Loren probably has a plan in place to stay in the dark and they probably have accounted for mundane scouts. The updates does say that we are the only ones with a chance.

[ ] Scout the Shirokij
Of the forces here, only you would have any chance of moving unseen through the Shirokij. Use this to try to scout the enemy.

Also, a weakened Kislev is dangerous for the whole world. If Boris dies due to our reluctance to take risks, it throws much in the air. And as I mentionned, it's not even as if not scouting will neccessarily be less dangerous to Mathilde since we'll probably be accompagny the Kislev warhost into the forest. Which, if we do it blindly, might actually be more dangerous than scouting.
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So, one thing I was worried about, what if our intervention is making thigs potentially worst for Kislev? Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

It's possible that is we didn't come to Kislev the Athen Lauren warhost would have only heard of a minor fight in Kislev occuring before Boris or his father arrived. The Athen Lauren host having buggered off once their objective was accomplished. Depending on what said objective was perhaps the only losses would be the Boyar's forces and perhaps one Ice Witch.

Now, we might be escalating unnescesarilly the conflict by piercing the Uglu veil and exposing the wood elves machinations. We don't know that the wood elves have nefarious goals, only that their methods seem to be. Chaos seems involved but it might be because Athen Lauren is actively interfering with a Chaos plot.

This is another reason why scouting is so important. We need to know more since we at least have some measure of influence if not responsability for the conseequence of our actions.

Now, I am open to waiting for Boris before scouting and do it with other mundane scouts to act as decoys for us (although my preference is to do it now alone and reduce risks to others), but I do think just letting Kislev send a force blindly into a immense forest is bad.
While in theory that's possible.

Ultimately all you can do is work with what you can see and know.

Action in Ignorance might lose the battle, maybe even a few battles . But Inaction because of ignorance won't win the war.

You have to do what you can at the time, not worry about the vague maybes.

Is it possible that the bad wood dryads are trying to stop some greater evil? Yes.

That doesn't change the fact that they murdered civilians to do it, or even just for the lols.

Eve. If there is a greater problem there, we will be dealing with both groups.
So, one thing I was worried about, what if our intervention is making thigs potentially worst for Kislev? Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

It's possible that is we didn't come to Kislev the Athen Lauren warhost would have only heard of a minor fight in Kislev occuring before Boris or his father arrived. The Athen Lauren host having buggered off once their objective was accomplished. Depending on what said objective was perhaps the only losses would be the Boyar's forces and perhaps one Ice Witch.

Now, we might be escalating unnescesarilly the conflict by piercing the Uglu veil and exposing the wood elves machinations. We don't know that the wood elves have nefarious goals, only that their methods seem to be. Chaos seems involved but it might be because Athen Lauren is actively interfering with a Chaos plot.

This is another reason why scouting is so important. We need to know more since we at least have some measure of influence if not responsability for the conseequence of our actions.

Now, I am open to waiting for Boris before scouting and do it with other mundane scouts to act as decoys for us (although my preference is to do it now alone and reduce risks to others), but I do think just letting Kislev send a force blindly into a immense forest is bad.

People are kind of downplaying the consequences of not scouting I believe. Sure there is risk in scouting, but then :
- it reduces risks for all forces entering the forest subsequently (of which we will probably be part of),
- allows for the possiblility of avoiding conflict if it seems possible and,
- allows us to interfere through sabotage before the bloddy day.

All in all, I think it's worth it to risk one Mathilde's life to reduce future risk to the Emperor, Boris, the Ice Witches, Kislev forces AND ourselves (since we probably will accompany the host into the forest). Better scout now when attention might be lower than later when an army is entering the forest and Athen Loren will be expecting scouts and probably acting to keep us in the dark.

[X] Scout the Shirokij

Here is the thing, these are the kind of people who react to someone peeking beneath their magical protection by killing civilians in job lots, in recompense for that alone they deserve the torch, I do not care what they are doing here, or do be more exact I do not care enough to tell the Kislevites, no it's cool forget your murdered citizens. It would at this point be wholly unacceptable to the state of Kiselv to let these people pass, recall the spiel last update about protecting their land
Even if the Elves have a good reason to invade another nations sovereign territory, murder innocent villagers and lure the local nobleman into a trap, that still doesn't make any of the above actually okay or permissable.
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