Here is the thing, these are the kind of people who react to someone peeking beneath their magical protection by killing civilians in job lots, in recompense for that alone they deserve the torch, I do not care what they are doing here, or do be more exact I do not care enough to tell the Kislevites, no it's cool forget your murdered citizens. It would at this point be wholly unacceptable to the state of Kiselv to let these people pass, recall the spiel last update about protecting their land
I understand the point about wanting Athen Loren to pay for murdering civilians. But if the result is a weakening of two non-chaos factions when a war with chaos could break out at any time...
It's the kind of hard decisions a Grey Wizard needs to do. And what is irking me is more the fact that we don't know what is happening in those woods so blundering is so easy. Our present course of action of bringing Boris might even make things much worst if our actions end up butterfying him dead by bringing him into a deadly trap that he wouldn't have made it into without our help.
Not that I'm saying our current actions aren't good, only that no scouting seems much more risky (to Boris, Kislev, the World and Mathilde herself). A strong Kislev might be just as important to the Old World's safety than the Waystone Project, perhaps even more in the short term.
We might not be totally ready to scout spirit infested forests... but it seems we are still the best option availlable by far. And since the other option is to enter the forest blindly anyway (but with a very visible warhost), I'd prefer to have some idea of what is waiting for us.
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