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So what beings preceding the OO survived till the present? Durthu and Coeddil, all the dragon-ogres, maybe some dragons and creatures in the abyss? I don't see more, at least without counting the Choas Gods.
Not Durthu and Coeddil, the Old Ones seeded Athel Loren themselves (see my last post).

Mostly just Dragons and Dragon-Ogres.

Drachenfels, if you buy into his shtick, but that never really made sense with modern lore.
Also, what happened with the Hag Witches? Are they all dead/missing/we don't know? It seems like they might have more pieces of the puzzle, but it would be in Athen Loren's interest to silence them.
I believe the relevant Hags live in the besieged Shirokij villages, the ones that no one can leave alive. Making contact with them before Kislev forces enter the Shirokij will require us to slip through enemy lines.
So what beings preceding the OO survived till the present? Durthu and Coeddil, all the dragon-ogres, maybe some dragons and creatures in the abyss? I don't see more, at least without counting the Choas Gods.
Still surviving and coherent? Very few. Most of them are probably sleeping. Dragon Empeor and Moon Empress are probably the most prominent ones that are still awake.
Speaking of dragons I wonder if there are any ice dragons in Kislev and if so how do the locals see them. I mean they do use ice magic of a sort, but on the other hand they are not human and they have used it since before the first Khain Queen... thinking about it if they have never seen an ice dragon I am now tempted to introduce any Ice Witches we may get on board the project to Cython. Who knows, they might come up with some interesting research of their own.

If we are going to unite magic nerds from all across the world we could do worse than giving them all some interesting thing to research on the side... but mostly I just want to read about that meeting, it should be hilarious. :V
So just had a fun omake idea for anyone interested in writing it, basic concept is a writer makes a novel based on Mathilde's exploits. Only they don't bother to do any in-depth research and instead rely on rumor, hearsay and secord/thirdhand accounts for their info all while making up stuff to fill things in.

End result is as wildly inaccurate as you'd expect, now imagine Mathilde or someone she knows getting ahold of it and laughing at the inaccuracies.
So just had a fun omake idea for anyone interested in writing it, basic concept is a writer makes a novel based on Mathilde's exploits. Only they don't bother to do any in-depth research and instead rely on rumor, hearsay and secord/thirdhand accounts for their info all while making up stuff to fill things in.
I think Alliteration had that one.

Magda Wessen and such.

One very important thing is that the Four are, as far as I understand, fundamentally different from other gods. They are not of this world, they do not depend on believers and they existed before even the dragons came to this planet. Rather than gods, they are essentially "just" very, very strong demons.
"Mathilde Weber, secret heir to Sigmar, possessor of the hitherto unknown thirteenth Runefang! Read all about it in today's Altdorf Enchoirer!"
I sort of imagine that Mathilde's description is way off what she actually looks like. I'd imagine that her early years would describe Mathilde as a confident Femme Fatale type character rather than the awkward young adult who was mainly working off of too many romance novels.
I sort of imagine that Mathilde's description is way off what she actually looks like. I'd imagine that her early years would describe Mathilde as a confident Femme Fatale type character rather than the awkward young adult who was mainly working off of too many romance novels.
People get her height completely wrong, but everyone she meets is too terrified to mention they expected someone two feet taller.
I think Alliteration had that one.

Magda Wessen and such.
I was curious to read this and after a bunch of searching I think I found it:
Back cover blurb on a pristine copy of The Lady Knight Witch Rides 2: Shadows over Lorelim, sitting on an exquisitely crafted nightstand.

Tensions rising between the northern Provinces, KNIGHT LADY MAGDA WESSEN, genius POLYMATH, friend to GODS and PARAGON of WITCHSIGHT has travelled far from her mountain home and love. Responding to the PROPOSITION from the SEDUCTIVE SYLPH CÆURTH, Magda has entered her GLADE to treat with the WOOD ELVES of LORELIM, whom she believes are pivotal to the brewing conflict.

MAGDA finds herself ENSNARED in the byzantine local politics through the impassioned APPEAL of the beautiful QUEEN MARILITH, pressed by factions within and BEASTMEN without. Complicating matters is the return of the DEBONAIR and enigmatic VON HEARTSMANN, brilliant LIGHT WIZARD to Magdas SHADOW. Magda cannot be certain of his LOYALTIES, even as she once more finds herself INTRIGUED by his skill and insight. Her trusted companion and RIGHT HAND, golden JURGEN THE GLIB finds his own eye turned by an athletic ELVEN EXEMPLAR, diverting his focus when Magda needs him most.

Caught between CÆURTH, MARILITH and VON HEARTSMANN, uncertain of her allies, in an unfamiliar environment, will Magda's PURE HEART, unrivalled WITCHSIGHT and MIGHTY MHORNBLADE cut through this political web and maintain her purpose? Can she resolve the IMPERIAL TENSIONS, and perhaps UNLOCK the MAGICAL SECRETS at the HEART of Lorelim? Most of all, will Magda find her way back to her faraway JADE LOVER, with these TEMPTING examples of MAGICAL PUISSANCE all around?

Not greatly pleased with this one, most feels somewhat laboured, but I recall someone mentioning they missed these, some time back. The title/subtitle in particular seems uninspired, because it was. Normally the better ones flow naturally and immediately when I read the particular inspiring passage or comment, here it was less focused, really only the opening coming from the last page or two of... familiar-sounding, effusive praise for our protagonist. ;)
I dunno.
Someone in-apochrypal-universe is still 'documenting' Mathildes' exploits. :)
I'd imagine that her early years would describe Mathilde as a confident Femme Fatale
You don't say...
The Real Witch-Knight of Stirland: Säng und Dämmerlicht
-back cover blurb on a well-read book which abruptly stopped circulating in the Karak Eight Peaks Book Club.

This meticulously researched, scholarly tome reveals- at last!- the salacious, shadowed secrets of the dreaded Dämmerlichtreiter of Stirland. The author has retraced her secretive steps across Stirland even into dark Sylvania, interviewing those who knew her best- colleagues, employees, enemies, lovers. Looking into the early years in her career, this detailed exposé covers events leading up to the Purge of the Hunters Hills.

What dark deeds gained the Sängerkritisch her reputation? Was it purely merit, or was there favoritism- perhaps from her close relationship with the Hunter Count? Shocking interviews with Eagle Castle staff tell of midnight encounters in the darkened corridors, clad only in grey smallclothes, and of long, private audiences with the Hunter Count behind his sound-deadening doors.

Then, we examine her relationships with colleagues during these years. What was her relationship with Marshall Gustav von Jungfreud- rumour has it the Dämmerlichtreiter was closely involved in both the violent 'retirement' of his predecessor, and Gustav's subsequent appointment. Burgher Julia Massif- for several years the recipient of her largesse, to the tune of hundreds of gold crowns. For what reason would the Dämmerlichtreiter purchase a house, fund a staff and maintain the lavish lifestyle of the noted, unmarried, socialite?

Find details on these stories, and more, within The Real Witch-Knight of Stirland: Säng und Dämmerlicht

Excerpts from featured interviews with those who knew her best:

"How well did I know her? Oh, the things I could tell you... if you could afford it." - Socialite Julia Massif
"First-rate rider. Excellent in the saddle!" - Marshall Gustav von Jungfreud
"A manipulative, ambitious, treacherous witch! The very soul of evil!" - former Watch Captain Guion 'Lefty' Ragnier
"A most considerate woman. Delivered the sad news of my brothers' passing in a manure accident, don't you know." - Count Maksim von Stolpe
"Insatiable appetite for salacious novels. Quite remarkable. Funded my daughter through University." - Proprietor of Wurtbad Books, Periodicals, and Printing

I was curious to read this and after a bunch of searching I think I found it:
There's maybe six to eight(?) or so in the 'Romance Verse', most from the early days. Their first appearance was actually in a live-action farce organised by Ranald.

Searching 'Magda Wessen' authored by me, or the pen name 'Stabreim Knochenbeinern' would find most of the romantic parodies. Also Burnnote did a fine example.
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There's quite a few of those in the Apocrypha, though most of them were from pretty early. I think the meme died out a bit after we headed to Eight Peaks.
Yeah. I write them only when the muse strikes- an advantage of not having to meet regular word counts to keep a horde of avid questers happy. The typically small, inspirational moments that have triggered my minor muse seem to have become less common over time.

It's the nature of the romantic parody to be overblown and exaggerated. Perhaps it's simply that as Mathildes' own factual exploits have grown over time so as to stretch credulity, how can fiction compete?
To go more into Kragg the Grim: this is the guy that centuries-old Runepriests have given up trying to get information out of. The chances of you getting anything out of him are absolutely zero unless you grow a beard and single-handedly save a Dwarfhold from certain destruction.

And it has to be one of the major ones, not any of the Grey Mountain holds or anything.
I do have a soft spot for Mathilde, the Great White Grey Explorer, though.
"Listen, you overgrown frog. There all these massive stepped-temples everywhere in this hellishly alive jungle, built in clear emulation of a lone mountain poking above the treeline, and you mean to tell me that not one of them still houses their Southron Dawi Karak?"
The ongoing AU adventures of Mathilde, the Great Grey Explorer.

"Listen, you overgrown crab. There are all these massive sea-floor volcanoes and ranges everywhere in this hellishly deep ocean, in clear emulation of a noble mountain range standing proud on land, and you mean to tell me that not one of them still houses their Aquatic Dawi Karak?"
"Listen, you overgrown apparition. There's all these singular breasts on your daemonic legions, in clear emulation of a lone mountain standing proud on land..."
Mathilde the Great Grey Explorer is kind of… fixated, huh?
Must be missing Panpan something fierce.
[x] Bring in the Kreml Guard
[x] Investigate the missing leyline
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To go more into Kragg the Grim: this is the guy that centuries-old Runepriests have given up trying to get information out of. The chances of you getting anything out of him are absolutely zero unless you grow a beard and single-handedly save a Dwarfhold from certain destruction.

And it has to be one of the major ones, not any of the Grey Mountain holds or anything.
…I still want to know if our braids count as a beard for this. :V
I mean, disposable bodies might just have no impact at all except to waste human lives. Athen Loren probably has a plan in place to stay in the dark and they probably have accounted for mundane scouts. The updates does say that we are the only ones with a chance.

[ ] Scout the Shirokij
Of the forces here, only you would have any chance of moving unseen through the Shirokij. Use this to try to scout the enemy.

Also, a weakened Kislev is dangerous for the whole world. If Boris dies due to our reluctance to take risks, it throws much in the air. And as I mentionned, it's not even as if not scouting will neccessarily be less dangerous to Mathilde since we'll probably be accompagny the Kislev warhost into the forest. Which, if we do it blindly, might actually be more dangerous than scouting.
I don't think that rules out mundane scouts, because that bit on how only Mathilde has a chance at moving unseen only covers one type of scouting. In a military operation reconnaissance in force is equally valid; in fact skirmishes, where small forward detachments of one army deliberately get into small fights with other armies and both do damage and learn about what type of resistance they're facing, have been part of war for centuries. If the dryads see the normal scouts, but some of the normal scouts survive, then that's still information.
Alas, we had help saving Vlag.
Mmm. I'd dispute that too, certainly from the point of view of someone like Kragg who values singular pinacles of expertise higher than building broad bases of skill. Our Windsight of Superior Skill, insight and knowledge did the deed.

Help in defeating the remaining Daemons, sure, but Vlag would've been fine once we dragged it back, as instability took the Daemons.
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So just had a fun omake idea for anyone interested in writing it, basic concept is a writer makes a novel based on Mathilde's exploits. Only they don't bother to do any in-depth research and instead rely on rumor, hearsay and secord/thirdhand accounts for their info all while making up stuff to fill things in.

This is precisely how the Grey College likes it. They probably quietly fund some of the more outlandish authors.
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