On a Unrelated note;
Mathilde was right here, from what I know if a word has 5 or more letters it gets capitalised no matter what.
Just something to note on.
While this does clear up the matter for me personally, it isn't something that would apply to Mathilde. Modern standards are a reaction to the complete free-for-all that came about while the field of grammar was largely focused on trying to recreate the Ur-Language that was universally spoken before the Tower of Babel broke it, a study that largely consisted of nationalism and child neglect. The Empire's equivalent would probably focus on arguments between theological and secular grammarians about whether it would be better for modern Reikspiel to cleave closer to Sigmar's native language or to the much more sensible and well-documented Khazalid. As such the Old World is likely to have one set of standards per institution, if not per professor.